NBA 2K15 News Post

GameInformer has posted their NBA 2K15 wishlist. Quite a few topics on OS have been created as well. Make sure you check them out in our Forums and add to the lists here.

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 441 Chocolate Chip @ 07/09/14 04:46 AM
  1. the ability to turn off overlays during gameplay
  2. unforce turnovers - for example im using chris paul i pass the ball to crawford

    there are no defenders near cp3, crawford is near cp3 for the pass but ball goes out of bounds
  3. fix kick ball violations
  4. rebound rating [ NO one should have a 99 OFF REB RATING, an NBA player grabs more DEF Rebs than Off Rebs]
5. Online Assoc. with classic teams & fantasy draft with classic tms & current tms [ you can do this on 360 & ps3 assoc.]
# 442 Raw Energy @ 07/09/14 09:32 PM
My name RaOmari Dey
Add more names
RaOmari Dey
# 443 ibrampton @ 07/09/14 09:40 PM
A PLAYOFF MODE (with ability to select more than 1 user controlled team).

A SEASON/ASSOCIATION MODE (with ability to select more than 1 user controlled team), perhaps have this mode VC free (you don't gain, nor use VC) . While keeping MY GM mode the way it is with VC earning capabilities.

Roster saved to HD

Ability to create players!

# 444 Pedro123468 @ 07/10/14 09:57 AM
1. Draft Combine: Mini Games: Standing Vertical, Maximum Vertical, Bench Press, Three-Quarter Timed Sprints, Lane Agility Timed Sprints And Games Against The Other Rookies. This Will Help Us With Our Attributes Before The Draft And Bring A NBA 2K11 Feel To The Game.
2. Draft Day: Presentation: Family Waiting With You At The Draft And Your Agent. Different Rookies With Their Family Not A Rookie And Two Jackson Ellis's In The Background.
3. Draft Day: Media Interview: After You Get Picked And Shook The Commissioners Hand And Walk Off The Stage Talk To A Interviewer.
4. After Draft: Coaches: Get A Phone Call From The Coach.
5. After Draft: GM: When You Get To The City That You Are Going To Play For You Get Introduced And Get Your NBA Jersey.
6. Summer League: Play Games In The Summer League At Either The UNLV Arena Or Orlando Magic Practice Facility.
7. Different Storylines For Different Players So A Pass First Point Guard Who Is Getting Triple Doubles Every Night May Get A Shoe Deal Before A 6'10'' Center Who Cant Get A Rebound Or A Point May Get One Later After They've Proved Themselves
# 445 sleepyshotta @ 07/10/14 12:53 PM
Add more records to the game, so I can break em. Like how there are currently no All-Star game, or Rising Star challenge records in the game. Also, have the commentators be aware that these records are about to be broken. They knew in College Hoops 2K8, why not now.

# 446 BriManG35 @ 07/11/14 04:32 AM
Sure hope someone from 2k has read this..

I have been asking this request since NBA 2k11 and it has still not been put in the game, is very simple and would add so much more to the game (especially since I am always making highlights)

I actually spoke with Mike Wang about this a couple years ago, my feature request is to add the ability for the user to be able to watch a full replay/highlight from the very beginning of the made basket to the very end of the whole play using any camera angle as played in the 'player highlights box score' section. It usually starts off to late into the play as the player is releasing the shot and ends usually right after its made. Can you please add a feature (either in instant replay mode or a seperate section after clicking options/ps4) where the player can choose whichever camera angle of all the ones you have available which are a-lot and play it from the beginning of the play to the very end, the ball goes in the hoop and the camera goes back to the player which i love yet most all the time it cuts off to soon and there is so much more to the play such as a players celebration and intensity that I want it to continue showing. I am always making highlights but it has been so frustrating with the current system that you have it at. If you can please relay this to the presentation guys to where this can be implemented into 2k15 it would mean the world to me. I have been buying this game for many years and I know you listen to so much feedback I just want this simple request. Thanks so much!

