MLB The Show 16 News Post

The MLB The Show 16 Twitch stream has begun, post your thoughts here!

For those that miss out, we will update this post with the archive, when it has completed.

UPDATE: Here is the archive.

Game: MLB The Show 16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
MLB The Show 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 261 dran1984 @ 03/04/16 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by volsfan39
I will just say that I have bought this game every year since '06 no matter what the changes have been and will continue to do so. This is by far the best baseball title that has ever been created for video gaming anywhere. I have seen features come and go some I liked some I didn't and that is every year. I love a lot of things about this years game but anyone who has been with this game from the start can see what they focus on now. Spending money for the game is not enough for any game developers anymore it's about the gimmicks to make you spend more after the fact. I enjoy creating a team for DD but that's about it and I don't really play online because of the cheese you always run into eventually every year. Which leads me to this Franchise mode was once again neglected for other modes anybody that has been here can see it. They dedicated a whole 30 minutes (wow) to this stream to let us franchisers down again. They always say it's a time issue well how about focusing on franchise just one year and make it interesting. The features they did add should be fun to fool with but come on guys you can do much better. A whole new structure to the way rosters work has been needed for a long time. franchise has become stale and will stay that way if not addressed more aggressively. I mean let's be serious here Showtime? how much time and effort was wasted on this feature? Does anyone actually sit and listen to the radio show between games? I love this title and will always stay with it because for one it's all there is but I hope they float away from these gimmicky type modes and focus more on realism like they used to. Now just so you know I am not hating on this game I can't wait for it to drop I'll be right there to get it as always i am very loyal to this title, but I will give my honest opinion about what I think. I mean even a few things would have been nice like editing coaches,firing mangers mid season,Expansion,Create a team,post game interviews,post game celebrations like a Gatorade bath, why have we not moved past AA by now with A ball and rookie leagues? It has been 10 years. Just my half dollars worth...
You can already do this
# 262 Dolenz @ 03/04/16 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by redsox4evur
DD has it's own team, like Franchise/gameplay/art/etc. The reason we were let down was because of the leaked video that gave out the advanced stats stuff or the morale, don't remember which it was. These so called gimmicky aren't going away any time soon. As Marino stated earlier they bring in A LOT of money to these developers. You can fire coaches mid season. Been able to do that for a couple of years I think.
I think the reason people are let down is because that they let their expectations get too high.

It's been know for years that RTTS is the most played mode and they let us know that in '15 that DD made up some ground on RTTS. If this is the biggest player base for them then it is imperative that the dev team keeps them happy and purchasing the game every year. That is where they are making their money, and not just from micro-transaction but also retail game purchases.

And yes, they Franchise stream was short. Was that because there was nothing else to talk about or demonstrate or because they cut things short so that they could fit in four games of the Dev Tourney?

And I also don't think that we should forget that many of the features mentioned in previous streams also benefit Franchise. Updated animations, updated commentary that mentions and talks about past awards and stats, improved lighting in the stadiums, Sounds of the Show, etc.
# 263 WaitTilNextYear @ 03/04/16 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Lovesports
Yea I saw that but that still doesn't mean a 2 spot will have the same negative effect that a 9 spot does. 2 might be neutral for all we know.
Could be the case. The way it was presented (calling out 1, 3, and 4 as places a Star will want to hit) makes this appear less likely, but you might be right.

Originally Posted by agentlaw13
I think some are worrying too much over a star player's place in the batting order. Yes moving them up or down in the lineup might negatively affect them a bit but that is just one of many things that affect the player's overall morale. It's not the only thing that will ultimately make them "ecstatic" or "angry". It ties in with the other factors that we saw in the stream.
The issue is that batting a 2 hole hitter 2nd shouldn't make him mad at all. I'd rather my players get pissed off about the crap salaries I plan to negotiate with them...and them not already being mad about lineup position gives me more wiggle room to disgust my players.
# 264 HustlinOwl @ 03/04/16 12:31 PM
I would of liked for them to show in depth the draft and actual player creation and if any changes to draft length? Some examples of send down/call-ups wouldve been nice to see in action
Originally Posted by TheShowBaseball;n457184
Franchise Mode - New Features and Improvements

