NBA 2K15 News Post

GameInformer has posted their NBA 2K15 wishlist. Quite a few topics on OS have been created as well. Make sure you check them out in our Forums and add to the lists here.

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 Bolt957 @ 02/26/14 06:04 PM
Since goggles made it in this year's game, can the facemasks finally make it in? Need better hairstyles & tattoos this year. Or make a more in-depth Create-A-Player system.
# 182 DMTS @ 02/27/14 08:29 PM
Can we please get the team color gear for each team back? I'm trying to match the rockets red with a sleeve, but the red sleeve is such a darker shade of red. I don't see why they would have it one year than remove it the next.
# 183 Junior Moe @ 02/27/14 09:45 PM
Please, please bring the custom arena sounds to next gen. It really adds a lot to the presentation and atmosphere. I like being able to assign the ABC, ESPN and TNT themes to certain teams. Adding the NBA on NBC theme to NBA Finals is the icing on the cake and allows me to give the NBA Finals an extra dose of epicness. The custom and (licensed) tipoff and timeout music allow us to hear Rick Ross blaring during timouts in Miami, and have the Milwaukee Bucks playing a little John Mellencamp and region specific music.
# 184 IamLe9end92 @ 02/28/14 12:16 AM
In order to control the hackers that was in nba 2k11 they added VC. Because people like to cheat.( what I mean by that is the 7 feet 11 inch points guards and uncapped centers. You did this to us hackers) Also i agree with VDusen04
# 185 Jakeness23 @ 03/01/14 06:46 PM
One thing MyPlayer definitely needs is to get rid of your MyPlayer and the person the drafted in real life filling one draft spot. For instance if I got drafted to the Bobcats this past year, I don't want to see Zeller on my team too. After you get drafted, the game should randomize the rest of the draft based on need. Some teams may draft the same person they did IRL, but the team that drafted you shouldn't be able to get another person at the same pick, it seems stupid, honestly.

Create-An-Expansion- definitely need this, similar to TeamBuilder.

And of course, a WAY more in-depth create-a-player and let us put him into the MyGM mode or Association or whatever you decide to call it next year. And we shouldn't have to spend VC on EVERY LITTLE THING, it is truly annoying.
# 186 TheJokester117 @ 03/01/14 07:48 PM
Another nice thing would be to have home and away colors for our accessories. So they automatically switch depending on the venue, and we don't have to do it ourselves.
# 187 kolanji @ 03/04/14 05:05 AM
1. controller input delay/lags due to animations needs improvement

2. passing logic is frustrating and unconventional in many ways...passer does a jump pass to a reciever right next to him just so animations can line up passer/reciever....results a frustrating long pass killing the flow of the game

3.sliding out of defensive position happens way too often....user vs especially in the post....user shows how unecfective defense is playing against another user who is spamming turbo(online defending is a disaster).....this game is more predicated to user vs cpu modes and it shows...

4. Defensive bump back animations are BAND AID defensive tatics that has run it course and is flat out frustrating....my fatigue for this have maxed out....

5. calling a blocking foul as a result of the bump back animation when ball handler goes out of bounce or back court is another BAND AID fix for unproductive defense

6. and another frustrating side effect of bump back is the draw out animation that causes user to lose control over player for the duration of the animation....even more so frustrating is if u press the pass button just before Bump back animation, after the animation is complete u still throw a ridiculous late pass that is 90% of the time intercepted and stolen

7.why are bigs good perimeter defender on faster guards again?????

8.rebounding feels scripted as a user button pressing yeilds no animation to attempt a rebound or delayed in some cases

9.Like to see post shots get timing releases just like jumpshots

10. consistent hits and misses at FT line...missing the first FT with A+ to make the second with C- happens way to often to seem fair and balance

11. shot stick needs improvements...i feel like is a regression.....instead or more options we are getting less....bring back left on shot stick means going left for layups...pro hop/euro step were better at button presses before shot inputs

12. way too many blocks ,especially by none shot blockers

13. Directional passing is no fun i avoid it like a plague, i use icon passing all the time to avoid it, am a couch co-op kinda guy, so my opponent knows a pass is coming most of the times as it is announced as soon as icons shows up....results he spams steal button to attempt turnovers...i think like Fifa 14 longer pass button presses should determine that ur making a longer pass meaning ur not trying to pass to the guy next to you in the same direction but to the guy further away in the corner that is open

14.Nba live had this right but i think we need both a shoot button and a layup button....it gives more option and gives specific choices to users....way too often i want to lay up and end up pulling up for a jumper in some cases.....or i dont want to dunk but to lay up at times holding down the agressor button to have to release it and slow down a bit just so i can lay up....(use the charge button for this, by now they should not be any use for a charge button this should be automatic if your set in a good defensive position to take a charge, even more so u shouldnt have to be in the stance to get a charge call...

15.quicker in bounding after made baskets especially if am running fast break POE...first to ball throws it in dont let lebron pass the ball to bosh who is 6 feet away to go out of bounds to throw in the ball when lebron was already inches from baseline.

16. better user manuals...so many new things added like POE and no explanations for nothing...no listings for advantages and disadvantage of using PLAY PHYSICAL over CREATE CHAOS...what does that even means???

these are my wish list for NBA 2k15
# 188 LoSoisNiCEx414 @ 03/04/14 06:10 AM
Tattoos the same since 2k1? Serious question. nba player tattoo packs should be there for your MyPlayer as well.. Maybe I want a lot of tattoos, id get JR Smith...
# 189 VDusen04 @ 03/04/14 10:01 AM
If players on your team win season awards (Defensive Player of the Year, MVP, Most Improved Player, etc.) I think it'd be neat for there to be a moment before the following home game where they're honored beforehand. It'd also be cool to have a trophy room (akin to the NFL 2K Crib or NHL 2K Crib) where accolades can collect over time.

