MLB The Show 17 News Post

Check out new MLB The Show 17 trailer and make sure you check out Retro Mode at the end of it. Post your thoughts!

UPDATE: Retro Mode details revealed.

During the World Series, we revealed that newly inducted Hall of Famer Ken Griffey Jr. will grace the cover of MLB The Show 17. The Kid’s signature style transcended the baseball diamond and helped create some of the most memorable baseball video games of the 90’s. Most of us at San Diego Studio grew up playing those classics and wondered how we could recreate a nostalgic feeling for a generation of gamers.

To answer the most obvious question: nope, your eyes did not deceive you. At the very end of our PlayStation Experience trailer you caught a first look at a new game mode for The Show 17.

Introducing “Retro Mode,” a retro gameplay experience that pays homage to the classic baseball games many of us grew up playing. Retro Mode allows you to move the pitcher across the pitcher’s rubber and move around the batter’s box with ease, classic on-screen displays, an old school soundtrack, unique sound effects, a throwback pause menu and more.

Retro Mode is entirely separate to the popular Road To The Show, Diamond Dynasty and Franchise game modes. This new way to play MLB The Show is designed to be a fun, throwback game mode that instigates battles on the couch with friends. We’re not diving deep into those modes just yet, but there are a few teases about the changes coming to RTTS, gameplay additions and a couple of other things we snuck into the trailer for our eager fans. Some changes are more obvious than others and we’ll take a deeper look very soon in case the untrained eye missed a clue (I’m guessing our biggest fans will find most of them by the end of the weekend).

We’ve only scratched the surface on the feature set for MLB The Show 17, so stay tuned for info in the coming weeks. And if you’re at PlayStation Experience over the weekend be sure to come by the MLB The Show bar and try out an Alpha build of Retro Mode.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 201 Lovesports @ 12/05/16 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by PhilliesFan13
I wish The Show forum was a supporters only forum. Not saying that would fix the problem entirely but it would probably help.

For God's sake it's a 1 minute trailer. You can't judge an entire game that is 3 months away on that. Besides the few tidbits we saw in it we know nothing about what they have planned for this year. If 1 minute is enough for you to decide you don't want it, then so be it. Get off the forum and stop complaining about it. The negativity does absolutely nothing for this forum except piss people off and deter from constructive conversation.

Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk
I guess it'd be a perfect world if we all had our safe space. Sorry, I'm not gonna worship a game that hasn't made any real improvements in quite a while. It's getting stale really quick. And a minute is plenty of time
# 202 SmashMan @ 12/05/16 04:46 AM
Originally Posted by PhilliesFan13
I wish The Show forum was a supporters only forum. Not saying that would fix the problem entirely but it would probably help.

For God's sake it's a 1 minute trailer. You can't judge an entire game that is 3 months away on that. Besides the few tidbits we saw in it we know nothing about what they have planned for this year. If 1 minute is enough for you to decide you don't want it, then so be it. Get off the forum and stop complaining about it. The negativity does absolutely nothing for this forum except piss people off and deter from constructive conversation.

Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk
On the flip side, there are a ton of people who are super excited off of the one minute trailer. I feel like if it's enough footage to be excited by, it's enough footage to be disappointed by. For what it's worth, I feel that way about preview footage in general, not just The Show.

Are some people going overboard with it? Absolutely, no doubt. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed that it looks like we still have the same handful of player models. I'm not swearing off the game or anything because I know they'll bring it on the field, but I can see where people are coming from on the other side. For now I'll keep hoping they've made some improvements that just aren't ready to be shown off yet.
# 203 Cubfan @ 12/05/16 08:00 AM
I would be lieing if I wasn't a little bit excited about retro mode. I look forward to playing a head to head game with my nephews. I really need to see major improvements in franchise mode and presentation.
# 204 redsfan4life @ 12/05/16 08:48 AM
If Online Franchise goes untouched for the third straight year....cmon SCEA.
# 205 dalger21 @ 12/05/16 08:57 AM
I would be remiss if I didn't say that the teaser trailer that clearly says "PRE-ALPHA BUILD" and was released on DECEMBER 3rd is not the huge disappointment here. The huge problem is that people do the same thing every year when the first trailer for next year's game is released. Constructive criticism is great. However, it seems more like bandwagon trolling now in this thread. There is a reason why you do not see SDS hardly here anymore. Speak your mind but have tact with it. This type of thing happens on reddit (which I never go to), it should not happen here.

