NBA 2K15 News Post

LD2K answered a few questions about NBA 2K15 online leagues earlier this afternoon. Below are some of the details.
  • Can adjust # of teams, season length, difficulty/style, quarter length, trades, playoffs/Finals & custom rosters.
  • Can view player & team stats, standings, team rosters, trades and more.
  • Flex scheduling is in.
  • Admins can reset games.
  • No fantasy drafts this year.
  • Custom rosters are in Online Leagues, you could set up the rosters prior to setting up the league and having users select teams from there.
  • CPU controlled teams are in.
We have contacted 2K for a few more answers and we will update if we hear back.

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Member Comments
# 121 thedream2k13 @ 09/28/14 02:26 PM
I wonder why people don't want to use the real teams playbook? Anyone?

Also I don't agree about " Sim stats". That's on the users and we are all overreacting until we see how the games plays on highest difficulties.

Also I know most leagues aren't played on HOF sim
# 122 loso_34 @ 09/28/14 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by thedream2k13
I wonder why people don't want to use the real teams playbook? Anyone?

Also I don't agree about " Sim stats". That's on the users and we are all overreacting until we see how the games plays on highest difficulties.

Also I know most leagues aren't played on HOF sim
Even on HOF Sim your still gonna have 3's go in at a high rate and dudes finishing with contact. i agree with him you cant call it sim without the ability to customize sliders.
# 123 stillfeelme @ 09/28/14 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by thedream2k13
I wonder why people don't want to use the real teams playbook? Anyone?

Also I don't agree about " Sim stats". That's on the users and we are all overreacting until we see how the games plays on highest difficulties.

Also I know most leagues aren't played on HOF sim
  1. People want to get rid of plays that break or don't complete or have a good chance of getting a good look.
  2. People want to add plays that gives them better locks for open shots that are not in their teams playbook. Some teams just have better plays.
# 124 Cherifanaiz @ 09/28/14 05:34 PM
The first thing I would say is that I think all of us writing in this post, we appreciate and admire the work that 2k has done, year after year..improving their product. The quality has been achieved with the graphics and gameplay, for me if it the best sports game .. and in fact I just bought the XboxOne to play 2k14.

Having said this, we can't forget what has been disappointing for all fans of the series 2K, specifically in online leagues ... some years when our favorite game mode was literally unplayable ..!

When perfection was brushed in 2k11 (just missing scoring several seasons may include for example the draft classes that fans of the series does every tears, can load and unload in own servers 2k .. and it would be great could upload our own associations / online leagues ..), as I said, from that 2k12 with a schedule that does not normally allowed to play leagues with friends, we had a truce with a very successful association (not perfect, but at least playable) in 2k13 .. for in 2k14 not work (I hope in the idea that only the minority that uses gameplay not have data for those years that the league could not be played because of own game .. !!), and in this 2k15 better, but it seems so slightly that many of the friends that you have enjoyed playing online will not come to buy my favorite game, forcing me to only enjoy it offline only!
# 125 Boilerbuzz @ 09/28/14 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Guard-ian
Because I am a long time customer and I felt disrespected, to be honest with you, I don't mind whether I am a minority or not, even though I know many people like me...
So my friend, don't tell me how I have to feel because that is my call and not yours...
Well then, friend, maybe you should state it as how you feel, not as fact like you did. There's a difference between saying, "they are disrespecting us. They are not listening to us", versus saying "i feel like they are..."

Besides, I work in the software industry, not videogames but enterprise resource management software, and the first thing we as a team think when we are planning upgrades to new releases, is to make sure that (with each feature), our customers (whether they are thousands or a few of them) are going to have, as a minimum, what they already had before, you see what I mean?

Cheers! ;-)
And you don't think it works the same way in the games industry as well?
# 126 Boilerbuzz @ 09/28/14 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by Norris_Cole
Well said, people who blindly defends 2k no matter what even with the obviously atrocious decisions they make some times and that left the mode basically unplayable for many also amazes me...
What amazes me is that when someone makes a post that essentially is there to talk people off of a ledge, they become "blind defenders". Why don't you actually try to read my post before lumping me into some corner to be dismissed.

