MLB The Show 17 News Post

Sony Interactive Entertainment has just started their MLB The Show 17 Twitch stream. Watch it here.

The team will be discussing gameplay, animations and retro mode. Post your thoughts!

UPDATE: Here is the link to the archive, for those of you that missed it.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 161 ryanmc564 @ 02/10/17 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by benny15
see this is why I wish more people were upset with Sony slapping early adopters in the face with the pro. I will now be playing an inferior edition of my favorite sports game.

All we got out of PS4 Amateur was a 1 "next gen" edition last year.

How is it going to be inferior?? outside of slightly better video resolution and load times, what else is the pro going to have over the original? its not like the pro is going to have new player models or more fans in the stands. Too many people have a huge misconception about the Pro like its suppose to be the ps5 or something..
# 162 breakfastcat @ 02/10/17 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by ryanmc564
How is it going to be inferior?? outside of slightly better video resolution and load times, what else is the pro going to have over the original? its not like the pro is going to have new player models or more fans in the stands. Too many people have a huge misconception about the Pro like its suppose to be the ps5 or something..
If it runs on Pro at a constant 60fps while the original doesn't, that's a pretty big difference IMO.
# 163 tnixen @ 02/10/17 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by ryanmc564
How is it going to be inferior?? outside of slightly better video resolution and load times, what else is the pro going to have over the original? its not like the pro is going to have new player models or more fans in the stands. Too many people have a huge misconception about the Pro like its suppose to be the ps5 or something..
No not new player models or new seprate feature on PS4 Pro.

However the overal look of the game maybe significantly better.

I guess we will all find out on March 23
# 164 breakfastcat @ 02/10/17 01:37 PM
Anyone else notice in the pause menu the "Quick Manage" option? Makes me think we may have finally gotten a text-based manage mode similar to the ones from the old MVP games. This would be an awesome quick way to get through more games in Franchise!
# 165 kiddlex @ 02/10/17 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by breakfastcat
Anyone else notice in the pause menu the "Quick Manage" option? Makes me think we may have finally gotten a text-based manage mode similar to the ones from the old MVP games. This would be an awesome quick way to get through more games in Franchise!
That would be superb. 162 games is a haul, but I hate simming, you feel disconnected.
# 166 ryanmc564 @ 02/10/17 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by breakfastcat
If it runs on Pro at a constant 60fps while the original doesn't, that's a pretty big difference IMO.

I can appreciate that. The frame rate dips were never a issue for me because it seem to only occur during cut scenes and in some way, it made it seem more like live TV because it gave the illusion of someone actually holding the camera.
# 167 breakfastcat @ 02/10/17 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by ryanmc564
I can appreciate that. The frame rate dips were never a issue for me because it seem to only occur during cut scenes and in some way, it made it seem more like live TV because it gave the illusion of someone actually holding the camera.
As someone who plays in Broadcast Presentation A LOT, those FPS dips are the bane of my existence.
# 168 countryboy @ 02/10/17 01:47 PM
I've been bouncing around the stream. Two things:

1) I'm going to have an absolute blast playing Retro Mode. Cannot wait to play a league with my friends.

2) I really hope the pitching meter feedback can be turned off. Not a fan of it.
# 169 Blzer @ 02/10/17 01:52 PM
I for one might actually consider changing it up a bit and doing a franchise doing Retro play all of the time. Actually, maybe you can't do it outside of quick games, not sure. Regardless, I'm very happy with the camera option. Only reason I'd refrain against it is if strikeout numbers are too low, or difficulty sliders can't be used or something.

Maybe I'll actually try Diamond Dynasty this year.
# 170 geisterhome @ 02/10/17 01:55 PM
I love those streams but this was a complete mess.
# 171 Spokker @ 02/10/17 02:16 PM
Ramone should always be on the streams lol

He's like the stern father figure who keeps everyone in line. Otherwise it's a mess.
# 172 tnixen @ 02/10/17 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Spokker
Ramone should always be on the streams lol

He's like the stern father figure who keeps everyone in line. Otherwise it's a mess.
Ramone is the best!!!
# 173 tnixen @ 02/10/17 02:38 PM
At around the 54:50 mark in the stream the batter bunts and the catcher fields it and then does a spin before throwing.

Do you guys think they should take the spin animation away in that game situation? Doesn't the spin take a small amount of time away from throwing runner out? And how often in real life would the catcher spin like that?

