MLB 15 The Show News Post

The MLB 15 The Show livestream on Twitch has begun, featuring a full game and discussion on UI improvements.

Click the spoiler button below to watch it here or click here to view it on a new page. Once the steam has completed, we will update this post with a link to the archive for those of you that miss it.

UPDATE: If you missed the stream, click the spoiler button below or click here to watch the archive on Twitch. Due to an issue during the stream, the first 11 minutes can be seen here. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like extra innings was archived.

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 421 nemesis04 @ 02/23/15 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by aguero90
I agree 100%! The radio show will add a new shine to the show, but no matter how many lines get added to pbp, I just think a new team would be great! I've said this so many times, but we need a guy with a different voice, and someone who can naturally bring excitement to his calls. Think Indians radio, Yanks radio, or Tigers radio man. When Jon Miller did the other game, I was actually excited when I hit a homer, because Miller made it special. He made you feel like it was a big moment. ps to all who are in Ny and Nj area, Sterling will be on 101.9 today at 10, and I'm going to call the show!!
I don't foresee Matt going anywhere. There is way too much time and money invested in him. Matt has the ability to do this. The guy who used to do the script writing had his style and approach as Kirby will have his own style and visions as well. Just throwing new guys in does not fix the scripts.
# 422 aguero90 @ 02/23/15 09:49 AM
Very true! What they need to do, is tell Matt to totally be himself. If we get tv Matt in the show, it'll be amazing!
# 423 Pezell04x @ 02/23/15 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
I don't foresee Matt going anywhere. There is way too much time and money invested in him. Matt has the ability to do this. The guy who used to do the script writing had his style and approach as Kirby will have his own style and visions as well. Just throwing new guys in does not fix the scripts.
I am pretty excited to see what Kirby brings to the table. Sometimes you don't need a new commentary team, you just need a new guy heading up the script.
# 424 Hockeynut99 @ 02/23/15 11:04 AM
I love when someone always compares it to the Pro Spirit game. Both games have their strength and weakness. I think that the Show animation is just as good.
# 425 tnixen @ 02/23/15 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by DodgerFanatic2K3
When MLB 12 first introduced Broadcast Presentation I was so excited to see that they were making strives each year to revamp and freshen up the presentation experience but it seems like they have gone into neutral over the last 2 years in this department which is a real shame

Improvements to commentary is a step in the right direction and the score bug in 15 is a thing of beauty and made me so excited to see what other awesome new presentations were added but after seeing the video I was very disappointed to see that they basically recycled the broadcast presentation from 14 including the exact same intro and music which is a total letdown

Broadcast networks like ESPN, FOX and MLB Network revamp their broadcast presentation and intros every season to keep things fresh because they know that these things are important to viewers and the show should take the same approach for the gamers that like all the presentation bells and whistles of a broadcast to be new each year

At the very least we should be treated to a new broadcast intro every year
Honestly I don't really even need a new broadcast presentation "Every Year" I am sure that would be way to much work for the developers and take away from other areas of the game. However I think after about 10 years of basically the same exact broadcast presentation minus a few tweaks here and there it's about time for a HUGE maker over. The MLB The Show developers are the best in the business and I know in my heart they are very capable of creating a brand new broadcast presentation that would blow away that other baseball video game that a lot of us always refer to. I think I said this before but when I load up a game of MLB The Show I want the broadcast presentation to be so darn good that I could trick people into thinking I have on a real life baseball game on like ESPN, Fox, TBS or whatever.

I would even bet that most of the MLB The Show developers would agree that the broadcast presentation is in need of a major overhaul. But the problem is there are so many other areas of the game that also need improving and I have a feeling those areas are much more important to the developers then the broadcast presentation is. We all have a right to have our own opinions as to what would improve MLB The Show but for me and a lot of us it's the broadcast presentation that if overhauled would bring new life into the game. I am still going to buy MLB 15 The Show and 16,17 and so on because basically it's the only game I play and for good reason because it's just plays a fantastic game of baseball. But it would be great if one of these years I pop in the game and I am introduced to a spectacular fresh and exciting new "TV Style" broadcast presentation

And I also agree that new scorebug is indeed a thing of beauty!
# 426 ajblithe20 @ 02/23/15 11:13 AM
The presentation doesn't really bother me. Of course I'd like it to get better but it isn't as big a flaw to me as it is for most other people.

