NBA 2K15 News Post

GameInformer has posted their NBA 2K15 wishlist. Quite a few topics on OS have been created as well. Make sure you check them out in our Forums and add to the lists here.

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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# 221 KingTocco @ 03/21/14 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by KehliahoMauiFootball
no offense but you all just keep repeating A LOT of same ideas I've seen on earlier posts in this thread and I've already seen most of these ideas on other nba 2k sites for months / years .... just gets annoying to read through all of these duplicates over and over...
Then don't read it?
# 222 Naujoji @ 03/22/14 04:43 PM
I would say to add more shoes, they have not changed since the release on Next Gen. I would also like to see more Create a Show options added.

Bring back create a player in draft classes, and bring it back to the regular roster.

Also add the ability to relocate a team in MyGM (only if you're the owner) and have a system on Market Size, Fan Interest, etc adding a new dimension to the Financial aspect of the game, also they could add a better Create a Team Feature. (Ex. Making you're own jersey on the internet.)
# 223 imfromhoiland @ 03/22/14 05:22 PM
My one wish is that VC doesn't ruin 2k15

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# 224 El_Poopador @ 03/22/14 07:45 PM
give us access to all camera angles in manual replays. this means every possible angle that we might either be playing from or see a reply from. we should be able to manually go in and see the kia slam cam. sometimes i would like to see that camera angle for other plays.

as it is now the replay controls are not great. i would like to have a tripod like replay camera where we can set it up in a single spot and have it track the ball rather than moving with the ball. or if anyone has played the ea skate games the free and tripod cameras from there would be great.
# 225 DIRK41NOWITZKI @ 03/22/14 10:47 PM
They should add video bombing during real voice cutscenes.

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# 226 VDusen04 @ 03/23/14 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by DIRK41NOWITZKI
They should add video bombing during real voice cutscenes.

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That'd actually be pretty hilarious, yet authentic.
# 227 Hector915 @ 03/26/14 03:45 PM
Let me start by saying nba 2k14 next gen is a REALLY good game as far as gameplay/graphics/& new innovations ...

BUT 2k is seriously heading in the wrong direction .. With them abandoning what made them strong before .. Control & Online experience

IMO I THINK 2k should include a number of things .. But it's not the impossible that everyone continues to clamor for.. Like PERFECT A.i and etc .. I do believe they try to get perfect a.i but it's not that easy..




This is the most important feature over everything else & it is the easiest fix for most online issues.. There's different difficulty settings in each lobbies, players don't have to complain anymore about the 3 point shooting, players cheering with one player, the lack of joining game sessions with friends(take out locker room for this . And most of all , it evens out the playing field. For example.. 2k uses all star as the default difficulty online as they think its inbetween for the good and the bad to enjoy .. but no .. it really hurts them because there's never people evenly matched and then the REAL 2k GAMERS end up not enjoying the game because they play people who quit all the time.. Therefore creating disinterest in both parties .. Now if I'm in a lobby for hall of fame I'm expecting to play tough games and not quitting & playing against guys I want to match up record & DNF wise . Lobby's are easier for people to match up and play non rank or rank games within the difficulty & most of all lobby's are easier for creating and filling up my next suggestion ... Online leagues or associations


This is easily the most important feature for 2k basketball . WHAT WAS THE REASON FOR TAKING IT OUT? DO THEY NOT UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS WHAT PEOPLE PLAYED ONLINE 2K FOR? At least the real 2k gamers.. MY TEAM IS HORRIBLE and is unnecessary. Online leagues with fantasy draft and admin control is what made players enjoy online experience. It wasn't quick match on rookie settings .. It was leagues .. And the biggest drive for me to get the same system with my friends and get 2k was to play leagues with them. I think online lobbies and online leagues go hand in hand because of the power of recruitment . I was able to find random players that wanted to join leagues and play in a certain setting and see who actually plays their games based off their record and DNF(did not finish) percentage. In online lobbies in the past I was given a keyboard that let's you post your league in the lobby for everyone to see . The keyboard also let's you see who cheeses by all the complaints that we're said . Leagues were easy back then . Drafts we're setup ASAP and leagues were filled with good players everywhere it just a few hours & not days .. 2k actually had all this before


This one is ridiculous .. The new menus are horrible .. I can't find anything and it's hard to access anything .. Mind you I been playing 2k since 2k2 for DREAMCAST. Lol so imagine how hard it is for the new guys . The old menus was absolutely perfect and easy to access . They need to go back to the previous format and just change to apperance if they want something different.


