NBA 2K15 News Post

We recently had a chance to interview Rob Jones, Sr. Producer Visual Concepts and Erick Boenisch, Sr. Producer, Visual Concepts to talk about a new mode for NBA 2K15 called MyLEAGUE, exclusive for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.

Before we get into the interview, here is a quick rundown on some of the options. In a nutshell, it’s the Association Mode that we all know and loved on old-gen consoles, on steroids.

MyLEAGUE offers both a single season or up to an 80 year franchise experience. You will have complete control over every aspect of how your league plays out.

Read More - NBA 2K15 MyLEAGUE Interview

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Member Comments
# 81 turty11 @ 08/07/14 04:32 PM
if lower body injuries effect player movement like that, it would mean speed rating is now fixed......mindgasm incoming
# 82 raiderphantom @ 08/07/14 04:32 PM
I could've missed it but is there IN SEASON player editing??

I don't like it, but I can live with Madden's progression system. I can't deal with 2K's progression especially when trying to tweak players to get more realistic stats.

This is good news though. I am optimistic.
# 83 Inzombniac @ 08/07/14 04:32 PM
2K deserve credit for listening to feedback and for this reason, even if you're not an Association player, I would be happy about the prospects of this.

This means that they are willing to truly listen and give fans what they want to appease their audience. So I have hope that this means they're making things happen across the board with other game modes. Plus for those who hate VC, this is a game mode dedicated just for you.

I know I'm going to be dabbling in this and hey, I'll even dabble in MyGM so there's one person who will. This though is what I consider the more long term prospect to grow a dynasty.
# 84 Leftos @ 08/07/14 04:32 PM
So happy this was one of our first announcements. I have been giddy all year, from the moment we were designing it. I really hope you guys enjoy it and I can't wait for your feedback on this.

This is only the first taste of how much we've been listening to you, what you liked and what bothered you for 2K14. There's a lot more of that coming.
# 85 RyanLaFalce @ 08/07/14 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Leftos
So happy this was one of our first announcements. I have been giddy all year, from the moment we were designing it. I really hope you guys enjoy it and I can't wait for your feedback on this.
How have online leagues been fixed?
# 86 LD2k @ 08/07/14 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Leftos
So happy this was one of our first announcements. I have been giddy all year, from the moment we were designing it. I really hope you guys enjoy it and I can't wait for your feedback on this.
Indeed. Glad this one came straight to OS. Knew this was something the community wanted here and the dev's did a phenomenal job of delivering.

Also, this article has a LOT of tidbits the chew on. Have fun!

# 87 Velvet_Hoop @ 08/07/14 04:33 PM
Let's goooooo http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&docid=PdSIUJhfPd8RBM&tbnid=DxpV5N5HVxzSpM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Furl%3Fsa%3Di%26r ct%3Dj%26q%3D%26esrc%3Ds%26source%3Dimages%26cd%3D %26cad%3Drja%26uact%3D8%26docid%3DPdSIUJhfPd8RBM%2 6tbnid%3DDxpV5N5HVxzSpM%3A%26ved%3D0CAUQjRw%26url% 3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.google.com%252Furl%253Fsa %253Di%2526rct%253Dj%2526q%253D%2526esrc%253Ds%252 6source%253Dimages%2526cd%253D%2526docid%253DPdSIU JhfPd8RBM%2526tbnid%253DDxpV5N5HVxzSpM%253A%2526ve d%253D0CAUQjRw%2526url%253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%2525 2Fenglish.sina.com%25252Fsports%25252Fp%25252F2011 %25252F0519%25252F374212.html%2526ei%253DR-LjU5vRIIyAygSW84GICg%2526bvm%253Dbv.72676100%252Cd .aWw%2526psig%253DAFQjCNGanHuByLVqX9eDWl6jIMpEtVmT lg%2526ust%253D1407529924451119%26ei%3DR-LjU5vRIIyAygSW84GICg%26bvm%3Dbv.72676100%2Cd.aWw%2 6psig%3DAFQjCNGanHuByLVqX9eDWl6jIMpEtVmTlg%26ust%3 D1407529924451119&ei=R-LjU5vRIIyAygSW84GICg&bvm=bv.72676100,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNGanHuByLVqX9eDWl6jIMpEtVmTlg&ust=1407529924451119
# 88 Velvet_Hoop @ 08/07/14 04:34 PM
Damn guys sorry about that ^^^
Im still pumped though!
# 89 jeremym480 @ 08/07/14 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Gosens6
2K Sports, I LOVE you. No I really mean that....

