MLB The Show 17 News Post

Check out the latest MLB The Show 17 video, featuring gameplay improvements and an expanded amount of animations available for this year. The video also provides more details on new ball physics, the all new Catch and Throw engine, Cat and Mouse gameplay, and the new catcher throwing meter.

Don't forget to tune into the MLB The Show 17 Twitch stream on Thursday at 5:00 PM ET, as the team gives more details.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 161 Blzer @ 02/08/17 01:56 AM
# 162 Syce @ 02/08/17 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
That said, it looks like we're riding with essentially the same build of player models for '17 unless SDS is totally reserving a massive surprise for later. No chance they have enough time to build new models and sync them with new animations in the dev time remaining, but updates to uniforms, some more variety in body types, and maybe some uniform wrinking/texturing seems like a reasonable expectation to hope for on the player model front.
see, this is where in my opinion is something they are working on behind the scenes, but they probably work on it from time to time until they get to a part where they are comfortable to implement into the game. like lets be honest, upgrading the player models and animations to work with those player models is a massive undertaking.
# 163 kubankaos @ 02/08/17 01:57 AM
Well all I've cared for years is improved physics. Liking what I'm hearing so far.

Still not sure if I want to buy before renting. Just in case it's BS.

I would love to see a nice 5-10 minute video in batting practice and silence. No talking, no music, just the sounds of the game. And regular batting practice, just you and the pitcher.

But props on at least doing something about the physics.
# 164 zack4070 @ 02/08/17 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Beautiful! Just at least get rid of those huge montrosity that is those Foul line stadium lights and its Perfect!
# 165 LastActionHero @ 02/08/17 02:51 AM
Awesome stuff! Hits and throws look so much improved!
And the running speed bars are back instead of those circles! Thanks SCEA!
# 166 Lovesports @ 02/08/17 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
For people unenthused by the graphics in this trailer, keep in mind that the graphical deep dive isn't for another month and a half (3/23) where things like "grass tech" is on the schedule. A quality update to the grass rendering would be a game changer, imo.

It's a good idea to keep [respectfully] submitting feedback (i.e. the scorebug thing that they're working on) in the meantime because the devs are relying on our eyes and ears, but there's really no need to pull out the disappointment card just yet. I'm almost certain that the shading, colors, lighting etc is nowhere near what the final product will be.

That said, it looks like we're riding with essentially the same build of player models for '17 unless SDS is totally reserving a massive surprise for later. No chance they have enough time to build new models and sync them with new animations in the dev time remaining, but updates to uniforms, some more variety in body types, and maybe some uniform wrinking/texturing seems like a reasonable expectation to hope for on the player model front.
God I hope you're at least right about the second part. I really can't take the outdated player models anymore.
# 167 Smallville102001 @ 02/08/17 03:13 AM
So the catcher throwing meter thing I think is basically going to be like what we have had before with button pressing accuracy.
# 168 Smallville102001 @ 02/08/17 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
For people unenthused by the graphics in this trailer, keep in mind that the graphical deep dive isn't for another month and a half (3/23) where things like "grass tech" is on the schedule. A quality update to the grass rendering would be a game changer, imo.

It's a good idea to keep [respectfully] submitting feedback (i.e. the scorebug thing that they're working on) in the meantime because the devs are relying on our eyes and ears, but there's really no need to pull out the disappointment card just yet. I'm almost certain that the shading, colors, lighting etc is nowhere near what the final product will be.

That said, it looks like we're riding with essentially the same build of player models for '17 unless SDS is totally reserving a massive surprise for later. No chance they have enough time to build new models and sync them with new animations in the dev time remaining, but updates to uniforms, some more variety in body types, and maybe some uniform wrinking/texturing seems like a reasonable expectation to hope for on the player model front.

I think I am basically done with getting the show in till we get better player models. The game for the last like 2-3 years has basically played a perfect game of baseball were its graphics on the other hand are really lacking and mostly still look like a ps3 game.
# 169 Lovesports @ 02/08/17 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by Smallville102001
I think I am basically done with getting the show in till we get better player models. The game for the last like 2-3 years has basically played a perfect game of baseball were its graphics on the other hand are really lacking and mostly still look like a ps3 game.
Second this
# 170 BSUFAN @ 02/08/17 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by Smallville102001
I think I am basically done with getting the show in till we get better player models. The game for the last like 2-3 years has basically played a perfect game of baseball were its graphics on the other hand are really lacking and mostly still look like a ps3 game.

