MLB The Show 17 News Post

Check out new MLB The Show 17 trailer and make sure you check out Retro Mode at the end of it. Post your thoughts!

UPDATE: Retro Mode details revealed.

During the World Series, we revealed that newly inducted Hall of Famer Ken Griffey Jr. will grace the cover of MLB The Show 17. The Kid’s signature style transcended the baseball diamond and helped create some of the most memorable baseball video games of the 90’s. Most of us at San Diego Studio grew up playing those classics and wondered how we could recreate a nostalgic feeling for a generation of gamers.

To answer the most obvious question: nope, your eyes did not deceive you. At the very end of our PlayStation Experience trailer you caught a first look at a new game mode for The Show 17.

Introducing “Retro Mode,” a retro gameplay experience that pays homage to the classic baseball games many of us grew up playing. Retro Mode allows you to move the pitcher across the pitcher’s rubber and move around the batter’s box with ease, classic on-screen displays, an old school soundtrack, unique sound effects, a throwback pause menu and more.

Retro Mode is entirely separate to the popular Road To The Show, Diamond Dynasty and Franchise game modes. This new way to play MLB The Show is designed to be a fun, throwback game mode that instigates battles on the couch with friends. We’re not diving deep into those modes just yet, but there are a few teases about the changes coming to RTTS, gameplay additions and a couple of other things we snuck into the trailer for our eager fans. Some changes are more obvious than others and we’ll take a deeper look very soon in case the untrained eye missed a clue (I’m guessing our biggest fans will find most of them by the end of the weekend).

We’ve only scratched the surface on the feature set for MLB The Show 17, so stay tuned for info in the coming weeks. And if you’re at PlayStation Experience over the weekend be sure to come by the MLB The Show bar and try out an Alpha build of Retro Mode.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 261 mrCPUgeek @ 12/05/16 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by Bullit
That is one opinion out of many. I feel that 16 was the best one yet. I loved the new gameplay elements and felt that graphically it was awesome. I am finishing up my 4th season of a Nationals Franchise and I played every single game. So yeah I like the game. Others apparently not so much.

Kind of off topic, but I actually wouldn't be against sports titles moving to a two year cycle. Give us a roster update(maybe even chargeable) and continue support during that time.

I seem to remember a PC baseball game I played in the 90s(high heat or hardball) that did that once or twice.

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# 262 PVarck31 @ 12/05/16 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Bullit
That is one opinion out of many. I feel that 16 was the best one yet. I loved the new gameplay elements and felt that graphically it was awesome. I am finishing up my 4th season of a Nationals Franchise and I played every single game. So yeah I like the game. Others apparently not so much.
I don't really think its a case of people not liking the game. It's more a case of people who do actually like the game but want to see it push the boundaries of next gen technology. With how amazing some of the other sports games look, I think people were expecting a bigger jump in graphics from what we saw in the trailer.

I get that a lot of people think the way it looks is fine. But it's not fair to discount the opinions of others who think it should look better at this point into the current-gen consoles.

Maybe the more we see, the better it will look.
# 263 countryboy @ 12/05/16 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by PVarck31
I don't really think its a case of people not liking the game. It's more a case of people who do actually like the game but want to see it push the boundaries of next gen technology. With how amazing some of the other sports games look, I think people were expecting a bigger jump in graphics from what we saw in the trailer.

I get that a lot of people think the way it looks is fine. But it's not fair to discount the opinions of others who think it should look better at this point into the current-gen consoles.

Maybe the more we see, the better it will look.
I understand the opinion of those who say the game looks the same as it has the past few years. Some think it looks good and others think it needs improvement, neither side is wrong in their opinion.

What I don't understand are the opinions that the game was nothing more than a roster update the past two years or the claims that X, Y, Z hasn't been fixed or isn't in the game simply because it wasn't shown in the one minute trailer.
# 264 Armor and Sword @ 12/05/16 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
Is that true? I'm still playing 14 because there didn't seem to be any major reasons to upgrade, but 14's frame rate seems choppier than what I've seen of 16 and this trailer for 17. Plus 14's graphics are not nearly as a crisp.

