Madden NFL 15 News Post

While there has some some question as to the status of the exclusivity of the Madden license, owing to the fact the last mention of the license by EA only said there were a number of years left on it with no mention of exclusivity. That was never a guarantee that the license wasn't exclusive, as EA hadn't mentioned in official documents that the license was either extended or exclusive since the initial deal -- the news of the prior extension was never fully confirmed by EA.

Expecting a different approach where EA held a pomp and circumstance parade has led to a rash of unfounded rumors that another competitor, namely 2K, was developing a football game. There was even an unfounded expectation that 2K might even debut a football title at E3.

However, the biggest news to come out of the 2K camp at E3 might have been Ronnie2K confirming that not only was 2K not working on a football game, but that the license was still exclusively owned by 'someone else.'

This isn't surprising, considering the NFL license being open for other partners would have almost certainly leaked by now by someone. The current deal's term length which has been widely speculated and rumored is that Madden still has two to three years in its current deal, pushing the game well into this new generation.

It still remains unlikely, even if the license was open, that a competitor could rise up to compete with Madden in any reasonable amount of time given the more advanced needs of today's sports gaming audience. Thus, given the license's current status, it is possible that any possible competitor wouldn't be ready for release for at least 18-24 months after the license was actually acquired by someone, which puts the most reasonable timeframe for a Madden competitor at least four to five years from now, if ever. The most likely scenario remains that EA and Madden will remain the only major NFL gaming option on big box consoles for the foreseeable future.

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 321 chronoxiong @ 06/26/14 12:02 AM
Yawn. No wonder why the Madden games are still boring as hell. There needs to be competition. I miss the competition and the style of 2K's NFL games. This is lame...
# 322 Skyboxer @ 06/26/14 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by ODogg
I'm going to keep buying Madden but I do hope 2K somehow comes back, competition is great for gamers no matter what game you enjoy. Madden was always best when it was heavily challenged.
Same here. I'm afraid though that in the rest of my lifetime all I'll have is Madden.
Sad thing is I'd still buy both if 2K was still around. So it's not like EA was losing my $ due to 2K.
Just like I used to grab all baseball games. As a sports guy I simply couldn't resist seeing what each had to offer.
# 323 ODogg @ 06/27/14 12:19 PM
There's no shortage of completion in Madden online lots of negative things can be said about Madden but shortage of opponents isn't one of them. And this year the presentation and emotion looks to be much better, at least on next gen systems..
# 324 Artman22 @ 07/01/14 06:52 AM
I posted this in the 2k football license thread, but why doesn't 2k make an NCAA football game?

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# 325 Cryolemon @ 07/02/14 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Art1bk
I posted this in the 2k football license thread, but why doesn't 2k make an NCAA football game?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I doubt anyone is going to touch a college game until the O'Bannon case is 100% resolved.

And on topic, EA and the NFL are never going to get rid of the exclusive license.
# 326 Valdarez @ 07/05/14 11:29 PM
Don't see the exclusive license every going away until leadership at NFLPA / NFL changes in key positions. If you guys remember NFLPA gave Madden team a sweatheart deal, saving them millions, even though their goal should have been to represent he NFL Players and maximize their profits/returns. When you see emails like that come out it leads a person to believe there's collusion and possibly back door shenanigans going on. As long as the key players that pushed this through (and no idea who those people are) are in place, and EA is able to get the NFLPA to put EA's interest ahead of the football players, this license agreement will never change.
# 327 23 @ 07/06/14 12:36 AM
Yeah man but yall keep buying it though
# 328 Valdarez @ 07/06/14 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Yeah man but yall keep buying it though
Just because people own/play it doesn't necessarily mean they bought it new. I've bought nearly all EA Sports game used, save for 10 / 11 when I mistakenly believed they were trying to fix/change the game. Last I looked Madden sales have remained fairly flat over the years, when they should have been rising (like NBA2K sales). Haven't seen sales figures in a two or three years now. Has that changed?

Get what you're saying though. Money talks.
# 329 23 @ 07/06/14 12:43 PM
Until there is an xb1 or NBA elite moment you guys will never see the end of this.
# 330 ODogg @ 07/06/14 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Yeah man but yall keep buying it though
Because it's a fun game. Could be much better with competition but I still enjoy it a lot, especially on the PS4
# 331 kjcheezhead @ 07/06/14 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Valdarez
Just because people own/play it doesn't necessarily mean they bought it new. I've bought nearly all EA Sports game used, save for 10 / 11 when I mistakenly believed they were trying to fix/change the game. Last I looked Madden sales have remained fairly flat over the years, when they should have been rising (like NBA2K sales). Haven't seen sales figures in a two or three years now. Has that changed?

Get what you're saying though. Money talks.
Sales have been flat. Madden 13 was hyped by pointing to 1.6 million in first week sales, but that was actually down from 1.9 for Madden 11.


Madden 25 sales were down to 1 million in the first week. 600,000 less than 13.


You can point to declining ps2 sales, the transition to new systems last year, etc. It may have contributed but sales are clearly down. I've also pointed out nba 2k actually outsold madden on the new systems. Having a basketball game outsell a football game on any console is telling in my opinion.
# 332 Hooe @ 07/06/14 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by SamuraiX
How is there to be an NBA Elite moment with no competition? Madden has been Live/Elite for years now but since there's no competition there's no one to make them go lay in there dug hole of mediocrity.
This simply isn't true, Madden has never seen the universal panning from critics that the most recent version of NBA Live did. NBA Elite released a quite obviously broken demo (where players on the court would become non-responsive) to which the response was so profoundly bad that the entire game was cancelled weeks before it shipped. Madden has never had any moment of the sort of such poor quality.

