NBA 2K15 News Post

GameInformer has posted their NBA 2K15 wishlist. Quite a few topics on OS have been created as well. Make sure you check them out in our Forums and add to the lists here.

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 561 HealyMonster @ 09/05/14 09:59 PM
Is there a thread to ask devs questions on here? Or for like when they do interviews and answer posters questions?

I really just want to know if they did any improvements on the stadiums for this gear, and also what presentational improvements they made!
# 562 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 09/06/14 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by 24ct
Posterizers have different dunk on/over animations.
Some of them you can only do with this sig skill.
It translates because there are guys in the NBA who ONLY dunk on people, lol so it's not a farfetched sig skill...
Do they really dunk on people to the extent that the game does ? B/c I don't see that . I've seen a lot of contact get ignored on some of these poster dunks in game .... He posterizes but I don't think Derrick Williams is just yamming on 3-4 people all game every game .
# 563 CBfromCU32 @ 09/06/14 03:46 PM
I'd like to see a whole new collision system in the game on ball/off ball if that makes sense similar to Fifa..

Other than that my only problem with 2k is the sound/atmosphere.. rim sounds are still off & crowd reactions are still off. I should feel the difference between the 1st game of the season, mid season games, games that have impact on playoff seeding, & playoff games. The crowd should actually watch the ball and follow whats going on on the court.. More camera men on baseline. The camera men need to actually follow the action as well. The commentary team should be courtside. Replays should only happen during deadball situations like real life. & I never understood why jumpshots or and1's are never replayed. Fans need more animations so you dont see ten people doing the exact same thing at the exact same time.

I could go on but its getting longer than I was expecting so I'll stop there
# 564 spudnique @ 09/06/14 07:11 PM
Would love to see a mode or at least more focus on classic teams. I would love to see more teams addsed for sure....any era. I want more teams but REALLY want a mode or a more enjoyable way to use them.

1. Weekly classic rivalries/greatest games uploaded by 2k (played online via match up or team up by users globally to see which team wins most. Think Laker vs Celtics one week and Bulls vs Pistons another, etc. that thousand of users play out. Lakers won 4,300 times while the Celtics won 2,200 times therefore Lakers win that match up. Stats could be averaged as well for the players on those rosters to see how it played out globally). This could be done for current rivalries as well.
1A. These online match ups could also be set up as a tournament/bracket style set up. The winning team of each global match up would move to the next round. This could potentially set up a mix of classic and active teams where the championship rivalry could be something like the 92 bulls vs the today cavs or whatever ended up happening.
2. In My League- Have the option to "include young legends in drafts". You could adjust the frequency of tier 1 players (such as per draft), tier 2 players (5 per draft, etc)
3. Classic MY League or MY GM- My League with a full classic team list. Could also have the reverse of #2 above...."include active players in drafts" with the same frequency sliders. (I believe you can customize these leagues to have only classic teams so the only add would be the drafting of active players)

What do you think? What other modes would be fun for a classic focus?

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