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MLB The Show 17 Twitch Stream - Gameplay, Animations & Retro-Mode Deep Dive

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Old 02-11-2017, 02:39 AM   #225
strawberryshortcake's Arena
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Twitch Stream - Gameplay, Animations & Retro-Mode Deep Dive

Strictly watching the stream ...

Unfortunately, what I'm most disappointed in is the team not removing animations that simply doesn't fit (and secondly, implementing new animations that looks awkward). More animations added annually is great, but if the ones that sticks out (fielding*, pitching*, etc.) doesn't get redone or completely removed, to me it simply overshadows the work that was done for 17'.

*fielding: outfielder throwing the ball back into the infield; the way the first baseman cocks his arm way above his head to start tossing the ball around the horn; the way the third baseman starts the double play. Immediately after an out, the fielders sort of come to a complete semi-motionless stop for a split second.

*pitching: the pitcher's follow through is still rather slow. The whip of the arm still doesn't exude power, force, strength. Pitcher's whole body follow through doesn't "fall" with proper momentum. Pitching is a whole body motion, and visually it's simply missing that element.

I'll keep tab on 17's info and based on what I've seen, I'll hold off on another year. Happy for those that will enjoy the game, but I'll see if 18' fixes my concerns.
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Old 02-11-2017, 02:53 AM   #226
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Twitch Stream - Gameplay, Animations & Retro-Mode Deep Dive

Originally Posted by Dolenz
Everybody always thinks that modes or features they are not interested in seem pointless.

If it brings in a few more fans to the game then it is not pointless. If it allows me or anyone to have friends over who do not own the game over and lets to jump into a fun head to head game without me dominating then it is not pointless.

It also seems like some people seem to believe that a stock PS4 has unlimited graphic and computing power. It wasn't even comparable to a good gaming PC when it came out 3 years ago.

It fells like a gimmick to me because it is not something that helps the game to play a better more realistic game or that gives more control options or camera options.

I don't think people think ps4 has unlimited graphic and computing power. The problem is last gen mlb the show was by far the best looking game and now it is far behind NBA 2k and NHL and even behind madden when it comes to just graphics and mlb out side of its lighting hardly looks better then it did on ps3. There are a lot of other games/franchises where the jump from ps3 to ps4 or from xbox360 to xboxone was much bigger then the graphic jump of the show on ps3 to ps4.
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Old 02-11-2017, 03:01 AM   #227
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Twitch Stream - Gameplay, Animations & Retro-Mode Deep Dive

Originally Posted by ryanmc564
How is it going to be inferior?? outside of slightly better video resolution and load times, what else is the pro going to have over the original? its not like the pro is going to have new player models or more fans in the stands. Too many people have a huge misconception about the Pro like its suppose to be the ps5 or something..

I don't like this whole mid gen upgrade thing and if I had known this was going to happened years ago I may have just wanted and not go a ps4 in till pro came out. As a result I may want when ps5 comes out to get one for a few years to make sure we don't get a ps5 pro or something.
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Old 02-11-2017, 07:25 AM   #228
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Twitch Stream - Gameplay, Animations & Retro-Mode Deep Dive

Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
Strictly watching the stream ...

Unfortunately, what I'm most disappointed in is the team not removing animations that simply doesn't fit (and secondly, implementing new animations that looks awkward). More animations added annually is great, but if the ones that sticks out (fielding*, pitching*, etc.) doesn't get redone or completely removed, to me it simply overshadows the work that was done for 17'.

*fielding: outfielder throwing the ball back into the infield; the way the first baseman cocks his arm way above his head to start tossing the ball around the horn; the way the third baseman starts the double play. Immediately after an out, the fielders sort of come to a complete semi-motionless stop for a split second.

*pitching: the pitcher's follow through is still rather slow. The whip of the arm still doesn't exude power, force, strength. Pitcher's whole body follow through doesn't "fall" with proper momentum. Pitching is a whole body motion, and visually it's simply missing that element.

I'll keep tab on 17's info and based on what I've seen, I'll hold off on another year. Happy for those that will enjoy the game, but I'll see if 18' fixes my concerns.
I agree 100% with you on the pitching. The arm just doesn't have that exploding factor after they release the ball, it doesn't whip to the side with speed or momentum.

As for the graphics I don't think the show will get any better then this, apart from slight improvements. They've been using an in-house engine meant for the ps3 and have only been upgrading it, doing so will only take you so far. If we want The Show to be on par or surpass other sports games in the graphics department they would have to use a different engine like the other sports games have done.

