NBA 2K15 News Post

LD2K answered a few questions about NBA 2K15 online leagues earlier this afternoon. Below are some of the details.
  • Can adjust # of teams, season length, difficulty/style, quarter length, trades, playoffs/Finals & custom rosters.
  • Can view player & team stats, standings, team rosters, trades and more.
  • Flex scheduling is in.
  • Admins can reset games.
  • No fantasy drafts this year.
  • Custom rosters are in Online Leagues, you could set up the rosters prior to setting up the league and having users select teams from there.
  • CPU controlled teams are in.
We have contacted 2K for a few more answers and we will update if we hear back.

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 201 vannwolfhawk @ 10/02/14 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by thedream2k13
That's a lot of complaining before even getting your hands on the game. We just seen a 40 minute gameplay video played on superstar Sim that had none of the issues you describing. Custom playbooks seem to be missing so guess I have to play like the real team ? That's what a simulation is
First of all live and learn from past experiences. 2nd fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me! If that 40 minute video you thought everything was perfect and will be a perfect representation of online next year as well as them not changing it once everyone starts complaining how hard it is once again your mistaken. It happens every year! Think 2k11...

As far as playing like real team lol! This made me realize you really don't have a clue what your talking about or understand the bigger issues.

And btw, weren't you in 1 of our leagues a few years ago and got kicked out for not being sim and jacking 50 3's with Houston in like 3 quarters? Lol
# 202 Pared @ 10/02/14 12:51 PM
Why are you shocked?

Many of you knew this would be the case some time ago.

Honestly, even with the feature implemented there were a few times where they didn't work. Yeah, didn't think of that one eh?

I wish it were in like the rest of you. But unless you're not going to get the game then please stop feigning outrage.

"Damn you 2k!!! How can you not include this and add a slew of other features instead!!! You have no idea what we want!!!! Oh BTW here's my $60."
# 203 lvnba @ 10/02/14 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
I wish it were in like the rest of you. But unless you're not going to get the game then please stop feigning outrage.

"Damn you 2k!!! How can you not include this and add a slew of other features instead!!! You have no idea what we want!!!! Oh BTW here's my $60."
One day they might listen.

If not, just wait until Live is something decent, you'll see where our 60$ go then.

If there is any soccer fan out here, they will know what happened in the PES vs FIFA 'history'.


And for the guy saying that we should be alright playing real teams:

# 204 vannwolfhawk @ 10/02/14 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Why are you shocked?

Many of you knew this would be the case some time ago.

Honestly, even with the feature implemented there were a few times where they didn't work. Yeah, didn't think of that one eh?

I wish it were in like the rest of you. But unless you're not going to get the game then please stop feigning outrage.

"Damn you 2k!!! How can you not include this and add a slew of other features instead!!! You have no idea what we want!!!! Oh BTW here's my $60."
No one is shocked just disappointed. Last year was 1st year I passed on 2k ever since dream cast year 1. Not having practice plays and no customization with online leagues and only 5 minute quarters were deal breaker for me. Thos are only 2 things I care about.

That being said I am getting this game regardless. I'm super excited for it and think it's going to be best ever but that doesn't change the bad decisions in a few areas that have been there for numerous years and asked for for numerous years. This year listening to the community and customization has been talked about from all devs and marketing but this is 1 area it was not listened too or implemented.

And all areas I listed prior we're adjustable in past and saved league experience before. Not sure which sliders you are referring too not working? I know that everyone in my league are baffled and upset by this. My texts read smh, wtf, etc. lol

IMO and if I was in charge of this area of game I'd have my list of what will allow users to have best experience especially being that my league will only be offline this year. Let's make it up to them. Now that being said hasn't sliders been adjustable every year until this year online?
# 205 Pared @ 10/02/14 01:16 PM
It was in current gen (can we call it previous gen now?) and sometimes worked and sometimes didn't. The sliders would actually contribute to disconnects and errors when connecting. It's not easy to do and obviously needs a good amount of focus and testing.

Given what they delivered this year in the form of a "new" experience in other areas, I can understand why this stuff was overlooked. I think having custom rosters will have a bigger impact than sliders although I would prefer sliders as well.

Honestly, leagues haven't been the same since they redesigned the league sites way back around 2k11 or so. OL's haven't been as fun to me due to having to sit at the console all the time. Give me the old league site (which sliders didn't work consistently there either) and go from there. I loved watching gamecasts from my couch on games around my league.
# 206 vannwolfhawk @ 10/02/14 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
It was in current gen (can we call it previous gen now?) and sometimes worked and sometimes didn't. The sliders would actually contribute to disconnects and errors when connecting. It's not easy to do and obviously needs a good amount of focus and testing.

Given what they delivered this year in the form of a "new" experience in other areas, I can understand why this stuff was overlooked. I think having custom rosters will have a bigger impact than sliders although I would prefer sliders as well.

