MLB The Show 17 News Post

The franchise mode Twitch stream has started for MLB The Show 17. Once the stream has finished, we will post an archive link.

HDR mode has been confirmed, as seen in the screenshot below. More details on that, along with all of the graphical improvements will be shown on the Twitch stream on March 23.

For those of you asking "What is HDR"? Read this.

Make sure to post your thoughts!

UPDATE: Here is the archive link.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 21 skrody @ 03/09/17 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by NJ2NC
I think everyone gets The gist of critical situations. How long are they going to drag this out?
this is how i feel about all of the franchise improvements.

yeah we get it you did that last year
i mean we could before too
# 22 BigOscar @ 03/09/17 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Caulfield
I cant watch this right now, if someone will make mention of the legend reveal please and thankyou

90 rated Jim Palmer. Fairly average looking, not spectacular in any area except maybe H/9 iirc
# 23 sva91 @ 03/09/17 05:46 PM
Night lighting looks great! Faces look incredible! But why does the black umpire have blonde hair? He looks like demolition man.
# 24 The Kid 24 @ 03/09/17 05:48 PM
No Nike catchers equipment... Was really hoping we would finally get that.

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# 25 underdog13 @ 03/09/17 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Scott
I'm pretty excited about Quick Manage
Me too, reminds me of mvp 2005

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
# 26 extremeskins04 @ 03/09/17 05:49 PM
Hopefully they'll talk about:

- Mid season contracts
- Scouting
- Trade and FA logic
- Relocations

Don't get me wrong, I love the quick manage modes and stuff, but I want to hear about actual FRANCHISE material.
# 27 Turbojugend @ 03/09/17 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
As a PS4 Pro and 4K HDR TV owner this has me pumped even more then I already was!

When did they show it?
Early. They (accidentally?) revealed the Presentation menu options, I'm sure the replay will reveal even more.
# 28 bigmike0077 @ 03/09/17 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by extremeskins04
Hopefully they'll talk about:

- Mid season contracts
- Scouting
- Trade and FA logic
- Relocations

Don't get me wrong, I love the quick manage modes and stuff, but I want to hear about actual FRANCHISE material.
me too!! lol
# 29 WhiteBunny @ 03/09/17 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Scott
I'm pretty excited about Quick Manage
Quick Manage is awesome. Even if you're a player which plays every game, you can use it for Minor League games to track your players and play critical situations. I think it's a pretty big upgrade to enjoy franchise mode, especially with OSM rosters.
# 30 BigOscar @ 03/09/17 05:53 PM
And a 91 rated Eric Karros with good contact but average power against lefies, while average contact but great power v righties. Interesting card, but as a 1B he's a bit underpowered.
# 31 rovert22044 @ 03/09/17 05:53 PM
So far in the stream, I must be honest and say I'm a little disappointed that franchise has essentially remained untouched. I was hoping for a decent rebuild of the mode. However, despite that, it doesn't hinder my interest in the game AT ALL. The announced features that have been added to the game are plenty enough for a new iteration of the game. Ball physics, jersey expansion, new equipment, reworked face models, etc etc. SCEA has shown year in and year out that they're a top-of-the-line development team, and this year looks to be the best year yet.

Much props to the whole dev team. Easily worth my $100 to get the HOF edition.
# 32 Mitchrapp @ 03/09/17 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by BigOscar
90 rated Jim Palmer. Fairly average looking, not spectacular in any area except maybe H/9 iirc
Palmer should be much higher.. From 69-78 he was complete dominate. 8 of those years top 5 Cy Young, with 3 wins. And a ton of innings. If he doesn't get a 98-99 who does..
# 33 BigOscar @ 03/09/17 05:54 PM
So player quirks only affect size of PCI. Pretty happy with that as I think most were worried about these being too important
# 34 rovert22044 @ 03/09/17 05:54 PM
Keyword for the giveaway is: "frenchfries"! Everybody join the stream and comment the keyword to join the giveaway!
# 35 Scott @ 03/09/17 05:54 PM
Really like the player quirks..
# 36 Caulfield @ 03/09/17 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by BigOscar
90 rated Jim Palmer. Fairly average looking, not spectacular in any area except maybe H/9 iirc
Originally Posted by BigOscar
And a 91 rated Eric Karros with good contact but average power against lefies, while average contact but great power v righties. Interesting card, but as a 1B he's a bit underpowered.
Thanks Big O, you da man!
# 37 bcruise @ 03/09/17 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by BigOscar
So player quirks only affect size of PCI. Pretty happy with that as I think most were worried about these being too important
PCI is an estimation of that player's abilities, not an end-all, be all of where you can swing and make contact.A PCI increase of that size increase should definitely produce some better results.

Also, I like hearing that certain quirks are dynamic and can change over the course of a franchise.
# 38 bronxbombers21325 @ 03/09/17 06:03 PM
Not able to watch right now. Any word on whether or not inter league schedules finally rotate from year to year. That is a major annoyance that I really wish would be fixed.
# 39 BigOscar @ 03/09/17 06:03 PM
Seems odd to bundle in quirks that just show you have a high stat with quirks that actually have an effect on your player.
# 40 Bard @ 03/09/17 06:04 PM
Truly no surprises added in? Hope not, but from everyone here it seems like they didn't touch on much in this "deep dive".

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