NBA 2K15 News Post

NBA 2K15 patch #4 has been released for PlayStation 4 and PC users. It is not available yet for Xbox One users. The patch primarily addresses the shoe issues in the game, more specifically in MyCAREER mode. You can see the workaround here.

After you download it, let us know what you are seeing. Once 2K releases the patch notes, we will update this post.

UPDATE: (via @Ronnie2K) Another thing addressed last night was fix to deal w/ rare occurrences that led to NBA 2K15 MyPARK rep being stuck. Should no longer happen.

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Member Comments
# 261 alabamarob @ 03/16/15 04:29 PM
The last patch is great. I play hof sim online 12 min quarters and everything is very realistic to me. Shooting was horrible before the patch with the shot glitches. Now you have to play good defense. Its up to beds to give out realistic ratings. But an 80 rated shooter should hit open shots consistently.

I have seen people (post patch) score 70 pts in a 12 min hof sim online game. I have seen people score 80 or 90. I have also seen people go for 120. These things all happen irl. Its on you to play defense, just like real life. There is a reason why people shoot a lower percentage vs. Golden state then they do vs. The sac kings.

If you play defense and contest shots then scores will be realistic. If you giving up wide open shots to good shooters then unrealistic defense leads to unrealistic offense.

Great job 2k hands down the best sports game ever.
# 262 tetoleetd @ 03/16/15 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by capitolrf
Seen this on Mike Wang's Twitter


"Basically open shots were boosted and covered shots were dropped, so it's important to contest everything now or you'll see some high %s."

So before everyone claims shot are too easy, re-evaluate the defense that is being played.
this only makes sense when you are actually going against another human.

when youre playing the CPU and shooting 60% against them, how can you "re-evaluate" the defense that the CPU is playing against you?
# 263 JRxPHANTOM @ 03/16/15 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Lagoa
Sorry Mike, but this is not realistic...

In real life some players have a wide open shots for all game and not made even 70% of this.

For default sliders in HOF now, wide open = + 90% made! This is not cool.
This. I can literally make 8/10 or 9/10 of every jumpshot right now on superstar sim.
# 264 tetoleetd @ 03/16/15 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by JRxPHANTOM
This. I can literally make 8/10 or 9/10 of every jumpshot right now on superstar sim.
yep. people dont understand the percentage of open jump shots that NBA players actually make. they dont go in 80% of the time.

also, on 2k, its a lot easier to get an open look then it is in the NBA. if i pass the ball around long enough and run plays, set screens etc, i can get an open shot the majority of the time on 2k. and if im taking mostly open shots, and making them at an insanely high clip, then the game becomes unrealistic.
# 265 ILLSmak @ 03/16/15 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by ballstreet2k
The more I play 2K15, the more it looks like they just put out Patch 2 with a fix for the regression issue. People just shoot better because they got used to the nerfed shooting of patch 3.

I dunno, but this may be true. If only because the shooting percentages went back to the way they were. When I started, teams were shooting 60% in MC sometimes... and I don't wanna hear anything about playing D. Then it was less than 50. Keep in mind, I never leave people open. They get open, though. The computer staggers more. You can cross someone and step back and make an 'open' jumper' and the computer will lose the computer. So, in order to avoid these high shooting games, you have to play D on every breakdown. Well, we all know the computer is great with their jump passing so it's like feeding them a teammate grade when you move. I think it can be done sometimes, but for a whole game... no.

Also, dudes jump differently for rebounds, I think. Which is good. But in terms of misses, I went from 30+ rebs per game on my bigs and 15 on my SG to more like 20 and 5. Not saying other people are getting these boards, either. It seems to me that there are that many more made shots. Good or bad? I dunno.

# 266 AceDawg5 @ 03/16/15 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by JRxPHANTOM
It was tweaked. Pre patch almost every player 28 and up would go down -3,-4, or -5 points. Now it's different. You rarely see players lose -5 points. There are even some players that are in their 30s and they go up by +1. Injuries seem to play a role in rating loss. If a guy misses half the season because of injury, he will perhaps drop -2 or -3 at any age. Still, this doesn't happen every time. The tweak made regression much more better and realistic. Players will still regress, but at a realistic pace. You won't see players like Dwade overall 73 or lower after two/three seasons.

Also, not just shooting sliders need to be changed but more or less all sliders. It was a complete gameplay haul, not just shooting was affected.
Thanks for the heads up on the sliders, guess I'll get back in the lab to find what I had before the patch. Sucks because games were competitive and playing just the way I liked it. But getting rid of unrealistic regression will be worth it.
# 267 DJ @ 03/16/15 06:54 PM
Just got back from a work trip and fired up 2K15 but when I checked for an update, it said I already had the latest version installed. If I had the PS4 in standby mode, would it have automatically updated the game (I have a digital copy)?
# 268 23 @ 03/16/15 06:56 PM
You could've made it DL... get the app on your phone too if you can to start DLs
# 269 thedream2k13 @ 03/16/15 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by alabamarob
The last patch is great. I play hof sim online 12 min quarters and everything is very realistic to me. Shooting was horrible before the patch with the shot glitches. Now you have to play good defense. Its up to beds to give out realistic ratings. But an 80 rated shooter should hit open shots consistently.

