NBA 2K15 News Post

(Promoting this post to the homepage, written by Mike Wang, Sr. Game Designer for NBA 2K15)

Let me clarify up the design of the shot meter. In previous 2K's, shot timing was just another factor within a huge list of other things that spit out a final shot % which we then rolled dice against. So really, it was Real Player % with a bit of help from the user. But the skill of the user had a minimal impact.

In 2K15, all factors that make up a good vs. bad shot get rolled up into a value that then scales the timing window for your jump shooter. So now, timing is a much more crucial factor in whether you make or miss. This puts the onus on the user to execute with more precision and separates the skilled users from the lucky ones. It's actually very similar to the design of Free Throw shooting. You can make the shot if you manage to get perfect timing but your % falls the further you are from the ideal release point. If you're way off, it's a guaranteed miss.

It's also a much more useful feedback system. If you're unfamiliar with your players, it's much easier to get a sense of their timing by glancing at the meter. Also, it's much easier to see how close or off you were with your timing after the fact to help you learn... much more useful than the letter grade system (which is still an option btw.)

My intention was never to make shooting a "meter game." The most successful people in the office are the ones who still watch the shot animations for visual cues of when to release, using the meter only for feedback or for occasional guidance.

I knew there would be some concerns, so let me try to address those now:

- No, you cannot "master" the meter and hit every shot you take
- Yes, you can turn it off in the options menu
- Yes, Real FG% is still an option
- Yes, it is very difficult to get "perfect timing," especially on the higher levels

Hopefully that clears some things up. IMO, shooting is much more engaging now and I think you guys will like the feature.

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 241 Sundown @ 09/28/14 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by I Djm
Shot fatigue needs to be more evident on contested shots than wide open shots
This would be a great adjustment. And makes more sense then "I've been shooting open shots, but I am le tired."
# 242 bls @ 10/11/14 01:42 AM
I'm still not really understanding this shot meter. Online I've hit many shots on early and late releases. And also see my opponents hit some ridiculously shots with good defense on them.

To me I get the idea that this meter doesn't matter at all due to the types of shots that go on. Seems more random than SKILL to me.
# 243 2_headedmonster @ 10/11/14 02:40 AM
its said to be more forgiving online....
# 244 bls @ 10/11/14 02:44 AM
Just tested out this shot meter on superstar Sim in freestyle mode. Its a guaranteed make on a green release every time.
# 245 GhostfaceDr1llah @ 10/11/14 09:25 PM
Can anyone get a perfect release with Kyle Korver while attempting a three on superstar sim??? I'm dying to know because it seems almost impossible and he's suppose to be one of the best shooters in the nba. However, I am able to get a perfect release when shooting a mid range but when I attempt a three I'm ALWAYS a hair away from a perfect release, only getting it after A LOT of attempts
# 246 kingamomgstmen @ 10/13/14 03:35 AM
For all you who don't get the player attributes matter when it comes to the shot they take the perfect release is how close you come to his optimal output for the shot based on the conditions.

What I don't understand is that we have this shot fatigue but you only fatigue there seems to be no replenishing it. Example I make it a point to be the leading scorer on my team I get it I won't make every shot but when I take 25 shots the first half until I "Fatigue" I should be able to take at least 10 more the next half without getting a D+ on a open jump shot on the fast break. I honestly think that driving should take more of a hit then jump shots being towards the end of the game things get less physical because you have players are tired and thus look for those easy open jump shots.
# 247 recon0321 @ 10/13/14 03:24 PM
I'm sorry guys but the shot meter is a disaster. I've been playing since the first 2K was released on the Dreamcast. This gives the feeling of trying to satisfy the meter rather than allowing us to enjoy playing the game, with very little room for error. My player has a 90 rating on all aspects of shooting, and I will release a shot right in front of the white line, almost a perfect shot, and will get a B/C and miss while being wide open. Due to the way NBA 2Ks simulation is designed, attempting to get a perfect timed shot in order to score is close to impossible. I would much rather focus on releasing at the top of my shot instead of looking at my players feet to score. I say this because different shot situations change your release factor, then you have to focus on a meter. In my opinion this has ruined the fluid mechanics of the 2K series for me. I also don't like the idea of knowing that if I get a "green" shot it's going to go in, that has taken away the element of surprise when the player shoots. I can tell you that if you are anywhere off of the white shot meter line you are more than likely going to miss. Some have claimed it's more forgiving online, why is that? Poor idea to make the game more realistic. The original poster of this thread says this can be turned off, does anyone know how on the 360?
# 248 yhpmE @ 10/13/14 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by recon0321
I'm sorry guys but the shot meter is a disaster. I've been playing since the first 2K was released on the Dreamcast. This gives the feeling of trying to satisfy the meter rather than allowing us to enjoy playing the game, with very little room for error. My player has a 90 rating on all aspects of shooting, and I will release a shot right in front of the white line, almost a perfect shot, and will get a B/C and miss while being wide open. Due to the way NBA 2Ks simulation is designed, attempting to get a perfect timed shot in order to score is close to impossible. I would much rather focus on releasing at the top of my shot instead of looking at my players feet to score. I say this because different shot situations change your release factor, then you have to focus on a meter. In my opinion this has ruined the fluid mechanics of the 2K series for me. I also don't like the idea of knowing that if I get a "green" shot it's going to go in, that has taken away the element of surprise when the player shoots. I can tell you that if you are anywhere off of the white shot meter line you are more than likely going to miss. Some have claimed it's more forgiving online, why is that? Poor idea to make the game more realistic. The original poster of this thread says this can be turned off, does anyone know how on the 360?
You can turn the shot meter off.
# 249 Blzer @ 10/13/14 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by recon0321
I'm sorry guys but the shot meter is a disaster. I've been playing since the first 2K was released on the Dreamcast. This gives the feeling of trying to satisfy the meter rather than allowing us to enjoy playing the game, with very little room for error. My player has a 90 rating on all aspects of shooting, and I will release a shot right in front of the white line, almost a perfect shot, and will get a B/C and miss while being wide open. Due to the way NBA 2Ks simulation is designed, attempting to get a perfect timed shot in order to score is close to impossible. I would much rather focus on releasing at the top of my shot instead of looking at my players feet to score. I say this because different shot situations change your release factor, then you have to focus on a meter. In my opinion this has ruined the fluid mechanics of the 2K series for me. I also don't like the idea of knowing that if I get a "green" shot it's going to go in, that has taken away the element of surprise when the player shoots. I can tell you that if you are anywhere off of the white shot meter line you are more than likely going to miss. Some have claimed it's more forgiving online, why is that? Poor idea to make the game more realistic. The original poster of this thread says this can be turned off, does anyone know how on the 360?
Originally Posted by yhpmE
You can turn the shot meter off.