This is the year I finally upgrade though. Was going to get 16 on sale, but I'm just going to wait for 17. Needless to say, I'm pretty excited.
Originally Posted by countryboy
Not in my opinion. The last two years have seen upgrades to gameplay and other aspects of the game each year. And I expect that trend to continue this year.
Originally Posted by Turbojugend
Not even close to true. I just looked up the feature lists in 15 and 16 to list the ones I can't remember (off the top of my head: PBR, Human IK, seasonal sun and shadows, licensed equipment, directional hitting, classic ballparks, Showtime, complete DD overhaul with Battle Royale and Conquest, etc.) and the complete lists are too extensive to quote here.

Anyone who tells you the last two games were roster updates hasn't been paying attention.

16 blows away 14 in so many ways. Too many to list. Just too many. But the ball physics, hit variety, far better fielding controls, and plethora of better animations alone smoke 14.

Couple in a better feature set in Franchise mode with a very cool player morale system, a much more streamlined user interface, far easier contract resigning, and expanded stat tracking, radio show with scores and game stories around the league in the franchise menu (implemented in MLB 15 and made better in 16) as you look through stat's, scout and set lineups etc.....if your a hardcore baseball console gamer 16 is the best baseball game yet.

IMO The Show continually improves year to year in so many little ways that is add's up to a better experience. I have not gone back to past games since the jump to the PS4.

But most importantly, IMO they have such a passionate and transparent development team who truly listens to our feedback and tries to make a game that is well balanced, feature rich and incredibly fun to play.

Just sit tight and pick up MLB 17. It will be a huge jump for you.....trust me.
# 265 PVarck31 @ 12/05/16 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
I understand the opinion of those who say the game looks the same as it has the past few years. Some think it looks good and others think it needs improvement, neither side is wrong in their opinion.

What I don't understand are the opinions that the game was nothing more than a roster update the past two years or the claims that X, Y, Z hasn't been fixed or isn't in the game simply because it wasn't shown in the one minute trailer.
I don't feel feel that way, I think there have been improvements. But I guess some people feel like the things they wanted to see improved weren't improved enough for their liking. So its sort of understandable where they might see it that way, but there have been a number of improvements. Sometimes gamers get jaded. See a lot of FPS games.
# 266 Russell_SCEA @ 12/05/16 09:40 PM

Me: You could just tell them............

Me to Me: Naw they can wait for the rewind

Me: You know they are going to ask when it's coming right?

Me to me: Did I stutter?
# 267 Bobhead @ 12/05/16 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by bubba4
You are probably right. But why show something older than what you have in tow? And 3 months is not a long time. I figure they need at least a month to go gold, right? I just finished watching GT Sport videos and that game looks fantastic! I am looking forward to that it. I don't think I would be if they previewed videos from GT6 to show off a feature.

MLB 17's release is getting very close and I hope with ALL I have that Sony SD is holding things back, ready to hit us with excitement in a few weeks. But I've been playing video games for a long, long time, and I have rarely seen a company do that.
Did GT6 come out 8 months ago? Have the past 6 GT games all come out once per year? Why don't you try a comparison that actually fits?
# 268 countryboy @ 12/05/16 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by PVarck31
I don't feel feel that way, I think there have been improvements. But I guess some people feel like the things they wanted to see improved weren't improved enough for their liking. So its sort of understandable where they might see it that way, but there have been a number of improvements. Sometimes gamers get jaded. See a lot of FPS games.
I wasn't saying that you're one of the ones that feel that way. What I was getting at were the posts in this thread claiming that something hasn't been added or fixed simply because it wasn't in the trailer.

