NBA 2K15 News Post

(Promoting this post to the homepage, written by Mike Wang, Sr. Game Designer for NBA 2K15)

Let me clarify up the design of the shot meter. In previous 2K's, shot timing was just another factor within a huge list of other things that spit out a final shot % which we then rolled dice against. So really, it was Real Player % with a bit of help from the user. But the skill of the user had a minimal impact.

In 2K15, all factors that make up a good vs. bad shot get rolled up into a value that then scales the timing window for your jump shooter. So now, timing is a much more crucial factor in whether you make or miss. This puts the onus on the user to execute with more precision and separates the skilled users from the lucky ones. It's actually very similar to the design of Free Throw shooting. You can make the shot if you manage to get perfect timing but your % falls the further you are from the ideal release point. If you're way off, it's a guaranteed miss.

It's also a much more useful feedback system. If you're unfamiliar with your players, it's much easier to get a sense of their timing by glancing at the meter. Also, it's much easier to see how close or off you were with your timing after the fact to help you learn... much more useful than the letter grade system (which is still an option btw.)

My intention was never to make shooting a "meter game." The most successful people in the office are the ones who still watch the shot animations for visual cues of when to release, using the meter only for feedback or for occasional guidance.

I knew there would be some concerns, so let me try to address those now:

- No, you cannot "master" the meter and hit every shot you take
- Yes, you can turn it off in the options menu
- Yes, Real FG% is still an option
- Yes, it is very difficult to get "perfect timing," especially on the higher levels

Hopefully that clears some things up. IMO, shooting is much more engaging now and I think you guys will like the feature.

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 161 jersez @ 08/16/14 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by alabamarob
I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I have no problem with a role player getting hot and getting a ratings boost when he gets hot. My point was you shouldnt go from being a 70 three point shooter to a 75 three point shooter simply because a person has mastered the shot release. Because, that shooter would always become a 75 shooter hot or not and the ratings would be irrelevant at that point.. My bad if I wasnt clear.
I see your point now. My bad fam
# 162 ForeverVersatile @ 08/16/14 09:03 PM
I think Mike generalized the word probably and means most likely. I do that all the time as well.
# 163 I Djm @ 08/16/14 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by Hot Kidd
I was wondering the exact same thing. Im an offline player so I assume its a reference to something online?
Yes its running back n forth then driving the paint youre almost guaranteed a dunk or foul
# 164 thedream2k13 @ 08/16/14 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by I Djm
Yes its running back n forth then driving the paint youre almost guaranteed a dunk or foul
It mostly happens at the 3pt line
# 165 JayAtkHar @ 08/17/14 06:34 AM
This means my raptors and Knicks are going to be shredding that 3point line in nba 2k15
# 166 24 @ 08/17/14 07:16 AM
The ending bullets were the best, Beluba anticipating all of the questions! He knows the community too well! I'll definitely be trying out the Shot meter.
# 167 Blzer @ 08/17/14 11:02 AM
Is it sad that this is how I always thought it was?
# 168 Da_Czar @ 08/17/14 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by bls
Have you guys fixed plays breaking? You mentioned Da Czar running plays, but im unable to do so in online games due to plays constantly breaking.
There are a few talking points regarding plays that hopefully you guys will appreciate and enjoy.
# 169 eko718 @ 08/17/14 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by frankwest718
That would be annoying. How does one time a layup release? Wouldn't it be a the same for each player?

What next, a dunk release? Lol. Certain things should be left alone
I could see incorporating this into layups being problematic in many ways but I would actually like to see the meter applied to floaters, and for the control scheme to incorporate floaters as a shot that can be achieved on command.

There are too many other animations that can result when trying to execute a floater in the 2K14 control scheme.... I would like there to be a specific button/analog combination that always results in a floater(standing or while moving) within a certain perimeter in and around the paint... right now it seems to only occur within the paint and randomly outside the paint from the sides.

Floaters are a big weapon in basketball... perfecting it's control would add an additional dynamic to offense.
# 170 bls @ 08/17/14 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
There are a few talking points regarding plays that hopefully you guys will appreciate and enjoy.
Thanks. Hopefully things have been fixed with the play calling. I was a beast such as yourself in 2k11 (online) due to the ability to run plays without them breaking on me. You could really tell the skill disparity in that game. Everything has been down hill ever since with the play calling. Looking forward to these points.
# 171 Da_Czar @ 08/17/14 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by frankwest718
I personally don't like the idea that if someone has a bad release on a shot, it can't go in. There still should be a small percentage chance that those shots go in. It's impossible to believe that a basketball player in real life couldn't make a shot if he didn't get his perfect release. Lucky bounces and crazy shots happen, even if it's a once in a blue moon chance, there should be at least some chance that the shot goes in with a bad release.