Also do you think the catcher getting out of the Crouch position is still too fast?

Or I'm just being too picky? lol
# 174 Dolenz @ 02/10/17 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Ramone is the best!!!
Ramone is great but I really like Nick. He was the first person from the Team I saw on a stream. He was streaming on his own channel the first year on the PS4 (I think that was the year) and there was an issue with they game not unlocking at midnight. He showed gameplay and was trying to keep us updated.
# 175 Bunselpower32 @ 02/10/17 02:45 PM
The theme, from the little that I watched, seemed to be physics. It was so nice to see that guy in the middle (don’t really know their names) come on and show ball after ball hit and the ways the ai dealt with them. It was nice to see so much attention being paid to physics. As someone who has played and watched a lot of innings of real and virtual baseball, physics are without a doubt the thing that makes and breaks a sports game for me. Ball physics seem to be a bigger deal to them now too. Hoping this signals a priority on this from now on and we can progress further until we have a completely independent ball and players.

Also to the guy above, it does seem like the catcher isn’t quite as encumbered by his equipment as he should be.

You don’t care where I sent this from.
# 176 RunN1st @ 02/10/17 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy

1) I'm going to have an absolute blast playing Retro Mode. Cannot wait to play a league with my friends.
Wait... retro-mode is playable in season and franchise mode? If so, that's huge!
# 177 dupontflames @ 02/10/17 02:50 PM
Per the Marlins' beat writer Joe Frisaro on Twitter, the team is relaxing the facial hair policy to where it must be "neatly trimmed" and also the team is wearing a 16 patch on the front of their uniform all season long to honor Jose Fernandez. I hope this stuff can make it in.
# 178 countryboy @ 02/10/17 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by RunN1st
Wait... retro-mode is playable in season and franchise mode? If so, that's huge!
I don't know if it is.

What I was referring to was my friends and I creating our own league on paper like we did when games didn't have season/franchise mode in them.

Sorry for any confusion caused.
# 179 speels @ 02/10/17 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
At around the 54:50 mark in the stream the batter bunts and the catcher fields it and then does a spin before throwing.

Do you guys think they should take the spin animation away in that game situation? Doesn't the spin take a small amount of time away from throwing runner out? And how often in real life would the catcher spin like that?

Also do you think the catcher getting out of the Crouch position is still too fast?

Or I'm just being too picky? lol
I didn't see that part of the stream, but having caught for most of my baseball career I was always taught that when the ball is bunted down the line to 3rd that picking it up and spinning counter clockwise gave you a better chance to make a good throw. Most catchers who pick up the ball and turn clockwise have very good armsbecuase all of the momentum is going away from 1st. Again, I didn't see it so maybe the animation is veyr over done.
# 180 speels @ 02/10/17 03:18 PM
I was watching the review by Millenium and he was concerned about the closeness of most of the plays at first. That has always bothered me as well so I did a lot of watching and realized why this was happening. I also think this has a lot to do with the lack of doubles down the line. This is just my opinion so.......

When you watch the SHow absolutely every player busts his *** down the line right from the very start, making the fielder have to be veyr quick to get them out on anything other than a straight routine grounder. This is not how real life plays out. Ya there are a couple players in the league that bust it to first all the time, but most actually watch the fielder pick up the ball within their first couple steps and then coast to the base not going full out. I think that is why the plays at first are so close all the time. There is no "human laziness" side to these players. They just go full out all the time. How many players in rela life run out balls hit to second where the second baseman picks them cleanly? Not many.

I think thisalso affects hits down the line. Normally on those hits the outfielder realizes he would need to make a special play to get the runner out at 2nd so he coasts in to the ball and makes a solid throw. In the SHow everyone plays all out all the time. I mean even when a ball is hit at the wall your player busts his *** to get where the ball will come to and then camps until it gets there. In real life the players take it a little slower to make sure their footing is good and that they can cover any bad hops.

I think the acceleration/deceleration of players may be the culprit. You can call this urgency if you want, but I think they are just to gung ho to make every play and don't have any fear of anything.

I love the new throwing from the outfiled on that Heyward play where he decelerates, gets himself moving in the right direction and then throws the ball. If they can add that in then I know we are only a bit away from the "Human laziness" attribute being in there as well.

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