MLB The Show 17 News Post

The franchise mode Twitch stream has started for MLB The Show 17. Once the stream has finished, we will post an archive link.

HDR mode has been confirmed, as seen in the screenshot below. More details on that, along with all of the graphical improvements will be shown on the Twitch stream on March 23.

For those of you asking "What is HDR"? Read this.

Make sure to post your thoughts!

UPDATE: Here is the archive link.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 161 tessl @ 03/09/17 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Bullit
I have been hesitant with the state of the forums lately to share my opinion on all this but I have actually been writing this for a day or so and I think it works they way I intend it to.

I, like most of you, have been a fan of The Show for a long time. We each have our own reasons why this game is important to us and those reasons are as varied as the way we play the game.

I play Franchise and RTTS exclusively. I have messed with DD and Battle Royale a little bit. But those modes are just not for me. I like collecting the cards and use the equipment in RTTS of course. But I don't care about it's status. I will use a bat because it a Louisville Slugger not because its a Gold or Diamnond.

I love these modes and I know I lot of you do too. I play every inning of every game, just like a lot of you as well. What I don't do anymore is play a lot of other games. I reallized about two years ago that I was buying all of these games and I would play The Show and one or two RPG's in the course of a year. That realization has changed the way I do things now. Last year I bought 5 games total and so far this year I have bought one. The Show will be number 2.

The Show is my go to game, 2 or 3 games a day, more if I have a day off. This is the way I like to play. Slow and steady, I love when my games take 2 hours and I consider it time well spent. I was super excited for '17 and I guess in a way I still am a bit. I am all for options and I am glad they are a successful developer, they certainly deserve to be. I have the utmost respect for them and their game. They have done things for me personally that are simply amazing.

With all of that said. I am not really happy for the direction the game is taking. I am happy for all of the new players, I am happy for The Games success, I happy for the Developers. But I am not happy for me. Every year it seems the game gets a little further away from the game I want it to be and thats fine. Thats the way these things work. I will purchase '17 day one but then I think it is time for a break from the yearly cycle. I usually get about 4-5 years of a franchsie done and I rarely carry over becuase The Show always seemed to give me a reason to want to start over. This year with the additions of AI, lighting, models, uniforms, new park for Atlanta, updates for RTTS etc. I will be starting over again.

The difference is this time I think its for good. While I still believe The Show is a good product, it is changing into something that does not interest me. Maybe down the road things will change and I hope they do. But I think I can be content with '17 and let time move on without me.

Wish you all the best and see you in the ballparks.
I'll keep playing the game and keep buying it but the direction they are going in franchise isn't where I think they should be going. Last year they added quick counts. This year quick manage and critical situations. I wonder if they have crunched the numbers and determined that's how most people want to play franchise mode - primarily as a sim.

I like the addition of quirks and after Luis explained it I like it even more but would have preferred programmer time spent on something like adding create-a-team to franchise instead of the stuff they added. To me - speaking only for myself - quick manage and critical situations do not add depth but just the opposite.

I'll keep buying the game though because baseball is my favorite game and the show is the best baseball game currently on the market.
# 162 zman2392 @ 03/09/17 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
No sir if you are on the Mets in the FE then you only see the Mets games on the schedule. You will only get CS for the team you currently have selected in the FE.
Does this include AAA teams. If I have played my Bluejays game for the day, am on the Bisons schedule, and want to go to the next day can I sim that game and maybe get a critical situation?
# 163 garyjr33 @ 03/09/17 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Because it's astronomically difficult, again we are a small dev team relative to other sports titles. We have one programmer for Franchise mode 1. And he's amazing but its one body.

The first thing we looked at this cycle back in April of last year for franchise mode was rotating schedules I want this feature, Luis, wants this feature Daniel the programmer wants this feature.

He looked at the code and told us we can't do this in 8 months it's too much code, too risky, and that would be the only thing we got. So we choose to work on Quick manage and critical situations. We love these features, our SVT wants these features and they took all 8 months to implement correctly.

Nothing is as easy as it might seem on the outside.
Thank you for explaining this Ramone.
# 164 bxphenom7 @ 03/09/17 09:40 PM
While I'm sure to give quick manage a shot to be more active with games (I just sim), there's not much else said here that excited me for the mode. Sure, the streamlining is welcome as are player quirks, and the prospects stuff is cool. However, I was looking forward to changes w/ progression/regression, trade logic (even 3-team trades), mid-season contract renewals, improved free agent logic, and jersey customization (you know, since teams in real life actually change uniforms from a little to a lot).

