MLB The Show 17 News Post

The franchise mode Twitch stream has started for MLB The Show 17. Once the stream has finished, we will post an archive link.

HDR mode has been confirmed, as seen in the screenshot below. More details on that, along with all of the graphical improvements will be shown on the Twitch stream on March 23.

For those of you asking "What is HDR"? Read this.

Make sure to post your thoughts!

UPDATE: Here is the archive link.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 101 WillGio @ 03/09/17 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by extremeskins04
Ugh I just don't understand.
Right? If their focus is on letting the player build, contend and sustain their franchise that they've grown, why not let them lock players into deals to build a core?? Unrealistic for it to be out. Instead of us having a chance to extend a 27 year old Anchor for our team, or an All-Star leadoff hitter, you must wait til the 5 day grace period or whatever after the Postseason, and that can be a crapshoot if it's a player like Machado, Harper, Syndegaard, DeGrom ect.
# 102 Russell_SCEA @ 03/09/17 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by JayD
Wooooooooow. Thats a massive disappointment. How has this not been addressed?
Because it's astronomically difficult, again we are a small dev team relative to other sports titles. We have one programmer for Franchise mode 1. And he's amazing but its one body.

The first thing we looked at this cycle back in April of last year for franchise mode was rotating schedules I want this feature, Luis, wants this feature Daniel the programmer wants this feature.

He looked at the code and told us we can't do this in 8 months it's too much code, too risky, and that would be the only thing we got. So we choose to work on Quick manage and critical situations. We love these features, our SVT wants these features and they took all 8 months to implement correctly.

Nothing is as easy as it might seem on the outside.
# 103 countryboy @ 03/09/17 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Because it's astronomically difficult, again we are a small dev team relative to other sports titles. We have one programmer for Franchise mode 1. And he's amazing but its one body.

The first thing we looked at this cycle back in April of last year for franchise mode was rotating schedules I want this feature, Luis, wants this feature Daniel the programmer wants this feature.

He looked at the code and told us we can't do this in 8 months it's too much code, too risky, and that would be the only thing we got. So we choose to work on Quick manage and critical situations. We love these features, our SVT wants these features and they took all 8 months to implement correctly.

Nothing is as easy as it might seem on the outside.

Thank you for the explanation Ramone.

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# 104 Anderson2957 @ 03/09/17 07:17 PM
Every year I try to play every pitch of every game. I never make it to the end of the season. I actually like the new additions that have been made to franchise. I may try a couple of the new modes to speed my franchise along. Having said that, being able to get through games and seasons more quickly makes any front office aspects that are lacking even more important. I think that there will be more attention given to that for next years game as rtts seems to have been given more of the overhaul.

Even though everything we want wasn't added to franchise, the changes to Rtts, new player models and improved graphics, and new ball physics seems to be more of an improvement from one game to the next than any year I can remember.

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# 105 JTommy67 @ 03/09/17 07:23 PM
My heart is with those that feel the game slipping away into something far more casual. I understand...they have to attract new players and the more complex franchise mode gets the more likely that the uninitiated crowd will walk away from it. So they've gravitated towards more quick play and manage features and I feel older guys like myself are thinking...huh?

I personally feel like I'm cheating when I sim too many games...like I'm being lazy. Baseball is about patience and persistence...and these new features lack those fundamental traits. Doesn't connect in my mind as baseball.

I want to see manager traits and philosophies expressed more, the cpu strategy improve, ability to customize more, etc...third party editors and whatnot. I got excited when we got year to year franchise transfers thinking it wouldn't be long before we could transfer rosters year to year but nothing two years later...doesn't look to be on the horizon.

We have to remember there are only very few of us that want the game to go in the other direction, and given that fact I'm thankful we're getting what we are.

All in all, kudos to the devs, but if I were to cast my vote I'd say move away from gimmicks and casual features and more towards reproducing professional baseball with the greatest degree of accuracy imaginable and the greatest number of options possible.
# 106 MauerMorneau09 @ 03/09/17 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Bullit
I have been hesitant with the state of the forums lately to share my opinion on all this but I have actually been writing this for a day or so and I think it works they way I intend it to.

I, like most of you, have been a fan of The Show for a long time. We each have our own reasons why this game is important to us and those reasons are as varied as the way we play the game.

I play Franchise and RTTS exclusively. I have messed with DD and Battle Royale a little bit. But those modes are just not for me. I like collecting the cards and use the equipment in RTTS of course. But I don't care about it's status. I will use a bat because it a Louisville Slugger not because its a Gold or Diamnond.