Like I said, I understand the opinion of being disappointed that the graphics/player models are the same as previous years. I'm not of the same opinion, but I truly understand that there are those who are disappointed and I respect their opinion.
# 269 Culture Rot @ 12/05/16 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by crandolph
Retro Mode!!! Gonna be able to complete a 9 inning game in 20 minutes. Love it....All you young'ns need to go buy a Super Nintendo and play Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball (1994) to prep for the Retro Mode.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think us retro fans want a replication of Retro BASEBALL, in a modern next gen game, not Retro Baseball Video Games from 20 years ago. If I wanted to play that, I'd play that game. I hope I am overreacting and there is A LOT more to the retro features or mode in this game. Can someone please confirm I'm overreacting?
# 270 Blzer @ 12/05/16 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by xlatinoheatx
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think us retro fans want a replication of Retro BASEBALL, in a modern next gen game, not Retro Baseball Video Games from 20 years ago. If I wanted to play that, I'd play that game. I hope I am overreacting and there is A LOT more to the retro features or mode in this game. Can someone please confirm I'm overreacting?
I'd still play that game if I could update rosters and have a franchise mode. Not necessarily above other games, but I wouldn't change much about that version of that game.

Loved most all mechanics about that game, even defenders running fast and knocking over guys on offense.

Almost forgot you couldn't run in that game except for right to bases lol.
# 271 WaitTilNextYear @ 12/05/16 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
They have indeed, and yes it seems a large % of OS hasn't been able to see the big picture for a very long time.
Maybe so, but your company is better off for the "little picture" scrutiny it gets from sites like OS. I can't say I approve of the abuse and non-factual assessments of the games (a roster update? lol, no), but it's a good relationship with many of the hardcore OS members serving as an unpaid extension of your dev team. Community Day, which I've never participated in, is a good example of that.

Originally Posted by kehlis
In terms of release date it's not that close at all, this is the first bit of info they've shared.

The marketing will milk the next couple months for all it's worth, we're far from seeing even the most pertinent information. This was just a bait trailer for now and for many it worked probably better than they could have hoped for.
The issue here is that marketing wants teasers and trailers and to ratchet up the hype to 11, but that requires showing off unfinished product. And that leads to a lot of the "this looks the same as 16!" type of statements. In a way, it's Sony's own marketing arm that puts their devs in this position while trying to build pre-orders for the holidays and stay relevant in the off season.

Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA

Me: You could just tell them............

Me to Me: Naw they can wait for the rewind

Me: You know they are going to ask when it's coming right?

Me to me: Did I stutter?
I have no idea what's happening here or if Ramone finally snapped, but I like it.
# 272 jeffy777 @ 12/05/16 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by Armor and Sword
16 blows away 14 in so many ways. Too many to list. Just too many. But the ball physics, hit variety, far better fielding controls, and plethora of better animations alone smoke 14.

Couple in a better feature set in Franchise mode with a very cool player morale system, a much more streamlined user interface, far easier contract resigning, and expanded stat tracking, radio show with scores and game stories around the league in the franchise menu (implemented in MLB 15 and made better in 16) as you look through stat's, scout and set lineups etc.....if your a hardcore baseball console gamer 16 is the best baseball game yet.

IMO The Show continually improves year to year in so many little ways that is add's up to a better experience. I have not gone back to past games since the jump to the PS4.

But most importantly, IMO they have such a passionate and transparent development team who truly listens to our feedback and tries to make a game that is well balanced, feature rich and incredibly fun to play.

Just sit tight and pick up MLB 17. It will be a huge jump for you.....trust me.
Awesome. Thanks for clearing that up, everyone. I definitely would've gotten 16, but just didn't have enough time on my hands to do it justice. However, that changes come March, so I'm very hyped up for 17
# 273 jeffy777 @ 12/05/16 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA

Me: You could just tell them............

Me to Me: Naw they can wait for the rewind

Me: You know they are going to ask when it's coming right?

