Madden NFL 15 News Post

While there has some some question as to the status of the exclusivity of the Madden license, owing to the fact the last mention of the license by EA only said there were a number of years left on it with no mention of exclusivity. That was never a guarantee that the license wasn't exclusive, as EA hadn't mentioned in official documents that the license was either extended or exclusive since the initial deal -- the news of the prior extension was never fully confirmed by EA.

Expecting a different approach where EA held a pomp and circumstance parade has led to a rash of unfounded rumors that another competitor, namely 2K, was developing a football game. There was even an unfounded expectation that 2K might even debut a football title at E3.

However, the biggest news to come out of the 2K camp at E3 might have been Ronnie2K confirming that not only was 2K not working on a football game, but that the license was still exclusively owned by 'someone else.'

This isn't surprising, considering the NFL license being open for other partners would have almost certainly leaked by now by someone. The current deal's term length which has been widely speculated and rumored is that Madden still has two to three years in its current deal, pushing the game well into this new generation.

It still remains unlikely, even if the license was open, that a competitor could rise up to compete with Madden in any reasonable amount of time given the more advanced needs of today's sports gaming audience. Thus, given the license's current status, it is possible that any possible competitor wouldn't be ready for release for at least 18-24 months after the license was actually acquired by someone, which puts the most reasonable timeframe for a Madden competitor at least four to five years from now, if ever. The most likely scenario remains that EA and Madden will remain the only major NFL gaming option on big box consoles for the foreseeable future.

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 241 CM Hooe @ 06/17/14 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by FBall Life
1) Madden hasn't met the quality standard of this community in a very long time.
I'm not sure since when you speak for the community at-large, but the way I see it OS hosts a few dozen Madden online leagues and the site's editorial staff has never scored the game below a 7/10 (with the exception of Madden NFL 06 on XBOX 360, which I did not purchase because I did not think it warranted such). Is Madden perfect? No. Is Madden an enjoyable and fun sports video game? According to this community, the answer has consistently been "yes".

2) You said it yourself in your previous post when you said you didn't want Madden to change from it's Arcade approach. Therefore admitting it is an arcade representation of football.
You are the one who keeps using the word "arcade". I never said that. I consider Madden to be a football video game which attempts to emulate the real-life NFL. Notice how I didn't use the word "arcade" there.

The context of my quote was that I care about how well franchise mode is executed moreso than seeing what happens on the field mirror real life 1:1. To repeat myself, things like foot planting don't matter to me if said football game with foot planting offers my games no context. I think Madden is plenty realistic right now, and I'd like to see it continue down this direction because I enjoy games with strategic depth. I'm fine where it is right now, however, and prefer Madden NFL to all other options available at this point.

3) Just because EA says Madden is a simulation doesn't make it so.
Ok? Who gets to decide that? You? What are the objective criteria for such a subjective analysis of a sports video game?
# 242 FBall Life @ 06/17/14 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
I'm not sure since when you speak for the community at-large, but the way I see it OS hosts a few dozen Madden online leagues and the site's editorial staff has never scored the game below a 7/10 (with the exception of Madden NFL 06 on XBOX 360, which I did not purchase because I did not think it warranted such). Is Madden perfect? No. Is Madden an enjoyable and fun sports video game? According to this community, the answer has consistently been "yes".

You are the one who keeps using the word "arcade". I never said that. I consider Madden to be a football video game which attempts to emulate the real-life NFL. Notice how I didn't use the word "arcade" there.

The context of my quote was that I care about how well franchise mode is executed moreso than seeing what happens on the field mirror real life 1:1. To repeat myself, things like foot planting don't matter to me if said football game with foot planting offers my games no context. I think Madden is plenty realistic right now, and I'd like to see it continue down this direction because I enjoy games with strategic depth. I'm fine where it is right now, however, and prefer Madden NFL to all other options available at this point.

Ok? Who gets to decide that? You? What are the objective criteria for such a subjective analysis of a sports video game?
1) The tourney scene does not represent simulation football.

2) Your exact quote used the word arcade. I didn't put that word in your mouth. You did.

Originally Posted by CM Hooe
I don't want Tiburon to change their current approach to a more arcade oriented approach because their current product is one that I enjoy.
EDIT: I misread your quote, my apologies.