I love these modes and I know I lot of you do too. I play every inning of every game, just like a lot of you as well. What I don't do anymore is play a lot of other games. I reallized about two years ago that I was buying all of these games and I would play The Show and one or two RPG's in the course of a year. That realization has changed the way I do things now. Last year I bought 5 games total and so far this year I have bought one. The Show will be number 2.

The Show is my go to game, 2 or 3 games a day, more if I have a day off. This is the way I like to play. Slow and steady, I love when my games take 2 hours and I consider it time well spent. I was super excited for '17 and I guess in a way I still am a bit. I am all for options and I am glad they are a successful developer, they certainly deserve to be. I have the utmost respect for them and their game. They have done things for me personally that are simply amazing.

With all of that said. I am not really happy for the direction the game is taking. I am happy for all of the new players, I am happy for The Games success, I happy for the Developers. But I am not happy for me. Every year it seems the game gets a little further away from the game I want it to be and thats fine. Thats the way these things work. I will purchase '17 day one but then I think it is time for a break from the yearly cycle. I usually get about 4-5 years of a franchsie done and I rarely carry over becuase The Show always seemed to give me a reason to want to start over. This year with the additions of AI, lighting, models, uniforms, new park for Atlanta, updates for RTTS etc. I will be starting over again.

The difference is this time I think its for good. While I still believe The Show is a good product, it is changing into something that does not interest me. Maybe down the road things will change and I hope they do. But I think I can be content with '17 and let time move on without me.

Wish you all the best and see you in the ballparks.
As much as I wish I could disagree with you on the direction the game is going, sadly I cannot. You pretty much nailed it. I've been somewhat reluctant to share my feelings, just because of potential backlash, but this kinda sums it up for me. I've mainly bought the game the past few years to provide my contribution to OSFM. Other than that and some RTTS, the game has mostly sat on my shelf. I no longer find a 162 franchise to be doable, but that's not because of time constraints. I just find it difficult to feel the proper immersion in Franchise like I used to feel in the older games. I feel like I'm just building a roster and playing games, with not much else to worry about. To a degree, the older games were mostly the same, but having stuff like promotions and ticket prices made it feel like you were making a difference in the front office (even if it was later revealed that it didn't matter). Gameplay somewhat factors into that, I've just found it hard to play the game and have fun. Maybe that's because I'm a Twins fan, but that's for a different topic. Still on the fence for this game, RTTS might change that, along with OSFM. I just hope that 18 will do something for Franchise that makes it comparable to the immersion you feel in Madden and 2K.
# 107 alfthepeach @ 03/09/17 07:29 PM
As much as I hoped we would get some new unknown announcements, I felt all hope was gone as soon as they mentioned quirks being for all game modes.

This was not really a Franchise feature, more presentation/Game play. I'm assuming they put it in the Franchise stream to have a leading new feature to fill time.

Still a day 1 buy, but maybe next year Franchise will finally get some proper love that it deserves.
# 108 Maxwhite14 @ 03/09/17 07:30 PM
I don't care what wasn't added, we get a fresh new game with some changes and better ball physics, soon.
# 109 extremeskins04 @ 03/09/17 07:31 PM
I'm going to be professional and constructive with this post and I have absolutely loved MLB The Show since the 3 years I started playing this franchise.

With that being said, it is incredibly frustrating for the consumer to know how much money The Show makes for Sony to only have a small development team with only one guy coding for franchise.

We are probably the most expressive here on OS about our sports games. We love our franchise modes both offline and online. Some of the most thorough and detail-oriented threads have been franchise mode oriented in all the sports games that we love.

I'm not saying the buck stops here for franchise modes in sports gaming....

But to not have anything done at all with online franchise and to not implement some of the KEY offline franchise features that we have been asking for, for a while now is really frustrating to alot of people.

Don't get me wrong, the player quirks is awesome as well as quick manager modes. However, relocations, free agency and trade logic, scouting improvements, and especially mid-season contract extensions is something that was discussed last year about going in this year, and it wasn't done.