It also amazes me how hyperbolic people become in some wasted effort to create drama and urgency. "Atrocious decisions" and "unplayable mode" are just so silly and over the top.

Just saying.
# 127 Boilerbuzz @ 09/28/14 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Guard-ian
He even asked directly to @Leftos a simple Yes/No regarding Sliders and custom Playbooks, and (as far as I know) we have no answer just yet, so yes, you have the right to be hopeful… but you better know the history too…
I agree that when you don't get direct answers, it's a good chance that the answer isn't the one you want to hear. But to use a no-response from an person not authorized to answer the question (Leftos works on the franchise features, remember?) is a little unfair isn't it?
# 128 Boilerbuzz @ 09/28/14 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by whitesoxsc
Thank you guardian and Norris cole!!! It upsets me that people fear stating facts to the developers of two k! To hear and read all these go arounds as to how to simulate what we once had is crazy to me! To each his own but c'mon man this is 2014, this is a brand new system I refuse to accept a mode that was made for at minimum nba 2 k1!! Whether it was broken bugged or glitched it was still a mode that dedicated fans to this series devoted all of there time!! It's THE NBA, and for people to act as if Mycareer and myteam represents the masses is insulting!! I want to play a realistic mode that contains Nba players playing by nba rules and NBA money!! I'm not going to just shut up and accept this cuz I believe the developers are capable of making this mode great or at least comparable to my league! To jus cash in each year isn't what the message they deliver each year, they say they want to be the number one game of the year every year!! So to believe they 99 percent of the fan base is more than likely capable of online access, it'd be foolish to ignore a mode that has the same cult following as myteam at minimum and yet myteam gets more insight! Respect two k for what they do but don't drink the kool aid as to think they can Do no wrong!!
Wow. The parroting is in full effect tonight, huh? .

Dude, I don't think you're even following the right conversation.
# 129 morningstar777 @ 09/28/14 11:00 PM
Been literally playing 2K since the Dreamcast days, and I just don't understand how they can take away modes/features that was working fine and was favorable to fans. Why are they going backwards?

So finally we get custom sliders for OL's. But of course we lose fantasy drafts and the ability to save playbooks (I'm pretty sure it wont be in 2k15). I bet in 2K16 they will add those features but take away custom sliders again, given 2K'2 track record. It's really pathetic at this point, the Online Leaguers are the most passionate 2K fans but always gets the short end of the stick, while the offline players whom the majority of them plays the game ******ly gets the creme de la creme.
# 130 Boilerbuzz @ 09/29/14 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by morningstar777
Been literally playing 2K since the Dreamcast days, and I just don't understand how they can take away modes/features that was working fine and was favorable to fans. Why are they going backwards?

So finally we get custom sliders for OL's. But of course we lose fantasy drafts and the ability to save playbooks (I'm pretty sure it wont be in 2k15). I bet in 2K16 they will add those features but take away custom sliders again, given 2K'2 track record. It's really pathetic at this point, the Online Leaguers are the most passionate 2K fans but always gets the short end of the stick, while the offline players whom the majority of them plays the game ******ly gets the creme de la creme.
Boy, that's pretty presumptuous of you to claim which section of the fan base is most passionate. I would say the Crewbabies are the most passionate frankly if you held a gun to my head. Followed by the MyTeam nuts.

And then this "always" thing. Really? If that were the case, there would be no such mode at all. Just saying.
# 131 lvnba @ 09/29/14 02:42 AM
I do not understand your participation in this thread, Boilerbuzz. Are you going to quote each and every one of the guys who are disappointed and dissect their messages?

The thing is: it is easy to understand. When you had good modes and they take them away, and some of the options are so EASY to implement and so IMPORTANT for us, you feel hurt. Things like 'this is a game', 'you are not obliged to buy it', 'they work a lot in another modes', 'we are the minority', blablabla, that goes without saying. I do not see why someone would have to state those obvious things before expressing how they feel about a certain videogame.