This is something new . If the whole purpose of playing 2k now is to play multiplayer,online and modes like THE PARK. Then they should include nba players . Same setup like blacktop same everything but no nba jerseys .. Let them wear street clothes. If I wanted to play with James harden and my friend wants to play with curry on the same team how could we do it ? .. We couldn't before .. But now we can .. Everyone can pick their favorite player and enjoy street ball without everyone's attributes being more dominate then the next person or everyone being 100 overall throwing lobs ... Sure u got some top players like Lebrun & K.D.. But I feel confident in playing with other players .. What about you? It's basically a quick random lottery .. One game maybe I got 1st pick and picked my favorite player. But Then next game I got last so I picked someone else.. Same court setup like the park with 5v5 all the way down to 1v1 .. Maybe I can FINALLY see what Lebron vs Kobe or k.d is like with my friends .. You can walk around looking for courts with your my player. You can even play with your my player in the new "sprite online blacktop mode" once your player finishes one season ..


This is now completely changed and is extremely difficult to operate.. The question is .. Why ? 2k share was fun and easy to use why hurt it ? Now people don't even care for rosters and play one quick match and then quit 2k and play something else..That's how 2k works now .. The accessories were always off .. How? Idk. But me and my friends use to fix that/player forms/dunk sets and etc to more realistic ones.. What's so bad about it now Is that for example Derrick rose is KNOWN for using the adispeed wrap in real life and yet you can't even put him with it? Why ? How does that make sense? Nobody even uses speed wraps . So for a fact it was made because of one player and that one player can't even use it it's stupid . You should also be able to play with friends in non rank games in the lobbies as I suggested earlier with custom rosters that you upload to increase more experience online and more uploads to the system


WHAT DO I MEAN BY THIS ? Before in older 2ks you were able to adjust coach sliders/ timeout & subs to auto or manual without having to press start.. You were also able see player stats without ..drumroll please .... Once again having to press start .. Those buttons are now replaced with a ridiculous camera button that people NEVER use and adjust in game . Especially when they can change it once and save it and the other is a signature skill button .. As if I care about what skills my player while I'm playing. I rather see my stats/fouls and shooting streak . I & everyone else don't care to see if he has a acrobat skill when I know if it's drose then of course he has it. I don't need to see if Stephen curry has a shooting skill when I already knew that . We shouldn't have to press start to go look at shooting stats. It's a video game and stats are extremely important.. It should be easy. Signature skills can stay but you should be able to see there skills in the sub menu . there not important to see every second in game.


Pretty simple ... The previous timeout button was simple and quick. WHY .. JUST WHY change it ? Put it back to the old SELECT button.


Why take it out ? Just why? .. Why can't I see MY own record? Why can't I see MY grades,MY tendencies ? How do I know where "I" stack up against everyone in the world?


Here's another new suggestion , since you took away plays and post up modes in practice .. Although I think plays should def. come back .. You can do freestyle mode and have the ability to add defenders .. I want to be able to practice shooting with real defense, I want to be able to practice dribbling against defense .. Basically it's a 1 on 1 or even 1 on 2 but you play offense until the plays over.. Gamers can increase their skill level ALOT by doing this .. Instead of them finding ways to cheat in order to win you will increase the potential of guys wanting to best their opponents with skill..


Pretty Self explanatory here. I think this would make people really enjoy just playing the game literally from start to finish .. And for the player of the game .. You can have the Jordan brand player of the game interviewed followed by highlights.. Add this for online too ..


This was another feature that was in the older 2ks.. If I was playing in a league I didn't have to be friends with everyone to see whose online .. I was able to check within the league .


I played a lot of players that I wanted to friend request based off the game to maybe have a rematch .. But since I can never see their GAMERTAG while I'm playing and the xbox recent players list don't work right away or at all for 2k I can never make new friends who are 2k gamers.