I am definitely hoping that we get a lot of new animations soon, especially pitching. That and player models. They would both go a long way for making the players seem unique and like their real life counterparts. After that, I don't know what else I could complain about!
# 427 econoodle @ 02/23/15 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by THESHAMISASHAME
Too add onto this all new presentation and player models is a must to bring this to a current gen game level and as I mentioned last year this series should have new screen overlays and menu looks each season as it adds alot to keep things fresh .

As far as the stream goes lighting seems more refined before the sun goes down and really pops very nice but nighttime from what we saw before they fast forwarded looks the same with that same yellow hue so hopefully we can see more transition inning by inning next stream ? .

Many say the game looks the same as MLB 12 visually and animations wise and I kinda agree but fly ins , new player Models , announcing , animations and cool things like in the Summer wind trailer would probably help lessen those feelings as everything else is pretty solid .
madden and 2k hoops change the presentation looks just about yearly as do most tv networks.
I can't wait for the day when I see a fact sheet that says:

but what is this Dynamic Stat overlays [ps4 only] that was mentioned in the fact sheet..
# 428 econoodle @ 02/23/15 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
I don't foresee Matt going anywhere. There is way too much time and money invested in him. Matt has the ability to do this. The guy who used to do the script writing had his style and approach as Kirby will have his own style and visions as well. Just throwing new guys in does not fix the scripts.

the big problem with matt is when i heard him do real life play by play he sounded great, as did Gary Thorne and Kevin Harlan. the other two translated well into videogames and lost none of the real life rhythm and personality.
matt comes off as monotone and zombie like.
if i heard matt only as a videogame announcer, i would think he wasn't that good.
which obviously isnt the case.
# 429 actionhank @ 02/23/15 01:03 PM

I have to stop reading up on The Show. Thankfully, NHL was an absolute steaming pile this season, so i avoided buying a PS4 while trying to pay off debt...i don't know that I can maintain that strength when The Show comes out around the same time I'll be getting my tax returns.

Damn you, improvements! Daaaamnnnnn yooouuuuuu!
# 430 Cman9 @ 02/23/15 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Hockeynut99
I love when someone always compares it to the Pro Spirit game. Both games have their strength and weakness. I think that the Show animation is just as good.
You're crazy If you think the pitching animation is just as good on the show, I wish I could do a side by side comparison. I simply am saying that if they can capture that pitching animation on the ps3 then why is it so hard to instill this on a next-gen system? I agree both have their strength and weakness but to me the animations look old and robotic for pitching and hitting on the show. You can really notice it on slow-motion (show-motion) replays. Needs an upgrade.
# 431 JODYE @ 02/23/15 02:13 PM
Lighting looked great, albeit I thought 14 was just fine in that department. Player models still need up****** and jerseys still look stiff and plasticy. Grass texture looked like patchy turf. Skin/face textures still look lifeless as well as the eyes.

I think they've done a great job gradually adding in some animations here and there but I agree that there are still a lot of outdated ones that need to replaced. The baserunning animations most notably. The running style is so awkward. I feel like they could have a few different ones attributed to body type. That same pop fly animation where the fielder takes a couple steps to the left or right with one arm and awkwardly catches it. I want to see a guy waving to clear out the space and audibly hear him yelling "Mine" or "I got it". Another one is the transition animation between the batting stance and getting ready to hit the pitch where every player goes back to virtually the same position (although the Baez addition was a nice touch). Something about most of those aren't visually pleasing. For instance Starlin Castro drops the bat down before he goes to swing, or Jorge Soler sort of squats a little deeper and turns his front food inward. Rizzo tucks the bat down towards his waist and then explodes. I'm not saying we need one for every single player, just a little variety. Give us customization options.

Pitching animations are still meh. Best I can do to summarize a majority of the pitching animations is to just watch Jared Hughes in the Twitch feed. (32 min mark of the 2nd video) then watch this video: http://youtu.be/ThlrrP7ZnKQ (Sorry for the quality. Not many reliever highlights on YouTube lol) But in the game a majority of the motions feel sort of robotic and lifeless and the ball just kind of launches out of a pitchers hand. But then you compare it to that video of Hughes and real life and you can see that the torque, arm whip and body rotation is something that you can feel happening and understand why he throws so hard. Yes we see it happening in The Show and we know that he is throwing the ball, but the ball just kind of rockets out of his hand and we lose that connection to why he actually is throwing that hard. We don't get those other visual cues. The torque of his body, the hip roation etc. I want to see that captured in the pitching animations.