Me to me: Did I stutter?
Do tell!
# 274 buck135 @ 12/05/16 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by Turbojugend
Not even close to true. I just looked up the feature lists in 15 and 16 to list the ones I can't remember (off the top of my head: PBR, Human IK, seasonal sun and shadows, licensed equipment, directional hitting, classic ballparks, Showtime, complete DD overhaul with Battle Royale and Conquest, etc.) and the complete lists are too extensive to quote here.

Anyone who tells you the last two games were roster updates hasn't been paying attention.
I challenge anyone to pull up YouTube gameplay of any of the past three PS4 versions and tell me that the differences have been overly noticable from year to year. Collecting digital baseball cards, dynamic lighting and Matrix slo mo doesn’t impress me. All of the classic ballparks have already been created and recycled from the PS3 build. Show me the old Yankee Stadium with the Ballantine scoreboard and I'll get excited.

I bought the last three games day one, so I can express a little frustration here with this years huge addition of R.B.I. Baseball mode and NB cleats. What this game desperately needs is a commentary system similar to what Madden has. You don't need Joe Buck or Harold Reynolds. This will help the grind of the 162 game schedule. The regular season games need to feel unique (like the NBA 2K series). The menus absolutely have to be improved. Roster management (scouting, minors, etc.) needs work as does the AI of the computer controlled teams. This isn't wishlist stuff here. Rain delays and better crowd animations are.

I'd love real sponsors (Citgo anyone?) and classic teams, but I understand the financial hurdles there. I am not interested in individual classic players. I don't want to integrate Jason Giambi with my Nationals franchise. I also don't give a fig about Ken Griffey Jr. The money Sony gave him could have been better spent elsewhere. Speaking of which, can the menu soundtracks be dropped?

Yes, it's a one minute trailer with pre-beta footage. However, when has the final build ever looked significantly better? Another member asked why with three months to go is there little information about this game. It's a great question. They have no competition. What little they did have (R.B.I. Baseball) has been addressed.

I want this series to evolve. Even NHL is making tremendous strides though after that catastrophe two years ago, there's nowhere to go but up. NBA 2K is a benchmark and Madden is excellent. Singing Sony's praises every year isn't going to change anything. Jersey wrinkles aren't ground breaking.
# 275 jeffy777 @ 12/05/16 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by buck135
I challenge anyone to pull up YouTube gameplay of any of the past three PS4 versions and tell me that the differences have been overly noticable from year to year. Collecting digital baseball cards, dynamic lighting and Matrix slo mo doesn’t impress me. All of the classic ballparks have already been created and recycled from the PS3 build. Show me the old Yankee Stadium with the Ballantine scoreboard and I'll get excited.

I bought the last three games day one, so I can express a little frustration here with this years huge addition of R.B.I. Baseball mode and NB cleats. What this game desperately needs is a commentary system similar to what Madden has. You don't need Joe Buck or Harold Reynolds. This will help the grind of the 162 game schedule. The regular season games need to feel unique (like the NBA 2K series). The menus absolutely have to be improved. Roster management (scouting, minors, etc.) needs work as does the AI of the computer controlled teams. This isn't wishlist stuff here. Rain delays and better crowd animations are.

I'd love real sponsors (Citgo anyone?) and classic teams, but I understand the financial hurdles there. I am not interested in individual classic players. I don't want to integrate Jason Giambi with my Nationals franchise. I also don't give a fig about Ken Griffey Jr. The money Sony gave him could have been better spent elsewhere. Speaking of which, can the menu soundtracks be dropped?

Yes, it's a one minute trailer with pre-beta footage. However, when has the final build ever looked significantly better? Another member asked why with three months to go is there little information about this game. It's a great question. They have no competition. What little they did have (R.B.I. Baseball) has been addressed.

I want this series to evolve. Even NHL is making tremendous strides though after that catastrophe two years ago, there's nowhere to go but up. NBA 2K is a benchmark and Madden is excellent. Singing Sony's praises every year isn't going to change anything. Jersey wrinkles aren't ground breaking.
To be fair, the first thing you mentioned is commentary, which is an area of 17 we have no clue about based on this trailer, so maybe there's a good chance they have something in store to reveal on that front later on. We can only hope.