This makes no sense to me. Why show me all time leaders in blocks/points & etc in the middle of the game ? Why not show me current leaders in the league ? What's the point ? If I'm playing with the Knicks I know Carmelo isn't up there all time yet so why show me that ? Why not show me that maybe he's currently leading the league or almost ? Not a big deal but It's an annoying cut scene with no point or relation


I think it would be a great idea if my listed favorite team is the first team that shows up when I start a game .. I know the format is the two teams in the finals and it's always been like that but it's time to change and make things more simple.. If I wanna play with the bulls and I'm away, I have to go from the spurs allllll the way to the bulls just to pick them..

Another thing is the "ready" that appears when you pick your team .. I think it was a great idea before that you both have to agree on the teams selected. Example .. I seen a lot of players click ready on the jazz .. And then switch to the heat last second after I choose my team and now I'm playing the heat instead of the team I thought they were picking and because of that , maybe I picked a bad team like the bobcats to match up with the "jazz" as I thought they picked, instead I'm playing the heat ..


Everyone and even the people at 2k know the attributes are flawed .. This is a easy fix but yet it's never happened. Dirk has been on the SAME RATING FOR YEARS! And there's so many players with higher ratings that aren't even better than him.and he's just an example of many . It seems like they only care about perimeter superstars.. I think it's an embarrassment that the rating are the way they are. If I see Ray Allen,Kyle Korver or Steph Curry with a 3 point icon I'm expecting them to be REAL ELITE 3 point shooters .. So why is it that there's a bunch of average a** players in the game have the same icon and ratings? I think only players with an average of 85 and up should be given a icon like that .. For dunks and handles only 90 .. For blocks maybe 88 and etc .. You got to find a balance of who can do what .. Not just put all players in the same bracket ..

Just my opinion .. I would also love to discuss any ideas with anyone and see if we can get 2k to put it in the next game while they have the chance to at the moment .. #getinvolved

[email protected]
# 228 delirious @ 03/26/14 04:04 PM
my biggest wish for 2k15 is that 2k makes a legitimate effort to make mycareer amusing passed the 1st season. Im in my 6th season (key games only seasons 3-6) and what i learned is after the 1st season nothing works. Here are some things I hope they fix.

First off no endorsements work, the only 3 endorsements i see now are a kia commercial (doesn't work), and the energy drink and vampire movie investment, which neither pan out.

Secondly, and worst of all that bothers me is that 2k14 doesn't even allow a free agency. The biggest reason I even made it past season 2 is because I was interested in seeing how free agency worked after the rookie contract ran out. After the contract runs out you're just stuck in a year to year deal with no numbers or VC representing you're salary. This was a feature 2k13 had!!! I hope in 15 they make FA an interesting feature and allow you're 2nd contract to be a formidable source of VC.

Another thing I hope they add next year is more options with your GM. This was another thing that digressed from 13 to 14

Lastly, as I mentioned before I am in the 6th season of mycareer. After the 3rd season it became that only 3-4 teams were considered a "key game" so I would only have to play 12-15 games a season.

**One thing I don't mind is having to play the full first season. I can live with only having an option of simming to key games 2nd season on.

All in all I honestly believe 50% of my career digressed from 2k13. The way I see it, 2k put 100% of their effort into making season 1 realistic in hopes that everyone would lose interest after having to play a full 82 game season. All 2k14 my career is to me is a farming system in which i just simulate to play a key game on HOF to make any sort of decent amount of VC. I fell in love with MyCareer in 2k11 and I had big hopes for this years improvements and was greatly disappointed. Hopefully 15 is better.
# 229 Halloween @ 03/26/14 09:33 PM
I haven't been playing for a while and today I got back with 14 (old gen) for a couple of games. As much praise as 2k gets (rightfully so) there are still a lot of flawes in the gameplay. Here is my ONE thing that would turn around 2k for the better...

Gaming Industry 101: Go back to the basics.

Games these days are pretty massive in their quantity. Dozens if not 100s of people work on a game which somehow makes it hard for developers to keep an eye on core elements. It's like playing soccer, the easier the better but people and players fall in love with tricks and what not all the time making the game literally too complicated.

Coming back to actual video games, the best/most simple formula has always been the rock, siccors and paper scheme. Think about Pokemon. Fire beats grass, grass beats water and water beats fire. For every action there's gotta be a reaction - Jay-Z (lol). It's simple and has always worked out best. But why?

