MLB The Show 17 News Post

Sony Interactive Entertainment has just started their MLB The Show 17 Twitch stream. Watch it here.

The team will be discussing gameplay, animations and retro mode. Post your thoughts!

UPDATE: Here is the link to the archive, for those of you that missed it.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 201 mrCPUgeek @ 02/10/17 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by breakfastcat
Anyone else notice in the pause menu the "Quick Manage" option? Makes me think we may have finally gotten a text-based manage mode similar to the ones from the old MVP games. This would be an awesome quick way to get through more games in Franchise!
Originally Posted by kiddlex
That would be superb. 162 games is a haul, but I hate simming, you feel disconnected.
What a find breakfastcat!!!

Whatever that is, if it makes playing out a 162 game season better than just simming the games, I'm all on board!
# 202 Stolm @ 02/10/17 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by NEOPARADIGM
game-pacing (specifically auto-skipping whatever remains of real-time presentation, catcher throwing the ball back to the pitcher, batter stepping out and preparing for the next pitch, etc.) seems worse than ever. like if there's not a pitch every 2.6 seconds it just can't be fun. foh. baseball has a very specific pace that allows for contemplation, reflection & strategy-mining between pitches. will not buy if it's yet another year where this is totally ignored.
This has been my biggest complaint for years. The pacing was completely ruined when they started forcing skips of the batter's box presentations.

At-Bats are just completely rushed along at breakneck speed, and don't represent the sport at all. I find myself constantly calling for time-outs which isn't realistic, and is an immersion killer.

I thought with the introduction of Fast-Play and Quick Counts, we would be given back the option to play at a normal pace, but the devs only seem to want to introduce options that speed the game up, and have been moving away from a realistic presentation experience every year.
# 203 SilverBullet1929 @ 02/10/17 06:06 PM
Did anyone else feel having the current player models in the retro mode was weird? Even with the filter on the players look and move too smoothly for the retro mode. This probably can't be done this year and that's understandable but if retro mode stays in I kinda want player models to look as close to the way they did when I was a kid as possible. Right now retro mode looks old school with the field and the on screen graphics but the player models are not old school.

Also I hope throwback uniforms are usable in retro mode.

Edit: This is what I have in mind, hopefully down the line it's possible. I'd enjoy this more in retro mode...
# 204 WaitTilNextYear @ 02/10/17 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Lovesports
Finally some more people coming out and speaking up about the graphics. I personally am talking about the player graphics specifically when I refer to graphics. Boxy shoulders, no variety in body types, no variety in uniforms (tight, baggy, shorter sleeves etc). Stadium graphics are good, so are the crowds. The players themselves lack that PS4 look. Who ever mentioned earlier and quoted me that Madden and NBA 2K player models are not better is absolutely wrong. Those two games are ahead of the Show player models by at least 3 years.
We got the message the first dozen times you posted this...And I am one of those who agree that the models could use some re-working. Making the same post over and over and over gets you typecast and ignored, if not eventually banned. FYI

Originally Posted by ryanmc564
still better than being a cubs fan. lol
I don't get it...What's wrong with root root rooting for the World Champion Chicago Cubs?
# 205 SilverBullet1929 @ 02/10/17 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by Stolm
This has been my biggest complaint for years. The pacing was completely ruined when they started forcing skips of the batter's box presentations.

At-Bats are just completely rushed along at breakneck speed, and don't represent the sport at all. I find myself constantly calling for time-outs which isn't realistic, and is an immersion killer.

