NBA 2K15 News Post

GameInformer has posted their NBA 2K15 wishlist. Quite a few topics on OS have been created as well. Make sure you check them out in our Forums and add to the lists here.

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 241 Sports fanantic @ 04/05/14 07:00 PM
MyCareer/player mode:
- be able to pick what uniform we would like to play in
- be able to change Uniform numbers
- Have various scenario, depending on how you approach your player (nice guy/bad guy)
- Have smarter CPU
- Better subbing logic. Ex: when it's a blowout, subs us out.

- Make every Arena different from each other as far as crowd noise or capacity (Oracle Arena should be more louder than the Buck's Arena or CHA's Arena)
- Please add Starting lineup announce during the Playoff and Finals (Similar to how ABC has them with the PA Announcers, Music, and fireworks/flames in the background.)
# 242 VDusen04 @ 04/05/14 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by AaeriosGames
There are so many suggestions that I'd love to have implemented in NBA 2K15, most of which have been already been mentioned so I'll leave you guys with this: the ability to split double-teams off the P&R.
That's a great suggestion. Would be a wonderful addition.
# 243 sneakerHead2014 @ 04/12/14 10:37 PM
They should add more shoes and make the accessories like real life .

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# 244 Smirkin Dirk @ 04/13/14 07:36 PM
FIFA (and Madden) add the ability to hold the pass button longer to make a harder, faster pass.

This needs to be in.
# 245 guyshafran @ 04/14/14 03:30 AM
admittedly, I haven't browsed through 26 pages to see if my suggestions are in, so here goes:

1. Signature skills for:
a. Foul Drawer (Harden)
b. Rim Protector (Not Eraser. e.g. Hibbert, who doesn't go for blocks)

2. P&R: We currently have popping out to the 3pt line, or slipping\rolling to the basket. Guys like Dirk, LA and TD often screen and roll to the mid-range-wing area.

3. I personally often go for a euro-step and get a runner, and vice-versa. Same happens with post hooks\fadeaways. I'm sure it comes down to stick directions and camera angles but I'd like to see some change in controller to make a better distinction between types of shots, and letting the stick direction only cause variations WITHIN the required shot type.

4. If i'm a big-man, holding\dribbling beyond the arc, a guard should immediately run over and get a little hand-off. We all know these scenarios where you have the ball with a big, and the other 4 guys spread the floor and you either take a timeout or turn it over....

5. When you feed the post, usually there's nobody cutting. If you ever had Steven Adams in the post and find yourself knowing your gonna have to attack or turn it over, you know what I mean. I know you can manually trigger a run, but how ever uses that.... If I don't "make a post move" within 2.5 seconds, I want my other 4 guys to create passing lanes or cut to the basket automatically.

6. It's way too easy for little guys to block big men. It's also too easy to get blocks against fast break dunks\layups. That hardly ever happens in real life.

7. Players should have an attribute for creating contact in the paint when opponent goes up for a close shot or layup. Going back to the Hibbert example - the block attribute isn't enough.

Modes and stuff:
1. Quick games without injuries (Configurable. Doesn't have to be default) are an absolute must. I payed 60$ so don't tell me I can't play with Anthony Davis coz the damn Pelicans are tanking.

2. 2-player offline season is missing. I'm sure brothers all of over the world are missing it

3. Saving rosters locally is absolutely a must.
# 246 aussieraptorsfan @ 04/14/14 08:12 AM
Some sort of logic system. This includes:
-Big free agents holding preferences to big markets (LeBron in Utah lololol)
-Veteran free agents taking less money and a smaller role to be in
contention for a ring (I know this message pops up on occasion, but that's only a 500 k or so difference)
-Less, more logical trades (In 2K13, everyone I knew had Jet in Chicago and Vince Carter's always on the move this year)
-Better draft logic (In downloaded drafts, Wiggins/Parker/Embild etc almost never go #1; also computer GM's need to draft out of need/want, not at random)

GM's moving salary to pursue star free agents and stuff like that would be nice, but right now those 3 are basic needs.

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# 247 msuspartan40 @ 04/14/14 09:02 AM
You know what they should add? An online teambuilder sort of thing for CATs like in the ncaa games.
# 248 JazzMan @ 04/14/14 11:25 AM
I don't see why player introductions aren't in the game. They were in freaking 2k3 for crying out loud.

# 249 YogiGarebear89 @ 04/14/14 11:56 AM
It would be really cool to see them implement sort of like arena music. Like automatically into the game. The soundtrack kind of gets lame after awhile. It should be like you're at the stadium and you just get that vibe.

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# 250 jayman504 @ 04/14/14 01:50 PM
OK where do I start with this.

1. Defensive foot planting and movement NEED MAJOR work for NBA 2k15! Very sluggish and with added input delay make playing defence very painful.

2. Passing/catch and shoot...don't know if I'm on an Island here but floaty passes need to go. Like a previous poster might have added maybe some type of button sensitive passing mechanic like NHL 14?

3. REBOUNDING...when I/human players shoot the ball we either get A)boxed out and cpu grabs board or B) we grab the offensive rebound. When CPU shoots the ball A) They get the offensive rebound or B) I grab it then there is a tip animation that usually goes the cpu's way or C) I get lucky and grab a rebound. Don't know how you fix it and I doubt it will ever change to be honest

4. Contact lay-ups. What's the point of having these layups in the game if when you force the CPU into one they go in %98 of the time. but subsequently far less for human players

5. ROSTER HDD saves.. pretty obvious
# 251 KingTocco @ 04/14/14 03:58 PM
Has anyone noticed the lack of And-Ones in this game. I swear to god every time there is contact and a foul the layup will literally come as close to possible as going in and then at the last second rim out. I've had maybe 5 And-Ones in my extensive playing of this game, and all but one of those have come on dunks.

