EA Sports UFC News Post

EA Sports UFC arrives today, some have downloaded the game already for the PlayStation 4. While we have plenty of early impressions from users that found the game early, we wanted to open up a new topic for everyone.

Play a few matches, play around in the modes, then let us know what you think.

Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
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Member Comments
# 481 LingeringRegime @ 07/06/14 12:37 PM
I just don't understand.

My guess is that the suits wanted to make this game as arcade and bare bones as possible.

Seems that the people who work on the game are sincere and are fight fans. Must be awful for them to work with their hands tied by the powers that be.

I just have to just embrace the fact that I am not a part of the target audience.

With that said; I still hold out hope for a stamina and smarter AI patch.
# 482 DaveDQ @ 07/06/14 02:00 PM
With online, I feel like there is zero time setting up a patient strategy. The mix of accelerated clock, a 3 round fight, and hardly any stamina consequence forces the urgency.
# 483 SwedishTouch76 @ 07/06/14 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
With online, I feel like there is zero time setting up a patient strategy. The mix of accelerated clock, a 3 round fight, and hardly any stamina consequence forces the urgency.
Even so. I play online and still fight under control. These muppets that throw 5 Supermans or non stop spinning attacks are morons who would probably still play that way even if stamina was adjusted. ......
# 484 LingeringRegime @ 07/06/14 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by SwedishTouch76
Even so. I play online and still fight under control. These muppets that throw 5 Supermans or non stop spinning attacks are morons who would probably still play that way even if stamina was adjusted. ......
# 485 SwedishTouch76 @ 07/06/14 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by LingeringRegime
exactly lol. I went up to blackbelt last night expecting to get owned. First 3 fights were 2 body shot spammers and a takedown spammer. One guys psn was Body ShotBeast. Sad stuff.
# 486 GameplayDevUFC @ 07/06/14 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by SwedishTouch76
Im guessing this question will be dodged or parried
Parried does sound better doesn't it?
# 487 GameplayDevUFC @ 07/06/14 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by GameplayDevUFC
Parried does sound better doesn't it?
OK, looks like I can let this one slip through now...

# 488 SwedishTouch76 @ 07/06/14 11:57 PM
Guess ill be fighting TJ online for the next few weeks. Was hoping to see Hector Lombard.
# 489 ManiacMatt1782 @ 07/07/14 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by SwedishTouch76
Guess ill be fighting TJ online for the next few weeks. Was hoping to see Hector Lombard.
The stamina system can't quite handle Lombards 4 minutes of doom 11 minutes of boring gloom.
# 490 longranger @ 07/07/14 02:44 PM
Is this game worth getting or not. I'm just a casual UFC fan.
# 491 pdandy @ 07/07/14 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by longranger
Is this game worth getting or not. I'm just a casual UFC fan.
Right now it is very much "MMA streetfighter" as a previous poster put it. If that doesn't appeal to you, then you should wait for reactions after the first tuner patch.
# 492 Comp @ 07/08/14 11:10 AM
Rented it a week or so ago and really enjoyed it. From graphics to gameplay I really did not have any complaints, just trying to perfect submissions was tough at first. Probably going to pick up a used copy today after work.
# 493 woody2goody @ 07/08/14 02:36 PM
I've had it with this game. The controls are appalling and unresponsive.

Why should you get knocked out on the ground because you are holding block and nothing is happening?

The ground game is terrible and the takedown game is so pathetic I just can't do it any more.

The next one doesn't need to be 'ufc for dummies' like this one.

You can't employ any strategy on the ground because everyone just spams transitions, and I hate it, because the decisions seem to favour takedowns but why go for the takedown if guys can reverse you so cheaply and beat you up because the transitions don't/won't register.

The most honest and realistic fights I had were in the first 3 divisions. There were close decisions, slugfests and good battles.

Then nearly everyone in the black division is a cheeser or body-shot spammer. Or best of all the guys who just walk forward, throw shots non-stop until you are knocked out even though you are blocking nearly every punch. Just terrible.
# 494 DaveDQ @ 07/08/14 03:09 PM
I think when you get into ranked online gaming, the higher you get, the more "win at all cost" will be the philosophy. I understand the frustration of it. I also would hold the dev team somewhat responsible. The game almost encouraged you to throw stamina to the wind.

But it's not all on the development side. There are guys on the leaderboards with already over 1100 fights in. If they address one scenario, that guy will find another.
# 495 woody2goody @ 07/08/14 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
I think when you get into ranked online gaming, the higher you get, the more "win at all cost" will be the philosophy. I understand the frustration of it. I also would hold the dev team somewhat responsible. The game almost encouraged you to throw stamina to the wind.