I'm sorry I had to create a new thread on this I just want it to be read asap by someone developing the game before its finalized.
# 447 Junior Moe @ 07/11/14 07:54 AM
Just finished watching a Youtube video of NFL 2K5's offseason. Man, it's amazing how progressive that game was. The presentation was outstanding and fresh. They recapped the offseason, AND the draft. That's nuts. It's time for NBA 2K to make that presentation jump. I have faith the team will iron out most of the gameplay wrinkles from 2k14. But it's time for an NFL 2K level presentation overhaul. NBA 2K already has the graphics. The player models are great (just need a few more body types) already. Its time for the presentation to step up in a big way.
# 448 Burge88 @ 07/11/14 04:47 PM
First off, fix the virtual currency
It's somewhat of a good idea but it has too many drawbacks

Next, put some logic in free agents and trades (in my season Lebron decided to take his talents to Salt Lake City, which we can all agree won't ever happen) also put in loyal team player discounts in the game (ex: Dirk Nowitzki)

Replace the broadcasting with like a TNT broadcast with an in game ticker and have like what NFL 2k5 had with an espn highlights of the night and stats

Also reduce the number of blocks a user team has. 21 blocks a game isn't realistic

Also I don't like the way that you can't edit rosters without downloading it so fix that
And also, fix it to where the crowd can act dynamically to the situation and improve their appearance. Such as what MLB 14 The Show did with fans holding signs and cheering

Lastly, the ability to build new stadiums, get new jerseys and to retire jerseys in your franchise
That would be cool

If you add this kind of stuff to what already in my opinion is the best and consistent gaming franchise aside from FIFA, you probably have the greatest game in the world.
# 449 justanotherguy @ 07/12/14 07:13 PM
I'm sure many of my points have been said by others, but I still feel the need to share them because as much as I enjoy this game, there's so many things that need to be fixed.

I'm a huge fan of MyCareer, and I was excited during my first play-through because even though it was pretty obvious where most of the cut-scenes were leading, it was pretty entertaining to see my player interacting with other players on the team and so on. But when I started to experiment with other positions, I realized just how bland the story really is.

A street baller becomes an Nba superstar in just a few months. That about sums up the story, and I don't like it all.

There is no substance at all building up to your draft position. One game doesn't determine where you get drafted in real life, and Joel Embiid knows this well because everyone wanted him at first until he was injured, and he fell to No.3. As many have said before, the Combine should be brought back. But even before that, we could have a game or two in college to solidify what kind of prospect we are going into the Combine.

And then the interviews should actually have an affect on where we get drafted. I've made multiple players and gotten interviewed by teams who I tell I would love to play for, but they don't draft me, even when I'm playing a position they could really use some help with. Fix the Draft logic. The Pelicans or Trailblazers could use a Center to play beside Davis or Aldridge yet they pass on me for no reason, even when they interview me. That doesn't make any sense.

Moving on, as many also said, bring back the Summer League and D-League please! Not every rookie goes straight to the Nba. This would add so much depth to MyCareer if we actually had to prove that we're Nba ready. There's a cut scene after your first two games where the assistant coach tells you that everything isn't handed to you in the Nba, but in MyCareer it was. I was a All-Star, Jordan althlete, MVP, DPOY, Leader in Assists, Steals and Blocks and FMVP all in my first season.

The rise to instant stardom was so fake. Only those once in a generation players with elite athleticism and skill come into the Nba and instantly start dominating. I know there are people that just want to dominate, but we should earn it. I don't want to be better than Lebron and MJ as a rookie. We either need a currency specifically for MyCareer to slow down our progression, or the system for improving your player needs to be revamped entirely.

I was thinking, instead of buying attributes, we should have the drills again to improve in specific areas and that's the only way to improve. So during our rookie seasons, depending on our play style we'll have to stick to our role in the team and be a team player. And then during the offseason we can meet with trainers and improve our player in multiple areas. That way as the seasons go by, we can see some true improvements in our stats, the awards we’re winning and so on. It’ll feel like we really earned that starting spot, the spot on the All-Star team or that MVP award.

Moving on to my pet peeves, after playing from PG to PF, I've seen a lot of annoying things that must be corrected. Like that trolling bump animation that seems to conveniently happen as you push the pass buttom. You player than proceeds to throw the pass once the animation is completed, resulting in a turnover. That happens to me so often it isn't funny. And then when I'm playing as a big man, I'm always getting pushed out of position for rebounds by anyone. I'm perfectly fine with Demarcus Cousins moving me with his brute strength, but when Nate Robinson knocks me out of position, it’s beyond frustrating.

Also, if a player can not see a pass, they SHOULD NOT, be able to intercept the pass and steal it. Every once in a while something lucky can happen, but when this is happening on a regular basis, it frustrates the user. I play with a pass first play-style, and it’s so irritating to pick up turnovers because of stupid junk like that. And then the random screw up where you or a teammate throws it out of bounds when the passing target was right next to them. I can only shake my head nowadays.

