MLB The Show 17 News Post

Check out new MLB The Show 17 trailer and make sure you check out Retro Mode at the end of it. Post your thoughts!

UPDATE: Retro Mode details revealed.

During the World Series, we revealed that newly inducted Hall of Famer Ken Griffey Jr. will grace the cover of MLB The Show 17. The Kid’s signature style transcended the baseball diamond and helped create some of the most memorable baseball video games of the 90’s. Most of us at San Diego Studio grew up playing those classics and wondered how we could recreate a nostalgic feeling for a generation of gamers.

To answer the most obvious question: nope, your eyes did not deceive you. At the very end of our PlayStation Experience trailer you caught a first look at a new game mode for The Show 17.

Introducing “Retro Mode,” a retro gameplay experience that pays homage to the classic baseball games many of us grew up playing. Retro Mode allows you to move the pitcher across the pitcher’s rubber and move around the batter’s box with ease, classic on-screen displays, an old school soundtrack, unique sound effects, a throwback pause menu and more.

Retro Mode is entirely separate to the popular Road To The Show, Diamond Dynasty and Franchise game modes. This new way to play MLB The Show is designed to be a fun, throwback game mode that instigates battles on the couch with friends. We’re not diving deep into those modes just yet, but there are a few teases about the changes coming to RTTS, gameplay additions and a couple of other things we snuck into the trailer for our eager fans. Some changes are more obvious than others and we’ll take a deeper look very soon in case the untrained eye missed a clue (I’m guessing our biggest fans will find most of them by the end of the weekend).

We’ve only scratched the surface on the feature set for MLB The Show 17, so stay tuned for info in the coming weeks. And if you’re at PlayStation Experience over the weekend be sure to come by the MLB The Show bar and try out an Alpha build of Retro Mode.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 221 countryboy @ 12/05/16 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by buck135
Thank you. The last two years have been roster updates. The addition of Griffey and Retro Mode doesn’t excite the die hard fans. The same one minute trailer highlighting new commentary and AI fixes instead would have people lining up to buy it.
But just because the trailer didn't highlight new commentary and AI fixes doesn't mean that they are not in the game.

People are assuming that because something wasn't shown in this one minute teaser trailer in December, then it must not be in the game.
# 222 Turbojugend @ 12/05/16 01:27 PM
I can't wait for Ramone's rewind, revealing the 479 new additions we missed in the teaser vid.
# 223 dalger21 @ 12/05/16 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
To claim that X, Y, Z, isn't fixed or not in the game is an overreaction to a one minute trailer.
The sad thing is that your logical statement will be completely overlooked by the people that have derailed this thread.
# 224 BigOscar @ 12/05/16 01:45 PM
If the next trailer is just a series of bloop singles or dipping line drives falling for singles then that would probably get me more excited than Retro mode. Some proof that the physics is fixed so hits to the outfield don't have to be line drives in the gap would be pretty big for me
# 225 Blzer @ 12/05/16 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Turbojugend
I can't wait for Ramone's rewind, revealing the 479 new additions we missed in the teaser vid.
We should actually try our own. We wrote some things here and there, but try and point out as many "little things" as possible that you think others missed.
# 226 tnixen @ 12/05/16 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Turbojugend
I can't wait for Ramone's rewind, revealing the 479 new additions we missed in the teaser vid.
Is that going to be released this week?
# 227 breakfastcat @ 12/05/16 01:55 PM
Not making any assumptions about things not included in the trailer, but one of the things included in the trailer is the graphics. And they look pretty much the same as last year. To be honest, outside of the new legends and old Yankee Stadium, this trailer could have been made in MLB 16 and I wouldn't have noticed. As someone who feels like the gameplay is already 98% perfect, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that we are going yet another year with out a big leap in graphics, especially in the player model department. I'm sure the rest of the game is great, but I was really hoping for better graphics this year. Unless there are big changes happening between now and release, I'm starting to feel like this game will only have 'decent' graphics for this entire generation instead of amazing graphics like previous generations.
# 228 Blzer @ 12/05/16 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by breakfastcat
Not making any assumptions about things not included in the trailer, but one of the things included in the trailer is the graphics. And they look pretty much the same as last year. To be honest, outside of the new legends and old Yankee Stadium, this trailer could have been made in MLB 16 and I wouldn't have noticed. As someone who feels like the gameplay is already 98% perfect, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that we are going yet another year with out a big leap in graphics, especially in the player model department. I'm sure the rest of the game is great, but I was really hoping for better graphics this year. Unless there are big changes happening between now and release, I'm starting to feel like this game will only have 'decent' graphics for this entire generation instead of amazing graphics like previous generations.
Haven't played '16 in a while (hell, outside of recently diving back into Ratchet & Clank I haven't played any game in a while), but the crowd really seems to have gotten a boost in self-shadowing and such.