Honestly, leagues haven't been the same since they redesigned the league sites way back around 2k11 or so. OL's haven't been as fun to me due to having to sit at the console all the time. Give me the old league site (which sliders didn't work consistently there either) and go from there. I loved watching gamecasts from my couch on games around my league.
No doubt about it! I loved the 2k site in 2k11 where we could upload game winners, highlights, etc. Having twitch this year (mandatory for all league members this year in our league) will be awesome for policing league as well as scouting and watching key games or matchups. If I'm not in a league game this is what I will be doing guaranteed!

Im with you though and hope that this is because a big focus will go here "next year". Been saying that for 4-5 years though. But like I said I passed on 14 next gen but I swore they had sliders in that game? And I've never had experiences of games dropping because of sliders online. We played 82 games 12 minute quarters with massive slider adjustments with no issues. Hmmmmm
# 207 Destru @ 10/02/14 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
It was in current gen (can we call it previous gen now?) and sometimes worked and sometimes didn't. The sliders would actually contribute to disconnects and errors when connecting. It's not easy to do and obviously needs a good amount of focus and testing.

Given what they delivered this year in the form of a "new" experience in other areas, I can understand why this stuff was overlooked. I think having custom rosters will have a bigger impact than sliders although I would prefer sliders as well.

Honestly, leagues haven't been the same since they redesigned the league sites way back around 2k11 or so. OL's haven't been as fun to me due to having to sit at the console all the time. Give me the old league site (which sliders didn't work consistently there either) and go from there. I loved watching gamecasts from my couch on games around my league.
I can't describe it better. 2k11 OL web was the best ever in NBA 2k game's history. I wonder how a videogame company could get worst improved features on past years...
# 208 vannwolfhawk @ 10/02/14 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by stillfeelme

Here is the thing for the roster I originally thought it would make the most sense to give everyone in the Sim City league a chance to give you a list of plays they wanted on their team's playbook then allow you or one of the commish's to edit the roster. However think about this if everyone changes their playbook would you be able to alter the playbook later? Will all the plays exist if a user has altered that team's playbook to remove certain plays from their playbook do they still exist somewhere else? I am not sure on that so I could be wrong though what was your experience before?
I'm not sure we will just have to wait and see and test. I'm assuming and hoping that everyone sends me plays they want in and play types. I will add them all but I'm sure once you choose your plays and we start league you will be stuck with those plays unless you change them prior too game.

I'm ok with all that though as I can just switch a few plays here and there throughout season. I'm just going to have to really be picky with play choice this year prior to starting and make sure all plays test out properly.

1st thing I'll do is test my teams (blazers play book) and try and keep as many as possible though. We'll find out in a few days! I'm just praying this workaround even works?!
# 209 ya boy hollywud @ 10/02/14 02:19 PM
Can you guys confirm that online leagues will officially only last one season or is that something people are just speculating about?
# 210 Lid @ 10/02/14 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by ya boy hollywud
Can you guys confirm that online leagues will officially only last one season or is that something people are just speculating about?
its in the OP. 1 and done.
# 211 Guard-ian @ 10/02/14 02:33 PM
Ok guys, it is a big dissapointment but it is what it is, so time to move on...

No Fantasy Draft:
Ok, with custom rosters in, we could use other tools for the draft outside of the game, for instance a forum.

No Custom Sliders:
Ok, (knowing DaCzar and Scott O'G fine tuned the game) hopefully the gameplay will be much more balanced this year and it will be ok playing in HOF/Sim.

No Custom Playbooks:
Ok, perhaps most of the plays will be usable this year or at least we could add a few at the beginning of every game (half a loaf is better than no bread)

So it's time to be possitive and try to enjoy our favorite game (and game mode) which fortunately is around the corner...

In my book, the most important thing right now (even more than those things we are missing here) is the stability of the servers and the online gameplay, if they actually have worked hard on that (as Rob Jones proclaimed) and we won't get once again that extremely laggy and unstable game that was NBA 2k14 "next-gen"... then I will be more than happy to give it a shot and probably will enjoy the (still a little bit barebones) Online Leagues...

Peace and see ya on the Court lads!!! ;-)
# 212 vannwolfhawk @ 10/02/14 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Guard-ian
Ok guys, it is a big dissapointment but it is what it is, so time to move on...

No Fantasy Draft:
Ok, with custom rosters in, we could use other tools for the draft outside of the game, for instance a forum.

No Custom Sliders:
Ok, (knowing DaCzar and Scott O'G fine tuned the game) hopefully the gameplay will be much more balanced this year and it will be ok playing in HOF/Sim.

No Custom Playbooks:
Ok, perhaps most of the plays will be usable this year or at least we could add a few at the beginning of every game (half a loaf is better than no bread)

So it's time to be possitive and try to enjoy our favorite game (and game mode) which fortunately is around the corner...

In my book, the most important thing right now (even more than those things we are missing here) is the stability of the servers and the online gameplay, if they actually have worked hard on that (as Rob Jones proclaimed) and we won't get once again that extremely laggy and unstable game that was NBA 2k14 "next-gen"... then I will be more than happy to give it a shot and probably will enjoy the (still a little bit barebones) Online Leagues...