I'm rarely rewarded for playing great defense. If I block a shot, it goes directly to the opponent. If I strip the opponent, they pick it back up. If I intercept a pass, the CPU regularly beats me to the ball because my player becomes unbearably slow. I know I shouldn't be able to lock down Carmelo, Durant or Lebron, but why is guarding them impossible? I manage to stick to them when they try to drive past me and then all of sudden they go through my body to score. Why should I play defense if I can't even make it difficult for the CPU to score? At least give us a decent chance of showing some defensive ability. Half of us wouldn't reach so often if our players would just pick the ball the first time we knocked it loose ( I'm sure all of you know what I mean ).

Here's another one, when an animation results in the opposing player putting their hand IN the rim to block a dunk. I can't stand this because it's counted a block, not a goal tend. Nothing to should be blocked from within the rim.

And one of my biggest issues, why is there no FREE ANGENCY?!?!?!?! That's the biggest part of the MYCAREER! What kind of career am I leading if I'm not making any money? Because after my rookie contract, I'm not making squat. I want to be able to negotiate contracts with other teams or discuss extensions with my team. I want to know how much my player would make. I want to actually have an affect on a team's salary cap. This would give me a reason to continue playing after my first season besides the Hall of Fame goals.

There's so much potential for this mode, but all of the little things really pile up and leave us frustrated. The work 2k did making the players interact and show emotion was incredible, but there still much to be desired. I hit a game winner with 0.9 on the clock, and the only people that seemed to care was my teammates on the floor with me and Kevin Harlan. The bench celebrated for about four seconds and then sat back down, and the crowd continued to do what they always do.

Firstly, the bench should've come running onto the floor in addition to my teammates mobbing me. The crowd should have hit a new level in terms of volume and they should have raised their arms in unison or something. It felt great hitting the winner, but recalling game winners I had seen in real life, the celebration in the game was really lacking.

Please give us a bit of half time show to look at. Show the analysts discussing what each team can do to win. Show the mascot goofing around in the middle of the court. Show the cheerleaders performing a routine. We want the full experience. With everything the PS4 & XB1 are capable of, there's no excuse for things like these to be missing. Like the practice mode where I'm in a gym alone shooting jumpers. What happened to that? I hate trying to practice a new jump shot during a game, and going all the way to the Blacktop to practice it during a game of 21 is annoying.

Show some more highlights besides dunks and ankle breakers. I love the Kia Slam Cam and the Nike Plus Replays, but there are plays that go by without mention from the commentary guys. Like they need to acknowledge great passing and show highlights of that. I know there’s the assist of the game, but it’s always an alley-oop. Not the no-look pass, not the behind the back pass, not the pass between that guy’s legs, it’s always an alley-oop if there was one in the game. I threw a pass between Nerlens Noel’s legs to Demarcus Cousins for a sweet dunk and there was no replay. Come on cuz…

And can we have a coach that knows how to manage our minutes. Playing nearly the entire third and fourth quarter is irritating enough with all the other problems, but to screw up in clutch situations because my player is exhausted really hurts. The Gatorade Perform Pack only does so much for you, and a coach that’s too stupid to give you a three minute break adds to the frustration.

Please, please, please, do something about the play calling system for those of us who aren't point guards. I would love to play within the role I have on my team, but when a play breaks down, the teammate A.I becomes a total moron resulting in me taking over. And when I do that, they call nothing but isolation plays for me. I'm not interested in being an iso star.

And then there's the Park. I'm having a hard time gauging how much I don't like it, partially because of how it works, and how everyone plays. EVERYONE is ALWAYS reaching because they have Pick Pocket and Active Hands level 3. Either these skills need to be nerfed, or banned on the Park. It's nothing but chaos as everyone steals the ball from each other. Not only that, but I hate the whole 'got next' system. Why should I have to wait in line to play a game? And then when I finally get to play, the game doesn't start or I lag out. And playing with my friends is almost impossible. It only takes one bonehead to ruin it for a lot of people. I’ve never played Crew mode, but with the way people rave about it, I’m sure it must be better than the Park.