I defintiely agree with your list and would love to see all that implemented as well.
# 276 underdog13 @ 12/05/16 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by buck135
I challenge anyone to pull up YouTube gameplay of any of the past three PS4 versions and tell me that the differences have been overly noticable from year to year.

Collecting digital baseball cards, dynamic lighting and Matrix slo mo doesn’t impress me. All of the classic ballparks have already been created and recycled from the PS3 build. Show me the old Yankee Stadium with the Ballantine scoreboard and I'll get excited.

I bought the last three games day one, so I can express a little frustration here with this years huge addition of R.B.I. Baseball mode and NB cleats. What this game desperately needs is a commentary system similar to what Madden has. You don't need Joe Buck or Harold Reynolds. This will help the grind of the 162 game schedule. The regular season games need to feel unique (like the NBA 2K series). The menus absolutely have to be improved. Roster management (scouting, minors, etc.) needs work as does the AI of the computer controlled teams. This isn't wishlist stuff here. Rain delays and better crowd animations are.

I'd love real sponsors (Citgo anyone?) and classic teams, but I understand the financial hurdles there. I am not interested in individual classic players. I don't want to integrate Jason Giambi with my Nationals franchise. I also don't give a fig about Ken Griffey Jr. The money Sony gave him could have been better spent elsewhere. Speaking of which, can the menu soundtracks be dropped?

Yes, it's a one minute trailer with pre-beta footage. However, when has the final build ever looked significantly better? Another member asked why with three months to go is there little information about this game. It's a great question. They have no competition. What little they did have (R.B.I. Baseball) has been addressed.

I want this series to evolve. Even NHL is making tremendous strides though after that catastrophe two years ago, there's nowhere to go but up. NBA 2K is a benchmark and Madden is excellent. Singing Sony's praises every year isn't going to change anything. Jersey wrinkles aren't ground breaking.
1) Plenty of things aren't noticed in a video. Like how they redid zone hitting for 16. Not to mention the great job they did with the Osd's in 16.

2) Cool DD doesn't interest you. Doesn't change the fact they created one of the best ultimate team modes in two years of revamping.

3) This is what I'm afraid of. People praising Madden's announcing then the Show changing it to reflect Madden's. Madden's announcing is awful in Franchise mode, they rarely reflect on a players stats and always think it is 2016.

4) Griffey was the most requested play for DD. DD is more important than franchise in SDS' minds.

Look I would agree if you said Franchise has received very little meaningful improvements in the past 5 years. I mean they have redone the scouting system like every year and somehow it is still the same, but stating that they haven't added anything and that it is a roster update isn't an opinion it's just not true.
# 277 earthlight897 @ 12/05/16 11:44 PM
Not paying a dime till they fix the atrocious, stale, decade old commentary. Matty V's voice sets the game back 10 years and Karros is even worse. Would be nice if pitchers didn't get drilled in the back from line drives every other game too. Update the post game animations that are the same after every game since 2010.
# 278 bubba4 @ 12/05/16 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
Did GT6 come out 8 months ago? Have the past 6 GT games all come out once per year? Why don't you try a comparison that actually fits?
Actually that comparison fits perfectly. I am not talking about WHEN something was released. It's just simple statement that says when you have something to reveal, show your latest stuff. Don't hold back and surely don't show something that is old when you have something new in the queue. 7 years old or 1 year old, show your NEW stuff. And I do hope that there is some NEW graphic changes to show.
We all want to see a great MLB game right? Who doesn't want to see progress?
# 279 beau21 @ 12/05/16 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
Do tell!


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# 280 DawgPacPBH @ 12/06/16 12:06 AM
Dude is on the cover of their game and they can't even get his jersey to just say "GRIFFEY" and not "GRIFFEY JR."

That's embarrassing.

Also can I get a regular block font in DD please. I'm not the Red Sox or the gimmicky clown baseballers.

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