3) What do I base my criteria on? History, my friend. It isn't subjective. A decade old game was a better representation of simulation football than Madden 25.
# 243 Jerros @ 06/17/14 01:14 PM
Not sure if its been already said but, the simple truth of it is Madden will never ever be the game we want it to be. I thought it was amusing when Rex Dickson kept saying they are chasing simulation. Madden will NEVER EVER be a simulaition of football for one reason. It's core audience. There are way too many people who know nothing about football's true fundamentals and football logic. Let's keep something in mind. Madden is not only played by grown men but you have teenagers, pre-teens and kids that play it. It would be stupid business practice to alienate your core audience. Those very same people are the main reason Madden will not and can not change. They want the game to be somewhat arcadey. They want to be able to spam the same money plays over and over. They want the broken A.I. and broken penalty system. This is the sad truth of it. You will NEVER EVER get the Madden game you want. EA is not in the business of losing money. And as much as I hate to say it, we the gamers who are geared more towards simulation are not the majority. 2k was ahead or their time and they were bold to make a game geared more towards real football logic. I applaud them for that but I'm telling you, the core audience for Madden who supports the game as is does NOT want a sim. There are too many variables and risk for EA to suddenly make that leap. That isn't to say they won't add little things here and there that are sim-like. But overall, the game will remain mostly arcadey. Why do you think they gave us defense but added all the arcade button prompts. The Tiger Woods kicking arch? A real sim doesn't need that crap. But, they have to have something to counter balance things whenever they do add something too close to the real thing. It's sad but that is the bottomline, Unless some company is bold enough to make a generic game that can be customized and actually gives EA some competition, the game will NEVER change. We will only see bits and pieces. And whats even worse, the bits and pieces we're getting this year are from older games. Backbreaker camera angle on Defense. The power meter button that was originally used in 2k on offense, and the overall Defense theme that was the same EXACT them in 05 when the Ravens were the SB champs. Been there, done that.
# 244 CM Hooe @ 06/17/14 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by FBall Life
A decade old game was a better representation of simulation football than Madden 25.
This is subjective, i.e. "based on personal feelings, tastes, or opinions".

It's your opinion that prior games were better options, and it's fine to hold, but just because and several other very vocal posters hold that view doesn't make the universal truth.

I really don't know how else to put it.
# 245 FBall Life @ 06/17/14 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
This is subjective, i.e. "based on personal feelings, tastes, or opinions".

It's your opinion that prior games were better options, and it's fine to hold, but just because and several other very vocal posters hold that view doesn't make the universal truth.

I really don't know how else to put it.
This poster already articulated it better than I could.

Originally Posted by NicVirtue
When a 10/7 year old game is more fundamentally sound, authentic, and true to the sport than a game that is supposed to come out in 2014, then I think saying "it's subject to opinion" is a bit of a cop out. When it comes to football, there is a plethora of things that 1 game has, that the more recent game does not. That's not an opinion, that's a fact of the lack of football aspect from a recent NFL game, compared to a decade old game. When people can literally go back and point out all the things that 1 game has, that the other game does not, it being an "opinion" is out the door. It's as black and white as it gets. 1 game is as authentic as we ever had, and the other seems to be struggling to get there. I't been quite evident over the years.

I mean you can say you like not having pass interference called 95% of the time. That doesn't mean your preference is true to the game of football. You can say you like no double team tackling. That doesn't mean your preference is true to the game of football. There is a laundry list of things not done in Madden, that have been done 10 years ago in another game. There is a laundry list of things Madden has, but hasn't done right, that the other game has done right 10 years ago. With those things, I don't see how it can be subject to opinion, when the bottom line is NFL Football, and what happens on Sunday. The problem is that people have been trained to play Madden, not football. You can enjoy it for what it is, but it dam sure isn't an authentic representation of football. If it were, people like me wouldn't need to go back and play the "other" game.
# 246 kehlis @ 06/17/14 01:22 PM
Subjectiveness goes both ways though.

You can be happy with the current state of the game and that's fine but there is nothing wrong with pointing out deficiencies or asking for more either.
# 247 CM Hooe @ 06/17/14 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by kehlis
Subjectiveness goes both ways though.

You can be happy with the current state of the game and that's fine but there is nothing wrong with pointing out deficiencies or asking for more either.
Yes, absolutely. Constructive criticism I am absolutely okay with and I have plenty of my own to offer on the topic of Madden.