I know I said a lot, and I can bet you that I didn’t cover everything, but I just had to share what I’ve seen because I really do like this mode and I can see the potential in it. Hopefully in 2k15 they will make a few strides in the right direction.
# 450 El_Poopador @ 07/12/14 09:27 PM
Make the postgame interviews more in-tune with what happened in the game. I just had a game where my PG scored 28 pts, which happened to be a career high. But we also lost the game. The interview simply asked if I'm capable of scoring at that level consistently. It should have asked something more along the lines of if it was bittersweet to have a career scoring night, but still losing the game, or what we could have done differently to pull off a win. I would also like to see a longer press conference, with more questions for not only my player, but also my teammates and coach.
# 451 RyanLaFalce @ 07/13/14 04:54 PM
I'm still holding out hope for online myGM
# 452 tavinc @ 07/14/14 12:24 AM
i really feel like integrating the euro league into my career is a great idea and needs to be done at some point!! even better throw in the fiba tourney as well! i'd love to make a player from say spain, play in the spanish league and completely destroy the american team every 4 years! then laugh as every team in the nba offers me a huge contract and i reject them for no reason lol
# 453 Gronk4M13 @ 07/14/14 07:47 AM
Improved free agency/trade logic in myGM, making myCareer less scripted.
# 454 vjhfghuj @ 07/14/14 11:15 AM
Bring back the mascots, cheerleaders and the sideline photographers.
# 455 DMTS @ 07/14/14 02:02 PM
If it's not too late to make a suggestion, can we have the option to set accessories in mycareer for home and away? Thanks
# 456 CookNBA03 @ 07/15/14 01:57 AM
NBA 2K15 MyGM Wishlist

1)Introduction- When we first get hired we should meet with the owners as is but afterwards have a 10-15 question press conference with the media. Questions should be based on expectations for this season and future seasons as well as the team. For example, Larry Bird's press conference for the Pacers that was aired on ESPN a month ago. He answered questions about trades, goals, etc.

2)Collective Bargaining Agreement- 2K should include every aspect of the CBA to every little detail while also giving us the ability to edit the cap figures. I want to see stuff like the owners telling their GM that to make moves to get them out of the luxury tax or reduce the damage of it, like the HEAT amnestying Mike Miller or the Bulls nearly trading Rip Hamilton during the 2012/13 season. Give the users the option to reset the amnesty clauses for all teams or give them to the teams that haven't used them already and only be able to use them on the players that are correctly eligible. I wnat to see teams use bird rights more than just on free agents, like how the Cavaliers tried to do a sign-and-trade with Wally Sczerbiak(without renouncing his rights) in a package deal for Amare Stoudemire in 2010. I want to see early termination options, non-guaranteed/guaranteed contracts, buyouts, stretch provisions, bird rights, cap holds, TPEs, and every rule that comes to mind on trading draft picks. Official 2014-15 Cap Figures:

*Salary Cap: $63,065,000

*Luxury tax: $76,829,000

*Apron: $80,829,000

*Regular MLE: $5,305,000

*Taxpayer MLE: $3,278,000

3)During the season- When the season starts, there should be a handful of GMs that are active but when December 15th hits when all free agents signed in the offseason become eligible in trades then most GMs should be active in calls based on what the teams are willing to do. But if a star/superstar players aren't happy with the roster right now then there should be meetings between the player and his agent and management on the state of the franchise. For example, if I were the GM of the Lakers, I would go sit in on a practice then pull Kobe out to ask him about which free agents to go after in the 2015 offseason, such as Rondo, Love, Aldridge. That's what GMs should do when/if in a postion like that. Another example would be during the 2009/10 season, I'd ask Wade about possibly acquiring Amar'e Stoudemire from the Suns and how would he feel about it if not then I'd tell him we're aiming for BIG free agents this offseason. Chemistry should affect the team's record such as the 2012/13 Lakers or the HEAT when they were 9-8. D-League teams should be in so teams could send their young talent develop and player progression needs to be fixed. We need Euroleague in to When major injuries hit players, such as torn ACLs and other career defining injuries hit players then some ratings should decrease but not a lot but the player would have to work extremely hard to get back to normal. We should see some more star/superstar players demanding trades if their teams don't get better, guys like Kevin Love or Melo. If a team is on a "firesale" then all GMs should get e-mails and phone calls. When players are on the block, GMs just send their initial offers in and over time they can be adjusted instead of sending an offer and that's it. When you acquire star/superstar players, they shouldn't be able to play in the next game depending on the date of the next one. They should be introduced to the press and have interviews and take pictures. Around the trade deadline is when the league should be in a frenzy with phone calls and e-mails. I want to see teams change the direction of their teams, hitting the rebuild button or taking a step further to become contenders. We shouldn't see people on contenders milking rebuilding teams for their 1st round picks, that's way unrealistic. When teams trade bad contracts, their should be incentives for the other team that's taking that on. We should see rebuilding teams trading veterans for assets and contenders trying to get better. I want to be able to make a 30-team trade, I just want trading to be more open. I don't want to see guys making other GMs trade with them using the trade influence, use that to influence the other GM that you're trying to trade with sway toward your offer not accept whatever you throw at them using jedi-mind tricks. Commentators should discuss the award races, trade rumors, etc. during games. I also want to see all staff on the bench and have the inactive players that sit out in suits, all players that are injured needs to be in suits like in 2K11. During the Playoffs, season awards should be presented to players twice, in press conference and before a game.

