NBA 2K15 News Post

(Promoting this post to the homepage, written by Mike Wang, Sr. Game Designer for NBA 2K15)

Let me clarify up the design of the shot meter. In previous 2K's, shot timing was just another factor within a huge list of other things that spit out a final shot % which we then rolled dice against. So really, it was Real Player % with a bit of help from the user. But the skill of the user had a minimal impact.

In 2K15, all factors that make up a good vs. bad shot get rolled up into a value that then scales the timing window for your jump shooter. So now, timing is a much more crucial factor in whether you make or miss. This puts the onus on the user to execute with more precision and separates the skilled users from the lucky ones. It's actually very similar to the design of Free Throw shooting. You can make the shot if you manage to get perfect timing but your % falls the further you are from the ideal release point. If you're way off, it's a guaranteed miss.

It's also a much more useful feedback system. If you're unfamiliar with your players, it's much easier to get a sense of their timing by glancing at the meter. Also, it's much easier to see how close or off you were with your timing after the fact to help you learn... much more useful than the letter grade system (which is still an option btw.)

My intention was never to make shooting a "meter game." The most successful people in the office are the ones who still watch the shot animations for visual cues of when to release, using the meter only for feedback or for occasional guidance.

I knew there would be some concerns, so let me try to address those now:

- No, you cannot "master" the meter and hit every shot you take
- Yes, you can turn it off in the options menu
- Yes, Real FG% is still an option
- Yes, it is very difficult to get "perfect timing," especially on the higher levels

Hopefully that clears some things up. IMO, shooting is much more engaging now and I think you guys will like the feature.

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Member Comments
# 221 thedream2k13 @ 08/21/14 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by BezO
I won't be using the meter. But I also don't practice shooting and would hate to have to.

Getting a feel for releasing the button at the top of a jump never seemed difficult to me. I probably wouldn't play if it did.

I'd prefer shot ratings & shot quality play more of a factor than button timing. Did they mention how much each factors in? I'm trusting Da Czar helped them get a good balance.
Mike Wang said that timing is crucial on higher difficulties so in a sense it means you will have to know releases to be successful as it should be. I mean atleast some skill needs to be involved when playing to separate good from bad players
# 222 Vni @ 08/31/14 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by KehliahoMauiFootball
The cheese potential seems high with this feature, so it's something to keep an eye on after 2k15 comes out and hopefully can be fine tuned if it turns out cheesy.
I think that's how it always should have been. Every shots should have a chance of getting in and users skill should be the deciding factor. But yeah it's very possible it will recquire adjustements though.
# 223 Blackhail92 @ 08/31/14 09:22 AM
new shot meter sounds impressive, im hoping it will solve issues from 2k14 that I had and am still concerned about. Also will the momemtum in 2k15 be "earned" or just given like it was in 2k14?(online play specifically)

1. For example, from my experiences online i never ever like to start a a game off better than 6 to 0 because for some strange reason the team that has 0 will go on an insane run. I expect this to happen and it alwayssss does, whether the opponent will get random foul calls or i will start getting blocked and making strange turnovers to give that person a chance. idk but I hope this is fixed.

2. When playing someone who shoots a lot of 3s, i can guard them user and make them go, lets say 0 for 7, but because their percentage is so low, they will randomly make 3 in a row no matter how well i guard them after or will randomly get fouled on the 3 point line like a gift. Sometimes if they are shooting really bad from three they can make half court shots. From what i read i hope this new meter helps this as well.

3. Also the posterizer and finisher combination needs to be fixed. people can literally post up and charge to the hoop and get a dunk every time because both sig skills light up(PG or KD)

4. I personally dont like to shoot 3s because i noticed it always creates momentum and would prefer to start that by good defense, but if the opponent is just bombing threes eventually they will get their run and be back in the game. I had a game I won by 6 and shot 0 for 1 for threes while the other guy shot 17 for 41 for threes. and somehow we shot the same amount of free throws.