I'm still obviously getting the game as I love it, but just being honest and constructive about things is all.
# 110 DukesofHazzard @ 03/09/17 07:33 PM
My hype level was at 100 percent, than I watched the franchise mode stream and it dropped to about 85 percent. We will see if it goes back up after they give us PS4 PRO news. Hoping for a surprise, HOPING

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# 111 Dannyray64 @ 03/09/17 07:33 PM
Here's my question: As the game continues to sell more copies, and the game continues to make more money through modes like Diamond Dynasty, will the development team continue to grow in size?
# 112 Russell_SCEA @ 03/09/17 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by JayD
Im hoping there were a lot of tweaks to the mode that was not mentioned.
More players are auto scouted for you
We opened up player equipment generation so generated guys will get licensed equipment now
We re-wrote secondary position generation logic to better reflect real life
We tweaked speed generation logic for OF
We re-wrote facial hair and hair generation logic for generated players
# 113 Impetuous65 @ 03/09/17 07:34 PM
Why do they not answer the question "batter/pitcher analysis" is it back on the D-Pad or is it still in the pause menu. We got to see Left on the D-Pad, but what the hell is Right on the D-Pad?
# 114 underdog13 @ 03/09/17 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Dannyray64
Here's my question: As the game continues to sell more copies, and the game continues to make more money through modes like Diamond Dynasty, will the development team continue to grow in size?
The issue isn't development team size, as much as it is putting all the resources to other departments and leaving very little for Franchise.
# 115 jeffy777 @ 03/09/17 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
More players are auto scouted for you
We opened up player equipment generation so generated guys will get licensed equipment now
We re-wrote secondary position generation logic to better reflect real life
We tweaked speed generation logic for OF
We re-wrote facial hair and hair generation logic for generated players
Love it. Thanks Ramone.
# 116 alfthepeach @ 03/09/17 07:37 PM
Also I still find it quite incredible that a cash slider when making trades hasn't been added, with the addition of the cash flow (Which I like) I thought it would have made it in.

However it seems to have been overlooked once again, for such a key element of franchise building it adds such variety between using those big budget and small market teams.
# 117 DamnYanks2 @ 03/09/17 07:37 PM
I can't believe we still don't have a create a stadium option.

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# 118 BigOscar @ 03/09/17 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
More players are auto scouted for you
We opened up player equipment generation so generated guys will get licensed equipment now
We re-wrote secondary position generation logic to better reflect real life
We tweaked speed generation logic for OF
We re-wrote facial hair and hair generation logic for generated players
Any change to the morale and AI decision making on trades/free agents/roster moves? As the morale in particular had some real bugs in it
# 119 Stroehms @ 03/09/17 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
More players are auto scouted for you

We opened up player equipment generation so generated guys will get licensed equipment now

We re-wrote secondary position generation logic to better reflect real life

We tweaked speed generation logic for OF

We re-wrote facial hair and hair generation logic for generated players

Thank you.

Do you know when we will hear about online Franchise?

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# 120 WillGio @ 03/09/17 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Because it's astronomically difficult, again we are a small dev team relative to other sports titles. We have one programmer for Franchise mode 1. And he's amazing but its one body.

The first thing we looked at this cycle back in April of last year for franchise mode was rotating schedules I want this feature, Luis, wants this feature Daniel the programmer wants this feature.

He looked at the code and told us we can't do this in 8 months it's too much code, too risky, and that would be the only thing we got. So we choose to work on Quick manage and critical situations. We love these features, our SVT wants these features and they took all 8 months to implement correctly.

Nothing is as easy as it might seem on the outside.
You're right. And please, don't take our critique as being ungrateful. SDS is the only reason MLB is alive in the Video Game market. We know it takes years to develop a solid foundation, and then several iterations of the series to fully realize a feature/modes potential.. But... One thing that has to be understood is that GM/Franchise modes are very important. And we don't expect it to be 100% realistic from day one, but I think the problem with Franchise in this year's game is that it took very little steps forward in terms of Baseball Operations. Not only in terms of signing extensions, negotiating with Free Agents, setting a team leader, but in terms of AI. What I, and many fans, hope won't happen, is we start our first Franchise, and quickly realize Gameplay is the only change to the mode.

AI trading algorithms desperately need(ed) attention, Teams signing FA has very little logic behind it. And also we don't feel as if we can build a perennial contender, because the scouting/drafting functions are flat and unrealistic. If I'm the Phillies and I draft a stud, with great potential and good baseline stats, I want to look at him and say "Wow, that's our future". Same way with if a solid player slides down towards mid 2nd Round, and you look and say "If I properly progress him, he could be a steal"

There's almost no personal attachment to the team, no excitement. And even tho some players have A potential, we often don't have the proper tools to progress a prospect, or mold him to a certain place.

I get you guys only have a short cycle to complete your goals, and the Graphical improvements are huge. But Franchise has to step it's game up next year. I'm sure you've at least seen NBA 2k's gameplay, and their GM mode is very hands on and enables you to feel like you're creating a core.

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