For example, if someone gets a shot off with .4 seconds on the clock, did they get their "perfect" release or even a food one? Probably not, but does that mean the shot doesn't have a chance?
Bad release shots can still go in. Just at a much reduced rate depending on the level your playing on.
# 172 jersez @ 08/17/14 03:35 PM
I hope we get a demo, so we can get a feel for the game, so many improvements were made this year
# 173 thedream2k13 @ 08/17/14 04:06 PM
Damn I feel like pookie from new jack waiting on this game !
# 174 ojandpizza @ 08/17/14 04:40 PM
I just don't want a perfectly timed release leading to unrealistic shooting. Poor shooters making too many shots.

Also, guys who are accustomed to taking and making tough shots should have a higher chance of making a mistimed release.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 175 thedream2k13 @ 08/17/14 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by ojandpizza
I just don't want a perfectly timed release leading to unrealistic shooting. Poor shooters making too many shots.

Also, guys who are accustomed to taking and making tough shots should have a higher chance of making a mistimed release.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
i have to cosign this. In this video at 5:15, Leonard hits a highly contested 3pt shot all net because the meter turned green. By what we were told by MW, this shot is considered "BAD" and shouldn't have been made so easy.

# 176 Beluba @ 08/17/14 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by thedream2k13
i have to cosign this. In this video at 5:15, Leonard hits a highly contested 3pt shot all net because the meter turned green. By what we were told by MW, this shot is considered "BAD" and shouldn't have been made so easy.

First of all, that build is very old code. Second, there's no bad shot on Pro Default settings.

Really, I understand the concern... but I guarantee everything will be fine in the final product. But I also wouldn't advise any veteran 2K gamer to play on Pro Default. A lot of realism goes out the window on default settings.
# 177 jfsolo @ 08/17/14 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
First of all, that build is very old code. Second, there's no bad shot on Pro Default settings.

Really, I understand the concern... but I guarantee everything will be fine in the final product. But I also wouldn't advise any veteran 2K gamer to play on Pro Default. A lot of realism goes out the window on default settings.

I felt that this might be the case, but it's great to get confirmation. It seems like every type of player will be able to get the kind of game that they're looking for.
# 178 thedream2k13 @ 08/17/14 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by jfsolo

I felt that this might be the case, but it's great to get confirmation. It seems like every type of player will be able to get the kind of game that they're looking for.
Yeah i want to avoid that error that was made with NBA elite auto make hookshots.

Anyways I want the demo so we all can get a feel for this new mechanic
# 179 alabamarob @ 08/17/14 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
First of all, that build is very old code. Second, there's no bad shot on Pro Default settings.

Really, I understand the concern... but I guarantee everything will be fine in the final product. But I also wouldn't advise any veteran 2K gamer to play on Pro Default. A lot of realism goes out the window on default settings.
And sometimes bad shots go in and good ones miss. I am content with the shot meter explantion and look forward to hearing about the defensive side of the ball. Thanks again for clearing things up.
# 180 stillfeelme @ 08/17/14 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
First of all, that build is very old code. Second, there's no bad shot on Pro Default settings.

Really, I understand the concern... but I guarantee everything will be fine in the final product. But I also wouldn't advise any veteran 2K gamer to play on Pro Default. A lot of realism goes out the window on default settings.

Cool yep that is what I thought the game is on pro -default. The timing window for release is easier. I have watched enough of these videos to see how it is implemented.

From what I seen from the Gamescom's videos it appears to work exactly how you said

The meter in 2K14 had 4 or 5 bars I forgot at the moment. The more bars you had as you moved along the court the better you could shoot from the given areas. In 2k15 what you guys did is add a meter with a thin line that is the perfect release point line as well as a timing arcs as soon as you get the ball. The arc gets bigger or smaller depending on where you are on the court. The bars of 14 have been replaced with arcs in 15. The better you can shoot the wider your timing arc or the less you are penalized.

Examples I have seen:

  • Wade has a small timing arc from center midrange and three left wing. Areas where he shot below average compared to league

  • Danny Green put the ball on the floor and has a smaller left corner timing arc from three
  • Tony Parker has a wide timing arc left baseline that lines up with a hot spot he shot like 48% from.

You can also see the arc getting bigger and smaller just like the bars as you move along the court. I see no problem with this. Sounds like Mike and his engineers tuned this thing right.

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