In fact, most game critics think that Madden is actually a good game. Not the best sports game on the market, but good and competent. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a game that is merely good.
# 333 Hooe @ 07/06/14 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Couldn't almost the exact same thing be said in reference to Madden 2006 for PS3/360 in reference to the admitted poor quality of that game? The main difference was, to the original poster's point, Madden had no direct competition so was able to still release Madden 2006 in it's abysmal state, unlike NBA Elite, which had NBA2k to compete with.
Based on my limited experience with Madden 2006 which I did not buy on the XBOX 360 - it was a subpar game on account of poor commentary and presentation, 30 frame-per-second refresh rate, lack of depth in game mechanics, blocky-looking players, average gameplay, and lack of depth in gameplay modes, but it was not fundamentally broken and non-functional.
# 334 Hooe @ 07/06/14 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by SamuraiX
Reviewers have been calling Madden a good game for years but, that doesn't make it so. Madden 09 was one of the worst football games ever with Ian Cummings coming out and saying nearly every QB in the game threw at speeds faster than Brett Favre but I'll bet you a shiny nickel it still got a bunch of reviews talking about how good it was.
Well I mean of course not, the beauty of opinion is that everyone has their own, thus a Madden NFL discussion board. I can look at the critical consensus on Metacritic to determine what the overarching critical consensus was about a game, however.

Frankly, I thought Madden 09 was the first enjoyable version of Madden on the Gen-7 consoles, but I'm not going to sit here and say it was anything to write home about; it was decent, IMO. I didn't really start enjoying Madden on the 360 until Madden 10 came around, personally.
# 335 Hooe @ 07/06/14 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by SamuraiX
You're choosing to harp on the point of how non-functional Elite was compared to Madden to try and dissuade my point when we all know what I was trying to say. My point being that Madden has been mediocre at best for years now in large part due to the lack of competition in football gaming thus not allowing the possibility for a brand to punish Madden's slow development such as 2k did to the Live series.
Your original assertion was that Madden has been in the "Live / Elite" range of quality for years. If that's your opinion, fine, you're free to hold that, but the critical consensus of the video game industry and majority of the millions of people who buy Madden year over year - many not present on this website - don't agree with you. People tend to buy games they enjoy playing.

I don't disagree that lack of competition has hurt Madden's growth as a game over time - competition breeds innovation - but that competition isn't coming back anytime soon, so we are where we are.
# 336 PeoplesChampGB @ 07/06/14 05:37 PM
Heh.......I'll just play another year of Madden 12. And if something happens to my copy I will just buy another. USED of course.
# 337 Hooe @ 07/06/14 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Apparently not the final build but similar to NBA Elite's demo, a short time before Madden 2006's release, EA Tiburon admitted to starring at blank screens, ie not having a playable game but they proceeded to throw something together in time to release in an exclusive market. So if you don't think EA would have done the same thing with NBA Elite, if they had an exclusive NBA license, I again refer you to what they did with Madden 2006.
I'm not sure what this has to do with anything?

The released version of Madden 2006 was not broken, regardless of quality and regardless how tight the window between having a fully stable build and a gold master. NBA Elite was never released after a broken demo. Madden 2006 never saw a demo, much less a broken one. I'm not sure what else there is to say.

Having unstable builds in-dev happens. I've experienced it first hand; particularly under compressed time schedules, things have a way of breaking in new ways at the worst possible times. Making video games is hard. In-dev instability is not something that should be held against a developer so long as whatever is released to the public is stable.
# 338 23 @ 07/06/14 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by SamuraiX
How is there to be an NBA Elite moment with no competition? Madden has been Live/Elite for years now but since there's no competition there's no one to make them go lay in there dug hole of mediocrity.
I mean the general disgust and protest altogether caused the change not competition itself.

You guys complain a lot but still play the game used or not it was a sold copy you still pay to play. They still collect info from you from the console and as I said until that moment of total boycott comes nothing will change.

Even with down sales there aren't enough people that care about the NBA live series to sell a million copies let alone consistently. One madden hits that low then you'll see stuff shifting to scramble for those sales again.
# 339 Hooe @ 07/06/14 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
I'll state it one more time then leave it at that, Madden 2006 for PS3/360 was an admitted bungling, much like the handling of NBA Elite. Both set out to develop something that they realized wouldn't pan out prior to release but Madden was still able to salvage a releasable game, in an exclusive market, whereas NBA Elite would have been released in a directly competitive market. It begs to reason that if the NBA Elite demo had been released in a scenario where EA had a NBA exclusive license, they would have salvaged what they could for a release, like they did with Madden 2006.

Ergo, a clear example of a moment a poor quality Madden was likely able to avoid a NBA Elite style cancellation due to the exclusive license.
Again, not sure how it's relevant. NBA Elite was cancelled because it was broken. Madden 06 was a subpar game, Madden 06 through 08 were poorly designed games, but Madden 06 was never fundamentally broken game necessitating cancellation.

If poor quality absent instability was a factor in EA canceling games, we still wouldn't have seen a release build of Gen-8 NBA Live.
# 340 kjcheezhead @ 07/06/14 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
Again, not sure how it's relevant. NBA Elite was cancelled because it was broken. Madden 06 was a subpar game, Madden 06 through 08 were poorly designed games, but Madden 06 was never fundamentally broken game necessitating cancellation.

If poor quality absent instability was a factor in EA canceling games, we still wouldn't have seen a release build of Gen-8 NBA Live.
This was in madden 09. Imo, the glitch does make the game fundamentally broken. It's just as bad as the infamous half court Jesus vid.


No quality alternative like Elite had made all the difference here.

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