Sorry for the rambling. Just some thoughts. Keep making an amazing game guys.
# 432 knich @ 02/23/15 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by aguero90
I agree 100%! The radio show will add a new shine to the show, but no matter how many lines get added to pbp, I just think a new team would be great! I've said this so many times, but we need a guy with a different voice, and someone who can naturally bring excitement to his calls. Think Indians radio, Yanks radio, or Tigers radio man. When Jon Miller did the other game, I was actually excited when I hit a homer, because Miller made it special. He made you feel like it was a big moment. ps to all who are in Ny and Nj area, Sterling will be on 101.9 today at 10, and I'm going to call the show!!
Please retire Sterling and his sidekick! Seriously, Matt is good. I just think he needs more lines and the commentary needs to flow better like with NBA 2k15. Maybe that's why I've tired of Sterling to whom Yanks fans have been listening for years?
# 433 THESHAMISASHAME @ 02/23/15 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by econoodle
madden and 2k hoops change the presentation looks just about yearly as do most tv networks.
I can't wait for the day when I see a fact sheet that says:

but what is this Dynamic Stat overlays [ps4 only] that was mentioned in the fact sheet..
See just food for thought and as an vague example its like the grounds crew clip at the end of the game from last gen that were once fresh and now just old .

So should they do something brand new and waste time on a cut scene ? or maybe just update it with a new overlay , angle or shirts to match the home teams colors ?

Now remember this is just an example but I think its all those little things and last gen animations that carried over from years ago that get so many people disappointed and un enthused presentation wise but thats just my two cents .
# 434 ShowTyme15 @ 02/23/15 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by THESHAMISASHAME
See just food for thought and as an vague example its like the grounds crew clip at the end of the game from last gen that were once fresh and now just old .

So should they do something brand new and waste time on a cut scene ? or maybe just update it with a new overlay , angle or shirts to match the home teams colors ?

Now remember this is just an example but I think its all those little things and last gen animations that carried over from years ago that get so many people disappointed and un enthused presentation wise but thats just my two cents .
If you watched the stream the grounds crew had black shirts (always been red) and Pittsburgh was the home team, so there is a possibility the grounds crew shirts will match the team colors now.
# 435 2ndBase @ 02/23/15 04:10 PM
As far as presentation goes, just going with fast motion replays would go a long way. Go fast motion until bat ball contact and the. Go 3/4 slow. Going slow for the whole replay seems less energetic.
# 436 tnixen @ 02/23/15 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by 2ndBase
As far as presentation goes, just going with fast motion replays would go a long way. Go fast motion until bat ball contact and the. Go 3/4 slow. Going slow for the whole replay seems less energetic.
Very good idea
# 437 thaSLAB @ 02/23/15 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by 2ndBase
As far as presentation goes, just going with fast motion replays would go a long way. Go fast motion until bat ball contact and the. Go 3/4 slow. Going slow for the whole replay seems less energetic.
This is something I left in my final CD feedback. It's not that it's the slow motion, as it is the magnification of flaws in animations and collisions you are exposing by slowing it down.

htcONE [M8] 5.0 | Tapatalk
# 438 WarningTrackPower @ 02/23/15 05:52 PM
I'm not sure if anyone else here would like this idea, but I'd like to see the dynamic field indicator disappear on balls hit directly over a fielder's head. Basically those "turn and run" situations where the fielder runs to where they think the ball will land and then worries about finding the ball once they turn back around. So, if the fielder can't "see" the ball, the indicator should go away. I think it would add a little more fun to defense, as well as open the door to having the indicator fade in and out when playing day games and having the sun in your face, or playing the field during the twilight time of the game.
# 439 THESHAMISASHAME @ 02/23/15 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by ShowTyme15
If you watched the stream the grounds crew had black shirts (always been red) and Pittsburgh was the home team, so there is a possibility the grounds crew shirts will match the team colors now.
Thanks Ill check it out ! and just from a guy who plays 5 games a day or more on release its the little things like having slightly different overlays and screens that can make the game seem alot less like last years game visually because after all we also eat with eyes .
# 440 Knight165 @ 02/23/15 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by thaSLAB
This is something I left in my final CD feedback. It's not that it's the slow motion, as it is the magnification of flaws in animations and collisions you are exposing by slowing it down.

htcONE [M8] 5.0 | Tapatalk
OMG......WTF is wrong with you soldier?
You are NOT allowed to speak poorly of the Show in public.
You must live up to the expectations of some.

I expect your Show Defender badge and controller on my desk in the morning.


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