MLB 15 The Show News Post

The MLB 15 The Show livestream on Twitch has begun, featuring a full game and discussion on UI improvements.

Click the spoiler button below to watch it here or click here to view it on a new page. Once the steam has completed, we will update this post with a link to the archive for those of you that miss it.

UPDATE: If you missed the stream, click the spoiler button below or click here to watch the archive on Twitch. Due to an issue during the stream, the first 11 minutes can be seen here. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like extra innings was archived.

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 321 MatrixTN @ 02/20/15 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by ajblithe20
I've seen a couple people mention (possibly in another thread, I can't find the posts) that you can now pinch hit for a batter before he comes to the plate? Anyone know where/when they show or talk about it? Or are people just talking about the thing they had in last year where you get prompted to bring in a pinch hitter when your pitcher is up late in the game?
That's for the P late in the game and yes its the same as last year.
# 322 Factzzz @ 02/20/15 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Kernel Pie
Good lord: the exact same pregame, pre at-bat, post pitch, and post at-bat animations from last year (sorry, last 4 years), to the absolute letter? On a 2nd try on a next-gen system? Wow.

90% of this game on the field (in broadcast mode) is the pitcher batter animations - since they never cut to anything else - and they have been exactly the same (literally) since introduced in MLB 12. I mean you're talking 4 straight years with not one new animation (aside from a few notable batters having individual traits). That's just plain lazy.

What good reason does any long-term player have for playing this game in broadcast mode this year? To stare at the the exact same animations they've been seeing for 4 years straight? (And there's only like 30 of them anyway)

And then, if you're not gonna update the animations in 4 years, then at least have an option for continuous play with no cutscenes. Basically the pitcher catches the ball and resets in real time.

Oh well, another year of fast play, I guess. I love the show, but this franchise is officially stale and needs some healthy competition. Too many damn monopolies in sports gaming !!
Hopefully from now on when they get new batting stances, at the same time they motion capture the stances, they can motion capture pregame, pre at-bat, post pitch, and post at-bat animations for each stance so it'll be tied to each batting stance and it'll be representative of each player, like how they already have (or had, not sure) for Dustin Pedroia.

Although it might seem like a lot of work.
# 323 mrhenry209 @ 02/20/15 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by Kernel Pie
Good lord: the exact same pregame, pre at-bat, post pitch, and post at-bat animations from last year (sorry, last 4 years), to the absolute letter? On a 2nd try on a next-gen system? Wow.

90% of this game on the field (in broadcast mode) is the pitcher batter animations - since they never cut to anything else - and they have been exactly the same (literally) since introduced in MLB 12. I mean you're talking 4 straight years with not one new animation (aside from a few notable batters having individual traits). That's just plain lazy.

What good reason does any long-term player have for playing this game in broadcast mode this year? To stare at the the exact same animations they've been seeing for 4 years straight? (And there's only like 30 of them anyway)

And then, if you're not gonna update the animations in 4 years, then at least have an option for continuous play with no cutscenes. Basically the pitcher catches the ball and resets in real time.

Oh well, another year of fast play, I guess. I love the show, but this franchise is officially stale and needs some healthy competition. Too many damn monopolies in sports gaming !!
The two options for The Show devs at this point would be

1. Complete reset, with a brand new graphics engine, new player models, all-new stadiums, commentary, etc. As with 2k's reset for 2k7, this would mean few personalized animations with a focus on the graphics/presentation. Or...

2. Continue refining the game, adding in all the imaginable options, animations, personalizations, bells & whistles while the core game and graphics remain the same or slightly improved/refined.

Either way, the commentary and online play hold the game back from what has been expected--and executed--in other sports games on the last generation. While I am excited for and will purchase 15, I can only hope that they are taking a long look at both (especially commentary) for 16, as it has remained virtually unchanged since 06, with the simple addition of some lines and broadcasters. The interaction between them is non-existent, and for some reason they have not taken a look into mimicking what other sports games do with commentary to make it fluid, rather than hearing "[First name]...[last name]..........................is at the plate.........3 for 4 in the game today" every time.

Just my 2 cents, I apologize for the length, and a huge thanks to SCEA for entertaining us with these live looks!
# 324 adambomb @ 02/20/15 11:39 PM
Haven't read the entire thread yet, so apologies if this has already been mentioned (I'm sure somebody picked up on this too)...