However, the continued resurrection of ghosts in this forum to the detriment of any and all otherwise-positive discussions about Madden - however few of them exist given how much vitriol there is in this community - is not productive to this discussion, in my opinion. It's very clear to me that no one at EA Tiburon is looking at those older football games for example or inspiration anymore; those games are not relevant in the modern sports gaming landscape, and I did not enter the Madden forum with the intent of discussing games not named Madden.
# 248 strawberryshortcake @ 06/17/14 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Jerros
Not sure if its been already said but, the simple truth of it is Madden will never ever be the game we want it to be. I thought it was amusing when Rex Dickson kept saying they are chasing simulation. Madden will NEVER EVER be a simulaition of football for one reason. It's core audience. There are way too many people who know nothing about football's true fundamentals and football logic. Let's keep something in mind. Madden is not only played by grown men but you have teenagers, pre-teens and kids that play it. It would be stupid business practice to alienate your core audience. Those very same people are the main reason Madden will not and can not change. They want the game to be somewhat arcadey. They want to be able to spam the same money plays over and over. They want the broken A.I. and broken penalty system. This is the sad truth of it. You will NEVER EVER get the Madden game you want. EA is not in the business of losing money. And as much as I hate to say it, we the gamers who are geared more towards simulation are not the majority. 2k was ahead or their time and they were bold to make a game geared more towards real football logic. I applaud them for that but I'm telling you, the core audience for Madden who supports the game as is does NOT want a sim. There are too many variables and risk for EA to suddenly make that leap. That isn't to say they won't add little things here and there that are sim-like. But overall, the game will remain mostly arcadey. Why do you think they gave us defense but added all the arcade button prompts. The Tiger Woods kicking arch? A real sim doesn't need that crap. But, they have to have something to counter balance things whenever they do add something too close to the real thing. It's sad but that is the bottomline, Unless some company is bold enough to make a generic game that can be customized and actually gives EA some competition, the game will NEVER change. We will only see bits and pieces. And whats even worse, the bits and pieces we're getting this year are from older games. Backbreaker camera angle on Defense. The power meter button that was originally used in 2k on offense, and the overall Defense theme that was the same EXACT them in 05 when the Ravens were the SB champs. Been there, done that.
As a gamer that played NES, SNES, and ultimately stopped until I stumbled onto MLB the Show 09 on my buddy's PS3, from what I have read, doesn't Madden on the PS2/xbox offer a more simulation experience compare to the 360/PS3 offerings? Didn't the PS2/xbox Madden "simulation" versions sell quite a boatload? Did they also sell more than the PS3/360 versions? Did pre Madden 05 sell more than post Madden 05?

If and only if the PS2/XBOX was more simulation, why do people keep saying that EA Madden will forever cater to the ****** arcaders? Doesn't the PS2/XBOX era say differently and that simulation can be marketed and sold to ****** gamers?

Unless of course I'm mistaken and Madden never truly offered a simulation experience ever. Just curious.
# 249 24 @ 06/17/14 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
As a gamer that played NES, SNES, and ultimately stopped until I stumbled onto MLB the Show 09 on my buddy's PS3, from what I have read, doesn't Madden on the PS2/xbox offer a more simulation experience compare to the 360/PS3 offerings? Didn't the PS2/xbox Madden "simulation" versions sell quite a boatload? Did they also sell more than the PS3/360 versions? Did pre Madden 05 sell more than post Madden 05?

If and only if the PS2/XBOX was more simulation, why do people keep saying that EA Madden will forever cater to the ****** arcaders? Doesn't the PS2/XBOX era say differently and that simulation can be marketed and sold to ****** gamers?

Unless of course I'm mistaken and Madden never truly offered a simulation experience ever. Just curious.
Madden has offered simulation experience. The PS2/Xbox generation made some real strides in simulation gaming. When Madden hit the first wave of next gen consoles, it started going downhill.

Don't get me wrong, we had a brief resurgence with Madden 10. It had a couple of kinks but it was a great overall product. Simulation started taking a back seat once Ultimate Team began to take off.

