MLB The Show 17 News Post

Check out new MLB The Show 17 trailer and make sure you check out Retro Mode at the end of it. Post your thoughts!

UPDATE: Retro Mode details revealed.

During the World Series, we revealed that newly inducted Hall of Famer Ken Griffey Jr. will grace the cover of MLB The Show 17. The Kid’s signature style transcended the baseball diamond and helped create some of the most memorable baseball video games of the 90’s. Most of us at San Diego Studio grew up playing those classics and wondered how we could recreate a nostalgic feeling for a generation of gamers.

To answer the most obvious question: nope, your eyes did not deceive you. At the very end of our PlayStation Experience trailer you caught a first look at a new game mode for The Show 17.

Introducing “Retro Mode,” a retro gameplay experience that pays homage to the classic baseball games many of us grew up playing. Retro Mode allows you to move the pitcher across the pitcher’s rubber and move around the batter’s box with ease, classic on-screen displays, an old school soundtrack, unique sound effects, a throwback pause menu and more.

Retro Mode is entirely separate to the popular Road To The Show, Diamond Dynasty and Franchise game modes. This new way to play MLB The Show is designed to be a fun, throwback game mode that instigates battles on the couch with friends. We’re not diving deep into those modes just yet, but there are a few teases about the changes coming to RTTS, gameplay additions and a couple of other things we snuck into the trailer for our eager fans. Some changes are more obvious than others and we’ll take a deeper look very soon in case the untrained eye missed a clue (I’m guessing our biggest fans will find most of them by the end of the weekend).

We’ve only scratched the surface on the feature set for MLB The Show 17, so stay tuned for info in the coming weeks. And if you’re at PlayStation Experience over the weekend be sure to come by the MLB The Show bar and try out an Alpha build of Retro Mode.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 161 Bullit @ 12/04/16 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by NDAlum
Good for you guys who like RTTS and retro...

Nothing of substance for a franchise guy like myself.

We have three more months of information coming. I am sure that they have added elements to every mode. But hey be negative if you want. Thats why I'm happier than you all are.
# 162 mrCPUgeek @ 12/04/16 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Smallville102001
The problem is gameplay wise this game is just about perfect has there are really only a few things that really need to be improved and graphics on the other hand are way behind NBA 2K and NHL. Out side of lighting the game dose not look much different then it did on ps3. If you compare player faces the shows faces are way behind NHL and NBA 2k. Those 2 games at times look photo realistic where this game does not. So with game play being almost perfect if graphics are not going to be improved then what is there really left to do to make this game any better?

I would have to disagree. I play all three of those games. I'll give you NBA 2K (although I don't think they are really much of any better) but not NHL (which I'm playing ALLOT right now and love).

Plus, when it comes to CAP, the options The Show has really blows the others away.

Again as I said earlier. Maybe I'm just too old to notice what y'all see. But I would rather more time be spent in adding features to Franchise mode than player models and grass texture. But that is just my opinion.

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# 163 mrCPUgeek @ 12/04/16 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by NDAlum
Good for you guys who like RTTS and retro...

Nothing of substance for a franchise guy like myself.

I would have liked to see some Franchise stuff too. But I think it would be hard to put some of those things in a trailer like this. They seem to be building up the Griffey features in this.

Hopefully we will get a list soon on what is coming.

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# 164 Sip_16 @ 12/04/16 11:29 AM
I don't get the point of comparing to other sports games. Basketball has teams of 12 players and inside controlled arenas. They have to design way more players for an mlb game then any other cent maybe madden who has a much larger Dev team.

I don't think it looks like a ps3 game it could be updated and I really want to see a lot more game play improvements as that's where my focus is when playing the show every year is playing as many games as possible. Can't wait to hear more about this year's version which wasn't all given out in a 1 minute trailer Dec
# 165 CMH @ 12/04/16 11:38 AM
Retro mode can be amazing.

This is their chance to steal me away from purchasing Super Mega Baseball and RBI next season instead of The Show.