I noticed the animated jersey cloth immediately, though. Will it flap in the wind? Time will tell on that. Hopefully it's not as "light" as MLB 2K7, but considering it contorts with the body is a big plus for me.

Would I hope for more? Of course. You're right that from afar somebody might not be able to differentiate one from the other in screenshots alone, though that cloth did stand out to me in motion immediately. If this gets a big PS4 Pro boost for 1080p television owners and comes with a bundle though, it will be hard to resist the urge to jump on that too.

I think animations will be getting a big up this year, especially from certain stars. They seem to be getting in more strides and swing types.
# 229 Turbojugend @ 12/05/16 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
We should actually try our own. We wrote some things here and there, but try and point out as many "little things" as possible that you think others missed.
If it's anything like last year, nearly every clip in that trailer has a purpose. For instance, I think we can all safely assume more player/manager interaction in RttS, but those liners down the first and third baselines might indicate an emphasis on ball physics, the super-close-ups on helmets and jersey logos could point to some reworked detail, lighting, etc.

Then again, I could be reading way too much into it and it's just another game trailer. But somehow I doubt it.
# 230 Blzer @ 12/05/16 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Turbojugend
If it's anything like last year, nearly every clip in that trailer has a purpose. For instance, I think we can all safely assume more player/manager interaction in RttS, but those liners down the first and third baselines might indicate an emphasis on ball physics, the super-close-ups on helmets and jersey logos could point to some reworked detail, lighting, etc.

Then again, I could be reading way too much into it and it's just another game trailer. But somehow I doubt it.
Nope, you're spot on. Every small thing you saw was something new "added." Some were new specific animations/celebrations, some were legendary players and the like, others were classic stadiums, and of course Retro mode... then as you said, there were new ball physics and RttS interactions, and new attention to detail such as New Balance cleats, writing on helmets, etc.

There still might be new things here and there outside of that, but I guess we may have to wait for the rewind.
# 231 Bobhead @ 12/05/16 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by breakfastcat
To be honest, outside of the new legends and old Yankee Stadium, this trailer could have been made in MLB 16 and I wouldn't have noticed.
Trailers usually are made using old builds. You can't just take an unfinished thing and make a polished trailer out of it. You typically have two choices:

A) use up valuable time taking your unfinished work-in-progress build and turning it into a "mostly-finished" thing that can run smoothly enough for you to make a trailer out of it. This is basically like making a mini video game. You have to do programming you wouldn't otherwise do, and make changes you would not otherwise make, just to get the build "trailer-ready". It's like taking your prototype of a new car and fixing it up so it can be driven in a commercial.

B) find a build that has already had (A) done to it, which can mean last year's game, or it can mean some build from like 2 months ago, or who knows what. It's like taking a car you already made and just demoing that.

Note that since different trailers show different things, you end up facing this dilemma multiple times, pretty much for every type of segment of every trailer.

Option A typically can take anywhere from a week to several weeks (not counting the actual time it takes to make the trailer)
Option B takes like an hour (again, not including actual production time)

Wanna guess which option gets used more often?
# 232 HypoLuxa13 @ 12/05/16 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
Trailers usually are made using old builds. You can't just take an unfinished thing and make a polished trailer out of it. You typically have two choices:

A) use up valuable time taking your unfinished work-in-progress build and turning it into a "mostly-finished" thing that can run smoothly enough for you to make a trailer out of it. This is basically like making a mini video game. You have to do programming you wouldn't otherwise do, and make changes you would not otherwise make, just to get the build "trailer-ready". It's like taking your prototype of a new car and fixing it up so it can be driven in a commercial.

B) find a build that has already had (A) done to it, which can mean last year's game, or it can mean some build from like 2 months ago, or who knows what. It's like taking a car you already made and just demoing that.

Note that since different trailers show different things, you end up facing this dilemma multiple times, pretty much for every type of segment of every trailer.

Option A typically can take anywhere from a week to several weeks (not counting the actual time it takes to make the trailer)
Option B takes like an hour (again, not including actual production time)

Wanna guess which option gets used more often?
Exactly. For example, when did they start teasing gameplay vids with PBR turned on prior to MLB 16? Long, long after the first trailers were released. In fact, not until they got well into the developer blogs and twitch streams did they actually start showing off PBR. People seem to think that a quick teaser that comes out more than 3 months before the game's release is somehow representative of a finished product.