Just wanted to state some issues i had with 2k14 but dont get me wrong, It Still is THE BEST GAME that i have on my ps4 I love this game but just wanted to point out some things to see if this shot meter fixes this or if anyone else has these issues.
# 224 thedream2k13 @ 08/31/14 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by KehliahoMauiFootball
The cheese potential seems high with this feature, so it's something to keep an eye on after 2k15 comes out and hopefully can be fine tuned if it turns out cheesy.
I don't think you understand what all is factored into the meter. The meter is not there to show perfect release points. It shows the probability of shot success based on offensive ratings, defense, spot on floor, ratings, release and other factors. Basically GOOD shot vs BAD shot
# 225 Halloween @ 08/31/14 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Beluba
First of all, that build is very old code. Second, there's no bad shot on Pro Default settings.

Really, I understand the concern... but I guarantee everything will be fine in the final product. But I also wouldn't advise any veteran 2K gamer to play on Pro Default. A lot of realism goes out the window on default settings.
Why don't you release a developer diary on how to get the most realism and simulation out of 2k15?
# 226 24ct @ 08/31/14 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by Blackhail92
new shot meter sounds impressive, im hoping it will solve issues from 2k14 that I had and am still concerned about. Also will the momemtum in 2k15 be "earned" or just given like it was in 2k14?(online play specifically)

1. For example, from my experiences online i never ever like to start a a game off better than 6 to 0 because for some strange reason the team that has 0 will go on an insane run. I expect this to happen and it alwayssss does, whether the opponent will get random foul calls or i will start getting blocked and making strange turnovers to give that person a chance. idk but I hope this is fixed.

2. When playing someone who shoots a lot of 3s, i can guard them user and make them go, lets say 0 for 7, but because their percentage is so low, they will randomly make 3 in a row no matter how well i guard them after or will randomly get fouled on the 3 point line like a gift. Sometimes if they are shooting really bad from three they can make half court shots. From what i read i hope this new meter helps this as well.

3. Also the posterizer and finisher combination needs to be fixed. people can literally post up and charge to the hoop and get a dunk every time because both sig skills light up(PG or KD)

4. I personally dont like to shoot 3s because i noticed it always creates momentum and would prefer to start that by good defense, but if the opponent is just bombing threes eventually they will get their run and be back in the game. I had a game I won by 6 and shot 0 for 1 for threes while the other guy shot 17 for 41 for threes. and somehow we shot the same amount of free throws.

Just wanted to state some issues i had with 2k14 but dont get me wrong, It Still is THE BEST GAME that i have on my ps4 I love this game but just wanted to point out some things to see if this shot meter fixes this or if anyone else has these issues.
as far as 'game code & logic'...I'm no expert, but I assume a FGA is a FGA is a FGA...
Meaning the game can tell the diff between 2s & 3s but runs are probably coded into the game...
All games have 'COMEBACK AI' but I'm guessing it's just code to create the effect of runs...

Playing in the Park or Online or CPU in 2K there's always a swing of momentum back & forth,
regardless of makes or misses and player ratings...
Watch closely how certain things happen like players don't catch the ball, turnovers, missed layups etc...
]It's programmed to think and act as if there are 'runs'/swings of momentum for each team...

So, even if you dunk everytime or shoot a 3 everytime.
There will be a spurt where you'll miss dunks and 3s. Wide open.
And there will be times you make them well defended.

Apparently this shot meter is supposed to fix that, but I'm sure that momentum code is there so we'll see...
# 227 Halloween @ 08/31/14 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Beluba
The meter is active for all manually releasable shots, including post jumpers. But not layups. My shots engineer and I experimented with it and decided the world is not ready for that.
I understand you don't want to change the nature of the game so drastically in one year but you should implement it in further games down the road as it only adds to realism and imo in a big way.

No driving/attacking cheese no more and you'd be forced to play intelligent basketball.
# 228 Blackhail92 @ 08/31/14 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by 24ct
as far as 'game code & logic'...I'm no expert, but I assume a FGA is a FGA is a FGA...
Meaning the game can tell the diff between 2s & 3s but runs are probably coded into the game...
All games have 'COMEBACK AI' but I'm guessing it's just code to create the effect of runs...