As for the trailer and as someone that has always used Jr's batting stance in every baseball game I have played, it was dope. Saw some things I liked and some things I didn't. Eager to see what's been added to '17.
# 206 nemesis04 @ 12/05/16 09:01 AM
Playing the role of devil's advocate, I could see how people could be let down by the trailer. We are in a period where visuals are taking a front seat with the release of the pro and TV's pushing HDR. One might expect something visually stunning in a intro trailer for the new game. This one was more pedestrian in nature.
# 207 Blzer @ 12/05/16 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
+Ball physics implied to have balls hook into the corner on grounders down the line or curl the opposite way (fade/hook)
Is it just me, or were they showing that the ball was bouncing off the base, and not taking a different hop on the ground?
# 208 Cowboy008 @ 12/05/16 09:57 AM
When does the fact sheet usually release?
# 209 dalger21 @ 12/05/16 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by Cowboy008
When does the fact sheet usually release?
They changed it up last year by doing a general fact sheet with some features but explaining everything new with various streams throughout Feb and March. Would imagine it would be the same this year.
# 210 Sip_16 @ 12/05/16 10:17 AM
There is lots of information still to come, I can see both sides of being excited and disappointed. I don't believe from what I have seen from SCEA in that past that they would announce the biggest new features in the first trailer. I see this is more of a hype trailer just to remind the casuals that the game is back again.

Anyways I buy every year and that won't change, just because this is the game that i always will play. I would love to see more variety in fielding animations (obviously exlcude the legacy ones we all know about), updated models, and gameplay fixes.

I used to love coming to OS for the info and hear things from posters that i wouldn't have paid attention to or noticed in the game and i think it made some spoiled. I jsut dont get the over excitement or the over the top negativity. This game is not a PS3 game and it is not the top graphics game thats out there, retro mode im not going to play it but many ppl may, i dont care if it helps someone else enjoy the game.

anyways regardless this game will come out improved and most of us here will play the hell out of it and have a great time with it.
# 211 eric7064 @ 12/05/16 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by PhilliesFan13
I wish The Show forum was a supporters only forum. Not saying that would fix the problem entirely but it would probably help.

For God's sake it's a 1 minute trailer. You can't judge an entire game that is 3 months away on that. Besides the few tidbits we saw in it we know nothing about what they have planned for this year. If 1 minute is enough for you to decide you don't want it, then so be it. Get off the forum and stop complaining about it. The negativity does absolutely nothing for this forum except piss people off and deter from constructive conversation.

Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk
If people are just going to be negative I agree.

But for some a 1 minute trailer having the same player models and other tiresome things in the game is all that is eneeded to be frustrated with the show.

Some people love game play enhancements, mode improvement l, and then there is the visual crowd. I don't fall into it but in can see why that group would be frustrated.
# 212 TheShizNo1 @ 12/05/16 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by eric7064
If people are just going to be negative I agree.

But for some a 1 minute trailer having the same player models and other tiresome things in the game is all that is eneeded to be frustrated with the show.

Some people love game play enhancements, mode improvement l, and then there is the visual crowd. I don't fall into it but in can see why that group would be frustrated.
I pretty much agree with this. I'm a casual fan of the game that will most likely skip out on this year's unless some changes are made that I'd like to see from last year's game.

That being said, I'm honestly not trying to read the bickering back and forth between those that love the game and those that don't care for it. I would like to read the info posted and read the opinions and breakdowns of others without it being a pissing contest. If you like it; awesome, doesn't mean you need to take it upon yourself to quote and respond to everyone that doesn't and vice versa. If you can't constructively have a debate about the game but would rather argue someone's opinion, probably just better to not "submit reply".
# 213 Mercury112491 @ 12/05/16 11:08 AM
Ahhh the annual outrage of people being let down when their unrealistic expectations aren't met.

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# 214 redsfan4life @ 12/05/16 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by PhilliesFan13
I wish The Show forum was a supporters only forum. Not saying that would fix the problem entirely but it would probably help.

For God's sake it's a 1 minute trailer. You can't judge an entire game that is 3 months away on that. Besides the few tidbits we saw in it we know nothing about what they have planned for this year. If 1 minute is enough for you to decide you don't want it, then so be it. Get off the forum and stop complaining about it. The negativity does absolutely nothing for this forum except piss people off and deter from constructive conversation.

Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk
I'm not on either side here, but to me people that blindly support the game no matter what are just as annoying as people that rip on the game. Just because you don't agree with someone being upset, doesn't mean you should take it upon yourself to single them out in a post. Let them speak their mind as long as they aren't attacking anyone personally.
# 215 dalger21 @ 12/05/16 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by PhilliesFan13
I have no issue with people being upset. That's their right. It's the way people troll and present themselves about it. The sense of entitlement is always so strong this time of year. It's like, "Well you didn't put what I want in the game when I want it and that is unacceptable."
Spot on...
# 216 Blzer @ 12/05/16 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Mercury112491
Ahhh the annual outrage of people being let down when their unrealistic expectations aren't met.
I don't think it's unrealistic to have had a wishlist running on seven years hoping for big changes in minor areas and not getting a notice about any of them.

I've been holding onto hope for new player models, "proper" night sky progression (I have a different matter of opinion on it), authentic broadcast fielding camera, animated jersey cloth, proper field/stadium colors, better ball physics (this covers a whole plethora of items), sprint and catch buttons, etc.

Most of these wishlist items are just exactly that: wishlist items. It is me saying: "It would be cool if we had this." About every year since '10, ball physics have been getting their upgrades; animated jersey cloth is making its first appearance this year as well. Stadium colors have gotten better, and for now it doesn't really sit on a wishlist anymore though I hope they keep striving for more each year.