The answer: Because. It's just how the world works. And 2k needs to build on that.

Example. 2k allows you to guard players very up close on the perimeter in triple threat situations. The defender is 'glued' on the offensive player and NO MATTER who defends and attacks, there is no counter for that defense. You can't get around the defender even if you have James playing against...let's say Matt Bonner.

You would never see that in real life because James would just go by him with one step. Everybody would, because that's what a quick first step does.

2k needs to make sure that players (as of videogameplayers) always have control of the game and not vice versa. A lot of things happend today during my session that shouldn't occour in 2k15 anymore. Playing passing lanes is another example and I could go on.

Other than that: There needs to be a bigger gap between the players in terms of their skill. They feel too similar to each other and you have the feeling that everybody can do anything. Posting up is the big issue here. You can basically score like Hakeem with just any player in the low post.

And A.I. Please work on that. I know it's the hardest part for developers but we have seen nothing revolutionary since the game F.E.A.R. And that's old. I really don't know if the rating IQ in 2k has any impact on the game but I guess not. Especially the good players like LeBron would benefit from (much) improved IQ since I have not seen him move and cut in 2k like he does in real life.

I also hope 2k15 gets rid of those VC points.
# 230 mastamoretz @ 03/27/14 09:59 PM
Bring back 2k13 controls.


Blacktop 3v3

Park with 2v2 1v1 and 4v4

Mycareer, a shoot around court like every game had to practice shot.

Myteam.... make it like 2k13 style, Just bring in auction/trading

More faces to make !!
# 231 Guard-ian @ 03/28/14 04:15 PM
2k11 online leagues... Period! ;-)
# 232 Cincythunder @ 03/29/14 08:44 PM
Able to create different MyPlayer ( face and appearance) for each different my careers.
# 233 BlazersEdge @ 03/30/14 08:59 AM
Bring back online association.

Change the rookie showcase on MyCareer to something like doing draft workouts and drills
# 234 El_Poopador @ 03/31/14 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by Cincythunder
Able to create different MyPlayer ( face and appearance) for each different my careers.
THIS. i hate that if i want one player to look different i have to change it manually before i switch careers. its sad that since 2k10 my player/career has just gone downhill.
# 235 TrustedDegree4 @ 04/04/14 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
1. Bring Back Local Saves: This would include the ability to have numerous saves of each type (i.e. eight roster saves, three franchise modes, two MyPlayers, etc.).

2. Bring Back Create-a-Player: In addition, provide update to dated create-a-player model. New haircuts, new facial hair, the ability to add masks, the ability to add goggles, etc.

3. Bring Back Manual Saves

4. Bring Back ReelMaker with YouTube Upload Capability

5. Overhaul on-court audio samples: This includes the sound of slam dunks, missed shots, made swishes, made almost-swishes (touching the back rim on the way down), crowd response, and more (thread: http://www.operationsports.com/forum...tmosphere.html).

Also, from the linked thread above, it'd be cool to see the NBA's newer rims that flex and breakaway slightly to the sides make it into the game (as in the Nate Robinson dunk clip).

6. Return a Sense of Realism to MyPlayer Mode: Some aspects of MyPlayer that I do not feel match NBA 2K's typical simulation mission statement:

A. Players being paid in gold
B. Mime teammates
C. Near immediate rise to incredible stardom
D. Having to use significant portions of salary to purchase accessories (and different colorways of those accessories)
E. Every, single career featuring the same exact storyline of a player rising from the street courts to the NBA

Some aspects of MyPlayer that I feel would restore a sense of realism that's consistent with what gamers have come to expect out of NBA 2K's quality simulation product over the years:

A. Players paid with real money
B. The re-introduction of the Draft Combine, Summer League, Training Camp, and D-League
C. Varied career paths that do not always lead to earning a starting job after 20 regular season games
D. Spending money only on things that'd actually cost money (i.e. not paying to alter one's shot release)
E. The ability to choose one's jersey number, even after being traded or signing with a new team
F. The game recognizing and choosing the correct jerseys for your team (ex: Sunday night alts). If nothing else, allowing the gamer to make the correct choice.