Notice Madden now. They put a ton of effort and work into Ultimate team. New collections are released constantly, New Legends cards keep getting churned out, they made draft cards of all the 1st rounders after the NFL draft etc. EA pours a lot of their resources into ultimate team. Why? Becuase it makes a ton of money. They will continue with this approach.

They don't make a simulation style game because they don't need too anymore. We are the minority now. The majority of the fan base cares about MUT Content and things of that nature. Not to mention the new generation of Madden players don't even know what a simulation game is like. They've grown up on what Madden is today. They don't know how amazing the games of years past were because they either A)Weren't born, or B) too young to play video games, when those games came out.

Madden 05 came out close to 10 years ago. No one but the older fans of the game know how awesome that game was.
# 250 strawberryshortcake @ 06/17/14 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by 24
Madden has offered simulation experience. The PS2/Xbox generation made some real strides in simulation gaming. When Madden hit the first wave of next gen consoles, it started going downhill.

Don't get me wrong, we had a brief resurgence with Madden 10. It had a couple of kinks but it was a great overall product. Simulation started taking a back seat once Ultimate Team began to take off.

Notice Madden now. They put a ton of effort and work into Ultimate team. New collections are released constantly, New Legends cards keep getting churned out, they made draft cards of all the 1st rounders after the NFL draft etc. EA pours a lot of their resources into ultimate team. Why? Becuase it makes a ton of money. They will continue with this approach.

They don't make a simulation style game because they don't need too anymore. We are the minority now. The majority of the fan base cares about MUT Content and things of that nature. Not to mention the new generation of Madden players don't even know what a simulation game is like. They've grown up on what Madden is today. They don't know how amazing the games of years past were because they either A)Weren't born, or B) too young to play video games, when those games came out.

Madden 05 came out close to 10 years ago. No one but the older fans of the game know how awesome that game was.
So the argument that EA Madden largely wants to cater to ******s is not absolute. If the development team actually puts in the time and effort to better replicate football creating a solid simulation experience, and appropriately market it using terms and phrases that'll bait and hook ******s, it wouldn't or shouldn't actually turn off ******s would it considering it will be the only NFL game in town, right?

Simulation Madden can still revolve around MUT if that's what team EA Madden wants to do. Young kids these days pretty much can adapt to most video games, can they not? A simulation product could even strenghthen the brand.

Great marketing teams should be able to sell ice to eskimos, right? Great marketing teams should be able to sell a simulation experience to the ******s, right? Run exactly like Adrian Peterson, throw exactly like Tom Brady or Drew Brees, use Johnny Manzel and take the Browns to consecutive Superbowls, use your stick skills to overcome real football penalties. Run a 2 minute offense just like Peyton Manning. Demolish the competition using the Seattle Seahawk's defense. Shut out the competition and serve up a goose egg. See what a top running back sees. See what a top level QB sees. You. Are. In. Control. Isn't it just finding creative ways and word combinations to serve up simulation gameplay to the ******s?
# 251 mellamoaaron @ 06/17/14 05:22 PM
People are overstating NFL 2K5's importance in football gaming. Yes it was a great game at the time it came out, I played it religiously for quite some time, but since Madden 12, EA has been creating a game that is, in my opinion, better than NFL 2K5. NFL 2K5 is great, but let's not act like the game is some sim masterpiece, because it isn't. It played a good game of football and I will always remember some of the crazy games I have played during my time with the game, but I have moved on. I, for one, cannot wait for Madden 15 and the experience I am about to have with it, Tiburon with all their faults have been trying to right this ship and they have done an admirable job since 2012.
# 252 dkp23 @ 06/17/14 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by mellamoaaron
People are overstating NFL 2K5's importance in football gaming. Yes it was a great game at the time it came out, I played it religiously for quite some time, but since Madden 12, EA has been creating a game that is, in my opinion, better than NFL 2K5. NFL 2K5 is great, but let's not act like the game is some sim masterpiece, because it isn't. It played a good game of football and I will always remember some of the crazy games I have played during my time with the game, but I have moved on. I, for one, cannot wait for Madden 15 and the experience I am about to have with it, Tiburon with all their faults have been trying to right this ship and they have done an admirable job since 2012.

Madden games that don't have real tacklng, real physics and enable zig zag arcade cut on dime running and warping wrs is not a good game.

