NBA 2K15 News Post

LD2K answered a few questions about NBA 2K15 online leagues earlier this afternoon. Below are some of the details.
  • Can adjust # of teams, season length, difficulty/style, quarter length, trades, playoffs/Finals & custom rosters.
  • Can view player & team stats, standings, team rosters, trades and more.
  • Flex scheduling is in.
  • Admins can reset games.
  • No fantasy drafts this year.
  • Custom rosters are in Online Leagues, you could set up the rosters prior to setting up the league and having users select teams from there.
  • CPU controlled teams are in.
We have contacted 2K for a few more answers and we will update if we hear back.

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Member Comments
# 101 UniversalNoob @ 09/27/14 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by ClevelandFan
Horrible. What happened to online ASSOCIATION
Wake up...Online Association was a good idea first, but was crap in how it was implemented... If you cannot pass on offseason, do it outside of the game. In the 3 leagues I am playing in, we do that for years now. Even with the Online Association ingame, we managed our teams outside of the game (including rookie draft, free agency, trades,...) and opened a new OA each season with a fantasy draft, to get our teams right. That's even easier right now with the ability to use custom rosters.
# 102 DaProdigy @ 09/27/14 11:38 AM
Is it possible that multiplr seasons could be patched in? Even if there is no draft or offseason period id be cool.
# 103 threattonature @ 09/27/14 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by UniversalNoob
Wake up...Online Association was a good idea first, but was crap in how it was implemented... If you cannot pass on offseason, do it outside of the game. In the 3 leagues I am playing in, we do that for years now. Even with the Online Association ingame, we managed our teams outside of the game (including rookie draft, free agency, trades,...) and opened a new OA each season with a fantasy draft, to get our teams right. That's even easier right now with the ability to use custom rosters.
How many people were in your 3 leagues? And how did you all go about managing draft and free agency outside of the league?
# 104 RustyBlue @ 09/27/14 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Lid
just one season, no FA, no rookie drafting, none of that.
wow they were better off just leaving it out
# 105 loso_34 @ 09/27/14 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by lvnba
THIS. Please answer that as many people are waiting to know that.

Fantasy draft issues can be overcome with custom rosters. However the exclusion of adjustable sliders may be a deal breaker for me.
# 106 amedawg00 @ 09/27/14 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by threattonature
How many people were in your 3 leagues? And how did you all go about managing draft and free agency outside of the league?
Originally Posted by UniversalNoob
Wake up...Online Association was a good idea first, but was crap in how it was implemented... If you cannot pass on offseason, do it outside of the game. In the 3 leagues I am playing in, we do that for years now. Even with the Online Association ingame, we managed our teams outside of the game (including rookie draft, free agency, trades,...) and opened a new OA each season with a fantasy draft, to get our teams right. That's even easier right now with the ability to use custom rosters.
Id also like for you to explain this a bit more in depth. Our league intends to use the custom roster feature at some point to emulate an OA. Would love to hear how you managed FAs outside of the league. Ty.
# 107 Kurupt_XxX @ 09/27/14 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by amedawg00
Id also like for you to explain this a bit more in depth. Our league intends to use the custom roster feature at some point to emulate an OA. Would love to hear how you managed FAs outside of the league. Ty.
SIm a full season of offline OA. Then see which players leave in free agency and such. Which retire. etc etc. Then the teams with the caproom, give them an order to pick in based on activity, or whatever you please. And go from there. Adding the players onto the teams through custom rosters. Download draft classes and adjust accordingly to your league. Progress players that way too.
# 108 MeloNYK7 @ 09/27/14 10:12 PM
EVERY year online league players are ignored. Offline has My GM. Why can't we just get a decent ONline league (that works) with fantasy drafts, customization, manager power and whoa actually save coaching settings,playbooks and ability to practice them? But they will not respond to this trend with reasons. Just the positive ones, got it. Another year, i would be a fool to be surprised.
# 109 HowDareI @ 09/27/14 10:25 PM
I used to be into online leagues, and imo fantasy drafts are important because it helps balance the league. Yes, I can win games with my Sixers but if someone's just as good as me and has the Spurs I have no chance unless I play a perfect game...and most likely cheese a little, which I don't wanna do.