Franchise Mode GM expansion, player morale, and expanded stat tracking - (PS3 & PS4)
  • Take on the role of a General Manager for a Major League Baseball Club, and juggle your teams on field performance with off the field decision making to get to the top.
    • Explore all of the angles when signing players and making roster decisions, since the new player morale system will have a profound effect on how your team performs on the field. Morale can be affected by a player's role on the team, the current coaching staff and the city the team plays in.
    • Our improved revenue and expenditure model will give you a clear picture of how the organize is doing financially, currently and in the future, so that you know exactly what you have to work with. This becomes more important than ever with the addition of real-life budget dynamics such as revenue sharing and luxury tax.
    • We've revamped scouting with an authentic 20/80 player rating scale, and we added more player skills to scout.
    • GM goals have become significantly deeper with the addition of more than 30 goals that affect your GM rating, while ownership expectations now drive your job security.
    • We've also made significant improvements to the existing systems that drive the mode:
      • Player generation and progression
      • Contract logic
      • Call-ups/ Send-downs
    • Re-designed format for Inside the Show (radio show) meant to quicken the experience. (PS4 only)
    • Hundreds of new lines for Inside the Show. (PS4 only)

Expanded stat tracking - (PS3 & PS4)
  • We've expanded our stat tracking in a big way, since Baseball is really all about the stats. We're adding Year-by-Year stat totals dating back to the start of every MLB player's career, so you'll be able to see that A-Rod hit 2.32 all the way back in his 1995 rookie season. In addition to having year-by-year totals, we've more than tripled the amount of career stats that we track. Finally, we've added WAR (wins above replacement), which is currently the most important sabermetric stat in the sport.
# 265 Factzzz @ 03/04/16 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by JayD
We must have a lot of programmers on this site. It seems everyone knows how much time it takes to develop certain parts of video games.
Originally Posted by redsox4evur
DD has it's own team, like Franchise/gameplay/art/etc. The reason we were let down was because of the leaked video that gave out the advanced stats stuff or the morale, don't remember which it was. These so called gimmicky aren't going away any time soon. As Marino stated earlier they bring in A LOT of money to these developers. You can fire coaches mid season. Been able to do that for a couple of years I think.
Yes different departments work on different things, but maybe it could also come down to resource allocation. The devs are allocating resources to other modes such battle royale and conquest mode instead of using that manpower and/or resources to help improve Franchise/RTTS

That's just pure speculation though, don't know if it actually works that way.

Originally Posted by Dolenz
I think the reason people are let down is because that they let their expectations get too high.

It's been know for years that RTTS is the most played mode and they let us know that in '15 that DD made up some ground on RTTS. If this is the biggest player base for them then it is imperative that the dev team keeps them happy and purchasing the game every year. That is where they are making their money, and not just from micro-transaction but also retail game purchases.
Yeah but no real improvements were made to RTTS. Perks and Showtime are about as gimmicky as it gets. Those aren't the improvements the mode needed at all. I think franchise actually got the better improvements this year by far.

I'm gonna be playing the same RTTS i was playing the last two years with the ability to advance to the next game right away (and new licensed equipment).
# 266 tessl @ 03/04/16 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by boxers
I did a search in this thread for "britton" and it came up with nothing. Has anyone discussed the fact that zach britton signed a FA contract and was traded days/weeks later (before the next season)? That seems like odd logic.
I saw it and they should add a line of code preventing a recently signed free agent from being traded for a certain amount of time. The closest thing I can remember is Jose Reyes but at least he played for the Marlins for a full season after signing as a free agent before being traded.

Adjusting the trade slider might make it less likely but would also make legitimate trades less likely.
# 267 Bobhead @ 03/04/16 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by boxers
I did a search in this thread for "britton" and it came up with nothing. Has anyone discussed the fact that zach britton signed a FA contract and was traded days/weeks later (before the next season)? That seems like odd logic.
Originally Posted by tessl
I saw it and they should add a line of code preventing a recently signed free agent from being traded for a certain amount of time. The closest thing I can remember is Jose Reyes but at least he played for the Marlins for a full season after signing as a free agent before being traded.