I thought with the introduction of Fast-Play and Quick Counts, we would be given back the option to play at a normal pace, but the devs only seem to want to introduce options that speed the game up, and have been moving away from a realistic presentation experience every year.
Pace of play bro. Rob Manfred is secretly on the SCEA development team.
# 206 Spokker @ 02/10/17 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by SilverBullet1929
Pace of play bro. Rob Manfred is secretly on the SCEA development team.
Wait until they start putting a runner on 2nd to start every extra inning. Yuck.
# 207 SilverBullet1929 @ 02/10/17 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by Spokker
Wait until they start putting a runner on 2nd to start every extra inning. Yuck.
God don't get me started on that. That's arguably cheating to me.
# 208 kehlis @ 02/10/17 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by Spokker
Wait until they start putting a runner on 2nd to start every extra inning. Yuck.
Originally Posted by SilverBullet1929
God don't get me started on that. That's arguably cheating to me.
Let's not discuss that in this thread, if you would like to discuss it it's being discussed in the MLB Off Topic thread.
# 209 Jeffrey Smith @ 02/10/17 11:14 PM
Hope with the new physics we don't see so many comebackers to the mound.
# 210 TheCaesar99 @ 02/11/17 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by Lovesports
Yea I don't agree here either. The biggest issue honestly has been the player models and uniforms looking boxy. I know everyone cares about different aspects but for me graphics/player models have been disgraceful. Madden and NBA2K have wayyy better player models
I'll add Fifa too with better player models. It's a shame really, The Show used to be probably the best looking sports video game on PS3, but since the PS4 debut they've fallen well behind. I count myself as another gamer who appreciates good graphics too, it's very important to me personally.
# 211 Factzzz @ 02/11/17 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by bubba4
Obviously graphics are an issue here or we wouldn't be talking about them yet again before a new release. I've been gaming a LONG time and my experience has generally been that when a developer releases basically an updated game with the same engine for 2 or 3 years, they are working on something fresh for the future. Graphics wise, the MLB The show team clearly are going to go with this engine for as long a they can. The game is good, and even great. But it's stuck right now. Maybe we need to push them harder on this. Let them know that this does matter.
I feel like they must have felt the push because the developers read this message board, and the graphics, specifically player models, has probably been the biggest complaint over the past couple years.

Originally Posted by Sip_16
I agree player models could have an update, I dont necessarily mind it as I would rather see the new ball physics then waving jerseys again to each their own and I hope those guys get what they want eventually as well.

One thing I don't get though is comparing between NBA's models and the shows, NBA has 12 guys on a team instead of a 25 man roster plus minors(yes not all minors as default rosters have many randomly generated) and the arenas are different but not to the extreme MLB stadiums can be. It seems like more time can be spent on NBA player models especially details. MLB players are always being introduced during the season as well which doesn't happen as much in the NBA either.

Again i agree for an update just don't see how that comparison can have much merit.
That didn't stop them from having the best graphics on ps3 though. The Show's graphics on ps3 were 10x better than 2k.

2k just took the next step when ps4 was introduced, the Show hasn't, at least in terms of player models.

I said the very first year the ps4 was introduced and the Show came out, that people were going to complain about the player models not being changed, and people were going to say the game looked the same as every other year until they did something about the player models.

If they were going to do something drastic, the year to do it was when the ps4 first came out (like 2k did), it looks like they're going to ride out with these player models for awhile now, so i don't get my expectations up.

It's a shame, because the graphics otherwise are actually really good, better than most games. The stadium graphics, crowd graphics, pretty much everything. The grass and infield could use some work. As well as the problems with uniforms such as the colours and piping problems, but that's not necessarily "graphics," seems more like human error.

But I will say this, if what i thought i saw in the trailer was true, and Jake Arrieta's jersey sleeves looked different and his biceps looked bigger, then that will at least help the situation if they're making improvements to uniform fit and giving more options in that sense. Things like that might not be in the build used in the earlier streams.

So hopefully they have some nice surprises up their sleeves for the graphics stream.

MLB 17

MLB 16

MLB 17

MLB 16

Jersey sleeves definitely look improved
# 212 strawberryshortcake @ 02/11/17 02:39 AM
Strictly watching the stream ...

Unfortunately, what I'm most disappointed in is the team not removing animations that simply doesn't fit (and secondly, implementing new animations that looks awkward). More animations added annually is great, but if the ones that sticks out (fielding*, pitching*, etc.) doesn't get redone or completely removed, to me it simply overshadows the work that was done for 17'.