The starting pitcher with the long hair for the Pirates... His hair would snap to different image of hair once starting his delivery. Looked like it would revert back to a previous attempt at long hair, and not the wispy mane in other shots.

Edit: yes. I see it was noted already.
# 325 bronxbombers21325 @ 02/20/15 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by T_O_p12
To me it is a good thing that the base of the game is intact and improvements and tweaks are made in certain areas where needed as the series evolves. If they made radical changes it would just give everyone else something new to complain about and demand the old style back lol. It is already the best sports game on the market so why change from that? It’s hard to make a giant leap when the presentation is already so close to that of a real life game…
I don't know why everyone wants these major overhauls and changes. If it ain't broke don't fix it. I think ppl want to complain about the game just to hear themselves gripe. As you said, if they changed it ppl would hate it and complain they want it back to the old way.
# 326 Joey @ 02/20/15 11:54 PM
I stopped reading after this.

Originally Posted by Kernel Pie
That's just plain lazy.
If you think this development team is lazy, well, you have no feedback of any value to me.
# 327 MrOldboy @ 02/21/15 12:16 AM
I'm happy they made a custom stance for Baez, but like the bat waves for players last year it is very exaggerated and slow. It looks similar to how "bat flick/wave" players were handled last year (Ozuna gif). This was sort of my fear before I saw his stance in game.

Javier Baez MLB 15

Javier Baez 2014 1st MLB HR

Marcel Ozuna MLB 14

It's awesome that these types of swings are in the game at all now (like Japanese and slap styles), but the bat waves look awkward and seem robotic compared to how actual players swing.

Game is looking great so far overall, this is just a pet peeve of mine from last year and was hoping they'd get it right this year, especially for Baez since he might be the most well known player with that type of timing mechanism.

Also, on the Baez hit down the line it seemed like the ball maybe lost less momentum than last year, but still was much too slow to get to the corner. I feel a ball hit like that in real life reaches the corner unless the team is playing no-doubles defense. In fact here is Baez in a minor league game doubling into the corner down the line similar to the play in the live stream.
# 328 ARoid1313 @ 02/21/15 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by Joey
I stopped reading after this.

If you think this development team is lazy, well, you have no feedback of any value to me.

Agreed for sure not fair to call them lazy.
However he does have some valid feedback that the cutscenes are identical the last few years. That's something that really hampers the game from feeling fresh
# 329 dazzelle @ 02/21/15 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by ARoid1313
Agreed for sure not fair to call them lazy.
However he does have some valid feedback that the cutscenes are identical the last few years. That's something that really hampers the game from feeling fresh
Exactly, the gameplay is fantastic and i appreciate all the work they do to improve it but it needs a fresh coat of paint in terms of presentaion/cutscenes/camera angles.

I'll bring up the summer wind trailer again and say how good those shots panning over the crowd on the upper decks look or the camera flying in between the flags or the shot of the players running onto the field with the camera close up.I want that same personality/atmosphere or whatever ya call it put into the game's presentation.Spice it up a little.
# 330 knich @ 02/21/15 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by dazzelle
Exactly, the gameplay is fantastic and i appreciate all the work they do to improve it but it needs a fresh coat of paint in terms of presentaion/cutscenes/camera angles.

I'll bring up the summer wind trailer again and say how good those shots panning over the crowd on the upper decks look or the camera flying in between the flags or the shot of the players running onto the field with the camera close up.I want that same personality/atmosphere or whatever ya call it put into the game's presentation.Spice it up a little.
After watching the streams and following these boards the last few years, I am convinced that the guys at SCEA are aware of and really want to implement alot of the things we want to see in the game. They will never tell you this but IMO they simply don't have enough man power. Sony needs to give them more resources (e.g, skilled programmers) so they can get more stuff in each game. I'm sure it is not that simple as Sony has to weigh its profitability against added resources. Thus, SCEA has to make tough choices each year about how to allocate the resources they have. Just look at the mess EA made of NHL 14 and 15. Why were they a mess? Because EA put all its resources to Madden. Personally, I think the MLB 15 looks fantastic. Does it have everything I want...No! As an example, I have been looking forward to improved presentation (similar to 2k series) for years. Hopefully next year? But I don't think folks here should be shouted down for pointing out glitches or for giving their vision of the perfect MLB game. I think feedback (even if sometimes viewed as negative) is positive for SCEA. Being mean spirited and abusive doesn't further the dialogue but everything else should be allowed. SCEA has shown they are very good at filtering and they have thick skin. Thanks SCEA for the Twitch streams as they have opened my eyes to just how hard you guys work and how much passion you have.
# 331 RLebron12 @ 02/21/15 02:56 AM
For those saying the Splash Hit counter did not work at AT&T park, I believe you guys are mistaken. I play with the Giants in Season mode and it would definitely update when I hit a splash hit home run. I would constantly do instant replay just to check if it went up and always did.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 332 calripken8 @ 02/21/15 03:10 AM
lorne could you update the flags at Camden yards state flag etc and the flags on the scoreboard are orange
# 333 calripken8 @ 02/21/15 03:11 AM
Great to hear Adam jones been updated with a clean look you guys at San Diego are amazing with your work
# 334 Kernel Pie @ 02/21/15 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by Joey
I stopped reading after this.

