MLB 15 The Show News Post

The MLB 15 The Show livestream on Twitch has begun, featuring a full game and discussion on UI improvements.

Click the spoiler button below to watch it here or click here to view it on a new page. Once the steam has completed, we will update this post with a link to the archive for those of you that miss it.

UPDATE: If you missed the stream, click the spoiler button below or click here to watch the archive on Twitch. Due to an issue during the stream, the first 11 minutes can be seen here. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like extra innings was archived.

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 381 lazloisdavrock @ 02/22/15 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Lorne_SCEA
The Adam Jones you saw was an old version of him. He has a new look.
I just seen the new screenshot of him and it looks exactly like him. good stuff!!
# 382 thaSLAB @ 02/22/15 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Kernel Pie
It's sad that it has to come to that, though -- especially for loyal customers and diehard baseball fans who appreciated where the game was at 4 years ago relative to the competition; but who, just as validly, disapprove of where it is now, considering the hardware they are using, the length of time it's been in development, and the resources at their disposal.

And I am glad you brought up PYS so I didn't have to. In a side-by-side comparison of a year-old game (PYS '14) on inferior hardware (PS3), to this video of MLB 15 on the PS4, a person so inclined could easily and clearly demonstrate instances where PYS is vastly superior in player models, swing mechanics, pitcher/catcher motions, running animations, bat/ball contact physics, and just basic baseball animations in general (irrespective of whatever it may do worse).

But hey, if you and others think the Show's animations, presentation, and player models are up to speed with other sports games using the same hardware (or some even using inferior hardware), and if you feel this effort is worth your time and money, then have at it. I honestly (and sadly) don't, as I was really looking forward to the game as always.

Maybe I will brush up on my Japanese and give PYS a shot. Peace, no hate! - it's just my honest opinion as a long-time fan.
So, there you go. Simple decision, right? Glad I could help!

And yes, I do think the effort is worth my money, as a true baseball fan... just like I think PYS is worth the money to import it every year, or Super Mega Baseball was worth it to purchase it digitally, the day it came out. Or RBI 15 when it drops... thing is, neither of these games are perfect, but they are all great in their own way. I think you got the point tho, spend your money on what you want to, and let other do the same. 😊


htcONE [M8] 5.0 | Tapatalk
# 383 bcruise @ 02/22/15 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by thaSLAB
So, there you go. Simple decision, right? Glad I could help!

And yes, I do think the effort is worth my money, as a true baseball fan... just like I think PYS is worth the money to import it every year, or Super Mega Baseball was worth it to purchase it digitally, the day it came out. Or RBI 15 when it drops... thing is, neither of these games are perfect, but they are all great in their own way. I think you got the point tho, spend your money on what you want to, and let other do the same. ��


htcONE [M8] 5.0 | Tapatalk
I see you're not the selling games type either!

I've traded in a few Shows over the years, but I still have '10 (the year i went to SD) and the oldest one, '06. Still have 2k12 digitally on the PC, as well.
# 384 thaSLAB @ 02/22/15 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
I see you're not the selling games type either!

I've traded in a few Shows over the years, but I still have the oldest one, '06. Still have 2k12 digitally on the PC, as well.
For the most part, no. Other sports title I do, depending on the year to year changes. Baseball, is different for me so I tend to hoard all things related. I can say, there's something I like about each one of these games that has warranted a keep. Like I was saying, neither of them is perfect. I have MLB 2K7 (not pictured) still too, because there were some great things that game did too.

I guess you can say I also keep these games as research material, for providing different inputs and feedback to SDS. Even the lazy ones. 😀

htcONE [M8] 5.0 | Tapatalk
# 385 Shakedowncapo @ 02/22/15 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
Dude just don't buy the game. I think I speak for several people here when I say your complaining and whining is getting very old. We get it, you don't like the animations. Save yourself 60 bucks and go on about your business. There really isn't anything left that can be said.
He's well within his rights to voice his displeasure in a tactful way. Outside of the "lazy" comment, which he allowed to detract from his overall point, he's right and its been said by many, many people here before about the animations and presentation.

If others thought it was a baiting comment, they should have ignored it and not let it spiral into a needless back and forth.
# 386 geisterhome @ 02/22/15 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Shakedowncapo
He's well within his rights to voice his displeasure in a tactful way. Outside of the "lazy" comment, which he allowed to detract from his overall point, he's right and its been said by many, many people here before about the animations and presentation.