7. Steer MyGM Back Toward Reality: Some of the new implementations of MyGM have potential to move the franchise mode forward. However, I feel a few of the new additions are completely out of place and are inconsistent with an NBA basketball simulation. Namely, I feel the "leveling up through earning VC" to be almost completely off-base and almost entirely divorced from any semblance of real-life front office replication.

8. Bring Back Franchise Control Options: This includes 30 team control, forced trades, jersey options, complete freedom to run an NBA league as we saw fit.

9. Full Fleshing Out of Classic Jerseys: I feel finally completing the collection would allow gamers a more fully customizable experience that'd keep a large portion of the NBA fanbase engaged and locked in (fans of classic teams and fans of creating teams). Speaking of creating teams...

10. Bring Back Create-a-Team. Enhance it: Provide the ability add city names or team names across the jersey breast. Implement a thorough court-editor (similar to NCAA College Hoops 2K8).

11. Add More Classic Teams: There's a dedicated faction of basketball gamers thirsty for any sort of classic team improvements. Classic teams are real NBA teams that have existed and are very much a part of an authentic NBA experience. Even if rights acquisitions are difficult, there's many recent classic teams (comprised largely of current players or classic players already in the game) that'd make wonderful additions (2007 Warriors, 2000 Raptors, 2008 Celtics, 2006 Suns, 2000 Lakers, etc.).

12. Provide ability to edit player's shorts length: Primarily for the sake of classic team customization

13. More freeing ability to assign correct accessory and shoe colorways
No Crew? 90% of 2k gamers want to see Crew back.

I liked what you said about myplayer.

1. I want them to bring it back to 2k10 and 2k11 myplayer.

2. Make your player a low overall like how it was a high 30 or low 40.

3. Bring back skill points and give us 10k skill points when we make a player.

4. Make us fight for a 1st round pick instead of get it automatically. What I mean is make us start as handcrafted and work our way up in the Draft combine to get a first round pick or high second round pick.

5. I want to see the D-league come back.

6. Add more storyline to mycareer after the first season since we're most likely gonna play like 2-3 full season.

7. More faces, hairstyles, tattoos, and accessories.

8. Have the ability to change our jersey and opponents jersey in mycareer.

9. I would love to have the ability to download a draft class in mycareer so I could look forward to the next season more.
# 236 TrustedDegree4 @ 04/04/14 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by Cincythunder
Able to create different MyPlayer ( face and appearance) for each different my careers.
Exactly. I think the servers are good enough to where it would not get hack players in 2k and we should be good. I would like to have the ability to just load my new player and have him look different than instead of having to change it everytime and the same for the names.
# 237 TrustedDegree4 @ 04/04/14 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by Doomz92
Bring Back Crews at least. Parks is a good idea but it isn't made for 2K Servers. Just stick to 5v5 FULLCOURT MyPlayer Gameplay. Better yet, Stick with CREW MODE. That's something the majority of us want so why keep it away. 2K12 - New Online Codes 2K13 - It's still Broken 2K14 - Water it down & call it CREWS & Park has POTENTIAL but these Servers hold it back. Every year its a new Online MyPLAYER Mode but not the one we want. GIVE US WHAT WE WANT & THAT'S CREW MODE!!!
Atleast let them bring back blacktop with new courts and places. This would allow people to find other players to play with and form a crew.

Also make crews how ot was in 2k11. With more stuff of course. It does not need 5 players to start it up but atleast 2 or more. Let the slots for inviting people be increased to like 10-15. Also add new customization to the court, jersey, and more of crews.
# 238 TrustedDegree4 @ 04/04/14 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by airaron32
Bring back the D-League, Summer league, and integrate euroleague into association and myCareer.
Add stuff to do during the off-season of mycareer. All it is really is the regular season, playoffs. Then a match with Jackson Ellis and then the next season.

They need to add stuff for us to do between the season to make it worth it for going through a full season.
# 239 Smirkin Dirk @ 04/04/14 10:45 PM
Having played 100+ games with 12 min quarters, the main gameplay improvement needed is

1. player movement. They still flap about with little sense of weight. They aren't 'grounded'.

2. ball movement. passing is terrible.
# 240 AaeriosGames @ 04/05/14 06:25 PM
There are so many suggestions that I'd love to have implemented in NBA 2K15, most of which have been already been mentioned so I'll leave you guys with this: the ability to split double-teams off the P&R.

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