NBA 2K15 News Post

NBA 2K15 patch #4 has been released for PlayStation 4 and PC users. It is not available yet for Xbox One users. The patch primarily addresses the shoe issues in the game, more specifically in MyCAREER mode. You can see the workaround here.

After you download it, let us know what you are seeing. Once 2K releases the patch notes, we will update this post.

UPDATE: (via @Ronnie2K) Another thing addressed last night was fix to deal w/ rare occurrences that led to NBA 2K15 MyPARK rep being stuck. Should no longer happen.

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Member Comments
# 321 zrohman @ 03/18/15 12:05 AM
I think the offline crowd is absolutely crazy. All sliders need tweaks after patches. Stop complaining. Your supposed to tweak sliders after every patch.

They didn't adjust shooting for 3 pointers, only inside the arc, and the only benefit of the shooting is if your left wide open.

I agree that most of the gameplay complaints were minor and they shouldn't have tweaked it quite as hard. But again, they did a pretty great job from what I'm hearing.

On top of all that they fixed the big regression issue, and they took out a ton of animations that were ruining the game.

Those two things alone sound great. Even if it's slightly too easy now, all online players should be happy. It's a level playing field so no big deal. And offline players can tweak sliders.

So most importantly, they fixed issues.

The Xbox One thing is the thing to complain about here. Still no patch. No surprise. Let's hope it doesn't literally take a FULL MONTH like it did last time. There was no excuse. 2k has done a GREAT JOB supporting their game, but the lies and lack of communication regarding the patch was just terrible. I hope we don't forget that. They didn't have to lie about it being in Microsoft's hands the whole time, clearly it had to have gotten sent back, Microsoft has never made us wait a full month longer for a patch that I can remember.
# 322 AceDawg5 @ 03/18/15 03:57 AM
Regarding shooting has anyone tried the other sliders related to shooting? Like jumpshot defense gather/release, defensive consistency, and defensive awareness? U have to change those values as well not just mid range success, haven't had a chance to do my tweaks yet but I would think all those play a part in the percentages
# 323 Luke Skywalker @ 03/18/15 05:54 AM
Originally Posted by JRxPHANTOM
You really can't make any. I'm pretty sure sliders don't affect perfect shot releases. I got nothing against the adding % of open shots, but to make perfect shot releases easily and a lot more common, it ruins shot timing.
I noticed that. In practice I had the slider at 25 and I was still making jumpers. I am using Real Player % now
# 324 DIESEL @ 03/18/15 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by schmo20
As others have said, I'd recommend everyone try HOF/Sim settings with Real FG%. I was really frustrated with Superstar settings and the high shooting % but HOF seems pretty good. I've never tried HOF but it doesn't seem too difficult or CPU overpowered.
HOF sim with real FG% is what I have been using against the CPU and I'm loving it post patch. For those that have never used real fg% , you do still have to time the release properly to make shots so there is still some user input needed to be successful. I never used user timing but I'm guessing with real fg% the players ratings are more heavily weighed vs the user's skill so you should not be able to hit 3's with Deandre Jordan because you have his release down.

For those complaining about the high fg% I would give it a shot.
# 325 nova91 @ 03/18/15 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by alabamarob
In my league its not. Guys are still shooting sub 40 from 3 and sub 50 from the field when opponent is playing decent defense. Poor defenders will get torched and great defenders will lock down but i think average or decent defensive players should be able to keep people below 40 from three on hof sim online.

The gap between good users and poor ones is even greater. The shot glitches were a crutch to bad defense.
This ×100. A lot of people that were playing "good" defense were just relying on the fact that a lot of players had jacked up shots.

Now that has been remedied they're seeing flaws in their defensive abilities, but instead of fixing them, they complain about the patch. No more packing the paint knowing that your opponent is going to struggle from 3 with certain players because their shot is wonky.

If the shooting is too easy, adjust your sliders, if you can't adjust sliders then adjust your difficulty.

It really is that simple. MC players, I'm sorry, you have to choose between the game being a challenge or your teammates being dumb as a box of rocks.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5 using tapatalk
# 326 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 03/18/15 08:21 AM
Every gane at the rec I see someone hit 6+ straight threes Wtf lol
# 327 Mintsa @ 03/18/15 08:55 AM
I like this patch for online head to head ranked matches. Shooting was tweaked (it made it just a tad easier), they also toned down the missed/blunder layups/dunks, they also increased the and 1's on contact shots under the basket/in the paint. I like it.