Make it better than those two games. Offer franchise mode. Offer customization. Offer fun sim and arcade options. And you'll have a buyer.

If it's just an arcade home run a thon then I'll pass.
# 166 fsufan4423 @ 12/04/16 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by metallidevils
Has it been confirmed if there will be PS4 Pro enhancements?
Maybe we'll get some of those super high res dugout shots in 4k.

In all seriousness, with The show being one of the better sports games out there, I was expecting to be totally blown away by a trailer. With what Madden has done with presentation, and 2K with graphics alone...had me very excited to see what The Show could achieve.

I know its a one minute trailer...but, I think most have the wait and see mentality, I can see why many don't also. If most would be honest with themselves, it wouldn't be hard to figure out if those first one minute trailers and releases are far off. It's the "Wait and see crowd" vs the "The one month complainers" vs "The defends the game to no end crowd".

Happens every trailer release.
# 167 Belkbuzze @ 12/04/16 11:48 AM
This trailer obviously generate some hype but also a lot of confusion to me.

I really don't understand why they prioritize what I would qualify "mature game features" (haircuts, celebrations, retro mode!!!, etc) while the game is in its PS4-gen infancy...

All the new features we saw in this trailer would be perfect if we we're still rocking last gen, but we're not. PS4 has been out for ages, PS pro is a thing and PC gaming is close to another golden age.

IMO, all ressources (and extra) should be put into getting this game out of PS3 era and close to PS pro capacity. Only when it's done, at the end of PS4/pro gen, should any ressource be devoted to goofy animations and alternate modes.

MLBTS stopped being a mature game the day PS4 came out. Am I alone to think that way? Shouldn't it dictate what is prioritized?

Don't get me wrong, SDS is my favourite studio and they're a fabulous team. I'm just worried about the lack of innovation.. Remember what happened to 2K sports 7-8 years ago, RIM (BlackBerry), etc...
# 168 eric7064 @ 12/04/16 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by capa
How do we know they haven't?
Well they went untouched In 15 and 16
# 169 Rocket32 @ 12/04/16 01:06 PM
Not sure how much I like that they are using time on "retro mode" right now.
# 170 Smallville102001 @ 12/04/16 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by mrCPUgeek
I would have to disagree. I play all three of those games. I'll give you NBA 2K (although I don't think they are really much of any better) but not NHL (which I'm playing ALLOT right now and love).

Plus, when it comes to CAP, the options The Show has really blows the others away.

Again as I said earlier. Maybe I'm just too old to notice what y'all see. But I would rather more time be spent in adding features to Franchise mode than player models and grass texture. But that is just my opinion.

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I would like to see some improvements to franchise mode to and the radio show thing last year was a start and I would like to see that became more like a highlight show and they also need to bring back setting tick prices stuff that used to be in the game. But game play wise this game is so good. There are only about 3 things that need to be improved game play wise. 1 Bullpen management, 2 when you bunt with a guy on first even if the bunt is not good the CPU will still throw the ball to first to get your guy out instead of throwing to second to get him out instead. Last it is still a little to easy to throw strikes when pitching. Ever thing else game play wise is just about perfect. When it comes to the graphics I don't know how someone can say the show's are not worse then NHL or that they are close to NBA 2k its not even close night and day differences. Its like comparing a great looking ps3 game to a great looking ps4 game.

Originally Posted by Sip_16
I don't get the point of comparing to other sports games. Basketball has teams of 12 players and inside controlled arenas. They have to design way more players for an mlb game then any other cent maybe madden who has a much larger Dev team.

I don't think it looks like a ps3 game it could be updated and I really want to see a lot more game play improvements as that's where my focus is when playing the show every year is playing as many games as possible. Can't wait to hear more about this year's version which wasn't all given out in a 1 minute trailer Dec

The point is they are all sports games and while its true that the amount of players are different in different sports games that didn't stop MLB from having by far the best graphics last gen and yet know are behind. So if the amount of players is a issues then how came that didn't stop them from having the best looking game last gen?
# 171 TheKnack @ 12/04/16 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by MythicalGnome
Deal with it. Nothing I said is really wrong at all. I expected way more on the graphics. This is basically nothing. SO yeah my joy was killed here big time. I have no reason to invest in a long season of baseball when the Twins suck and this game doesn't move forward from its PS3 renderer.
You're exactly right. The player models and graphics need a facelift. The stadiums look great, but player models compared to NBA 2K and Madden look like clay.