I really, really do. I am stunned right now. Absolute shock is all I can say. Overjoyed as well.. WOW
Tell us the truth Gosen.... You're crying a little bit aren't you?

It's okay.... Happy tears are a good thing.

#2k15 #happytears
# 90 MarvinOida @ 08/07/14 04:35 PM

Think you screwed up with your GIF URL buddy
# 91 turty11 @ 08/07/14 04:36 PM
can someone just ban this guy already....
# 92 MarvinOida @ 08/07/14 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Mrleaderboards
Umm it's a safe bet playing offline has become a thing of the past. Maybe a few thousand (5-6000) folks might play offline....but there's millions of folks who live in 2014 and have access to the internet are big time sports fans and would presumably be interested in ONLINE modes that cater to them.

I'm finally happy offline association gets the mode its fans have been asking for on OS for quite some time now, but lets not get things misconstrued here, YOU GUYS ARE NOT the majority and never will be when you break down the demographics of folks that play NBA 2K.

No one is the majority dude, the majority is the ones that pay for the game. And play it.

And I'm not on next gen, but the majority of the players usually want to play with NBA players
# 93 aholbert32 @ 08/07/14 04:38 PM
Glad Steve dropped this interview today because I dont know if I couldve held back the news for another day (j/k). After seeing so many posts the past few days about VC or not being able to control every team or not being able to save rosters to your hard drive...I couldnt wait until OSers saw the new feature.
# 94 rspencer86 @ 08/07/14 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Sgt_Carnage
Can we at least wait to see if it all works before we start this?
Even if there are problems, the idea of giving players the ability to customize their experience and play they game how WE want to is something all other sports games should adopt.

I expect there are going to be bugs, oversights and shortcomings. But the fact that 2K listened and provided something this deep is something to applaud.
# 95 SimBaller @ 08/07/14 04:39 PM
Threw in some extra nuggets for you guys, I see you are already picking up on them. Like I said, still much more to come for what we did IN the mode(s).

Your boy Leftos has been busy.
# 96 MarvinOida @ 08/07/14 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by SimBaller
Threw in some extra nuggets for you guys, I see you are already picking up on them. Like I said, still much more to come for what we did IN the mode(s).

Your boy Leftos has been busy.

I've been waiting for him to take over association since you guys added him.
# 97 turty11 @ 08/07/14 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by SimBaller
Threw in some extra nuggets for you guys, I see you are already picking up on them. Like I said, still much more to come for what we did IN the mode(s).

Your boy Leftos has been busy.
can we get a confirmation on if there a manual injuries or not? or is that something coming later
# 98 Williekemp15 @ 08/07/14 04:40 PM
Now this has me excited, i loved the association mode from the old 2k games and really did not enjoy My-GM. This sounds good!
# 99 Glenn33 @ 08/07/14 04:40 PM
I pre - ordered this game 1 month ago - so I was a sucker anyways. But if they do NOTHING else to the game - this addition detailed today completely justifies my purchase (I'm mainly an OFFLINE guy). Me so happy
# 100 Inzombniac @ 08/07/14 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Mrleaderboards
Umm it's a safe bet playing offline has become a thing of the past. Maybe a few thousand (5-6000) folks might play offline....but there's millions of folks who live in 2014 and have access to the internet are big time sports fans and would presumably be interested in ONLINE modes that cater to them.

I'm finally happy offline association gets the mode its fans have been asking for on OS for quite some time now, but lets not get things misconstrued here, YOU GUYS ARE NOT the majority and never will be when you break down the demographics of folks that play NBA 2K.

I'll even say this, there are times where I'd rather play offline than online. Not because of the game but because of the community so I'm fine with them working on offline modes. I'm sure they'll improve the online functions of games with feedback but unless you have a majority of friends who play the right way, then online games can be highly frustrating.

In fact, I've never, ever had more frustration playing any video game than playing MyTeam. Again, not because of the game but because it was like playing an arcade more than it was playing an actual basketball game. I'd feel mad after a loss and I'm not the only one after watching streams of players getting cheesed. When I lose the CPU, sure, there are things that you may question but I never felt nearly as mad as I did online gaming. But like I said, take this as hope that they're improving ALL game areas and that what you want will eventually make it into the game. No game should cater to just the majority, it should have something for everyone to attract the most number of people.

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