Having said that, I would like you to put in the shoes of people like us just for a second. We are 30 GMs playing our league with the same rosters and everything for 7 years. And we are people in our late 20-30s that spend a lot of time during the year playing ONLY this game. If there is a missing option as the sliders, we will not be able to carry on with our league, and that is VERY upsetting.
# 132 Guard-ian @ 09/29/14 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
Well then, friend, maybe you should state it as how you feel, not as fact like you did. There's a difference between saying, "they are disrespecting us. They are not listening to us", versus saying "i feel like they are..."
Don't try to play smart because you won't go anywhere that way... I know hundreds of people I have met over the years playing on very well organized Online Leagues/Associations in several boards, and they all feel the same than me, so yes, I can say we all feel disrespected, so I can say they are disrespecting us, as all the people who play this mode regularly and in a dedicated manner feel like that... got it?.

If you are also a (well organized and with dedicated admins) 30 users online leagues player (I doubt it to be honest) and don't feel the same, ok fine, everyone is entitled to his opinion, but in this case, you are just the exception to the rule...

On the other hand, I've never talked about laziness or things like that, I have a hell of respect for the devs and the producers of a game I love (NBA 2k), in fact I also enjoy playing offline and I know I will savor every hour of MyLeague...

And you don't think it works the same way in the games industry as well?
I don't know exactly how it works, it is not my business, yes common sense tell me that they have to care about all their customers, but definitely it's not the same.

You know, NBA basketball and videogames are just two of my main hobbies, and the only thing I can say for now is that, last year, I bought a new system when I read we would have Online Leagues on next-gen, but It was surprising (and extremely dissapointing) the kind of "online leagues" we already got...

It also amazes me how hyperbolic people become in some wasted effort to create drama and urgency. "Atrocious decisions" and "unplayable mode" are just so silly and over the top.
In my view, "Unplayable mode" was simply a reality from a SIM perspective (somthing that I take for granted here at OS), How can I simulate a real NBA league when I can not change the Quarter length from 6 mins? (just to start with something).

I agree that when you don't get direct answers, it's a good chance that the answer isn't the one you want to hear. But to use a no-response from an person not authorized to answer the question (Leftos works on the franchise features, remember?) is a little unfair isn't it?
Well, that's your interpretation. I just wanted to point out the usual "no answers" then "not in the game" correspondence. Leftos is a guy I really like and respect (especially being a software engineer as myself) and appreciate a lot his interaction with the sim community...

Cheers! ;-)
# 133 BMDinTDOT @ 09/29/14 07:13 AM
No Fantasy drafts? How are we going backwards with technology?
So many great things over the years have been taken away and
been replaced with useless stuff it's disheartening.

I don't think I ever played an online league where people didnt
go ghost after a few games anyways.
# 134 Boilerbuzz @ 09/29/14 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by lvnba
I do not understand your participation in this thread, Boilerbuzz. Are you going to quote each and every one of the guys who are disappointed and dissect their messages?
My participation was initially to talk about a mode I want to play. One poster jumps in and says that the ARE being ignored and disrespected. Not that they FEEL ignored and disrespected. Two totally different statement where one is stating VC's motivations and decision making as fact. I called him on it. In the meantime, a couple of people jump in a pod start parroting, at the same time seeming to imply that I was a blind apologist, when I made no references at all to disagreeing with the point missing or removed features. Only the assertion that it was a disrespect to the fans. That's it! And I called them on that.

The thing is: it is easy to understand. When you had good modes and they take them away, and some of the options are so EASY to implement and so IMPORTANT for us, you feel hurt. Things like 'this is a game', 'you are not obliged to buy it', 'they work a lot in another modes', 'we are the minority', blablabla, that goes without saying. I do not see why someone would have to state those obvious things before expressing how they feel about a certain videogame.
I understand that and agree. If you read my posts, you would see that. It understandable to feel that way. I feel that way about MyCareer. I've stated this many times. But I've NEVER implied that 2K just gives me the middle finger. With all that they are doing moving things over from old gen to next gen, some stuff is still left behind. That's life. They don't have time to move everything over in the shortened dev cycle. Don't assume features are copy and paste.