I think it would be best if SDS uses another 1st party studios engine rather then building one from scratch (as it takes too much time and resources to make a brand new engine).

I would say the Killzone/Horizon/Death Stranding engine would be the best choice to replace the current engine being used.
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Old 02-11-2017, 10:55 AM   #229
tnixen's Arena
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Twitch Stream - Gameplay, Animations & Retro-Mode Deep Dive

Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
Strictly watching the stream ...

Unfortunately, what I'm most disappointed in is the team not removing animations that simply doesn't fit (and secondly, implementing new animations that looks awkward). More animations added annually is great, but if the ones that sticks out (fielding*, pitching*, etc.) doesn't get redone or completely removed, to me it simply overshadows the work that was done for 17'.

*fielding: outfielder throwing the ball back into the infield; the way the first baseman cocks his arm way above his head to start tossing the ball around the horn; the way the third baseman starts the double play. Immediately after an out, the fielders sort of come to a complete semi-motionless stop for a split second.

*pitching: the pitcher's follow through is still rather slow. The whip of the arm still doesn't exude power, force, strength. Pitcher's whole body follow through doesn't "fall" with proper momentum. Pitching is a whole body motion, and visually it's simply missing that element.

I'll keep tab on 17's info and based on what I've seen, I'll hold off on another year. Happy for those that will enjoy the game, but I'll see if 18' fixes my concerns.
E mail them your ideas on not removing animations that simply doesn't fit.

I agree with you
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Old 02-11-2017, 11:49 AM   #230
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Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
Strictly watching the stream ...

Unfortunately, what I'm most disappointed in is the team not removing animations that simply doesn't fit (and secondly, implementing new animations that looks awkward). More animations added annually is great, but if the ones that sticks out (fielding*, pitching*, etc.) doesn't get redone or completely removed, to me it simply overshadows the work that was done for 17'.

*fielding: outfielder throwing the ball back into the infield; the way the first baseman cocks his arm way above his head to start tossing the ball around the horn; the way the third baseman starts the double play. Immediately after an out, the fielders sort of come to a complete semi-motionless stop for a split second.

*pitching: the pitcher's follow through is still rather slow. The whip of the arm still doesn't exude power, force, strength. Pitcher's whole body follow through doesn't "fall" with proper momentum. Pitching is a whole body motion, and visually it's simply missing that element.

I'll keep tab on 17's info and based on what I've seen, I'll hold off on another year. Happy for those that will enjoy the game, but I'll see if 18' fixes my concerns.
Absolutely, i agree with your opinion!!
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Old 02-11-2017, 12:19 PM   #231
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Twitch Stream - Gameplay, Animations & Retro-Mode Deep Dive

Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
Strictly watching the stream ...

*fielding: outfielder throwing the ball back into the infield; the way the first baseman cocks his arm way above his head to start tossing the ball around the horn; the way the third baseman starts the double play. Immediately after an out, the fielders sort of come to a complete semi-motionless stop for a split second.

*pitching: the pitcher's follow through is still rather slow. The whip of the arm still doesn't exude power, force, strength. Pitcher's whole body follow through doesn't "fall" with proper momentum. Pitching is a whole body motion, and visually it's simply missing that element.

I'll keep tab on 17's info and based on what I've seen, I'll hold off on another year. Happy for those that will enjoy the game, but I'll see if 18' fixes my concerns.
I Would like to see this addressed too but for me personally they are just not dealbreakers.
I could continue to play 16 (or even 14 or 15) for another year or two, if I had to, but fortunately the price of admission to 17 isnt so great that I cant not buy in, just because of the new things I'm looking forward to. And thats just based on whats been revealed so far. More goodness yet to be announced between now and release date
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Old 02-11-2017, 12:24 PM   #232
NAFBUC's Arena
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Twitch Stream - Gameplay, Animations & Retro-Mode Deep Dive

Originally Posted by Dillion245
I don't know if anyone else caught it, but there was a moment towards the beginning, when they were showing off the new ball physics, where you see a little bug pop up that says something along the lines of: Arrietta vs. Kipnis 2-24 (.167) Hopefully, this is part of the new career stats presentation!
Nice catch Dillion......very excited about the possibilities of additional game time stats!

Also hoping to see an extended boxscore. (my yearly #1 wish)
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