Nonetheless, my biggest hope for MLB 17 was the improved graphics/presentation, and they definitely delivered that this year. How could I forget, the much improved generic players are huge. I can't wait to see what they did RTTS, my most frequently played mode. All in all, the Franchise improvements weren't huge, but they weren't small either. It's easy to forget that OVERALL, they've done a lot with this year's game. So here's to hoping Franchise more radical attention next year.

They touched a bit on budget, but does any one know whether revenue is tied to crowd attendance? I really wish they'd bring back ticket sales/loans/tv deals and jersey sales for a more concrete idea of what's impacting the budget. Then having a star would be even more important to jersey sales. You know, cool effects like that to revenue. Wouldn't hurt to incorporate promotions either (think that was an MVP Baseball thing).

While I'm not blown away by the new Franchise mode as much of what they talked on was stuff that was already in the game, I'm still very excited for the game. They've put in work. Bring on RTTS livestream!
# 165 justin23IU @ 03/09/17 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by Impetuous65
Franchise was nothing more than "hey guys you ignored these options, on the options screen, so we made these menu panels so you can actually see these options". A GUI upgrade, sprinkled with a "quirk" system.

Has access to Inside Edge and in year 2, it is still only a diamond dynasty feature. Inside Edge is first and foremost a franchise feature if there ever was one.
This times 100. They basically just made some interface updates to make it easier not to play games. I would be ashamed to even market these as "franchise" updates. However, there's no way to monetize franchise mode, so I won't be expecting it to get much attention going forward. Lesson learned.
# 166 Jr. @ 03/09/17 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by Bullit
I have been hesitant with the state of the forums lately to share my opinion on all this but I have actually been writing this for a day or so and I think it works they way I intend it to.

I, like most of you, have been a fan of The Show for a long time. We each have our own reasons why this game is important to us and those reasons are as varied as the way we play the game.

I play Franchise and RTTS exclusively. I have messed with DD and Battle Royale a little bit. But those modes are just not for me. I like collecting the cards and use the equipment in RTTS of course. But I don't care about it's status. I will use a bat because it a Louisville Slugger not because its a Gold or Diamnond.

I love these modes and I know I lot of you do too. I play every inning of every game, just like a lot of you as well. What I don't do anymore is play a lot of other games. I reallized about two years ago that I was buying all of these games and I would play The Show and one or two RPG's in the course of a year. That realization has changed the way I do things now. Last year I bought 5 games total and so far this year I have bought one. The Show will be number 2.

The Show is my go to game, 2 or 3 games a day, more if I have a day off. This is the way I like to play. Slow and steady, I love when my games take 2 hours and I consider it time well spent. I was super excited for '17 and I guess in a way I still am a bit. I am all for options and I am glad they are a successful developer, they certainly deserve to be. I have the utmost respect for them and their game. They have done things for me personally that are simply amazing.

With all of that said. I am not really happy for the direction the game is taking. I am happy for all of the new players, I am happy for The Games success, I happy for the Developers. But I am not happy for me. Every year it seems the game gets a little further away from the game I want it to be and thats fine. Thats the way these things work. I will purchase '17 day one but then I think it is time for a break from the yearly cycle. I usually get about 4-5 years of a franchsie done and I rarely carry over becuase The Show always seemed to give me a reason to want to start over. This year with the additions of AI, lighting, models, uniforms, new park for Atlanta, updates for RTTS etc. I will be starting over again.

The difference is this time I think its for good. While I still believe The Show is a good product, it is changing into something that does not interest me. Maybe down the road things will change and I hope they do. But I think I can be content with '17 and let time move on without me.

Wish you all the best and see you in the ballparks.
Ditto for me. I couldn't have said it any better myself. I'm buying this year almost exclusively because of Griffey. I get plenty of enjoyment out of the game, but if 18 is a similar upgrade to gameplay as this edition is, I'll be sitting out buying a new game next year.
# 167 NDAlum @ 03/09/17 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
More players are auto scouted for you
We opened up player equipment generation so generated guys will get licensed equipment now
We re-wrote secondary position generation logic to better reflect real life
We tweaked speed generation logic for OF
We re-wrote facial hair and hair generation logic for generated players
I gotta hit you with my big Q...

Is the draft pool generation the same as previous years?

By this I mean let's say there are 25 blue chip guys once you open up scouting and if you restart your draft 100x you'll likely get 100x variations of those blue chip guys in your draftable pool.