Having said that, I would like you to put in the shoes of people like us just for a second. We are 30 GMs playing our league with the same rosters and everything for 7 years. And we are people in our late 20-30s that spend a lot of time during the year playing ONLY this game. If there is a missing option as the sliders, we will not be able to carry on with our league, and that is VERY upsetting.
What makes you think I'm NOT in your shoes? That's the funny part: I am. But in not starting a lynch mob because of it, that's all.
# 135 Boilerbuzz @ 09/29/14 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by whitesoxsc
Agreed lmaoo he keeps taking on the weight of the world for developers who can easily chime in and fight there on fight!! He 's probably a fan of another mode who doesn't understand why we don't just shut up and take it!! It's sad at this point!
If you really believe that, you would be fired if you were one of them. It does them NO good to get in these kinds of discussions. They are smart enough to know that and doesn't say much about you to think that they should do that. I'm a HUGE fan of any kind of association mode and I would LOVE to play THIS one as a stop gap. I do NOT say shut up and take it. I say, don't assume that feature x isn't there because 2K just wants to say "**** you". Is that hard to understand?
# 136 Boilerbuzz @ 09/29/14 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by Guard-ian
Don't try to play smart because you won't go anywhere that way...
Ok then. If a discussion calling for some sense of reason isn't possible, we are done.
# 137 d11king @ 09/29/14 09:46 AM
This thread kind of went left and I don't have time to be reading people's long *** "Control" verses, so can anyone helps. I read in this thread somewhere like a week ago that the O.L.'s aren't continuous as in, no drafts or Season 2's. Is this confirmed?
# 138 Boilerbuzz @ 09/29/14 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by whitesoxsc
Funny thing is I wonder if you're on payroll for vc!?? Seems like you choose to be an apologist for all things wrong with two k!! My prior posts on this forum stated my opinion! Stop stating facts if you have none!! Your opinion is just that an opinion, just as the people who are opposed to this decision n this direction they're taking with the mode! My conversation was geared toward who it needed to be geared to, don't recall quoting you so ironically it seems you are in the wrong conversation!! Hope they make it worth your while to waive the Pom poms!!
This makes NO sense at all. First: I have yet to apologize to 2K on anything. Learn to read. Secondly, *I* am the one calling on people to state the make it he distinction between facts and how they feel as two separate things. Learn to read. Third: I've ALWAYS stated my opinion as opinion. Find one post where that is not the case. Fourth: you replied to a reply of a post directed squarely at me. So again, follow along.

If I wave the pom poms, as you say, I must be doing a crappy job because I'm VERY vocal in my dislike of the direction MyCareer has taken since 2K11. That's just one example. I've agreed with the complaints on the intrusiveness of VC, especially in MyGM to the point where I didn't play it last year! I can give you a list things I don't like about the game if you'd like as I'm sure you wouldn't mind a list for you campaigning, right?

I'm here because I like the game and I'm hopeful for this mode. Some of you just come in here to bitch. Not provide feedback and constructive criticism. Just to bitch. And if anyone says anything that calls you on going overboard, they become blind apologist on the payroll. Whatever. If you don't like it, I can't help that.
# 139 Boilerbuzz @ 09/29/14 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by d11king
This thread kind of went left and I don't have time to be reading people's long *** "Control" verses, so can anyone helps. I read in this thread somewhere like a week ago that the O.L.'s aren't continuous as in, no drafts or Season 2's. Is this confirmed?
Not continuous. That's why it's called "Leagues" instead of "Association".

Yes, that sucks. But it can be worked around if you have the time, desire to do so. Still don't get the stat up****** though and that sucks. (Supposedly, I'm not supposed to say anything "sucks" in the game)

Work around is you can do your own fantasy draft and customize the roster to reflect that draft and continue into the next season.
# 140 Boilerbuzz @ 09/29/14 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by BMDinTDOT
No Fantasy drafts? How are we going backwards with technology?
So many great things over the years have been taken away and
been replaced with useless stuff it's disheartening.

I don't think I ever played an online league where people didnt
go ghost after a few games anyways.
Well, maybe this is why they don't invest more time in these modes. It's a Devil's circle. Mode isn't good enough to keep people interested, so they lose interest and don't play. They see people aren't playing enough to justify the time investment to make it good enough. So it doesn't get the time needed and comes up short.

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