MLB The Show 17 News Post

Check out new MLB The Show 17 trailer and make sure you check out Retro Mode at the end of it. Post your thoughts!

UPDATE: Retro Mode details revealed.

During the World Series, we revealed that newly inducted Hall of Famer Ken Griffey Jr. will grace the cover of MLB The Show 17. The Kid’s signature style transcended the baseball diamond and helped create some of the most memorable baseball video games of the 90’s. Most of us at San Diego Studio grew up playing those classics and wondered how we could recreate a nostalgic feeling for a generation of gamers.

To answer the most obvious question: nope, your eyes did not deceive you. At the very end of our PlayStation Experience trailer you caught a first look at a new game mode for The Show 17.

Introducing “Retro Mode,” a retro gameplay experience that pays homage to the classic baseball games many of us grew up playing. Retro Mode allows you to move the pitcher across the pitcher’s rubber and move around the batter’s box with ease, classic on-screen displays, an old school soundtrack, unique sound effects, a throwback pause menu and more.

Retro Mode is entirely separate to the popular Road To The Show, Diamond Dynasty and Franchise game modes. This new way to play MLB The Show is designed to be a fun, throwback game mode that instigates battles on the couch with friends. We’re not diving deep into those modes just yet, but there are a few teases about the changes coming to RTTS, gameplay additions and a couple of other things we snuck into the trailer for our eager fans. Some changes are more obvious than others and we’ll take a deeper look very soon in case the untrained eye missed a clue (I’m guessing our biggest fans will find most of them by the end of the weekend).

We’ve only scratched the surface on the feature set for MLB The Show 17, so stay tuned for info in the coming weeks. And if you’re at PlayStation Experience over the weekend be sure to come by the MLB The Show bar and try out an Alpha build of Retro Mode.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 381 tnixen @ 12/14/16 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Turbojugend
The RBI guys have to be concerned about this. I've never played any of the modern RBI Baseball games but I loved the NES classics and Retro Mode should scratch that itch. I wonder if they'll shift their focus to mobile.
I was thinking the exact same thing will there be any reason to play RBI Baseball any more? Because this looks a lot like that but with better graphics.
# 382 underdog13 @ 12/14/16 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
I was thinking the exact same thing will there be any reason to play RBI Baseball any more? Because this looks a lot like that but with better graphics.
RBI has a season mode
# 383 TattooedEvil @ 12/14/16 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by WhiteBunny
I don't know, but who needs a retro arcade mode in The Show 17 ? They work on a pretty close deadline and it seems to me like a waste of time to invest resources in something like this. It's like they're worried about the boringness of baseball. But baseball is baseball. Just have faith in your loyal customers, give us quality and authenticity: you will be rewarded
MLB itself has been worried about the "boringness" of baseball for some reason. Can't complain about SCEA trying to real in the mediocre fans as well. The hardcore fans kind of get shafted i.e. concessions being taken out of Franchise Mode a few years ago. More beginner to mediocre fans means more money to develop the game so I personally am fine with it. Lets just hope they put some of that money into putting the Expos into the game as a relocation option
# 384 Keirik @ 12/15/16 10:09 PM
Personally i have never heard one person in this franchise's fanbase say "hey we really need a casual game mode" so i think complaints are very valid. As a first announcement, its veryweak in my mind.
# 385 spaceg0st @ 12/16/16 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by Keirik
Personally i have never heard one person in this franchise's fanbase say "hey we really need a casual game mode" so i think complaints are very valid. As a first announcement, its veryweak in my mind.
Yea you're right, now let's get hyped over a new brand of cleats in the game!!! Or better yet, celebrations for AI players that most people skip anyway!!! ... point is, to each his own.
# 386 Keirik @ 12/16/16 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by spaceg0st
Yea you're right, now let's get hyped over a new brand of cleats in the game!!! Or better yet, celebrations for AI players that most people skip anyway!!! ... point is, to each his own.
Well id say the point is that some of the things that have been asked for over the "next grn" years have been create a stadium, expansion, a more in depth customization, deeper franchise, classic teams, etc.

Very little, if not ever, has there been a big push for an arcadey style mode, so im not sure where the defensive nature of "to each his own" is coming from. Very early first trAiler but if this is the big innivation, then its not a good sign. Personally, i believe they have a lot more under their cap, but im kinda of sketical at this point. They do deserve the benefit of the doubt, but could u imagine the uproar if this was an ea game like madden or fifa and they chane the touted was a classic 1990s button and casual style experience?
# 387 WhiteBunny @ 12/16/16 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Just a guess but I don't think it took to much development time away from other things when creating retro mode. I am very happy to see retro mode as I think it will be a nice alternative way to play MLB The Show.

They already tried to move for a more casual route with Showtime and cheat-perks this year and nobody loved it. I can see your point and i agree to some extent because The Show is also a business, but to me a retro arcade mode is not a good pick especially for a game with a development cycle of 7-8 months. The reason why The Show is considered one if not the best sport simulation on the market is authenticity and the hardcore sim feeling. Stick with it, improve it.
Well, we'll see.
# 388 Sip_16 @ 12/16/16 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by P.A.D.
Agree with everything said in the last few posts. They added this retro mode to compete with the RBI baseball fans and no other reason. At this point it seems they're somewhat ignoring the requests of their loyal fanbase and adding gimmicks to increase their demographic.