Adjusting the trade slider might make it less likely but would also make legitimate trades less likely.
It's actually a violation of MLB rules. A player who is signed as a free agent cannot be traded until June, unless he explicitly consents to that trade (which usually means asking for more money, a promise of a better role, or a change in his contract agreement ie a vested No-Trade Clause).

So yes, I agree, this is something that needs to not happen often. Ideally, it would be tied to the new player morale system they just gave us. A player that is happy where he is will be far less likely to consent to trades. A player who is unhappy would say yes to just about any trade.
# 268 Dolenz @ 03/04/16 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Factzzz
Yeah but no real improvements were made to RTTS. Perks and Showtime are about as gimmicky as it gets. Those aren't the improvements the mode needed at all. I think franchise actually got the better improvements this year by far.

I'm gonna be playing the same RTTS i was playing the last two years with the ability to advance to the next game right away (and new licensed equipment).

I play RTTS about 80% of the time and I think the ability to play an entire series without going back to the front end and being able to jump between attempts without going to the simulation screen are HUGE improvements. If they did not make another improvement in the mode that would have been enough for me.

But as I mentioned with Franchise, I also get sounds of the show, improved animations, updated stadiums (with closed roofs), better lighting, improved commentary.

As for the perks and showtime, I am not sure if I will use them. Part of me wants to say I won't use them at all but I said that last year about licensed equipment and I broke down and used those.
# 269 TheWarmWind @ 03/04/16 01:11 PM
The more I let this stream sink in, the more I'm satisfied with it. Not elated, but satisfied. They may not have made the changes that I wanted to be made, but there is no denying that the new morale and stats add a lot to the game and represent a lot of effort.

I also see a foundation for franchise to get more cards associated with it, like DD and RttS. In the future, along with the existing sponsership cards, we could cards that can be applied to individual players that add to the experience.

I see stuff like:

Roots in the Community: Adds +2 to location morale. Can only be applied to a player who has played for the team at least one whole season.

Local sponsership: +1 to salary morale. Can only be applied to a player in a star position.

Team player: +2 to position morale, -1 to team performance morale "I'll play wherever the coaches want me to as long as we win games". Can only be applied to players with less than 3 years on the team.

Maybe I shouldn't talk about that stuff like that until the MLB 17 wishlist thread, but I was just imagining the layered possibilities for the future.

I think the only thing about the stream that really ticked me off was the #2 spot not being a star spot. Seriously guys, that one was shocking.
# 270 sroz39 @ 03/04/16 01:12 PM
I'm surprised but not surprised by the reaction of some on this forum. For YEARS, I've been reading some variation of "just give me career and advanced stats and I'll be happy". So we have a year where we get that PLUS a player morale system that people are underestimating greatly I think. It could fundamentally change the way you build your roster and manage your roster throughout the year. Game changer for sure.

PLUS a progression system that is tied into natural development AND results on the field. I've been wanting this forever as its the most realistic way of depicting player growth. The baseball graveyard is littered with players that were supposed to be the next great thing but because of a fundamental flaw (say batting against lefties as the example in the stream showed) end up being nothing more than good role or platoon players. On the flip side, a guy could come out of nowhere (happens multiple times a year as well) thanks to this progression system. But no, not enough.

PLUS all the " little" changes, like the menu system overhaul, the big news spotlight like a big free agent contract etc. Along with advanced stats and career stats.

Yet I come in here and the general feeling is dissatisfaction. How? One of the two or three best sports games every year makes some significant changes, both in Franchise Mode as I mentioned above, as well as overall gameplay like PBR, IK, noticeable lighting and graphics bump, Sounds of the Show....all those things make playing Franchise games much better. How can anyone be unhappy?

I used to visit OS way more than I care to admit. The general whininess that's overcome the community as its grown in size over the years is apparent in every section of this forum but generally speaking, The Show forums were relatively pretty good in this respect until the last few years.

Do people forget how flawed some of our favourite games of yesteryear were, like MVP 05 or NFL 2K5? Google the best slider sets for those games and notice the massive amounts of manipulation required both to the sliders and global roster edits to make the game not do dumb things. Not to mention all the house rules needed to not game the system.