Better than 2k5? Who knows but 2k5 had many things maddendoesnt have or took years for them to add. Ea taking their sweet old time each year. It goes all the way to when Ian was heading things, 3-yr plans. If 2k5 was still out, those three year plans go away and became need to innovate right now.

Remember when live was the dominant bball game? 2k didn't take that long to take over that market.
# 253 hanzsomehanz @ 06/17/14 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
Great marketing teams should be able to sell ice to eskimos, right? Great marketing teams should be able to sell a simulation experience to the ******s, right?
It would be more like selling steak to a vegetarian - g'luck with that.

I do not consider the entire toruney community to be absolitely against simulation systems to the extent they abhor it but I do feel it turns their sthomache some, like a vegetarian who breaks their diet years later.

These sects in Madden are almost akin to diet cults and religious cults. People need groups to identify with and some will join groups without even searching out their own feelings.

To this last point: I believe the ****** gamer, who is neither talented enough for toruney nor smart enough for simulation, represents the middle man in every wave of Madden.

The ****** gamer is neither at the top of the wave or the bottom so he will neither sink with disappointnent, nor surf with jubilation, nor swim to survive but simply go with the flow.

Naturally, novice users favor the course of least resistance and to this end I feel Madden can do more in their power to stop spoon-feeding success outcomes and implement a more empowering system that promotes and rewards users for their pro-like decisions and gives them a greater sense of genuine Football accomplishment.

There needs to be a ladder for success and this is something I could genuinely feel in Madden 05 and 06 for PC and it was because I felt more onus to respect the "rules" of the game.

I was a young user in 05-06 but I playd in a Sim league as well as ranked matches and was invited to the MUT tourney one year based on my head to head rankings.

I credit a lot of my success to the mini-camp drills that translated fluently to in-game enviornments and yielded me to have pocket presense, effective tackle steering etc; there was no ball-hawk to warp ints, their was no heat-seeker to warp tackles, there was no teethered passing, there was no ihop service that paved a drive-thru for me to run through - there was a lot of premise on Football fundamentals and true user skill.

I do not recall being nano'd nor did I know how because I could only move the player I was controlling: this was programed into me thru the Sim leagues but this practice did not impede my success.[/

Instead of scaling back the rules that govern movements and fumdamental techniques such as passing and rushing: we need to refine the rules so they are less forgiving and serve as boundaries to stay within the very paths that shape our success.

I see the current Madden team somewhat steering this way and can appreciate the direction of focus albeit proof will be in the gameplay experience.

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# 254 kehlis @ 06/17/14 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Gridiron
That's what I'm sayin. Nobody showing up to these message boards were in on the contracts or had anything to do with their signing or the terms. Everything they've heard is second-hand because they had nothing to do with it. I don't understand why people debate against facts with opinions? EA cared, there is nothing to show the NFL did. It's as simple as that. Why can't dudes accept that?
DrJones was involved and is a very reputable source for this subject. Nothing he got was "second hand."
# 255 24 @ 06/17/14 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
So the argument that EA Madden largely wants to cater to ******s is not absolute. If the development team actually puts in the time and effort to better replicate football creating a solid simulation experience, and appropriately market it using terms and phrases that'll bait and hook ******s, it wouldn't or shouldn't actually turn off ******s would it considering it will be the only NFL game in town, right?

Simulation Madden can still revolve around MUT if that's what team EA Madden wants to do. Young kids these days pretty much can adapt to most video games, can they not? A simulation product could even strenghthen the brand.

Great marketing teams should be able to sell ice to eskimos, right? Great marketing teams should be able to sell a simulation experience to the ******s, right? Run exactly like Adrian Peterson, throw exactly like Tom Brady or Drew Brees, use Johnny Manzel and take the Browns to consecutive Superbowls, use your stick skills to overcome real football penalties. Run a 2 minute offense just like Peyton Manning. Demolish the competition using the Seattle Seahawk's defense. Shut out the competition and serve up a goose egg. See what a top running back sees. See what a top level QB sees. You. Are. In. Control. Isn't it just finding creative ways and word combinations to serve up simulation gameplay to the ******s?
I'm not arguing that EA can't put a Sim style football game together. I'm arguing they don't have to anymore. They are the only football game out there, and the new generation of kids that are gaming have never experienced Sim style and thus don't know that the current Madden is much different than the Madden from many years ago.