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I find it unfair to say they are ignoring their "loyal fanbase", you even somewhat contradict it when you say they are trying to increase their demographic. It is a business, they want to sell as many copies as possible.

I'd consider OS the hardcore fanbase of The Show and thats a very small percentage. They use the feedback here anyways.

I will not play the retro mode, but hey maybe some kids or whoever see the mode and love it and makes them first time owners or whatever.

Its frustrating to not get what you want, but to say they are ignoring is like i said unfair, it's their game they can take it in any direction they want, and no matter what people will complain or whine or say they are lazy etc etc etc its all been said over and over. Take the info they give us over the next 3 months see if the game is for you, either way make some constructive points that can be added to their list and hopefully get added at somepoint.

Entitlement around here is just out of hand sometimes
# 389 countryboy @ 12/16/16 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by P.A.D.
Agree with everything said in the last few posts. They added this retro mode to compete with the RBI baseball fans and no other reason. At this point it seems they're somewhat ignoring the requests of their loyal fanbase and adding gimmicks to increase their demographic.

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Isn't it a bit unfair to accuse them of ignoring the requests of their loyal fanbase with '17 when we know so very little about it? Shouldn't we wait to see what all '17 has to offer before we start this whole, "they don't care about us" mentality?

The only things we know for sure are that there are new celebrations and that there is a new Retro Mode in the game.

I don't know, maybe I'm missing something here, but to me it seems a bit premature to start jumping to conclusions without first having all the facts.
# 390 nemesis04 @ 12/16/16 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by P.A.D.
Agree with everything said in the last few posts. They added this retro mode to compete with the RBI baseball fans and no other reason. At this point it seems they're somewhat ignoring the requests of their loyal fanbase and adding gimmicks to increase their demographic.

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Having been part of past community days I would say OS which represents a small concentrated group has fared very well in regards to wishlist content added. To say the loyal fan base is being ignored is not entirely correct. It's a never ending balance of keeping multiple levels of fan base interested in the franchise.
# 391 speels @ 12/16/16 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Sip_16
I find it unfair to say they are ignoring their "loyal fanbase", you even somewhat contradict it when you say they are trying to increase their demographic. It is a business, they want to sell as many copies as possible.

I'd consider OS the hardcore fanbase of The Show and thats a very small percentage. They use the feedback here anyways.

I will not play the retro mode, but hey maybe some kids or whoever see the mode and love it and makes them first time owners or whatever.

Its frustrating to not get what you want, but to say they are ignoring is like i said unfair, it's their game they can take it in any direction they want, and no matter what people will complain or whine or say they are lazy etc etc etc its all been said over and over. Take the info they give us over the next 3 months see if the game is for you, either way make some constructive points that can be added to their list and hopefully get added at somepoint.

Entitlement around here is just out of hand sometimes
I really like this post. We as OS sometimes froget that we are a small amount of who plays this game and that we are not the end all and be all of the Show fans. We have like maybe 200 people that regularily post about the Show her yet they sell hundreds of thousands of copies of the game.

I for one am excited about the retro mode and you know what, Retro is probably one of The most popular themes right now. I mean there is the new "old" Nintendo system, all the Intellevision games and such. Retro is big so why shouldn't SCEA take advantage of that and make some money?

There are going to be improvements, there always are, and to get all wrapped up in the first of many trailers we are going to get seems silly to me. Also, customization? I personally don't care about having 19 different brands of cleats or wrist bands, but I don't whine and complain when they add them when they should be "putting their time towards making the game better".

And for create a stadium? Home many hours and people does it take to make a stadium that we already know and can see? How long would it take for them to come up with so many pieces that fit together that look good so it would be worth it. For example, I want to create a stadium that has the Green Monster with the New York short porch in right, the Roger's Centre outfield with the Indians infield. I want Oakland's foul territory and I love the Rangers dugouts. Try to fit all that together and make it look good. I bet you can't unless you spent a ridiculous amount of time. If we ever get a create a stadium my guess is you would have only some many options thus leading everyone to say "well this is half ***, they must not care about the hardcore fans."

I don't get it sometimes, people need to understand that there are limits to what can be done. All I really hope for is that the amazing people that make this a great game continue to love baseball and keep making money so we can continue to get to play it.
# 392 WhiteBunny @ 12/16/16 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by speels
I really like this post. We as OS sometimes froget that we are a small amount of who plays this game and that we are not the end all and be all of the Show fans. We have like maybe 200 people that regularily post about the Show her yet they sell hundreds of thousands of copies of the game.
But don't forget OS is a huge bonus for The Show. Rosters created for The Show here in OS are simply amazing. How many guys wait to start a Franchise just because OS rosters ? And the comunity provides great feedback for baseball fans and try to help SDS in every possible way ( for example, check the stadium thread ). We love The Show, we love baseball and a game like this really needs a comunity like OS to keep on track. Just check Reddit, it's all about DD.
After a year with Showtime and DD focus, i think it's fair if some of us want big bells for Franchise, RTTS and core gameplay. That's why i find Retro Arcade Mode a bit silly. It's not the mode itself. But all this no-sense about enterteinment, fun and baseball needs to stop.