*fielding: outfielder throwing the ball back into the infield; the way the first baseman cocks his arm way above his head to start tossing the ball around the horn; the way the third baseman starts the double play. Immediately after an out, the fielders sort of come to a complete semi-motionless stop for a split second.

*pitching: the pitcher's follow through is still rather slow. The whip of the arm still doesn't exude power, force, strength. Pitcher's whole body follow through doesn't "fall" with proper momentum. Pitching is a whole body motion, and visually it's simply missing that element.

I'll keep tab on 17's info and based on what I've seen, I'll hold off on another year. Happy for those that will enjoy the game, but I'll see if 18' fixes my concerns.
# 213 Smallville102001 @ 02/11/17 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by Dolenz
Everybody always thinks that modes or features they are not interested in seem pointless.

If it brings in a few more fans to the game then it is not pointless. If it allows me or anyone to have friends over who do not own the game over and lets to jump into a fun head to head game without me dominating then it is not pointless.

It also seems like some people seem to believe that a stock PS4 has unlimited graphic and computing power. It wasn't even comparable to a good gaming PC when it came out 3 years ago.

It fells like a gimmick to me because it is not something that helps the game to play a better more realistic game or that gives more control options or camera options.

I don't think people think ps4 has unlimited graphic and computing power. The problem is last gen mlb the show was by far the best looking game and now it is far behind NBA 2k and NHL and even behind madden when it comes to just graphics and mlb out side of its lighting hardly looks better then it did on ps3. There are a lot of other games/franchises where the jump from ps3 to ps4 or from xbox360 to xboxone was much bigger then the graphic jump of the show on ps3 to ps4.
# 214 Smallville102001 @ 02/11/17 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by ryanmc564
How is it going to be inferior?? outside of slightly better video resolution and load times, what else is the pro going to have over the original? its not like the pro is going to have new player models or more fans in the stands. Too many people have a huge misconception about the Pro like its suppose to be the ps5 or something..

I don't like this whole mid gen upgrade thing and if I had known this was going to happened years ago I may have just wanted and not go a ps4 in till pro came out. As a result I may want when ps5 comes out to get one for a few years to make sure we don't get a ps5 pro or something.
# 215 viperman240 @ 02/11/17 07:25 AM
Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
Strictly watching the stream ...

Unfortunately, what I'm most disappointed in is the team not removing animations that simply doesn't fit (and secondly, implementing new animations that looks awkward). More animations added annually is great, but if the ones that sticks out (fielding*, pitching*, etc.) doesn't get redone or completely removed, to me it simply overshadows the work that was done for 17'.

*fielding: outfielder throwing the ball back into the infield; the way the first baseman cocks his arm way above his head to start tossing the ball around the horn; the way the third baseman starts the double play. Immediately after an out, the fielders sort of come to a complete semi-motionless stop for a split second.

*pitching: the pitcher's follow through is still rather slow. The whip of the arm still doesn't exude power, force, strength. Pitcher's whole body follow through doesn't "fall" with proper momentum. Pitching is a whole body motion, and visually it's simply missing that element.

I'll keep tab on 17's info and based on what I've seen, I'll hold off on another year. Happy for those that will enjoy the game, but I'll see if 18' fixes my concerns.
I agree 100% with you on the pitching. The arm just doesn't have that exploding factor after they release the ball, it doesn't whip to the side with speed or momentum.

As for the graphics I don't think the show will get any better then this, apart from slight improvements. They've been using an in-house engine meant for the ps3 and have only been upgrading it, doing so will only take you so far. If we want The Show to be on par or surpass other sports games in the graphics department they would have to use a different engine like the other sports games have done.

I think it would be best if SDS uses another 1st party studios engine rather then building one from scratch (as it takes too much time and resources to make a brand new engine).