These games get better and better every year. The Show has made a huge overall jump from 15 to 16 and people are unhappy. Please see the forest beyond the trees.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
# 271 BrianU @ 03/04/16 01:13 PM
Did we find out how morale works for user created/user draft players? Can you edit their morale and location? Will OSFM minors have this done?

Sent from my LGLS660 using Tapatalk
# 272 Threeebs @ 03/04/16 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by BrianU
Did we find out how morale works for user created/user draft players? Can you edit their morale and location? Will OSFM minors have this done?

Sent from my LGLS660 using Tapatalk
I read somewhere is this thread that morale is only tied to MLB players so no need to worry about all that. I highly doubt morale is customizable seeing as it's just been introduced in this year's iteration...
# 273 JayD @ 03/04/16 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by sroz39
I'm surprised but not surprised by the reaction of some on this forum. For YEARS, I've been reading some variation of "just give me career and advanced stats and I'll be happy". So we have a year where we get that PLUS a player morale system that people are underestimating greatly I think. It could fundamentally change the way you build your roster and manage your roster throughout the year. Game changer for sure.

PLUS a progression system that is tied into natural development AND results on the field. I've been wanting this forever as its the most realistic way of depicting player growth. The baseball graveyard is littered with players that were supposed to be the next great thing but because of a fundamental flaw (say batting against lefties as the example in the stream showed) end up being nothing more than good role or platoon players. On the flip side, a guy could come out of nowhere (happens multiple times a year as well) thanks to this progression system. But no, not enough.

PLUS all the " little" changes, like the menu system overhaul, the big news spotlight like a big free agent contract etc. Along with advanced stats and career stats.

Yet I come in here and the general feeling is dissatisfaction. How? One of the two or three best sports games every year makes some significant changes, both in Franchise Mode as I mentioned above, as well as overall gameplay like PBR, IK, noticeable lighting and graphics bump, Sounds of the Show....all those things make playing Franchise games much better. How can anyone be unhappy?

I used to visit OS way more than I care to admit. The general whininess that's overcome the community as its grown in size over the years is apparent in every section of this forum but generally speaking, The Show forums were relatively pretty good in this respect until the last few years.

Do people forget how flawed some of our favourite games of yesteryear were, like MVP 05 or NFL 2K5? Google the best slider sets for those games and notice the massive amounts of manipulation required both to the sliders and global roster edits to make the game not do dumb things. Not to mention all the house rules needed to not game the system.

These games get better and better every year. The Show has made a huge overall jump from 15 to 16 and people are unhappy. Please see the forest beyond the trees.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
10 char! Couldn't of said it better myself.
# 274 p00p1 @ 03/04/16 01:31 PM
Matt Duffy's stance looks bad.
# 275 tessl @ 03/04/16 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by sroz39
I'm surprised but not surprised by the reaction of some on this forum. For YEARS, I've been reading some variation of "just give me career and advanced stats and I'll be happy". So we have a year where we get that PLUS a player morale system that people are underestimating greatly I think. It could fundamentally change the way you build your roster and manage your roster throughout the year. Game changer for sure.

PLUS a progression system that is tied into natural development AND results on the field. I've been wanting this forever as its the most realistic way of depicting player growth. The baseball graveyard is littered with players that were supposed to be the next great thing but because of a fundamental flaw (say batting against lefties as the example in the stream showed) end up being nothing more than good role or platoon players. On the flip side, a guy could come out of nowhere (happens multiple times a year as well) thanks to this progression system. But no, not enough.

PLUS all the " little" changes, like the menu system overhaul, the big news spotlight like a big free agent contract etc. Along with advanced stats and career stats.

Yet I come in here and the general feeling is dissatisfaction. How? One of the two or three best sports games every year makes some significant changes, both in Franchise Mode as I mentioned above, as well as overall gameplay like PBR, IK, noticeable lighting and graphics bump, Sounds of the Show....all those things make playing Franchise games much better. How can anyone be unhappy?

I used to visit OS way more than I care to admit. The general whininess that's overcome the community as its grown in size over the years is apparent in every section of this forum but generally speaking, The Show forums were relatively pretty good in this respect until the last few years.

Do people forget how flawed some of our favourite games of yesteryear were, like MVP 05 or NFL 2K5? Google the best slider sets for those games and notice the massive amounts of manipulation required both to the sliders and global roster edits to make the game not do dumb things. Not to mention all the house rules needed to not game the system.