Considering the development cycle on yearly sports games is about 9 months, they still have ~30% of their dev cycle to go before they even go gold.
# 233 Culture Rot @ 12/05/16 02:39 PM
Introducing “Retro Mode,” a retro gameplay experience that pays homage to the classic baseball games many of us grew up playing. Retro Mode allows you to move the pitcher across the pitcher’s rubber and move around the batter’s box, with on-screen displays, an old school soundtrack, sound effects, and

a throwback pause menu


Are you kidding me? please, tell me this is just the beginning of the feature reveal for this mode.

# 234 Sip_16 @ 12/05/16 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by buck135
Thank you. The last two years have been roster updates. The addition of Griffey and Retro Mode doesn’t excite the die hard fans. The same one minute trailer highlighting new commentary and AI fixes instead would have people lining up to buy it.
You say that tho like its a fact, maybe in these forums yes you are right, but this community is minuscule compared to the number of the show players. I am not saying you are wrong but there is really no way of knowing. I could be wrong but haven't the sales numbers increased each year over the past few? I would think they have more insight on it.

I would rather see a trailer with what you were saying too, but I think sometimes here people don't see the bigger picture, the game i want is probably different from you want even if its similar in a lot of ways and thats just between 2 people.
# 235 Bullit @ 12/05/16 03:32 PM
I just love the way folks consider their opinions facts and that anybody with a different opinion is wrong. This seems to works on both sides of this argument. I am not going to get in the middle of this or take sides. But I will say this and I hope it is taken to heart by everyone in this thread on the forums in general.

Enough is Enough!! If you have an opinion, whether it differs from anyone elses then express it in a respectable, and mature form and move on. Discussioins are always welcome but there is so little actual talking going on its ridiculous. All of this trolling( on both sides) stops now. I am sure Millennium will be along soon with the Ban Hammer speech, which I would like to point out that The Show forum used to be the only one to not get this post. So lets stay on topic and keep it civil.

Back on topic. The one thing I noticed that I have not seen anybody mention is that this 1 minute video everybody is so in an uproar about is that it seems to start in the middle of the presentation? When it fades in the commentary is already talking about features in RTTS. In my opinion, if this is the case, that we will probably get the full video in a week or so. Maybe a Christmas present from our friend in San Diego?
# 236 Spokker @ 12/05/16 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by HypoLuxa13
Exactly. For example, when did they start teasing gameplay vids with PBR turned on prior to MLB 16? Long, long after the first trailers were released. In fact, not until they got well into the developer blogs and twitch streams did they actually start showing off PBR. People seem to think that a quick teaser that comes out more than 3 months before the game's release is somehow representative of a finished product.
While it's true that they rolled out PBR gradually last year, it did not fundamentally change the look of the game from the initial trailer to release. PBR was used in key spots through stadiums, such as the rocks at Angel Stadium. But the basic elements, from player models to grass to whatever, were not substantially different.

I expect the game to look better at release, but those who would like better player models and a completely next-gen look are probably not going to see it. It could be worse though. In my experience the graphics in games gets worse from reveal to release.

All I want is better performance on PS4 Pro.
# 237 crandolph @ 12/05/16 04:18 PM
Retro Mode!!! Gonna be able to complete a 9 inning game in 20 minutes. Love it....All you young'ns need to go buy a Super Nintendo and play Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball (1994) to prep for the Retro Mode.
# 238 Russell_SCEA @ 12/05/16 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by Sip_16
You say that tho like its a fact, maybe in these forums yes you are right, but this community is minuscule compared to the number of the show players. I am not saying you are wrong but there is really no way of knowing. I could be wrong but haven't the sales numbers increased each year over the past few? I would think they have more insight on it.

I would rather see a trailer with what you were saying too, but I think sometimes here people don't see the bigger picture, the game i want is probably different from you want even if its similar in a lot of ways and thats just between 2 people.
They have indeed, and yes it seems a large % of OS hasn't been able to see the big picture for a very long time.
# 239 underdog13 @ 12/05/16 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by Turbojugend
those liners down the first and third baselines might indicate an emphasis on ball physics
I'm willing to say it's guarantee that they have improved the slice and hook on batted balls.

In last years trailer they showed 2 shots of pitchers avoid hit balls. Then they announced a new feature was improved pitcher avoidance of batted balls.

These were straight shoutouts to the Sim community. Top complaints that they addressed. The casual user might not pick up on it but we surely should as least.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
# 240 underdog13 @ 12/05/16 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Stolm
It's too bad those improved sales haven't equated to an improved product.
Improved sales have led them to buy the rights to all the legends that make DD great.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

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