At any rate, there are some things that bring people to a game, or take them away from a game. The 2K series lost me for one reason only: they took away zone hitting and added directional hitting. The game had a lot of other ugly things, but it also had a lot of great things and I was willing to deal with them. But taking out zone hitting was not one of the things I was hoping for.

Unrealistic expectations? Depends on the user you're talking about. Some people here still just see a last-gen game. Hell, in many ways you can look at MLB 2005 on PS2 and still see small trails of that game in the game we have today. I mean you should in a way because the game was great then, and why deviate too far from a working model? If 2K came back out with an NFL game within the next few years, I would threaten them if they didn't go back to what made ESPN NFL 2K5 so great. Of course, that would only be their third game in about fifteen years, but evolution still needs to take course.

Many people just don't want a roster update. That's not at all what I am calling this game, but if people's wishes aren't granted, it doesn't matter how many changes or additions they make... that's just what they'll call it. And you can't blame them. $60 is a lot to spend every year, and you can continue to love the last year's game if it still satisfies your needs until 2018 if you need be. I've bought every game since MLB '09, and my only detraction is I don't have enough time to play games anymore, much less an entire franchise. Someday I have to decide that the money I spend is not worth as much as the changes they make. Until then, I have always been impressed with what they have brought to us, no matter you believe my impression of these games are. If I didn't, I wouldn't buy it year-in and year-out.
# 217 buck135 @ 12/05/16 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
I don't think it's unrealistic to have had a wishlist running on seven years hoping for big changes in minor areas and not getting a notice about any of them.

I've been holding onto hope for new player models, "proper" night sky progression (I have a different matter of opinion on it), authentic broadcast fielding camera, animated jersey cloth, proper field/stadium colors, better ball physics (this covers a whole plethora of items), sprint and catch buttons, etc.

Most of these wishlist items are just exactly that: wishlist items. It is me saying: "It would be cool if we had this." About every year since '10, ball physics have been getting their upgrades; animated jersey cloth is making its first appearance this year as well. Stadium colors have gotten better, and for now it doesn't really sit on a wishlist anymore though I hope they keep striving for more each year.

At any rate, there are some things that bring people to a game, or take them away from a game. The 2K series lost me for one reason only: they took away zone hitting and added directional hitting. The game had a lot of other ugly things, but it also had a lot of great things and I was willing to deal with them. But taking out zone hitting was not one of the things I was hoping for.

Unrealistic expectations? Depends on the user you're talking about. Some people here still just see a last-gen game. Hell, in many ways you can look at MLB 2005 on PS2 and still see small trails of that game in the game we have today. I mean you should in a way because the game was great then, and why deviate too far from a working model? If 2K came back out with an NFL game within the next few years, I would threaten them if they didn't go back to what made ESPN NFL 2K5 so great. Of course, that would only be their third game in about fifteen years, but evolution still needs to take course.

Many people just don't want a roster update. That's not at all what I am calling this game, but if people's wishes aren't granted, it doesn't matter how many changes or additions they make... that's just what they'll call it. And you can't blame them. $60 is a lot to spend every year, and you can continue to love the last year's game if it still satisfies your needs until 2018 if you need be. I've bought every game since MLB '09, and my only detraction is I don't have enough time to play games anymore, much less an entire franchise. Someday I have to decide that the money I spend is not worth as much as the changes they make. Until then, I have always been impressed with what they have brought to us, no matter you believe my impression of these games are. If I didn't, I wouldn't buy it year-in and year-out.
Thank you. The last two years have been roster updates. The addition of Griffey and Retro Mode doesn’t excite the die hard fans. The same one minute trailer highlighting new commentary and AI fixes instead would have people lining up to buy it.
# 218 redsfan4life @ 12/05/16 12:54 PM
I think the biggest thing is that last year is seen as a disappointment to so many. Online was a fiasco at release if everyone remembers. And it took a long time to fix. I think people are just expecting a big jump back year from the SCEA guys this year.
# 219 Speedy @ 12/05/16 12:57 PM
I get it.

But...it's a 1-minute trailer that honestly proves nothing to me. I remember last year that they were pushing up until the release to get PBR included in as many areas as possible. While the trailer is admittedly underwhelming, I'm not going to pass judgement until I see some more info in Jan/Feb.

That's not saying they'll get a pass or should be beyond criticism...rather, it's too early to tell. Personally, if they have an updated hitting engine (which I find to be THE most frustrating thing in this game as I don't find hitting as enjoyable as it should be) I don't care what the graphics are.
# 220 countryboy @ 12/05/16 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by Lovesports
What overreactions? The game looks 100% the same as the last two years with the addition of Griifey. You want me to worship the game that hasn't made any visual improvement in a few years??
I don't want you to worship anything.

The overreactions are those claiming that this hasn't been fixed or that based on zero information. The only thing we know now is what the game will look like and that there will be a Retro Mode. That's it. To claim that X, Y, Z, isn't fixed or not in the game is an overreaction to a one minute trailer.

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