I was excited when they said the leagues would be back, now not so much...I wouldn't mind using real teams if there was a draft and we could get some good players...me and my friends would play a few years of it then. But as it stands now it seems like a pointless mode I'll just skip over honestly.
# 110 aboogie1993 @ 09/27/14 11:36 PM
welp cant say im happy
# 111 Guard-ian @ 09/28/14 06:04 AM
Why it is so difficult (for 2k devs) to understand that we just want the options we already had back in 2K9?

How it is possible that, 6 years later, we are like this? In my book this is a disrespect to the long-term customers...

No sliders, no fantasy draft and no custom playbooks (to name just some of the expected features) is a big deal for many people who has been purchasing this game year in and year out just to play their favorite game mode: Online League/Association.

VC never ceases to amaze...

Cheers! ;-)
# 112 Boilerbuzz @ 09/28/14 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by Guard-ian
Why it is so difficult (for 2k devs) to understand that we just want the options we already had back in 2K9?

How it is possible that, 6 years later, we are like this? In my book this is a disrespect to the long-term customers...

No sliders, no fantasy draft and no custom playbooks (to name just some of the expected features) is a big deal for many people who has been purchasing this game year in and year out just to play their favorite game mode: Online League/Association.

VC never ceases to amaze...

Cheers! ;-)

Why do people think that every missing feature is a sign of disrespect or laziness instead of a decision to prioritize other features and bug fixes? People never cease to amaze me.

That's not to say they don't make decisions that I consider bad. I do NOT like the direction MyCareer has been going. Hate it. But I would put money that the motivation for those decisions are to satisfy a larger portion of the fans and NOT to piss of fans. We need to get over ourselves and realize that sometimes, we get screwed because we are the minority. Or our opinions don't match theirs about what's most important for the time being. We can voice our dissatisfaction, but to continue to attribute those decisions to malice and disrespect is childish.
# 113 NDAlum @ 09/28/14 10:06 AM
I'm disappointed in the online league feature list. It sucks to admit but I think boiler is right in his assumption that people who want online leagues are in the minority. In Madden you have a huge deal of interest in online leagues because it is a full functioning franchise mode and football is more of a team concept. Nobody can make their own character and play both sides of the football and really dominate the action.

In basketball it seems to be wildly popular to create a fantasy version of yourself and compete in the online world. In basketball a single player can absolutely take over a game and they never have to leave the court. It seems as though this popularity has led to resources being poured into their role playing mode. If I'm 2K I do the same thing. Cater to the masses, get sales, get VC revenue, and do what I can for the other consumers to not alienate them too much.
# 114 Boilerbuzz @ 09/28/14 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by NDAlum
I'm disappointed in the online league feature list. It sucks to admit but I think boiler is right in his assumption that people who want online leagues are in the minority. In Madden you have a huge deal of interest in online leagues because it is a full functioning franchise mode and football is more of a team concept. Nobody can make their own character and play both sides of the football and really dominate the action.

In basketball it seems to be wildly popular to create a fantasy version of yourself and compete in the online world. In basketball a single player can absolutely take over a game and they never have to leave the court. It seems as though this popularity has led to resources being poured into their role playing mode. If I'm 2K I do the same thing. Cater to the masses, get sales, get VC revenue, and do what I can for the other consumers to not alienate them too much.

It's the sad fact of life folks. You have to make business decisions and the trade offs will disappoint people. But you have to ride with it and hope to address those trade offs as soon as you can.
# 115 silverskier @ 09/28/14 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by NDAlum
I'm disappointed in the online league feature list. It sucks to admit but I think boiler is right in his assumption that people who want online leagues are in the minority. In Madden you have a huge deal of interest in online leagues because it is a full functioning franchise mode and football is more of a team concept. Nobody can make their own character and play both sides of the football and really dominate the action.