If others thought it was a baiting comment, they should have ignored it and not let it spiral into a needless back and forth.
Most of all he provided usefull feedback to improve the game in the future.
On the other hand I never got what statments like "if you don't like it don't buy it" are good for?
# 387 Knight165 @ 02/22/15 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Shakedowncapo
He's well within his rights to voice his displeasure in a tactful way. Outside of the "lazy" comment, which he allowed to detract from his overall point, he's right and its been said by many, many people here before about the animations and presentation.

If others thought it was a baiting comment, they should have ignored it and not let it spiral into a needless back and forth.
Why ignore it?

Why ignore ANY of the sewerage that has been increasingly seeping onto O.S.....under the guise of "constructive criticism ?

Same guys...all the time ....you can bank it.

At some point....the valid aspect is negated in the fact that they don't really give a **** and will find ANYTHING to gripe about and try and feed a swill pool of negativity .
Let's at least be honest in this respect.
The worst part is.....those that do really want to give constructive feedback are getting lost in the shuffle.....while the very ones stirring the **** are pointing fingers at those that can contribute without being rude and scream "brown nose" or "defender"

It's getting as old as the Show animations being cried about.

The funny part was.....I wasn't even responding about his rude comment as much as at his laughable call for a retraction from someone else and his hint of libel.
If it wasn't so ridiculous ....it probably could have been ignored.

# 388 knich @ 02/22/15 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Why ignore it?

Why ignore ANY of the sewerage that has been increasingly seeping onto O.S.....under the guise of "constructive criticism ?

Same guys...all the time ....you can bank it.

At some point....the valid aspect is negated in the fact that they don't really give a **** and will find ANYTHING to gripe about and try and feed a swill pool of negativity .
Let's at least be honest in this respect.
The worst part is.....those that do really want to give constructive feedback are getting lost in the shuffle.....while the very ones stirring the **** are pointing fingers at those that can contribute without being rude and scream "brown nose" or "defender"

It's getting as old as the Show animations being cried about.

The funny part was.....I wasn't even responding about his rude comment as much as at his laughable call for a retraction from someone else and his hint of libel.
If it wasn't so ridiculous ....it probably could have been ignored.

This thread has degenerated much more than it needed to. Although I am a long time supporter of SCEA and MLB the Show, I agree with 90% of Kernel Pies's posts, particularly as to the part about presentation, animations, stats, etc. Do I think perhaps he had poor choice of words? Maybe. Did he use those words to get a rise out of the community guys and SCEA? Maybe. The bottom line is his posts were almost all substantive and constructive criticism. As I had said in an earlier post, the community guys don't need to defend SCEA every time someone criticizes the game or says something they perceive as an unfair attack. SCEA, as best I can tell, has thick skin and can filter very well. I would prefer folks tone down the hyperbole in their posts so SCEA and the community guys don't have to sift thru inappropriate comments that take away from the fans' opportunity to get in to the game substantive oversights. As I had said, I don't blame SCEA for anything that might be perceived as stale (IMO they are doing the best they can with the resources they have). I blame Sony for opening the SCEA guys to sometimes unfair criticism.
# 389 Shakedowncapo @ 02/22/15 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Why ignore it?

Why ignore ANY of the sewerage that has been increasingly seeping onto O.S.....under the guise of "constructive criticism ?

Same guys...all the time ....you can bank it.

At some point....the valid aspect is negated in the fact that they don't really give a **** and will find ANYTHING to gripe about and try and feed a swill pool of negativity .
Let's at least be honest in this respect.
The worst part is.....those that do really want to give constructive feedback are getting lost in the shuffle.....while the very ones stirring the **** are pointing fingers at those that can contribute without being rude and scream "brown nose" or "defender"

It's getting as old as the Show animations being cried about.

The funny part was.....I wasn't even responding about his rude comment as much as at his laughable call for a retraction from someone else and his hint of libel.
If it wasn't so ridiculous ....it probably could have been ignored.

Big difference between his frustration post and some of the terrible posts we've seen here throughout the years. I posted in frustration back when the battle wasn't presentation and animation...but batting stances! I know you remember that because usually it would be you and I (along with ericjm and others) debating back and forth on the importance of player individuality and where it should rank on their list. It's now 3 years later and the critiques are exaggerated bat movements. I'd call that a victory in SCEA's case.