# 171 Lovesports @ 02/08/17 06:18 AM
Someone mentioned this but Arrieta definitely has a shorter sleeve shirt. This is undoubtedly a good sign because we were never able to see the biceps on players and you can clearly see his.
# 172 wisdom less13 @ 02/08/17 06:35 AM

Budweiser was on the scoreboard in the past? I never played in Wrigley unless I was there in franchise. Perhaps it's a new sponsor?
# 173 BlacknBlue @ 02/08/17 06:39 AM
Originally Posted by wisdom less13

Budweiser was on the scoreboard in the past? I never played in Wrigley unless I was there in franchise. Perhaps it's a new sponsor?
That's not a photo from MLB The Show. It's a design concept from the proposed Wrigley Field upgrades.

Also, does anyone know when you'll be able to preorder from Amazon? I like getting the preorder discount they have for video games.
# 174 Mitchrapp @ 02/08/17 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by BlacknBlue
That's not a photo from MLB The Show. It's a design concept from the proposed Wrigley Field upgrades.

Also, does anyone know when you'll be able to preorder from Amazon? I like getting the preorder discount they have for video games.
I'm waiting on that too. I've always been able to get it in the past.. hopefully it shows up soon. 20% is a nice savings..

Btw, the discount covers up to 2 weeks after games come out. So if you want to buy the game, April 5th for example, discount still applies. Just in case you didn't know
Late EDIT: I found it, really hidden inside their site - https://www.amazon.com/MLB-Show-17-S...=operasport-20
# 175 sandmac @ 02/08/17 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by Lovesports
Ugh I'm so annoyed. I hope these aren't the final player model builds. Unchanged for literally ever.
Now, I could be wrong BUT I did notice there may be a new player model where the lower body is thicker for heavier dudes. No joke - take a look at Narvaez, the White Sox catcher.

Although, in life he DOES NOT have that body type at all.

LOL at Frazier's shoulder pads at 3B. He looks like a linebacker.
# 176 countryboy @ 02/08/17 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by BSUFAN
This happens all the time.

People get ahead of themselves. There is a blog/vlog/stream dedicated to player models in March. I would wait until then to see what improvements were or were not made to the player models for '17. This is a 4 minute trailer that was created to provide a preview of the new gameplay improvements and animation expansion. We have no idea when this trailer was created and if any other improvements (player models, lighting, grass tech, etc) were at work in this trailer or not.
# 177 sandmac @ 02/08/17 09:36 AM
Old player models from 2010 have been an eyesore for literally years.

With respect to your point, player models would most certainly have to included in even the earliest of builds -especially marketing pieces like this one.

They're not going to hold those back like the high-render art elements like grass etc for later reveal.
# 178 countryboy @ 02/08/17 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by sandmac
Old player models from 2010 have been an eyesore for literally years.

With respect to your point, player models would most certainly have to included in even the earliest of builds -especially marketing pieces like this one.

They're not going to hold those back like the high-render art elements like grass etc for later reveal.
That may be true, I have no idea have game development works.

But in this thread we have people seeing two different types of outfield walls and now we have some people saying there are no changes to player models and others saying they have noticed changes to player models.

I was just saying that if we waited until the blog/vlog/stream about player models, we could eliminate all the guess work.
# 179 agentlaw13 @ 02/08/17 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by MauerMorneau09
Anybody else notice that Arrieta's biceps looked a little bigger than other models and that his jersey sleeves were a bit shorter, or was it just me? Could be sign of new models/sleeve fit. Who knows?

Anyways, that trailer got me pumped! Can't wait for Thursday!

Originally Posted by Lovesports
Someone mentioned this but Arrieta definitely has a shorter sleeve shirt. This is undoubtedly a good sign because we were never able to see the biceps on players and you can clearly see his.

Dan Uggla is not impressed [emoji1320][emoji1320]

But yeah it does seem Arrieta's jersey sleeves are a bit shorter. It looks like the trailer could be a mix of old build vs newer build with glimpses of possible new player models in there? I might be in the minority, but the player models don't really bug me that much even though I'm all for updating graphically wherever possible. Like countryboy mentioned, I'm sure we will get more info on player models in a later stream.

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
# 180 yankeesgiants @ 02/08/17 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by CBoller1331
Someone wanna explain what a 'Texas Leaguer' is? Ive never heard that in reference to a batted ball....


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