I have seen people (post patch) score 70 pts in a 12 min hof sim online game. I have seen people score 80 or 90. I have also seen people go for 120. These things all happen irl. Its on you to play defense, just like real life. There is a reason why people shoot a lower percentage vs. Golden state then they do vs. The sac kings.

If you play defense and contest shots then scores will be realistic. If you giving up wide open shots to good shooters then unrealistic defense leads to unrealistic offense.

Great job 2k hands down the best sports game ever.
Basically you like the skill part of the game removed
# 270 G0DZGiFT @ 03/16/15 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by Webbie2689
Still no patch notes? lawl

Lmao for some reason, I feel that 2k won't release patch notes until an Xbox patch is released so we can't complain about what we don't know we're missing out on 😂😂.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 271 City_foxx @ 03/16/15 08:19 PM
Hot news just in:After update servers still trash. Achilles heel of an otherwise great game.
# 272 KyotoCarl @ 03/16/15 09:32 PM
Are there any patch notes? Pretty huge patch. I'd love to find out what it does.
# 273 Smallville102001 @ 03/16/15 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by Lakers24win
On a side note... I have a bold prediction that madden 16 will rival 2k16 for best sports game next year.. Watch out for madden 16.

lol madden would have to make a big jump in game play for like the next 3 years with 2k not getting any better for madden to be even close to nba 2k.
# 274 Smallville102001 @ 03/16/15 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by AceDawg5
This is all I wanna know, I can fix the shooting myself with the sliders. If regression was addressed SUCCESSFULLY then this patch is a huge success in my book. When I get some free time I'll Sim a few years if nobody else posts a confirmation, or patch notes come.

That would be cool. I haven't had any time to really play video games the last few days and I am playing catch up on sports right now still so it may be a few more days before I really can check this out my self. Before the patch this problem was just about a mode killer so I really hope it has been fixed or at least greatly improved form what it was like before the patch.
# 275 Smallville102001 @ 03/16/15 11:53 PM
So I just did a sim and yes it was just one sim but I can say that regression progression thing is way way better. Before the patch like 95% of guys 30 or older would get worse and by like 4-6 points each and even a lot of guys at like 27-29 would get worse. Now with the patch I had 17 guys 30 or older who stayed the same and even a few guys who where 31-32 stay the same or go up by 1-2 points. Before the patch all but like 3 guys 30 or older would get worse and most by 4-6 points. You still had older guys get worse but not all of them and not even one by 4-6 points more guys going down by like 1-3 points instead of 4-6 points. You can still have younger guys go down but not has often. I had curry go down by 1 point. So there is now a lot more variation to the way guys regress. Great job 2k
# 276 AceDawg5 @ 03/17/15 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by Smallville102001
So I just did a sim and yes it was just one sim but I can say that regression progression thing is way way better. Before the patch like 95% of guys 30 or older would get worse and by like 4-6 points each and even a lot of guys at like 27-29 would get worse. Now with the patch I had 17 guys 30 or older who stayed the same and even a few guys who where 31-32 stay the same or go up by 1-2 points. Before the patch all but like 3 guys 30 or older would get worse and most by 4-6 points. You still had older guys get worse but not all of them and not even one by 4-6 points more guys going down by like 1-3 points instead of 4-6 points. You can still have younger guys go down but not has often. I had curry go down by 1 point. So there is now a lot more variation to the way guys regress. Great job 2k
Cool definitely means I'm starting over then
# 277 Jrocc23 @ 03/17/15 04:54 AM
I wish the regression issued applied to my preexisting MyCareer.
# 278 thedream2k13 @ 03/17/15 07:58 AM
I guess we gonna have to wait 2 weeks again for xb1 patch
# 279 kamackeris76 @ 03/17/15 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by thedream2k13
I guess we gonna have to wait 2 weeks again for xb1 patch
At the very least!
# 280 Sundown @ 03/17/15 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by capitolrf
Seen this on Mike Wang's Twitter


"Basically open shots were boosted and covered shots were dropped, so it's important to contest everything now or you'll see some high %s."

So before everyone claims shot are too easy, re-evaluate the defense that is being played.

Ugh. That sounds pretty bad. Really bad actually. In real life most misses are actually uncontested. Korver hits 50+ hitting mostly uncontested threes and that's an amazing feat. He doesn't hit 70-80. The Warriors were a mess today missing open shots. That happens fairly regularly and the idea that open shots = make isn't based on reality.

On top of the fact that open shots already go in too reliably against the CPU when they have any semblance of momentum. I shudder to think what online plays like.

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