Playing in the Park or Online or CPU in 2K there's always a swing of momentum back & forth,
regardless of makes or misses and player ratings...
Watch closely how certain things happen like players don't catch the ball, turnovers, missed layups etc...
]It's programmed to think and act as if there are 'runs'/swings of momentum for each team...

So, even if you dunk everytime or shoot a 3 everytime.
There will be a spurt where you'll miss dunks and 3s. Wide open.
And there will be times you make them well defended.

Apparently this shot meter is supposed to fix that, but I'm sure that momentum code is there so we'll see...
Yea I hope so man. Also does anyone else notice like after a "fake basket" a timeout is usually called(if you leave It on auto) does anyone know what this means or if it will be fixed with the shot meter.? For example a guy can go 0 for 6 for threes wit the rockets but them accidentally shoot a three with Dwight and it goes in. Then a timeout will be taken as if it knew it was wrong. This shot meter sounds like 2k is listening to us players though
# 229 City_foxx @ 09/24/14 01:14 AM
Ok so if i understand this properly. A certain player has a meter with a central release point that is considerd perfect.The players atrributes, type of shot, and ammount of defensive presense effect the timing windows of said shot, but there is still a central release? (Maybe a small window).Seems based on this, guys with poor shot selection can still master thier perfect release timing? I would have hoped this central release would be staggerd to the left or right based on what direction your heading, and or what side the defender is on/closing out contesting from.Disrupting the hold your shot for .82 seconds mastery and adding a more cognitive mastery. (A mid range kobe running fading leaner has a differnt time ing stagger going left or right) then having to ajust that for where the defener is. I believe skill Should be a Big part of the game but it shouldnt overide intelligence and bball iq.If i want to master every type of shot window with a great scorer taking into account the defense or lack there of i SHOULD be able to shoot a high fg% (64ish is highh) lets face it luck is factor in real nba shooting too (however small) but widen the gap in game and add a level of awareness even for shooting. This rant was bassed off my optimism for the new meter mixxed with my frustration of playing park and vs. Online in 14' especially park guys shooting 85% from 3 contested or not
# 230 Rell7thirty @ 09/24/14 01:36 AM
One of the cons one of the people at the 2k house had (I forget his name) was the shot meter. He criticized it to the point where I won't be using it, ever.

I have a feeling this shot meter is similar to the 3 point contest shot meter, which I could not time for the life of me. If it is, I doubt anyone will use it.

I'll use my vision to know when the player should release the ball. I would really love to see player reactions to it when they get their hands on it though.

Also hope a lot of the stuff mentioned in the OT still apply with the meter turned off. I don't want to make every shot just because it's rated 99. Defense and fatigue should still apply
# 231 jk31 @ 09/24/14 03:33 AM
In a interview with Rob Jones I heard, that if you hit many shots, the area of a perfect timing will decrease. Is that true? If yes...wow...So if my opponent decides to let me shoot open 3s all the time he will get rewarded by the game, because it forces me to miss my very good shots if I hit some before?
# 232 KDurant35 @ 09/24/14 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by jk31
In a interview with Rob Jones I heard, that if you hit many shots, the area of a perfect timing will decrease. Is that true? If yes...wow...So if my opponent decides to let me shoot open 3s all the time he will get rewarded by the game, because it forces me to miss my very good shots if I hit some before?

That's probably the shot fatigue, the more shots you take, the lesser the window

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 233 JasonMartin @ 09/24/14 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by KDurant35
That's probably the shot fatigue, the more shots you take, the lesser the window
Tell that to a prime Ray Allen.
# 234 KDurant35 @ 09/24/14 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by JasonMartin
Tell that to a prime Ray Allen.