I've also had NO DISCONNECTS/ERROR MESSAGES since this patch. Hopefully I just didn't jinx myself. I've also noticed no lag at the team select screen, this starting happening after the all-star update. So maybe they cleaned up the servers or something on their end.
# 328 dmankey1 @ 03/18/15 09:40 AM
I'm sure it's somewhere but can someone explain the difference between true fg% and user timing? Where does the "true fg%" come from that's used? I've always used user timing but I'm wanting to give true fg% a shot. Also, have you seen a difference in true fg% post patch 4?
# 329 Luke Skywalker @ 03/18/15 09:44 AM
Everyone who feels shooting is too easy, try Real Player%.

I use these slider edits:

Inside 37
Close 37
Midrange 43
3PT 43
Layup 40

Fatigue Rate 75* (If you want)

Go into practice mode or even a real game, you will see realistic percentages. I recommend Poke's sliders.
# 330 LionsFanNJ @ 03/18/15 10:39 AM
I'm glad that the releases have been adjusted. I hated being wide open and just putting up bricks.

Akso, im throwing shots back in the paint like crazy now. I can help on my man and contest the drive/dunk/layup, and actually defend for the most part.
# 331 jmaj315 @ 03/18/15 11:03 AM
Has anybody else noticed how smooth the rec is on offense now? Took me a few games to get used to actually timing my shot and not having to account for lag. Defense is still laggy, but baby steps i suppose
# 332 thedream2k13 @ 03/18/15 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by Mintsa
I like this patch for online head to head ranked matches. Shooting was tweaked (it made it just a tad easier), they also toned down the missed/blunder layups/dunks, they also increased the and 1's on contact shots under the basket/in the paint. I like it.

I've also had NO DISCONNECTS/ERROR MESSAGES since this patch. Hopefully I just didn't jinx myself. I've also noticed no lag at the team select screen, this starting happening after the all-star update. So maybe they cleaned up the servers or something on their end.
U like easier scoring good to know
# 333 DJ @ 03/18/15 11:16 AM
Played a game in my Hornets MyLeague last night and shooting percentages for me and the CPU (Bucks) were in the mid- to high-40's. Didn't notice anything that stood out as different from when I had last played the game.
# 334 JRxPHANTOM @ 03/18/15 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by DJ
Played a game in my Hornets MyLeague last night and shooting percentages for me and the CPU (Bucks) were in the mid- to high-40's. Didn't notice anything that stood out as different from when I had last played the game.
Interesting. I noticed something was up in the first quarter of my first game post patch. I also had the assumption that they didn't mess with gameplay, but that soon changed once I played.
# 335 tril @ 03/18/15 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by BroMontana82
How much does each tick up or down on the slider change your baseline numbers? Is it even possible to give a number? Jut trying to gauge how much to change initially and go from there...

Wide open = 45%
Fully Contested = 35%
Heavily Contested = 10%

Post-patch, that same shooter is now:
Wide open = 60%
Fully Contested = 20%
Heavily Contested = 10%
Id just adjust my close, lay up and midrange by 15% and see what happens. those are what Beluba said he touched.

wide open increase by 15%
fully contested decreases by 15%

example: close and layup is at 40 Id do 40 * .15 = 6 so Id reduce those sliders by 2 each and see what happens. close -2, layup -2, midrange -2,
or try reducing each value by 6 and see what happens.

only downside is you might wind up shooting in the 30% range cause the contested shots would probably really dip lower.

the way the values were adjusted means that you really have to work for a wide open shots to get good results. at least that was the intention
# 336 vjcvgj @ 03/18/15 12:06 PM
I am surprised they released another patch for 2K15. I am just hoping it doesn't affect the shoe workaround or messes up anything else.
# 337 mrsaito @ 03/18/15 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by apollooff320
That's what I'm doing but i'll likely not update at all so I don't get more frustrated with the game.
Sorry new PS4 owner here. How do you "not update"? I have tried a few config options in my PS4 system menu but I still seem to get all the content updates for any games that I have installed even without running them.
# 338 ricardo.13 @ 03/18/15 01:40 PM
2K needs to reward people that "think the game" and not turbo player.
When i face a guy that know how to control the ball, do different moves and most important and rare thing: PLAY IN THE PAINT i dont care if a lost a game. Why people dont like to choose Memphis and Pistons? Because most players dont like to play in the paint. Why dont play in the paint? Because 2K dont give any reward to play like that.
Yesterday i was playing online with Spurs and Duncan did 19pts and 7 reb(best in this match), if was a turbo player would be: Duncan 2pts, Parker 40pts, Green 30pts.
# 339 Bulldawg2010 @ 03/18/15 02:17 PM
So no patch for the xone yet? Jeeze how long must I wait!!!!
# 340 kg13148 @ 03/18/15 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Bulldawg2010
So no patch for the xone yet? Jeeze how long must I wait!!!!
And also no patch note yet, I don't understand why 2k cannot release patch note when the patch is already out for week.

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