But it's not all on the development side. There are guys on the leaderboards with already over 1100 fights in. If they address one scenario, that guy will find another.
I know, I just get frustrated that they couldn't properly represent the way the sport feels.

UFC 3 had that 'feel'. I can't explain it. EA UFC could be above average with some fairly heavy tuning, and I hope that comes.

I don't mind losing if I feel like I've been beaten fair and square.

We all want this to be an amazing series, which I think it can. To me, the game should be as deep as humanly possible but still playable to the casual fan.

This is what PES used to be amazing at, and hopefully the EA team will find that, be it with this game or the next one.
# 496 smace767 @ 07/08/14 05:31 PM
I think after over 600 fights im about done with this game.

I liked the balance that FNC finally achieved. Fighters felt different. Fighters had different affective blows. One guy might have had a straight the next a hook, the next an uppercut. Faster felt faster. You can take the fastest guy and he doesnt give off the im too fast for you feeling with blows that matter. Guys spam a guy like Hendricks power blows and you can do little to stop it if he doesnt go over board even with a far faster fighter. The main fighting mechanism in this game is parry and counter. Thats what the entire game almost comes to besides block transition make transitions. the biggest difference in fighters is the range and strike type.

With this game it doenst take heavy into account the skills as much as when you press the button. If you have the greater range and the right powerful strike doesnt matter what the ratings say.

The move sets are cookie cutter. everyone that has a move has the same move as the next guy with that move. How can the most basic of take down attempt defenses not be in the game is beyond me. Anyone who shoots the legs has to be able to be clinched from above and the defender should be able to widen his base to avoid the take down.

There should have been more transition points for take downs and more ways to defend. A superior wrestler who has the strength is taking you to the ground. Once he gets his hands on you he will or should have multiple moves to get you down. Here its just timing of the sprawl whether you are a 96 or an 86 rated guy.

Blows are random to a degree. you could have stamina and perfect position on a guy with less stamina but you cant seem to land a blow. But that guy can land a cartwheel kick even if you moved and changed the strike point after he started the spinning, leaping cartwheel kick.

on a stand up guys will spam a front kick cause the get up animation leaves you defenseless at times.

If i guy is content to land one blow when he has full mount and then block transitions, he can do that all round. In black belt the moves is posture up land a blow posture down. The block animation is to slow so he lands a blow every time he postures up and down then he blocks the escape animation and repeat.

Even in the worst state most fighters can have there hands up to defender better than the stagger all the way back to the cage with no hands up animations.

And no need to get much into the concrete base leg on kicks. If a guy is on one leg facing away from me and im rushing or shooting, how can he do anything but fall over realistically. Or the super unstoppable flying knee animations. Had a guy who was red headed just keep jumping and jumping and jumping to avoid more damage, and while there wasnt anything that affected him those knees sure landed on me..

I was kinda expecting the final version of FNC with leg strikes and a ground game. This is not that at all. It is a fun arcade style fighter and i did get my moneys worth out of it. But its about time to move on as now every fight starts to look like the last one, glitches and all.
# 497 DaveDQ @ 07/08/14 06:27 PM
All that say are done will be pulled back in when the first patch drops. The game lacks but isn't a bust. I look forward to what can be addressed.
# 498 SwedishTouch76 @ 07/08/14 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
All that say are done will be pulled back in when the first patch drops. The game lacks but isn't a bust. I look forward to what can be addressed.
the outcry from the kiddie spammers will have them quickly change it back. Just like FNC
# 499 SwedishTouch76 @ 07/08/14 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by woody2goody
I've had it with this game. The controls are appalling and unresponsive.

Why should you get knocked out on the ground because you are holding block and nothing is happening?

The ground game is terrible and the takedown game is so pathetic I just can't do it any more.

The next one doesn't need to be 'ufc for dummies' like this one.

You can't employ any strategy on the ground because everyone just spams transitions, and I hate it, because the decisions seem to favour takedowns but why go for the takedown if guys can reverse you so cheaply and beat you up because the transitions don't/won't register.

The most honest and realistic fights I had were in the first 3 divisions. There were close decisions, slugfests and good battles.

Then nearly everyone in the black division is a cheeser or body-shot spammer. Or best of all the guys who just walk forward, throw shots non-stop until you are knocked out even though you are blocking nearly every punch. Just terrible.
I feel your frustration. Ive had 3 blackbelt fights. All 3 guys were absolute bums. One beat me with non stop bodyspam as I simply got tired of parrying him. Are you using strong block?
# 500 COMMISSIONERHBK9 @ 07/08/14 11:26 PM
ea please please make it so you cant have two of the same fighters fighting each other. this is so f'n annoying

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