Peace and see ya on the Court lads!!! ;-)
We will all move on and enjoy this game. But the devs need to know our issues with this and understand what we want and are not happy with at the same time. Sweeping it under the rug and never discussing this means it must not be a big issue then never gets fixed. We are lucky that a ton of the debs visit so and read all these threads whether you see them or not.

Think about defensive settings and poe's last year or practice plays mode. We complained, showed our displeasure and it has made its triumphant return this year. If no one spoke up can we say that would be the case?

I just hope all the workarounds work this year. None of this will be game breaking for me THIS YEAR but another year being ignored doesn't sit we'll for a lot of us.

It's simple 3 fixes that change this mode for all us online league players added to what they already have.

1- give us customizable sliders
2- let us save play books so we don't waste time adjusting pre game every game.
3- ability to pick winner or loser after resetting game or when swimming game.

Add all those to what you got and you got a winner. I think where people get frustrated including myself is that we have talked about these things for well over 4 years. I even gave list of all online league requests to debs personally 2 years ago.

Anyways, the debs need to know and want to know. Everyone wants their mode to improve in the future including debs so as many complaints or as much feedback from what community wants the better.
# 213 disconimahoni @ 10/02/14 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
It was in current gen (can we call it previous gen now?) and sometimes worked and sometimes didn't. The sliders would actually contribute to disconnects and errors when connecting. It's not easy to do and obviously needs a good amount of focus and testing.

Given what they delivered this year in the form of a "new" experience in other areas, I can understand why this stuff was overlooked. I think having custom rosters will have a bigger impact than sliders although I would prefer sliders as well.

Honestly, leagues haven't been the same since they redesigned the league sites way back around 2k11 or so. OL's haven't been as fun to me due to having to sit at the console all the time. Give me the old league site (which sliders didn't work consistently there either) and go from there. I loved watching gamecasts from my couch on games around my league.
I agree on everything you say.
Since 2011 everything has gone worse. It's a shame that every year remove something that worked very well.
I have spent many years playing online leagues and is the first year I will not buy the new game.
# 214 RyanFitzmagic @ 10/02/14 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
It was in current gen (can we call it previous gen now?) and sometimes worked and sometimes didn't. The sliders would actually contribute to disconnects and errors when connecting. It's not easy to do and obviously needs a good amount of focus and testing.
Why couldn't a dev just say that, especially once it was obvious that so many people were up in arms about this? Why did it take someone who doesn't even work for 2K to point this out? Even Czar could have said so.

Communication is important, even though we know that it's obvious why a company wouldn't want to promote negative information about their game. At the same time, though, people always talk about how small a percentage of the community a place like OS is, so why not let us know things like this?

"Hey, we know you guys are disappointed that ______ was removed this year, but the reason was because ________." Let us know that they're on our side and that they're not just incompetent or unwilling to work hard making the best product possible.

It's not like we're asking 2K to air national TV commercials highlighting every negative aspect of the game. The ****** gamer doesn't even visit OS, so they'll still buy the game if it's quality, which it is appears to be. It's just that OA kinda got shafted, and when something bad happens for a reason you can't figure out, that's incredibly frustrating.

I always agree that the consumers need to stop and look at things from the developers' point of view, but I also believe that this logic applies inversely as well. Think about how we had custom sliders in OA last year, and all of a sudden, now we don't, and no one knows why. That can be maddening, especially when a feature is removed, as opposed to never being there in the first place, since we know it's possible to have it.

Originally Posted by Pared
Given what they delivered this year in the form of a "new" experience in other areas, I can understand why this stuff was overlooked. I think having custom rosters will have a bigger impact than sliders although I would prefer sliders as well.
Also, I agree with this.
# 215 threattonature @ 10/02/14 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by RyanFitzmagic
Why couldn't a dev just say that, especially once it was obvious that so many people were up in arms about this? Why did it take someone who doesn't even work for 2K to point this out? Even Czar could have said so.

Communication is important, even though we know that it's obvious why a company wouldn't want to promote negative information about their game. At the same time, though, people always talk about how small a percentage of the community a place like OS is, so why not let us know things like this?

"Hey, we know you guys are disappointed that ______ was removed this year, but the reason was because ________." Let us know that they're on our side and that they're not just incompetent or unwilling to work hard making the best product possible.

It's not like we're asking 2K to air national TV commercials highlighting every negative aspect of the game. The ****** gamer doesn't even visit OS, so they'll still buy the game if it's quality, which it is appears to be. It's just that OA kinda got shafted.

Also, I agree with this.
Lack of transparency adds to the anger. It seems like the customer has to go digging for the bad information that we may not want to hear. Especially frustrating when you see the 2K guys in answering anything positive.
# 216 Melbournelad @ 10/03/14 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by Lid

Damn, who else is undercover on OS?
# 217 silverskier @ 10/03/14 05:22 AM
Originally Posted by Melbournelad

Damn, who else is undercover on OS?

stop trolling pls
# 218 loso_34 @ 10/03/14 12:36 PM
damn so this area of the game is gonna be left without any insight?

# 219 nddot @ 10/03/14 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Melbournelad

Damn, who else is undercover on OS?

# 220 Melbournelad @ 10/03/14 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by silverskier
stop trolling pls

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