MLB 15 The Show News Post

The MLB 15 The Show livestream on Twitch has begun, featuring a full game and discussion on UI improvements.

Click the spoiler button below to watch it here or click here to view it on a new page. Once the steam has completed, we will update this post with a link to the archive for those of you that miss it.

UPDATE: If you missed the stream, click the spoiler button below or click here to watch the archive on Twitch. Due to an issue during the stream, the first 11 minutes can be seen here. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like extra innings was archived.

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 441 Hockeynut99 @ 02/23/15 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
OMG......WTF is wrong with you soldier?
You are NOT allowed to speak poorly of the Show in public.
You must live up to the expectations of some.

I expect your Show Defender badge and controller on my desk in the morning.

You held that badge with hornor my friend.
# 442 thaSLAB @ 02/23/15 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
OMG......WTF is wrong with you soldier?
You are NOT allowed to speak poorly of the Show in public.
You must live up to the expectations of some.

I expect your Show Defender badge and controller on my desk in the morning.

For shame! I don't know what's gotten into me. I deserve all that is to come for dishonoring The Order...

First, I post my baseball game collection, that included other non-Show games, now this. I am scum, and probably do not deserve the title of Defender any longer...

htcONE [M8] 5.0 | Tapatalk
# 443 KHarmo88 @ 02/23/15 07:22 PM
You guys want excitement and change in commentary? How about Pittsburgh Pirates announcer Greg Brown and the 93.7 The Fan commentary edits!

# 444 Jakeness23 @ 02/23/15 10:30 PM
A little disappointed by there still being no batting gloves on when base running, but that's a really small detail so no big deal.
# 445 Factzzz @ 02/23/15 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by WarningTrackPower
I'm not sure if anyone else here would like this idea, but I'd like to see the dynamic field indicator disappear on balls hit directly over a fielder's head. Basically those "turn and run" situations where the fielder runs to where they think the ball will land and then worries about finding the ball once they turn back around. So, if the fielder can't "see" the ball, the indicator should go away. I think it would add a little more fun to defense, as well as open the door to having the indicator fade in and out when playing day games and having the sun in your face, or playing the field during the twilight time of the game.
The outfielder should just always have his eyes on the ball like in real life, i don't think you'll ever see an outfielder just turn around and go out in full sprint and then turn around and know where the ball is.

The outfielder's head should always be turned so his eyes are tracking the ball.
# 446 ajblithe20 @ 02/24/15 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by Factzzz
The outfielder should just always have his eyes on the ball like in real life, i don't think you'll ever see an outfielder just turn around and go out in full sprint and then turn around and know where the ball is.

The outfielder's head should always be turned so his eyes are tracking the ball.
Sometimes they'll turn and put their head down. Usually only when it's going to be a very difficult play and they need all the speed they can get to get to the ball. I know I've seen Adam Jones do this a couple of times.

But for the most part, I agree with you. If it's a typical fly ball, the outfielder never stops tracking it.
# 447 WarningTrackPower @ 02/24/15 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by Factzzz
The outfielder should just always have his eyes on the ball like in real life, i don't think you'll ever see an outfielder just turn around and go out in full sprint and then turn around and know where the ball is.

The outfielder's head should always be turned so his eyes are tracking the ball.

It happens when a ball is hit directly over a fielder's head and they're not able to "angle back" on the ball. The only way for the fielder to keep his eye on the ball in this situation would be to backpedal, which isn't good technique. In this case, especially when an outfielder is burnt, their only shot is to turn and run back without watching the ball and hope to pick it up after to make the catch. It's one of the harder plays to make as an outfielder IRL, but an easy play to make in the Show.

I think 2k8 had their indicator disappear when turning your back on the ball on hits over a fielder's head.
# 448 DodgerFanatic2K3 @ 02/25/15 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
I don't foresee Matt going anywhere. There is way too much time and money invested in him. Matt has the ability to do this. The guy who used to do the script writing had his style and approach as Kirby will have his own style and visions as well. Just throwing new guys in does not fix the scripts.
Did Kirby get a chance to get any of his own script writing into this years game?
# 449 ralphieboy11 @ 02/25/15 04:47 PM
I'm interested to see where Kirby wants to go with the commentary. I actually don't mind Matt V. that much. I think he's the best part of the broadcasting team. He just gives a basic rundown of what's happening each play and mentions players by name. I have no problem with that. It's the commentary of Karros and Lyons that bothers me more. I think it's just because I play so much of the game, but I really cringe when I hear some of their analysis. Some of those same lines are really grating when you've heard them over and over again.
# 450 thaSLAB @ 02/25/15 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by DodgerFanatic2K3
Did Kirby get a chance to get any of his own script writing into this years game?
I'm sure there's a little bit, here and there... Keep in mind, he's only very recently assumed that role. Ed was there many years and thousands upon thousands of lines later, we have Kirby chipping away at it.