These games get better and better every year. The Show has made a huge overall jump from 15 to 16 and people are unhappy. Please see the forest beyond the trees.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
LOL - I remember debating performance based progression a couple years ago and I thought the people advocating for it were whining. It seems like if it is my idea it's a legitimate beef, if someone else's idea it is whining.

Overall I like the changes but I'm not sold on performance based progression. They have obviously taken a big swing at franchise but progression in a franchise is one of the top factors. In order to produce something which resembles MLB results in 10 years progression needs to be somewhat controlled. If performance is the major factor they had better have gameplay perfect or close to it or 10 years into the franchise it will be an odd looking deal. Player growth results in stats, not vice versa. On Altuve's morale page his expectation was MVP level. He met his expectation and yet he declined in all but 4 attributes as a young A potential prospect.

Not passing judgement on a game I haven't seen but it is a legitimate area of concern. Britton getting traded after signing as a free agent isn't accurate and needs to be patched. I would have liked to have been able to import a created team from diamond dynasty into franchise. Aside from those things I like the changes.
# 276 Splitter77 @ 03/04/16 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
They mentioned on stream that offline/online franchise was a numbers game because of different codebases. 45k playing online, 500k playing offline. Priority went to offline.

Don't shoot the messenger, I'm only relaying what was said on stream.
Fine with me.
I don't play online
# 277 Jr. @ 03/04/16 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
LOL - I remember debating performance based progression a couple years ago and I thought the people advocating for it were whining. It seems like if it is my idea it's a legitimate beef, if someone else's idea it is whining.

Overall I like the changes but I'm not sold on performance based progression. They have obviously taken a big swing at franchise but progression in a franchise is one of the top factors. In order to produce something which resembles MLB results in 10 years progression needs to be somewhat controlled. If progression is the major factor they had better have gameplay perfect or close to it or 10 years into the franchise it will be an odd looking deal. Player growth results in stats, not vice versa. On Altuve's morale page his expectation was MVP level. He met his expectation and yet he declined in all but 4 attributes as a young A potential prospect.

Not passing judgement on a game I haven't seen but it is a legitimate area of concern.
Couldn't agree more. This is just backwards. I don't hit .220 then get worse; I hit .220 because I got worse. There desperately needs to be a work ethic-type rating to help drive progression. Make work ethic and injuries affect attributes, not stats.

My hope is that eventually this leads to hidden ratings that drive the sim engine/gameplay, while the ratings we see are representations of these ratings that get more accurate with larger sample sizes. That's how ratings work in real life... the developers give Giancarlo Stanton a 90 power rating because it's a representation of his production. But if he goes out and hits 15 home runs this season, it doesn't necessarily mean he's become a worse power hitter. It's more likely that he had an injury that changed his swing or zapped his power.
# 278 Victor_SDS @ 03/04/16 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by zippy2212
This is my question as well. In the Donaldson example they showed he got angry when he batted 9th. What happens if he is put in the 2 or 5 hole? Will he be satisfied or will they be angry in any spot other than the "star" spots.

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Remember there are five different levels of morale, not just Ecstatic and Angry. If you were to bad Donaldson 2nd or 5th, he would be Satisfied - which is the middle ground. Batting him in the bottom of the order is what he really doesn't like.
# 279 dran1984 @ 03/04/16 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Victor_SDS
Remember there are five different levels of morale, not just Ecstatic and Angry. If you were to bad Donaldson 2nd or 5th, he would be Satisfied - which is the middle ground. Batting him in the bottom of the order is what he really doesn't like.
Ahhh very nice. I don't think people picked up on the 5 different levels.
# 280 nemesis04 @ 03/04/16 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Victor_SDS
Remember there are five different levels of morale, not just Ecstatic and Angry. If you were to bad Donaldson 2nd or 5th, he would be Satisfied - which is the middle ground. Batting him in the bottom of the order is what he really doesn't like.
As an example, if I am giving Donaldson a rest and later I ask him to pinch hit in the game for the number 8 batter and put him in the field. Am I getting angry Donaldson who is going to take a hit or is the logic there for this type of situation?

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