Barring a massive drop in sales for Madden 15, the brand doesn't need to be strengthened. Even people that don't play video games know what Madden is. They recognize the name. The Name itself has a ton of buying power. The only way I could ever see a movement back to a sim style Madden is if 15 completely craps the bed. To the point where it's getting panned by all major critics. And I highly doubt that happens unless Madden has an NBA live type of meltdown.
# 256 strawberryshortcake @ 06/17/14 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by 24
I'm not arguing that EA can't put a Sim style football game together. I'm arguing they don't have to anymore. They are the only football game out there, and the new generation of kids that are gaming have never experienced Sim style and thus don't know that the current Madden is much different than the Madden from many years ago.

Barring a massive drop in sales for Madden 15, the brand doesn't need to be strengthened. Even people that don't play video games know what Madden is. They recognize the name. The Name itself has a ton of buying power. The only way I could ever see a movement back to a sim style Madden is if 15 completely craps the bed. To the point where it's getting panned by all major critics. And I highly doubt that happens unless Madden has an NBA live type of meltdown.
Argument in a general sense....the community. The general sense, the general perspective that EA doesn't want to because it is assumed the ****** crowd simply won't accept a truly simulation experience. Strengthen with respect to the simulation crowd.

My point is this, if EA Madden creates a game beloved by the simulation crowd, and EA marketing team markets the simulation experience with addictive words and phrases that reel in the ******s, then it becomes a win. EA wins with the sim crowd, Ea wins with the ****** crowd.

Considering the "simulation" direction team EA Madden is moving, wouldn't a massive drop in sales prompt the suits to steer the developers away from simulation? Wouldn't it make more sense for a simulation resurrection if team Madden is developing an outright arcade experience, is heavily marketed and advertised as arcade, and sales is a complete disaster?
# 257 kehlis @ 06/17/14 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by Gridiron
What's his real name? What position did he hold? What was his exact involvement with the contract?
No idea, I'm not his PR rep nor am I friends with him on linkedin. I just know he's proven over the years to be correct with everything related to behind the scenes before it's been public knowledge.

Doesn't matter to me one way or the other if you want to listen to what he's said, I was just pointing that out, take it for what it's worth.
# 258 NicVirtue @ 06/17/14 06:36 PM
I think everyone here can agree that we WANT to stop talking about how good the other games were. We WANT to forget about them, especially in this day and age where the technological advancements are FAR superior to what it was 10 years ago. We're sick and tired about reminiscing on the other games. But until we get a product that shows how far along we've come with the tech we have today, then can you really blame anyone for bringing up the past? Madden has never had off setting penalties..........That was done 10 years ago. That's acceptable today....how exactly? Madden has never had WR/DB interactions past 5 yards. That was done 10 years ago. Madden is JUST NOW getting a halftime show. That was done 10 years ago, and done better. Madden still does not have running styles. That was done 10 years ago. Madden has never had proper ball physics. That was done 10 years ago. It took Madden 10 years to get double team pass blocking......That was done 10 years ago.

None of that, is subject to my opinion, as anyone with the older game can verify it factitious.
# 259 kehlis @ 06/17/14 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by FaceMask
Just to be clear, I'm not saying it's impossible. It could very well be true that it was a per unit deal. They're very common. However, I can't see how that would've benefited the NFL at the time, as many of these franchises that had an NFL license didn't see well at all. I could however see a possibility where they base the terms on the companies size/market reach which is also very common, and it's a way to allow smaller companies an opportunity. I believe they currently do this with the mobile market.
I could be way off base but couldn't it have been that it was the same deal for any company that wanted it and that each deal wasn't specifically designed for a particular company?
# 260 kehlis @ 06/17/14 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Gridiron
A little snarky there.

Pete Dodd was correct a lot too at one time. Then DriveClub happened. But at least we knew his name and his position (or lack of it). This Jones cat we're talking about is just an anonymous guy on the net might've just been lucky enough to be considered credible. I'm just sayin.
Snarky? That certainly wasn't my intent but you're asking a question you know I don't know the answer to or it would have already been brought up.

I can appreciate being skeptical, again, it doesn't matter to me one way or the other, but I can assure you he is far more credible than most here and certainly didn't get lucky on multiple occasions over the years but again, no biggie. Sorry it was brought up.

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