4)Offseason- The NBA Draft Lottery shouldn't be after the Playoffs but during it. I absolutely hate seeing coaches fired every year for no apparent reason, we should see coaches getting extensions too. We should be able to trade for coaches as well, like the Doc Rivers, Jason Kidd, or Pat Riley situations. We need A LOT more real coaches in the coaching pool and me need to see assistant coaches getting promoted to head coaches before all these created coaches get jobs. It'd be great if we seen guys like Phil Jackson running the show in New York. Around the NBA Draft, things around the league need to be even more rapid. I want to see the team's front office in an actual Draft room, trying to make things happen. After the NBA Draft, we should still be able to do trades to clear up cap space, you know "have trades in place" if need be for free agency. Around the Draft, we should see upcoming free agent's interest level in all 30 teams and we should a bar where it shows GMs how much a player fits into the team's system. Sometimes, GMs sign guys that don't fit but have great coaches like Pop to make them fit but it also could destroy a team as well. Free agency should be a long process, we should have to schedule meetings with free agents and come up with our own pitch to that free agent. GMs should be able to negotiate players into taking paycuts to better the roster. Free agency should be a long process and some guys that are worth the minimum are getting $2 million when they should get unguaranteed, vet minimum, or training camp invite type deals. If a free agent decides that he doesn't want none of those, then they should have the option of signing overseas if they want. During that period, summer league should start and teams should be signing guys that impressed them with their play. I also should be able to tell a player to lose weight for the better in the offseason, see Dexter Pittman for an example.

5)Others- Basically, I want everything that possibly goes on in the NBA into the game. Anyways, we should have some little things that make this mode more enjoyable. What comes to mind? For me, it's taking pictures from the games you've played and making an article out of them while also being able to use fake tweets.
# 457 Dylan Perrin23 @ 07/15/14 03:10 AM
Please just bring back saving to the HD. It sucks when my internet is having problems so I basically can't do anything with the game
# 458 ecovyoudug @ 07/15/14 05:52 AM
The Mode I care about the most is MyGM! They need to revamp this thing, it's not a bad start, but I expect it to be damn near flawless the second time around.

- Why can't 2K get the CPU trading logic right or give us the option to turn them off like in the past. This has been an ongoing issue every single year. Knock it off guys!

- The same with the draft logic, teams are making horrible picks. I want to see the Draft actually helping people out not draft a top player they're not even going to use because they already have a superstar at that position. Lets just get the AI smarter in Game Modes period!

- Coaches get upset and hurt over every little thing. Sometimes I don't have the money to buy all these things, don't go cry about it though coach!

- Fix the contract issues going into MyGM, and also make the AI smart about choosing which team is best for the Free Agent.

- Make sim more realistic, I see too many teams that aren't supposed to be that good doing very great and teams that are supposed to be doing great do horrible.

- Please turn down injuries! I always turn mine off but sometimes it's cool to have an injury here or there but not when it's every other day and the injury is mind blowing.

I'm sure there's other things I'd like fixed or taken out, but for now Ill leave it with this lol.
# 459 BoneThrower @ 07/15/14 06:01 AM
Didn't read the entire thread so I'm not sure if this was mentioned or not:

Please allow us MyCareer players the ability to edit/change our jersey numbers. Picking the team jersey before each game would be a bonus too!
# 460 El_Poopador @ 07/15/14 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by ecovyoudug

- Why can't 2K get the CPU trading logic right or give us the option to turn them off like in the past. This has been an ongoing issue every single year. Knock it off guys!

- The same with the draft logic, teams are making horrible picks. I want to see the Draft actually helping people out not draft a top player they're not even going to use because they already have a superstar at that position. Lets just get the AI smarter in Game Modes period!
These two are really big, not only in MyGM, but also in MyCareer. The trade logic is definitely broken. It would be nice to have a commissioner option to veto a trade if it's unbalanced. It's not the same as 30 team control, but at the very least it would prevent unrealistic trades from happening.

I would also like to see pre-draft trades happen for teams to move up in the draft. If the top prospect is a PG, but the first overall pick is going to the Cavs, for example, we should see them try to sell that pick for some good veterans or future picks.

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