It's Baseball. It's The Show.
# 393 underdog13 @ 12/16/16 06:28 PM
Never understood the idea that franchise players are the "hardcore" guys.

I completely agree though that Franchise and Rtts have seen little impactful changes in recent years.

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# 394 Turbojugend @ 12/16/16 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by WhiteBunny
It's Baseball. It's The Show.
Well, it's also a video game we're talking about here. Some people love the super-sim stuff, some people want to dumb down the sliders/difficulty and play in Barry Bonds mode, and some people just want to collect baseball cards. Different strokes for different folks.
# 395 Bullit @ 12/16/16 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by underdog13
Never understood the idea that franchise players are the "hardcore" guys.

I completely agree though that Franchise and Rtts have seen little impactful changes in recent years.

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I believe because the franchise players, myself included, tend to play the game all year and look for different things in a Baseball game. I personally am just starting my 5th year of my Nationals franchise. No carry over, just this years game and I have played all 162, a lot of minor league games as well as spring training every year. So yeah I guess I consider myself a hardcore player.

Now I am not saying that those that play other modes are not hard core, or don't love the game as much as I (we) do. I am just trying to explain why I think franchise folks are considered more hardcore than those that play Diamond Dynasty or RTTS exclusively.
# 396 Turbojugend @ 12/16/16 09:03 PM
I was mostly an RttS player in previous years, but I will admit I spent most of my 16 time in Diamond Dynasty. Something about grinding for legendary player cards that happen to be playable in-game, it really hit my baseball sweet spot. Reminds me of the old days collecting real cards, only much better because I can actually use these for something.

It's mid-December and I'm still playing The Show, at least an hour a day when possible. Which I suppose qualifies me as "hardcore", although I hardly ever touch Franchise Mode. It's not that I don't enjoy it, I just got absorbed in other modes and haven't spent the time yet.

I guess my point is there are a lot of things that define a "hardcore player", it's not necessarily specific to the mode you play.
# 397 TripleCrown9 @ 12/16/16 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by P.A.D.
Agree with everything said in the last few posts. They added this retro mode to compete with the RBI baseball fans and no other reason. At this point it seems they're somewhat ignoring the requests of their loyal fanbase and adding gimmicks to increase their demographic.

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No other reason? Absolutely no other reason? It has nothing to do with them adding their cover athlete, and the immense success and popularity of his game?
# 398 TattooedEvil @ 12/17/16 07:04 AM
Let's try to remember that the blogs and twitch streams didn't even start til Feb 4th for the MLBTS16 so just be patient. Very tough I know.
# 399 Jolly Roger @ 12/17/16 11:33 AM
Every iteration of The Show is always a solid game. Let's just hope a mode that makes the game play like it's a 16-bit cartridge from over 20 years ago isn't the biggest feature of 17
# 400 PsychoBulk @ 12/17/16 12:07 PM
Hello folks.

Been away from here for some time for personal reasons and being worn out with the game somewhat.

Was hoping for something a little new, a little different etc this year...very disappointed with this trailer (be it one minute or not, some things never change).

A lot of you know me, i've been on here years, im not a moaner for moaning sake, im not here to bash the devs or anybody personally, but this game is in serious need of a facelift, a revamp, call it what you will, and I dont mean just tacking on an arcadey mode etc, you know what i mean.

Anemic is exactly the type of word i'd use to describe this franchise at the moment.

Anemic, stale, stagnant, faded - call it what you will.

I'm not judging '17 by this one video of course not, im more talking about the general way the series has gone the last few years. I truly believe you could play any of the games from 2013, '14 and '15 and '16 and be hard pressed to convince a naysayer they really were different games. Great games yes, but, like i said, stale, etc.

Ill keep my hopes up for something a little fresher as the information about '17 starts to come out but as i said previously, my enthusiasm for this games release used to be rampant yearly, now its merely more than a passing interest and that's a great shame.

Don't get me wrong, it will still be a superb game with many, many more pro's than con's but it simply cannot shake off this stale feeling, as far as im concerned.

I dont expect a different looking game every year, it would be stupid to do so, it's the same developer after all, but when so many things go largely untouched for year after year such as commentary, franchise, even the same signature music for like, ever, then you start to compare it to the strides made in other areas of sports gaming such as NBA 2K, FIFA, Madden etc then yes, then it starts to make you wonder why you keep coming back and why '16 feels like '15 feels like '14 feels like '13 etc.

I repeat, it will be a great game, but times change and its simply my opinion that SCEA doesnt move fast enough with them.

I used to pre-order this game months in advance, look forward to it like nothing else all year, take a whole week off work just to play it on release week...those days are long gone.

This is without doubt the first year ill almost certainly not be buying and i think its telling the posts mirroring my feelings seem to have garnered as many likes if not more generally than those saying otherwise - i think this worm has finally turned.

Dont ever take your loyal customers for granted in business - and i think SCEA is in danger of doing just that.

Shame indeed.

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