Point being, we need to stay on them and I wouldn't have it any other way. Few people go over the line, while the vast majority don't. Those guys in San Diego can handle that.
# 390 countryboy @ 02/22/15 06:07 PM
*Reads thread*

So one full video has resulted in this type of discussion?

Dear SCEA,

For the sake of the OS MLB The Show forums please do not release any other videos! I'm not sure they can be handled!!!


Come on folks, lets be tactful here. Express opinions without attacks and if someone does cross the line with their comment lets not discuss how/why they crossed the line. Lets keep the discussion civil and the lines of communication open with the Devs.
# 391 FreeGordon12 @ 02/22/15 06:11 PM
The Show is awesome but it could feel stale. It's just so at the top of its game with no other baseball competition, that's what gives it that feel. They definitely need some new commentary/presentation though
# 392 countryboy @ 02/22/15 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by FreeGordon12
The Show is awesome but it could feel stale. It's just so at the top of its game with no other baseball competition, that's what gives it that feel. They definitely need some new commentary/presentation though
They have introduced new commentary this year, so I'm anxious to hear it. I have hopes that some of the cutscenes we saw in some of the trailers will be introduced into the game.

But there are things that I"m hopeful will be added this year or in the years to come.
# 393 MetsFan16 @ 02/22/15 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
They have introduced new commentary this year, so I'm anxious to hear it. I have hopes that some of the cutscenes we saw in some of the trailers will be introduced into the game.

But there are things that I"m hopeful will be added this year or in the years to come.
They also mentioned they added a ton of new position specific animations for each throw and putout. I remember in one of the streams, Kirby said that the 1st Baseman has specific animations when a 3rd out is recorded and it would be situational too. Ex. the finger point to the middle infield after turning a sweet double play. I am excited to see these new animations and here the commentary lines attached
# 394 zbundy3 @ 02/22/15 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Kernel Pie
Quote the words "development team" or "they are" in my original post. It's easy to attack a strawman, isn't it?

But I don't blame you -- I would build a strawman, too, if I wanted to deflect from the central argument, which is that they are rehashing the same low-variety, outdated, utterly stale on-the-field presentation animations for the last 4 years. "That is" (not "they are") lazy - or whatever other adjective you'd like to attach to it.

There is no defense for not adding to or up****** the animations, especially considering the game is now on a next-gen system and is the only baseball game on the market. If you play this game in broadcast mode this year, and have played any one of MLB 12, 13, or 14, you have basically already seen every single presentation animation relative to the flow or excitement of every single game you will play in MLB 15 from the moment you open the wrapper. And that's not stale to you?

Players (especially pitchers) have no individuality or variety, batters have like 10 walkups and swing motions to choose from for 200+ hitters in a league, the dugout basically doesn't exist, and the only fan we see is one of the Devs holding a sign during the lineup call.

To me, and I'm sure to a lot of other long-time supporters, not adding at least a few new animations (I mean 20-30 new pitcher/batter reactions would've killed you?) is a huge disappointment and a major letdown for the game's first true release on the PS4.

If this game had a competitor this year, I would have flat-out jumped ship after seeing this video.
This is from the Fact Sheet:
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
  • More than 70 new situational third out fielding animations
  • More than 90 new personal batting stances
  • More than 120 batting stance re-captures
  • More than 50 new personal pitching motions
  • More than 120 pitching motion re-captures
  • More than 45 new signature HR swings
  • More than 900 new presentation animations
  • More than 700 new gameplay animations
Good thing mlb 15 is exactly the same as mlb 12 with zero changes because that game was sweet!!!!
# 395 Grnngld @ 02/22/15 06:37 PM
I believe MLB 15 is going to be the tenth iteration of The Show. That would officially make it the longest running baseball video game series (2K lasted 9 iterations and the last 3, quite literally, were just roster updates).

When you get to this point, with so much code built upon code of previous versions, it's incredibly difficult to overhaul everything, or even a lot, in one development year without running the risk of seriously jeopardizing an already stable, quality product. As consumers, I feel we should do a better job of understanding that.

However, what should be acknowledged is that the arrival of the PS4 offered the chance for the developers to really overhaul a lot of things for the new platform. Instead, what I, and I'm sure quite a few others feel like, is that SCEA continued to decide to play it safe and build upon the foundational base that already existed on the PS3. It didn't help that MLB 14 on PS4 felt rushed and, I suspect, was a forced deliverable by upper level Sony management.