Originally Posted by Kernel Pie
That's just plain lazy.
If you think this development team is lazy, well, you have no feedback of any value to me.
It's amazing how you can quote me directly as saying "that's just plain lazy," but then blatantly introduce your own imaginary pronoun to respond to, as if I had said "they" are lazy.

No one called anyone lazy in my post, so you should rethink your assessment. But anyway, it doesn't matter if its laziness, fatigue, hardship, greed, arrogance, carelessness, hatred or spite. Rehashing the same set of core animations for 4 years straight is something.

It just ain't good.
# 335 rudyjuly2 @ 02/21/15 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by RLebron12
For those saying the Splash Hit counter did not work at AT&T park, I believe you guys are mistaken. I play with the Giants in Season mode and it would definitely update when I hit a splash hit home run. I would constantly do instant replay just to check if it went up and always did.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm certain it worked as well back in show 12 when I did a franchise with them. It only updates for Giants home runs so maybe people are confused.
# 336 Joey @ 02/21/15 09:43 AM
Everyone knows what you meant, it's the only way to take it. But regardless, I refuse to get in a back and forth like what's so prevalent on here these days so I'm done with this conversation.
Originally Posted by Kernel Pie
It's amazing how you can quote me directly as saying "that's just plain lazy," but then blatantly introduce your own imaginary pronoun to respond to, as if I had said "they" are lazy.

No one called anyone lazy in my post, so you should take rethink your assessment. But anyway, it doesn't matter if its laziness, fatigue, hardship, greed, arrogance, carelessness, hatred or spite. Rehashing the same set of core animations for 4 years straight is something.

It just ain't good.
# 337 NAFBUC @ 02/21/15 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by lazloisdavrock
Remove the beard on Adam Jones please. Hes never had one
SCEA has zero control over a player reporting to spring training with a beard (Adam Jones) and then decides to shave later. When you think about it, SCEA was proactive to include AJ with a beard.

Another example is Dustin Pedroia who was all in on the Red Sox team beard bonding the previous year, and started last season with the beard. Dustin shaved his beard during the season and what can you do?

Unless we can edit player features, nothing SCEA can do with the beard.
# 338 KHarmo88 @ 02/21/15 10:21 AM
I wonder what the updated grass pattern at PNC is going to be??
# 339 Kernel Pie @ 02/21/15 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by Joey
Everyone knows what you meant, it's the only way to take it. But regardless, I refuse to get in a back and forth like what's so prevalent on here these days so I'm done with this conversation.
That's admirable. You were wrong, have no proof or defense for your accusation, and are politely bowing out of the argument. I can respect that.

But I would respect it further if you would amend your original post as follows so as not to mislead readers or libel me unnecessarily:

Originally Posted by Joey
If you think this development team rehashing the same core presentation animations for 4 years straight is lazy, well, you have no feedback of any value to me.
This was the only way to take what I had written, since it was the only thing that was written.
# 340 nemesis04 @ 02/21/15 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by Kernel Pie
It's amazing how you can quote me directly as saying "that's just plain lazy," but then blatantly introduce your own imaginary pronoun to respond to, as if I had said "they" are lazy.

No one called anyone lazy in my post, so you should take rethink your assessment. But anyway, it doesn't matter if its laziness, fatigue, hardship, greed, arrogance, carelessness, hatred or spite. Rehashing the same set of core animations for 4 years straight is something.

It just ain't good.


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