In basketball it seems to be wildly popular to create a fantasy version of yourself and compete in the online world. In basketball a single player can absolutely take over a game and they never have to leave the court. It seems as though this popularity has led to resources being poured into their role playing mode. If I'm 2K I do the same thing. Cater to the masses, get sales, get VC revenue, and do what I can for the other consumers to not alienate them too much.
In basketball team play wins championships as in any other team sports. There are superstars, but only the marketing let you believe that they can win games alone. That being said, I agree with you that a company is going to invest in the modes that sell more games, and of course if you can catter the ****** masses you are going to get the cash that you want.
The beauty of online leagues is that the better you play as a team, the more wins you are going to get, as in real life. So I can get why the mode isn't treated as well as the other online modes.
# 116 jk31 @ 09/28/14 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by amedawg00
Id also like for you to explain this a bit more in depth. Our league intends to use the custom roster feature at some point to emulate an OA. Would love to hear how you managed FAs outside of the league. Ty.
We meet in an IRC channel. Then theres a bidding on each player (always one player at a time). The highest contract proposal will get the player.
# 117 Guard-ian @ 09/28/14 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
Why do people think that every missing feature is a sign of disrespect or laziness instead of a decision to prioritize other features and bug fixes? People never cease to amaze me.
Because I am a long time customer and I felt disrespected, to be honest with you, I don't mind whether I am a minority or not, even though I know many people like me...

I can say that, when last year (pre 2k14 next-gen) I read we were gonna have online leagues, I thought we (at least) would had the same options we already had in 2k11... but I could not be more wrong... I bought a new system (Xbox One) to play 2k14 online leagues and I could not play the first one up to now... and not only me but all the communities I know (more that 200 people counting Xbox and Sony systems) they thought exactly the same... it was simply impossible to organize anything with quality in that borebones game mode...

So my friend, don't tell me how I have to feel because that is my call and not yours...

Besides, I work in the software industry, not videogames but enterprise resource management software, and the first thing we as a team think when we are planning upgrades to new releases, is to make sure that (with each feature), our customers (whether they are thousands or a few of them) are going to have, as a minimum, what they already had before, you see what I mean?

Cheers! ;-)
# 118 lvnba @ 09/28/14 01:59 PM
I guess we will not know until the game is released if the sliders are customizable or not.
# 119 Norris_Cole @ 09/28/14 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Guard-ian
Because I am a long time customer and I felt disrespected, to be honest with you, I don't mind whether I am a minority or not, even though I know many people like me...

I can say that, when last year (pre 2k14 next-gen) I read we were gonna have online leagues, I thought we (at least) would had the same options we already had in 2k11... but I could not be more wrong... I bought a new system (Xbox One) to play 2k14 online leagues and I could not play the first one up to now... and not only me but all the communities I know (more that 200 people counting Xbox and Sony systems) they thought exactly the same... it was simply impossible to organize anything with quality in that borebones game mode...

So my friend, don't tell me how I have to feel because that is my call and not yours...

Besides, I work in the software industry, not videogames but enterprise resource management software, and the first thing we as a team think when we are planning upgrades to new releases, is to make sure that (with each feature), our customers (whether they are thousands or a few of them) are going to have, as a minimum, what they already had before, you see what I mean?

Cheers! ;-)

Well said, people who blindly defends 2k no matter what even with the obviously atrocious decisions they make some times and that left the mode basically unplayable for many also amazes me...

Nobody can defend what they have done last year with the online leagues, it just has no name
# 120 Guard-ian @ 09/28/14 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by lvnba
I guess we will not know until the game is released if the sliders are customizable or not.
I am afraid we already know the response… I’ve been over here (tbh, as a lurker most of the time) long enough to realize that, as @vannwolfhawk suggested at the beginning of this thread, when the devs/producers avoid a question or don't talk about it, then 99’9% of the times it is not in the game…

He even asked directly to @Leftos a simple Yes/No regarding Sliders and custom Playbooks, and (as far as I know) we have no answer just yet, so yes, you have the right to be hopeful… but you better know the history too…

I don’t know how we can talk about SIM in an online league without the ability to customize our sliders (just to avoid cheese and look for realistic 12 mins/Q stats) or save our playbooks (only to do what a real NBA coach does)…

Cheers! ;-)

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