NBA 2K15 News Post

LD2K answered a few questions about NBA 2K15 online leagues earlier this afternoon. Below are some of the details.
  • Can adjust # of teams, season length, difficulty/style, quarter length, trades, playoffs/Finals & custom rosters.
  • Can view player & team stats, standings, team rosters, trades and more.
  • Flex scheduling is in.
  • Admins can reset games.
  • No fantasy drafts this year.
  • Custom rosters are in Online Leagues, you could set up the rosters prior to setting up the league and having users select teams from there.
  • CPU controlled teams are in.
We have contacted 2K for a few more answers and we will update if we hear back.

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Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 amedawg00 @ 09/26/14 11:55 AM
Silverskier, are u also known as silverbac5 that ran nsba leagues back in the day?

Your posts are level headed and always bring back the thread to the relevant points. What you outlined are the critical customization options that make online leagues viable. These are not trivial add-ons; hopefully a dev can chime in..it's ****** Friday at VC as well lol
# 82 vannwolfhawk @ 09/26/14 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by amedawg00
Still.no confirmation of saved playbooks? Our 12 min quarter gms will be an eternity if we have to spend additional time setting up playbooks before tip off each gm. That's a grind I'm not looking forward to. Like Van says, if 2k is silent on this, its most likely not in
I pray they just haven't responded yet! It took me 5 minutes and my opponent 5 minutes to redo playbooks in 2k11 so 10 minutes before we could even start a game and that was with just 4 plays per player! Lol! What a waste of time! Do that for 82 games and that's 9 hours of my life I can't get back! Haha
# 83 ffaacc03 @ 09/26/14 12:31 PM

Totally agree with your post Amedawg !

Van, I think that the custom roster feature will aid a bit the issue of playbooks, as playbooks are within the roster itself, therefor, they should be set on the custom roster that the league will use ... issues may arise when there is roster movement tho, so here is to hope for playbooks saves.
# 84 vannwolfhawk @ 09/26/14 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by ffaacc03
I think that the custom roster feature will aid a bit the issue of playbooks, as playbooks are within the roster itself, therefor, they should be set on the custom roster that the league will use ... issues may arise when there is roster movement tho, so here is to hope for playbooks saves.
Hmmmm... Interesting! So as a workaround everyone would have to send me there playbooks in advance and I could make all the changes. It would take forever but worth it in the end! Good call if this works!
# 85 amedawg00 @ 09/26/14 12:44 PM
Excellent idea ffaaco. ..that's the critical thinking we need to make this mode work for us. right now our lg is stuck on how to incorporate the salary cap and how to deal with FA allocations and signings if we go the custom roster multiple season route
# 86 silverskier @ 09/26/14 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by amedawg00
Silverskier, are u also known as silverbac5 that ran nsba leagues back in the day?

Your posts are level headed and always bring back the thread to the relevant points. What you outlined are the critical customization options that make online leagues viable. These are not trivial add-ons; hopefully a dev can chime in..it's ****** Friday at VC as well lol

No, . I'm Nolegend - id: nolegendhere - and I'm a member of sportiveworld, a spaniard community.

As you said, these are vital features to people like us. Actually, in this case @svit pointed out them in his list, I just rewrite it

I doubt that we'll get confirmation today, nor near the release date. I hope I'm wrong.
# 87 PlayaMadeTx @ 09/26/14 01:06 PM
They BETTER have Online Franchise Multi Seasons or else this is a Failure!! Bad enough the Servers are crappy
# 88 threattonature @ 09/26/14 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by whitesoxsc
This is my first post in the community and what inspired me was sitting back for years and watching the flow of information this forum provides between actual representatives for visual concepts and seasoned veteran posters that I've become familiar with by namesake! So I approach this post as one voice that represents many, I choose not to attack posters or even the the developers or insiders that uses this sight to exchange ideas or confirm and deny actual information that goes into what I think is a very capable game with potential, but I am not a fanboy nor a patsy! I speak from years of disappointment seeing how much promise this franchise has,

I started my video game basketball experience with nba live 95, it is amazing how far basketball gaming has come after almost 20 years! 2k was the end all be all if you ever asked me who were the clear cut champs of creating a basketball experience!! Yet I have finally lost hope in the direction for online players!! I am 100 percent a simulation style gamer on the Xbox one! I bought my Xbox one solely for nba 2k and all of what I figured this next gen console and this group of visionaries could do with massive space and new technology!! I feel swindled into buying a whole entire console based on halfway information and promises that never came to fruition in nba 2k14! I acknowledge the failures of this release yet I was sympathetic to visual concepts because of the first release on a new system, but today I say no more!

For 3 years I've watched online association seasons fail, draft picks not get accurately get drafted, contracts disappear, 0 dollar contracts, games grayed out, statistics not recorded, achievements not fulfilled due to errors, and the list goes on. All in all sadly I'd take all of this back instead of this insulting mode we leaguers are now forced to play! I will not be picking up a copy of Nba 2k this year as I am hugely disappointed on how they choose to disrespect online leaguers! I don't want to play with cheesers in quick default matches and u can't get me to play the park!!, and my career is jus something I'm not going to be into for an entire year!!