It obviously will vary from player-to-player. Volume shooters will have a larger window of opportunity before it starts to decrease or at a lesser rate.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 235 I Djm @ 09/25/14 01:31 AM
Shot fatigue needs to be more evident on contested shots than wide open shots
# 236 thedream2k13 @ 09/25/14 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by City_foxx
Ok so if i understand this properly. A certain player has a meter with a central release point that is considerd perfect.The players atrributes, type of shot, and ammount of defensive presense effect the timing windows of said shot, but there is still a central release? (Maybe a small window).Seems based on this, guys with poor shot selection can still master thier perfect release timing? I would have hoped this central release would be staggerd to the left or right based on what direction your heading, and or what side the defender is on/closing out contesting from.Disrupting the hold your shot for .82 seconds mastery and adding a more cognitive mastery. (A mid range kobe running fading leaner has a differnt time ing stagger going left or right) then having to ajust that for where the defener is. I believe skill Should be a Big part of the game but it shouldnt overide intelligence and bball iq.If i want to master every type of shot window with a great scorer taking into account the defense or lack there of i SHOULD be able to shoot a high fg% (64ish is highh) lets face it luck is factor in real nba shooting too (however small) but widen the gap in game and add a level of awareness even for shooting. This rant was bassed off my optimism for the new meter mixxed with my frustration of playing park and vs. Online in 14' especially park guys shooting 85% from 3 contested or not
Just get and take open shots from spots on the floor your player shoots a high % and had good enough ratings to hit from. Meter measures success chance only
# 237 City_foxx @ 09/25/14 05:31 AM
Thats not how i understand it. The meter only effects how big or small your timing windows. I always take smart shots, im just worried about losing to the guys who are timing masters' and take ******** shots
# 238 Goffs @ 09/25/14 06:37 AM
Originally Posted by City_foxx
Thats not how i understand it. The meter only effects how big or small your timing windows. I always take smart shots, im just worried about losing to the guys who are timing masters' and take ******** shots
ugh...I know these types....they don't even need a meter since they know the shot animation by heart. They basically know when to release visually and it's usually money....
# 239 LorenzoDC @ 09/25/14 06:56 AM
I watched a few descriptions of this. Here's how I understand it.

Last year, shot success probability was based first off your player's shot rating, then modified by other success factors related to the shot, such as if it was contested, degree of difficulty based on the type of shot, shot timing, etc.

So the baseline was set by the shooter's overall rating. In that scenario, if the dice roll was for a miss right from the beginning, the rest didn't matter, so even if you were taking an open uncontested 12 footer with your shooting guard whose mid range rating was 90, you could still miss more often than would happen in real life because the system wouod not recognize how easy the shot is once the initial dice roll was for a miss.

This year, the formula is reversed. The system first assesses how "easy" the shot is based on whether it's contested, the type of shot, etc. for the situation on the floor. Based on that, it will set how wide the timing is for the shot success window. So easy shots have a wider window, harder shots have a smaller one. Then the calculations about player attributes and the nature of shot difficulty kick in. The results should be more realistic.

So this new system should supposedly cut down on the freakish shots that should never be attempted, let alone made, going down for points, because the success probability will be calculated at the front end based on the shot situation on the floor, before player ratings kick in. And on the flip side, it should make it more common to make those wide open easy shots at a more reliable rate that player make when they are free and clear and in reasonably close range.

It's all in the implementation, but that's how I understand it.
# 240 City_foxx @ 09/28/14 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by LorenzoDC
I watched a few descriptions of this. Here's how I understand

This year, the formula is reversed. The system first assesses how "easy" the shot is based on whether it's contested, the type of shot, etc. for the situation on the floor. Based on that, it will set how wide the timing is for the shot success window. So easy shots have a wider window, harder shots have a smaller one. Then the calculations about player attributes and the nature of shot difficulty kick in. The results should be more realistic

It's all in the implementation, but that's how I understand it.
this cant be 100 percent accurate. Beluba himself posted that ' shoot the same 3 with perkens and curry, currys windo would be much larger....meaning the attribues are apart of the equation for determing windo size. Dont get me wrong i think this system will be much better for the game. Just dont think it will be the perfect fix were hoping for. If i cant have perfection id be content with progress =)

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