htcONE [M8] 5.0 | Tapatalk
# 451 LastActionHero @ 02/25/15 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by thaSLAB
I'm sure there's a little bit, here and there... Keep in mind, he's only very recently assumed that role. Ed was there many years and thousands upon thousands of lines later, we have Kirby chipping away at it.

htcONE [M8] 5.0 | Tapatalk

Maybe I've been playing this game too long and I know that eventually every game commentary gets old but sometimes I have the feeling that for certain common situations there is only one line recorded, for instance when you hit a high popup

You guys know which one I mean haha.
# 452 thaSLAB @ 02/25/15 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by LastActionHero
Maybe I've been playing this game too long and I know that eventually every game commentary gets old but sometimes I have the feeling that for certain common situations there is only one line recorded, for instance when you hit a high popup

You guys know which one I mean haha.
Well maybe I've been playing too long too... because I remember when the line was "and this is a Dave Kingman type of popup!" - so the lines have changed some over the years. I don't think the younger generation would even know what that referred to.

Anyway, I think listening to the new radio show will give you a good idea of what Kirby envisions for pbp announcing.

htcONE [M8] 5.0 | Tapatalk
# 453 kehlis @ 02/25/15 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by WarningTrackPower
It happens when a ball is hit directly over a fielder's head and they're not able to "angle back" on the ball. The only way for the fielder to keep his eye on the ball in this situation would be to backpedal, which isn't good technique. In this case, especially when an outfielder is burnt, their only shot is to turn and run back without watching the ball and hope to pick it up after to make the catch. It's one of the harder plays to make as an outfielder IRL, but an easy play to make in the Show.

I think 2k8 had their indicator disappear when turning your back on the ball on hits over a fielder's head.

Outfielders have two techniques they practice and work on regularly with one of them addressing the situation you described and results in them taking their eye off the ball only for a split second.

A half back turn is when an outfielder is running back and is able to just switch his direction by keeping his head facing forward and rotating his shoulders thus never losing site of the ball.

For the situation you describe they work on full back turns which is then basically having to do a 360 and turn their back to the ball for a second to switch direction. They then pick up the ball again immediately and continue on thee new route.

They will never just put their head down without watching the ball.
# 454 thaSLAB @ 02/25/15 11:17 PM

[just a weird time space post incident happened here]
# 455 thaSLAB @ 02/25/15 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by pittsburgher86
Don't count on it being in next year either. The broadcast camera option for pitching has been incorrect for years now in PNC Park and SCEA still probably has no clue. I love the game but thats always bugged me.
I really like your optimism...

Originally Posted by Lorne_SCEA
The broadcast camera has been updated too behind the plate. Enjoy.
And a bonus fix for you:

Originally Posted by Lorne_SCEA
A little birdie came to my desk to tell me that the grass pattern has been updated in PNC.
htcONE [M8] 5.0 | Tapatalk
# 456 ShowTyme15 @ 02/25/15 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by thaSLAB
I really like your optimism...

And a bonus fix for you:

htcONE [M8] 5.0 | Tapatalk
# 457 thaSLAB @ 02/25/15 11:23 PM
Edit: Uhhhhhm, wtf!? I think I'm actually lost in the matrix!
# 458 CubsWillRiseAgain @ 02/26/15 07:22 AM
For those who were able to tune in i am very interested to hear the report of Javier Baez, Jorge Soler and maybe even Arismendy Alcantara. Are their swings pinpointed? Face scans? Everything good with them?
# 459 BSUFAN @ 02/26/15 09:02 AM
Is the next twitch stream tonight at 5pm PST or 8pm EST for me ???
# 460 ShowTyme15 @ 02/26/15 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by BSUFAN
Is the next twitch stream tonight at 5pm PST or 8pm EST for me ???
8pm eastern time.

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