All I wanted was a version of my league to be implemented into an online version for us die hard league ballers!! I don't need euro teams or legendary teams I jus need 30 Nba teams and continuation of seasons with rookies and free agency salary caps and retirements at bare minimum!! To know leftos has it figured out for offline is such a painful pill to swallow as his Vision for my league is exactly what us fans yearn for with the actual college stats the monitoring of a real salary cap amongst true Nba fans who just want to experience realism once we pop the game in!!! We are a huge part of the fan base we just don't speak up as often, today I hope this changes as it is a dark day for the 100s of 1000's of fans who Nba 2k blatantly chooses to forget every year!

Changes and more accountability have to be made as this is just unacceptable!!! Where is are Leftos who will listen and work and care as hard for us? Why Do we get barebones press releases instead of dev insights?? Why ate questions about this mode skirted and avoided every year when asked? For those who will play it this year enjoy the game as it looks great, but remember your voice can be heard and if its something you feel is wrong speak up, but remember this company does care but at times they may need a friendly reminder of what the major goal is! Here's to hoping that Nba 2k16 will be the next time I'm here praising there efforts!!
Great post. I've begun to think that fighting for a fixed online mode is a lost cause. I made a lot of noise the last two years about online associations and how broke it is. If they just fixed the bugs in that mode it was an absolutely fantastic mode. Instead of fixing bugs, last year they released the exact same mode with even more bugs introduced somehow that went the whole year never being touched.

Meanwhile on current gen last year was the joke of an online league that was offered. This year they have brought more customization and options but it is still a one off league that doesn't offer the benefit of building for future seasons or cultivating young players without a lot of extra work by the game's users. After seeing what is offered I have switched my 2K15 preorder. For them not to have a true online franchise/association mode at this point is just ridiculous and I probably won't be buying it again until they do.
# 89 LakersForLife @ 09/26/14 05:44 PM
Disappointed in devs. No 2K for me
# 90 ffaacc03 @ 09/26/14 06:19 PM
While I understand and acknowledge most of the complaints, I think that we should really, really try to expand our perspective as much as possible, specially this year. We cant let our judgement to be clouded, even if by their past behavior.

I mean, 2K addressed something as controversial as VC, they have paid attention to many of our community needs and wants (features, modes, gameplay wise) and have implemented them, they are approaching us in a more honest and transparent manner ... and that is going by what we have seen and not just of what they claim to have done, which is supposedly much more.

I mean, to me, personaly, 2K has regained my trust ... I am so impacted that this goes even further than 2K15 ... I am looking forward to the next iterations as I am finally starting to grasp their vision and I like it ... that it may take a while, maybe longer than expected ? Who knows, but solely judging by the released info of 2k15 I am hopefull ... maybe some of us can find inspiration on the recent 2K hirings from our community and prepare ourselves in the matters of videogame developing and try to make a direct impact in what definitively is important to all of us.

Then again, not trying to convince anyone or be a blind fan ... I have criticize 2K as much as anyone here ... its just that right now, I see light at the end of the tunnel, when i previously couldnt.
# 91 Inzombniac @ 09/26/14 07:03 PM
Seems like next year is the best bet if you're a major online gamer that wants this mode and refuses to play anything else. There's no reason to throw Leftos under the bus though because it's not in this year, he's worked on something that can potentially be implemented next year with MyLeague.

Work out the kinks this year with offline MyLeague, then devote time to attempting to get this going online sounds good to me. People seem to forget that this is an entirely new console and that this mode has been built from scratch, not from porting over the old Association. In the mean time, fix the errors and glitches that happened last year where you can and have something that at least online gamers can have an option with. If it's not enough, then we'll see where things go next year. I speak as someone who loved playing OA in 2K12 and devoted an entire summer to a league.
# 92 TopVillian @ 09/26/14 07:05 PM
no fantasy draft i can deal with but...... only 10 user teams, no multiple season, no playoffs??? how is this even a ONLINE LEAGUE?? this more like a online season
# 93 IrOnKoBe @ 09/26/14 08:40 PM
looks like their going back old school they just need to bring the 2k site back that shows live games
# 94 johnlnames @ 09/26/14 09:14 PM
I was planning on buying 2k before i read this post. Now im sad
# 95 Lid @ 09/26/14 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by TopVillian
no fantasy draft i can deal with but...... only 10 user teams, no multiple season, no playoffs??? how is this even a ONLINE LEAGUE?? this more like a online season

chill buddy. we got up to 30 users and we have playoffs. that would make no sense sir.
# 96 ClevelandFan @ 09/26/14 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by ClevelandFan
Wait, just confirming here...the online league only offers 1 season?

So in other words, after the playoffs, it just ends? If you wanna play more you have to start a new league?

If so, that's awful.
Can someone confirm this please?

Does the online league entail more than just a single season?
# 97 Lid @ 09/26/14 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by ClevelandFan
Can someone confirm this please?

Does the online league entail more than just a single season?
just one season, no FA, no rookie drafting, none of that.
# 98 ClevelandFan @ 09/26/14 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by Lid
just one season, no FA, no rookie drafting, none of that.
Horrible. What happened to online ASSOCIATION
# 99 loso_34 @ 09/27/14 01:08 AM
are we able to adjust sliders?
# 100 lvnba @ 09/27/14 05:25 AM
Originally Posted by loso_34
are we able to adjust sliders?
THIS. Please answer that as many people are waiting to know that.

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