For the record, I don't have the game so I don't know this answer, but I imagine it's either within the gameplay or presentation settings.
# 250 Oldsmobile19 @ 10/21/14 09:05 PM
I love 2K been playing for years. The concept of the shot meter is pretty awesome. I have been playing on Hall of Fame and it is basicly impossible to make open jump shots with anybody. I have played 10 games so far and I think had 3 perfect releases. Wide open shots off by a smidget from the center will end up being misses 9.9 times out of 10. It has also changed the way I play because every jump shot I find myself staring at the meter and not the actual shot animation. Best of both worlds here you can turn the option off which is good and also keep it on be challenged if you would like to. I am not complaining just wanted to add in some input.
# 251 brent3419 @ 10/21/14 10:10 PM
after playing with the shot meter and getting aggrivated with it, i went back to playing with the user timing, it fits me much better. in my myplayer with the shot meter on i wasnt getting no more than 10 points and im a scoring pg, changed it to timing and turned the meter off and im getting 20-30 ppg. for non my player games i have no problem with the meter just in my player i dislike it

Sent from the landmass between new orleans and mobile on Tapatalk
# 252 Fakename22 @ 10/21/14 11:11 PM
This is hands down the worst in game feature I seen 2k add in years. Having to stare at your feet and hit a tiny white line is laughable at best. I turned it off and it actually forced me to visually learn my players shots. So thanks I guess.
# 253 Kese86 @ 10/22/14 04:43 AM
Shot meter was a great thought for ****** gamers, but in my opinion it is too punitive. If I'm off the white line by a millimeter I shouldn't miss wide open shots. There are times when I can barely see a space between the white line and the meter but I still miss.
# 254 Smirkin Dirk @ 10/22/14 05:03 AM
Last year, an open shot with a good shooter was automatic. It shouldnt be. I like this.
# 255 mfalcon1013 @ 11/07/14 09:45 AM
How did you turn disable the shot meter. I have looked every where and I can not find out where to turn it off.
# 256 heelphreak @ 11/07/14 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by mfalcon1013
How did you turn disable the shot meter. I have looked every where and I can not find out where to turn it off.
Its in Gameplay settings.
# 257 mfalcon1013 @ 11/07/14 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by heelphreak
Its in Gameplay settings.
I looked and it there is no option for the shot meter. I have xbox 360.
# 258 jeebs9 @ 11/07/14 03:18 PM
I don't need no meter. I only rely on 2 things.

1. Was I open?
2. Did I release it at the top of jump?
# 259 MoparJimmy @ 11/11/14 01:21 PM
soooooo.... i missed my first green lit icon on the shot meter with klay thompson...anyone else have this happen on this rigged game? lol i thought all shots green were automatically bucket? this game should fix this.... and what made t so bad he was wide open and clanged it off the backboard, i dont get it....
# 260 stillfeelme @ 11/11/14 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by MoparJimmy
soooooo.... i missed my first green lit icon on the shot meter with klay thompson...anyone else have this happen on this rigged game? lol i thought all shots green were automatically bucket? this game should fix this.... and what made t so bad he was wide open and clanged it off the backboard, i dont get it....
Every green release is not a 100% guarantee. I haven't had that happen to me yet though.

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