I can argue for both sides whether that was the correct or incorrect decision, but without using the dreaded "P" word, I think this is a big reason why the series still feels the same as it has, and why many people are disappointed. Some saw the ambitious strategy that 2K basketball took on their initial next gen offering last year, and while that version obviously had issues, the direction they were heading in was exciting. I don't presume to speak for most people, but I think lots want that kind of excitement with the Show as well.
# 396 Jimmydm90 @ 02/22/15 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Grnngld
I believe MLB 15 is going to be the tenth iteration of The Show. That would officially make it the longest running baseball video game series (2K lasted 9 iterations and the last 3, quite literally, were just roster updates).

When you get to this point, with so much code built upon code of previous versions, it's incredibly difficult to overhaul everything, or even a lot, in one development year without running the risk of seriously jeopardizing an already stable, quality product. As consumers, I feel we should do a better job of understanding that.

However, what should be acknowledged is that the arrival of the PS4 offered the chance for the developers to really overhaul a lot of things for the new platform. Instead, what I, and I'm sure quite a few others feel like, is that SCEA continued to decide to play it safe and build upon the foundational base that already existed on the PS3. It didn't help that MLB 14 on PS4 felt rushed and, I suspect, was a forced deliverable by upper level Sony management.

I can argue for both sides whether that was the correct or incorrect decision, but without using the dreaded "P" word, I think this is a big reason why the series still feels the same as it has, and why many people are disappointed. Some saw the ambitious strategy that 2K basketball took on their initial next gen offering last year, and while that version obviously had issues, the direction they were heading in was exciting. I don't presume to speak for most people, but I think lots want that kind of excitement with the Show as well.

Yeah. I keep coming back to how their big selling point for MLB 14 on PS4 was "feature parity" and how the show won't take a couple of years to get up to the number of features that the PS3 game had. I think there was a big fear among sports games about repeating the mistakes that they made during the last generational jump and so parity and stability were placed above rehauling the games or big innovations.
# 397 FreeGordon12 @ 02/22/15 07:46 PM
ATTENTION EVERYONE: I made a twitter account with the hopes of voicing our desire for transferable rosters in MLB The Show. Follow the account here @TransfShowRost

Post with the hashtag in the bio, #GetTransferableRostersInTheShow15 and add @MLBTheShow so they see it

Hopefully we can get the hashtag trending and get it noticed by MLB The Show and their developers. It's worth a shot, hopefully others feel the same way.

# 398 tnixen @ 02/22/15 07:55 PM
MLB The Show "broadcast Presentation" has basically been stuck in neutral for the last 10 years!

I think speak for a whole lot of us here when I say for MLB 16 The Show the developers should make the "broadcast Presentation" feature the number 1 priority. This would include flashy new Stat overlays including new HR Stat Overlay popup and better in between inning due up Stat overlays, Beginning of game stadium fly ins showing fans walking into the gates and buying food, better commentary including announcing of the starting line ups for both teams. Maybe even pre and post game shows from a studio. And many new camera views like seen in that summer wind trailer. And like others have said adding a lot more Batter walk ups, swing motions, better non robotic pitching motions and brand new player models would really go a long way in making MLB The Show really feel fresh, different and new.

For me MLB 14 The Show is almost perfect except for one very very very big part of the game and that is the
"Presentation" with all the power that the PS4 has and seeing what that other baseball video game has done with it's Presentation on much less powerful game systems I just expect a lot more from the Presentation in MLB The show on the PS4.

My statements are just my feelings and maybe others and also to help the developers improve the game!
# 399 Russell_SCEA @ 02/22/15 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by FreeGordon12
ATTENTION EVERYONE: I made a twitter account with the hopes of voicing our desire for transferable rosters in MLB The Show. Follow the account here @TransfShowRost

Post with the hashtag in the bio, #GetTransferableRostersInTheShow15 and add @MLBTheShow so they see it

Hopefully we can get the hashtag trending and get it noticed by MLB The Show and their developers. It's worth a shot, hopefully others feel the same way.


Not happening this year period, it is on the list for next year though.
# 400 kehlis @ 02/22/15 08:04 PM
lol at creating a twitter handle to "get their attention" when they are here and see everything posted.

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