With the Pro out, I hope we get some sort of Pro patch to improve textures for players, but we shall see.

Regardless, you're not wrong. Graphics needs a boost in the worst way.

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# 172 tril @ 12/04/16 02:09 PM
is that an arcade/ retro mode. that looks nice.
going after the casual fans.
# 173 Retropyro @ 12/04/16 02:18 PM
Haha, players name at the beginning is Smalls. If the manger doesn't say "You're killing me Smalls" it's a lost opportunity.
# 174 inkcil @ 12/04/16 02:22 PM
I just bought a PS4 on Black Friday (because of a deal I couldn't resist). I've played the Show since PS2...including on the PS3 last year. IMHO, 2016 on PS3 was a great game! So great in fact, that when I also played it on PS4 last year I was not really motivated to upgrade to the PS4 version. Maybe they did just too good of a job on the PS3, but the "wow" factor in the leap from PS3 to PS4 just isn't there for me. Even after 3 years of development on the PS4!

Watching the 2017 trailer I just felt like "hmmm...I hope that somehow the Gameplay really takes a big leap forward this year" because that is where the "wow" factor has the biggest potential to come from (again, based on the trailer). The graphics, animations, presentation, atmosphere and announcing in 2016 on PS4 was so similar to the PS3...will 2017 on the PS4 blow 2016 on the PS3 out of the water?? I hope so, because 2016 on the PS4 did not blow 2016 on the PS3 away. It's a big reason why I was able to hold out on buying a PS4 for so long!!!

IMO, this development team is known for taking "small, incremental, yet high-quality positive steps forward." If they continue on that course, people are not going to be blown away by 2017 graphically. I don't think there's any denying that the trailer "suggests" that much.
# 175 underdog13 @ 12/04/16 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by NDAlum
Good for you guys who like RTTS and retro...

Nothing of substance for a franchise guy like myself.

None of the opening trailers have ever talked about franchise mode.
# 176 baby_bull_20 @ 12/04/16 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Mercury112491
Small thing I'm curious about that's probably nothing. At the end they show number 16 for the Yankees hitting a HR. But the only famous Yankee to wear 16 was Whitey Ford. I'm sure it's just a RttS player but it just stuck out as odd the way they featured his number. *shrug probably nothing

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It was Prime Giambi on the A's on the Yankees. Ramone said they know that's not what number he wore on the Yankees.

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# 177 headzapp @ 12/04/16 03:04 PM
I think the eyes look better. That was the only thing that always bugged me. The robot ninja turtle, Chucky Cheese mechanical eyes. Still, if my only gripe was eyes that shows they do a great job with the game.

Erg, I was going to hold off on this year's game. If they have that rule change that made the all-star game going back to not having the winner host the World Series I have to get it.
# 178 Teddy_Long @ 12/04/16 03:07 PM
wow, can't believe they still have the same exact player models.
# 179 buck135 @ 12/04/16 03:19 PM
How is Retro mode any different from R.B.I. Baseball other than graphics? Did anyone ask for this? The graphics are still the same with a few tweeks. A handful of classic players doesn't interest me, classic teams and stadiums do. This tired old engine needs an overhaul. Why wouldn't Yankee Stadium be in there? Let me see Three Rivers, Riverfront or the Astrodome and I'll get excited. Really, this series has to evolve at some point. I'm sorry, but this Malibu Stacy with a new hat can sit on the shelf this year.
# 180 countryboy @ 12/04/16 03:19 PM
I keep watching the trailer. I think I may be just a little excited for MLB The Show '17

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