I would say the Killzone/Horizon/Death Stranding engine would be the best choice to replace the current engine being used.
# 216 tnixen @ 02/11/17 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
Strictly watching the stream ...

Unfortunately, what I'm most disappointed in is the team not removing animations that simply doesn't fit (and secondly, implementing new animations that looks awkward). More animations added annually is great, but if the ones that sticks out (fielding*, pitching*, etc.) doesn't get redone or completely removed, to me it simply overshadows the work that was done for 17'.

*fielding: outfielder throwing the ball back into the infield; the way the first baseman cocks his arm way above his head to start tossing the ball around the horn; the way the third baseman starts the double play. Immediately after an out, the fielders sort of come to a complete semi-motionless stop for a split second.

*pitching: the pitcher's follow through is still rather slow. The whip of the arm still doesn't exude power, force, strength. Pitcher's whole body follow through doesn't "fall" with proper momentum. Pitching is a whole body motion, and visually it's simply missing that element.

I'll keep tab on 17's info and based on what I've seen, I'll hold off on another year. Happy for those that will enjoy the game, but I'll see if 18' fixes my concerns.
E mail them your ideas on not removing animations that simply doesn't fit.

[email protected]

I agree with you
# 217 jw9036 @ 02/11/17 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
Strictly watching the stream ...

Unfortunately, what I'm most disappointed in is the team not removing animations that simply doesn't fit (and secondly, implementing new animations that looks awkward). More animations added annually is great, but if the ones that sticks out (fielding*, pitching*, etc.) doesn't get redone or completely removed, to me it simply overshadows the work that was done for 17'.

*fielding: outfielder throwing the ball back into the infield; the way the first baseman cocks his arm way above his head to start tossing the ball around the horn; the way the third baseman starts the double play. Immediately after an out, the fielders sort of come to a complete semi-motionless stop for a split second.

*pitching: the pitcher's follow through is still rather slow. The whip of the arm still doesn't exude power, force, strength. Pitcher's whole body follow through doesn't "fall" with proper momentum. Pitching is a whole body motion, and visually it's simply missing that element.

I'll keep tab on 17's info and based on what I've seen, I'll hold off on another year. Happy for those that will enjoy the game, but I'll see if 18' fixes my concerns.
Absolutely, i agree with your opinion!!
# 218 Caulfield @ 02/11/17 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
Strictly watching the stream ...

*fielding: outfielder throwing the ball back into the infield; the way the first baseman cocks his arm way above his head to start tossing the ball around the horn; the way the third baseman starts the double play. Immediately after an out, the fielders sort of come to a complete semi-motionless stop for a split second.

*pitching: the pitcher's follow through is still rather slow. The whip of the arm still doesn't exude power, force, strength. Pitcher's whole body follow through doesn't "fall" with proper momentum. Pitching is a whole body motion, and visually it's simply missing that element.

I'll keep tab on 17's info and based on what I've seen, I'll hold off on another year. Happy for those that will enjoy the game, but I'll see if 18' fixes my concerns.
I Would like to see this addressed too but for me personally they are just not dealbreakers.
I could continue to play 16 (or even 14 or 15) for another year or two, if I had to, but fortunately the price of admission to 17 isnt so great that I cant not buy in, just because of the new things I'm looking forward to. And thats just based on whats been revealed so far. More goodness yet to be announced between now and release date
# 219 NAFBUC @ 02/11/17 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Dillion245
I don't know if anyone else caught it, but there was a moment towards the beginning, when they were showing off the new ball physics, where you see a little bug pop up that says something along the lines of: Arrietta vs. Kipnis 2-24 (.167) Hopefully, this is part of the new career stats presentation!
Nice catch Dillion......very excited about the possibilities of additional game time stats!

Also hoping to see an extended boxscore. (my yearly #1 wish)
# 220 nemesis04 @ 02/11/17 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by NAFBUC

Also hoping to see an extended boxscore. (my yearly #1 wish)
That one goes way back!

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