MLB The Show 17 News Post

Check out new MLB The Show 17 trailer and make sure you check out Retro Mode at the end of it. Post your thoughts!

UPDATE: Retro Mode details revealed.

During the World Series, we revealed that newly inducted Hall of Famer Ken Griffey Jr. will grace the cover of MLB The Show 17. The Kid’s signature style transcended the baseball diamond and helped create some of the most memorable baseball video games of the 90’s. Most of us at San Diego Studio grew up playing those classics and wondered how we could recreate a nostalgic feeling for a generation of gamers.

To answer the most obvious question: nope, your eyes did not deceive you. At the very end of our PlayStation Experience trailer you caught a first look at a new game mode for The Show 17.

Introducing “Retro Mode,” a retro gameplay experience that pays homage to the classic baseball games many of us grew up playing. Retro Mode allows you to move the pitcher across the pitcher’s rubber and move around the batter’s box with ease, classic on-screen displays, an old school soundtrack, unique sound effects, a throwback pause menu and more.

Retro Mode is entirely separate to the popular Road To The Show, Diamond Dynasty and Franchise game modes. This new way to play MLB The Show is designed to be a fun, throwback game mode that instigates battles on the couch with friends. We’re not diving deep into those modes just yet, but there are a few teases about the changes coming to RTTS, gameplay additions and a couple of other things we snuck into the trailer for our eager fans. Some changes are more obvious than others and we’ll take a deeper look very soon in case the untrained eye missed a clue (I’m guessing our biggest fans will find most of them by the end of the weekend).

We’ve only scratched the surface on the feature set for MLB The Show 17, so stay tuned for info in the coming weeks. And if you’re at PlayStation Experience over the weekend be sure to come by the MLB The Show bar and try out an Alpha build of Retro Mode.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 441 Junior Moe @ 01/07/17 07:49 AM
Ehhh... I'm probably the definition of a "casual" The Show player. Before MLB16 the last one I bought was MLB13 and I JUST got the hang of hitting on it. So I've been playing that more that 16. But it really shows the depth of the game. Once I get the hang of 16's hitting I know can play more games with the quick counts. As for 17, I'm probably gonna hold unless presentation has a huge blowout; something MLBTVish or even MLB2K. I love the depth the game provides. It's hard but once you get the hang of the mechanics it's rewarding. The graphics are top notch to me as well. I just need the presentation to make that leap to wrap the bow up and keep me coming back.
# 442 SilverBullet1929 @ 01/07/17 12:49 PM
I wish I could hold out buying the Show until player models and uniforms took a nice clear step forward...but I'm too much of a baseball fan to not purchase the latest game every year. Even if it's half *** (which it isn't) just having the latest rosters, players, and updates is enough for me to buy it. I'd imagine there's a lot of people like this.
# 443 TheBigTicket205 @ 02/03/17 10:40 AM
I just want form fitting unis or the ability to select tighter jersey sleeves and I will be content!
# 444 Sip_16 @ 02/03/17 11:09 AM
I really hope with the ball physics and hopefully retooled fielding that we get more opportunities like around 21:35 in the video below (its from Triple Play 96). Triple Play 96 was probably one of my favorite games, i was 10 but i played that non stop and id still play it today if i had my sega still lol. I just want to be able to make some plays or even miss dives but to have that SUSPENSE of i may or may not catch it, I don't feel i get that as much in the show, most times i know when i dive its because im about 99% i will come up with it.


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