So I'd like more realistic And-Ones...obviously not every time but in the NBA this happens quite often.
# 252 USCplaya @ 04/14/14 04:19 PM
60 Games into Season 3 of MyCareer, Played all games, 8 Min quarters, this is what I am hoping for:

1. More control over MyCareer. Meaning if I want to yell at a Ref when called for a Foul I can, Maybe I get a Tech, maybe Ejected, or maybe the next call goes my way, I want to be able to call my Agent, GM, Teammates when needed. Once a "Legend" is following me on twitter you should be able to request a workout with them to improve attributes or something. I want to call Press conferences, Make more Off court Decisions, and interact with teammates more.

2. If I get wide open, get a Shot A+ and Release A+ the ball needs to go in. Sick of perfect release and shot and clanging it when my Shot Close, Med, and 3's are maxed out.

3. I want to be able to see the Award Races and All Star game races, I want to be able to play in Dunk, 3 pt., and Skills challenges as game modes and not hope and pray I get to after playing through 45 games of a season.

4. NO SERVER ISSUES!!!!! Spent the first 3 months of this game unable to play online and sometimes unable to play at all. This is unacceptable. FIX IT!!

5. Once you are a "Star" or Franchise Player be able to take a young teammate under your wing and help him. Further expanding the career control. Also Have more confrontations, The NBA may not like it but this is a Wish list so I want to get in my teammates face if they slack and get into a opposing teams face if they do something that deserves it.

Basically I want to be able to be ME on the court. If I want to be a Punk A SS like Ron Artest and fight fans, or like MJ and deck a teammate in practice I want to be able to. If I want to be a Good guy and ignore all the haters on my way to championships and records, like say, Lebron, I want to do that too.
# 253 El_Poopador @ 04/15/14 08:31 AM
after playing a few my career games last night i have to add this:

reactive ai needs to be implemented. the cpu should not be able to read my button presses. make the cpu reactions more human in timing. its incredibly annoying when the cpu constantly makes psychic decisions because it knows what buttons i am pressing. its near impossible to execute a good backdoor cut because my defender reacts instantly to my input whether i fake one way or the other.
# 254 LingeringRegime @ 04/15/14 09:50 AM

# 255 heelphreak @ 04/16/14 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by kobebryant824
Has anyone noticed the lack of And-Ones in this game. I swear to god every time there is contact and a foul the layup will literally come as close to possible as going in and then at the last second rim out. I've had maybe 5 And-Ones in my extensive playing of this game, and all but one of those have come on dunks.

So I'd like more realistic And-Ones...obviously not every time but in the NBA this happens quite often.
For my GM I turned contact shot success up to 60 for both teams. It helps.

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# 256 aussieraptorsfan @ 04/17/14 07:36 AM
First and foremost, make sure the servers work. Absolute must.
  • Having a more diverse MyCareer. Not the one-size-fits-all script we have.
  • If the game on the court is scripted (which I've seen no evidence of), remove it entirely.
  • Abolish VC, or be less greedy with it. Having to shell out 7,500 VC for a pair of kicks, however fly, is ridiculous.
  • Adequate buzzer beater celebrations. When a buzzer beater gets made, the commentators, crowd and players are awful.
  • Player introductions. Can't see why they aren't in the game.
  • Touched on VC earlier, but it has to be taken out of MyGM. Shouldn't have to spend hard earned VC on changing the rotation of my team.
# 257 Optik @ 04/17/14 11:52 AM
Increase CPU Offensive Awareness:

From watching Chris Smoove's videos for my NG fix, one of the main things that stands out when he's playing MyCareer is the bad CPU offensive awareness when bringing up the ball to call a play. He gets so many steals from preventing the PG getting the ball on the inbounds, thus it goes to the SG, and instead of the SG calling out a different play to the one intended at the start, the SG tries to pass it to the PG, when it's obvious that there's a great chance that Chris Smoove is going to steal it.

The CPU has to become smarter instead of following a linear script.

Somehow the devs need to implement a system, that expands on the current feature that makes the CPU defend you tighter when you're running the same play. The CPU needs to use your tendencies against you. If you're the type of player that plays tight off ball on the PG, then the next time you play the Spurs, or after a timeout, they need to run more plays where Tony Parker is cutting into the paint, or cutting away from the ball. They need to recognise when you're trying to bait them, or if you're likely to bait them into a pass, based on your tendencies and stats.

I would also like a more Complex Motion System that builds on the the 4-1 out, 2-3 out systems, so there is less waiting around, and the offenses like that of the Spurs and the Lakers would flow more realistically. There are certain things that always happen with the Spurs when coming down to set their offense - the first man down will go into the low post and the second one will hang back behind the 3 point line to receive a pass; what play that is run will depend on when the PG passes the ball and what part of the court he's in. This should be reflected in the game and we shouldn't have to call a play for the team to get in their basic formation. No more of this freelance garbage that just appeases those that don't know what an NBA offense looks like but want random movement to artificially replicate it.
# 258 ManiacMatt1782 @ 04/17/14 02:04 PM
Reinstate all multiplayer modes and options from last gen. And fix recyrring bugs from those said modes.

Allow us to save our playbooks server side so we do not havr to make changes in the pause menu. Although even being able to edit playbooks outside of my gm at all would be nice on next gen.

Get rid of VC in franchise/gm mode.

Provide better spacing on the floor. Half court seems too small, it has for years.
# 259 Guard-ian @ 04/17/14 04:25 PM
The only thing I wish is a basketball simulator....
# 260 YogiGarebear89 @ 04/17/14 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Guard-ian
The only thing I wish is a basketball simulator....
What do you mean by that?

NBA- Boston Celtics
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