Positives with the game that are making me jump for joy:

Player faces & body types
Some unis got the pop of color they needed + more unis
Ball physics...actually this is #1
Top prospects is a cool addition
Appreciate the generated player love
Fresh can of paint on franchise mode
# 168 bxphenom7 @ 03/09/17 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Because it's astronomically difficult, again we are a small dev team relative to other sports titles. We have one programmer for Franchise mode 1. And he's amazing but its one body.

The first thing we looked at this cycle back in April of last year for franchise mode was rotating schedules I want this feature, Luis, wants this feature Daniel the programmer wants this feature.

He looked at the code and told us we can't do this in 8 months it's too much code, too risky, and that would be the only thing we got. So we choose to work on Quick manage and critical situations. We love these features, our SVT wants these features and they took all 8 months to implement correctly.

Nothing is as easy as it might seem on the outside.
Wow, 1 guy for Franchise mode...you know what, thank you for what you've been able to do with the mode. And thanks to the whole team as well. Hope I don't come off as ungrateful. Looking forward to the game and already looking forward to what you can accomplish in future titles.
# 169 underdog13 @ 03/09/17 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by Jr.
Ditto for me. I couldn't have said it any better myself. I'm buying this year almost exclusively because of Griffey. I get plenty of enjoyment out of the game, but if 18 is a similar upgrade to gameplay as this edition is, I'll be sitting out buying a new game next year.
I'm in the same boat as you guys.

Ball Physics and Revamp Rtts have me buying
# 170 Spokker @ 03/09/17 10:05 PM
Watching the stream I'm beginning to understand what they are trying to do. They are literally holding the casual player's hand and trying to get them to not only enter this mode, but stay there. They literally show them how long an average game takes.

It can be overwhelming for the casual player to first enter this mode and they kind of play around, don't get the result they wanted, and leave for home run derby or DD or whatever.

For many of us, playing only the critical moments and not a full game is blasphemy. But many casual gamers only want to play when it matters.

Plus there are missions to lure the DD guys. Maybe they'll stay.

If enough people enter this mode, and the game sells more copies year over year, maybe Sony will let them hire one more programmer for franchise mode, boosting their manpower 100%.
# 171 underdog13 @ 03/09/17 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by Spokker
If enough people enter this mode, and the game sells more copies year over year, maybe Sony will let them hire one more programmer for franchise mode, boosting their manpower 100%.
Or they could move one programmer from DD to Franchise, nah nvm that's crazy.
# 172 Spokker @ 03/09/17 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by underdog13
Or they could move one programmer from DD to Franchise, nah nvm that's crazy.
They said they got DD where they've always wanted it to be this year. Maybe they copy/paste that for 18 and work on franchise.
# 173 underdog13 @ 03/09/17 10:15 PM
So with the quirks ... Are they only positive ones? I saw the pickoff specialist and I'm wondering if there is a Jon Lester like one.
# 174 Mauer4MVP @ 03/09/17 10:17 PM
I'm honestly really disappointing with the limited changes and I was expecting more.

With that said, of course with one developer you can't expect too much more.

Sent from my HTC Desire 626 using Operation Sports mobile app
# 175 zman2392 @ 03/09/17 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by underdog13
So with the quirks ... Are they only positive ones? I saw the pickoff specialist and I'm wondering if there is a Jon Lester like one.
No they said only good ones...

My question is if a player gets a boost on curveballs when will that reflect on the PCI. I am really hoping it just doesn't visually makes it larger. I play with PCI on and if I see it get bigger because the CPU is going to throw a breaking ball that will ruin everything for me.
# 176 underdog13 @ 03/09/17 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by zman2392
No they said only good ones...

My question is if a player gets a boost on curveballs when will that reflect on the PCI. I am really hoping it just doesn't visually makes it larger. I play with PCI on and if I see it get bigger because the CPU is going to throw a breaking ball that will ruin everything for me.
I assume they wouldn't do that and the larger pci would be in game engine only.
# 177 zman2392 @ 03/09/17 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by underdog13
I assume they wouldn't do that and the larger pci would be in game engine only.
I truly hope so!
# 178 Russell_SCEA @ 03/09/17 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by underdog13
Or they could move one programmer from DD to Franchise, nah nvm that's crazy.
There's one programmer for DD so........
# 179 underdog13 @ 03/09/17 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
There's one programmer for DD so........

Thank you for enlightening me.
# 180 boxboy99 @ 03/09/17 10:35 PM
Any where I can find a quick summary without watching hours of video?

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