Regarding the pre-game award honor, I'm thinking something like this, but understandably with more generalized dialogue:

# 190 J_Posse @ 03/04/14 12:35 PM
Haven't been in this thread yet, but here is my list:

1. Create-A-Player: It must return while being fully customizable and superior to any CAP system in the NBA 2K series. We need more options (tattoos, hairstyles, names in the database and accessories) than ever before so we can make virtually anyone. It will also aid with my number 2 wish.

Side-note: The lack of this feature has really hurt 2K14's authenticity since I can't add missing players. While adding the "look-a-likes" by 2k is a poor and lazy - I hate using that word - workaround.

2. D-League return: The D-League was an underdeveloped and under appreciated aspect of 2K10 - 2K12 and sadly VC/2K dropped the ball by removing it entirely. Please, bring this feature back to MyGM/Season/Association (?) mode so we can have a place to develop young bench players or the free-agency pool can "perform" in some capacity. Make the generics already on the teams editable and allow the community to recreate the rosters or just cut a smaller deal for the player licensing.

3. Remove "Always-Online" - This is a terrible feature that should have never been added. I shouldn't have to be connected online to enjoy my roster set, should be saved on my native HDD or given the option to, and MyGM/MyCareer shouldn't be so "always online" dependent either. This was a terrible decision and makes the game unplayable without a good Internet connection.

4. Summer Circuit (League) returning: All of my same points about the D-League holds true for the return of the Summer Circuit (League) feature. Adding it back to MyCareer and introducing it to MyGm/Association would add even more replay value and give more importance to the offseason.

5. Editing and Tendencies: We need to be able to edit the same amount of aspects of current/historic players as in current gen consoles. There is no good reason why I can't edit the first year of NBA players' contracts and why allowing us to add headbands was removed. Also, we need the return of the hot zones, hot spots and free lance tendencies for editing purposes. These features were essential to roster editing, especially when it (hot zones/hot spots) isn't even updated throughout the season.

6. Return of Training Mode: We need this aspect to be brought back next year on next gen. No point in having advanced moves, especially in the post, if there isn't a way for me to master them in a non-game setting.

Note: Will add more items to my list soon.....

from Spurs Nation/Bills Backer HQ using Tapatalk
# 191 J_Posse @ 03/04/14 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by richie923
(Unless I'm missing something and you can do this)

- Have the ability to take off preset injuries from roster updates.
Yes, yes, yes! So infuriating using an older roster with injuries and I can't remove them.

from Spurs Nation/Bills Backer HQ using Tapatalk
# 192 cowboy_kmoney @ 03/04/14 02:56 PM
Yeah I like this I wish they bring back full editing of every player and go deeper with the injuries.Add more anamations with the injuries based on what the player hurts. If it a ankle have the player holding his ankle as well as his head or shoulder or wrist to so what's hurt.Instead we get one injury animation with the player getting help like it a knee injury but they then kome back a concussion.

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# 193 cowboy_kmoney @ 03/04/14 03:02 PM
Hope they add more to winning the title and talk about it the next seasons after it's won and have story lines talking bout rookies thats koming into the league.They need to show the that your team has won the title by showing the banner your team's first home game.

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# 194 VDusen04 @ 03/04/14 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by cowboy_kmoney
Yeah I like this I wish they bring back full editing of every player and go deeper with the injuries.Add more anamations with the injuries based on what the player hurts. If it a ankle have the player holding his ankle as well as his head or shoulder or wrist to so what's hurt.Instead we get one injury animation with the player getting help like it a knee injury but they then kome back a concussion.

Sent from my HTC One SV BLK using Tapatalk
To piggyback off your injury idea, I'd also like to see injuries handled correctly by the players, coaches, and trainers. I'm unsure if it was changed for 2K14, but for years an in-game injury in NBA 2K has meant a single player writhing on the ground by himself, while his teammates (and opposition) move as far away as possible.

It'd be nice to see proper personnel (trainers) take the floor, teammates checking to see if a player is alright, and people aiding the injured off the court. If we were feeling particularly innovative, there could even be wheelchairs or stretchers for particularly serious injuries.

Also, I believe more varied injury animations could go a long way. Players do not always immediately hit the deck and begin rocking back and forth like Peter Griffin. Perhaps when rolling an ankle, maybe a player could hobble severely for a step or two before crumpling out of bounds. Maybe some injuries result in a sprawl. Maybe other injuries don't knock a player down, but send him hobbling toward his bench, or bending over in the backcourt. There's an open book of possibility there.
# 195 El_Poopador @ 03/05/14 07:57 AM
ive been hoping for this for a few years:

they absolutely need to fix the draft logic in mycareer. i just started a new one last night. played the rookie showcase and ended up with 27 pts 71 fg% 7 ast 5 reb 5 stl 1blk 2 to (one of which came from a pass to noel that went through him and out of bounds and the other from the pass going the opposite direction i was holding) and had an a+ grade from the sf position. easily the best in the game. jackson ellis ended up with 21 pts 3 ast 2 reb. i completed all the dynamic goals with the exception of two: take the lead before halftime [got taken out literally one play (a score with me getting the assist) after that goal popped up and was out for the rest of the half so it was impossible] and going on a 6-0 run to start the third quarter due to my teammates not playing defense (started the quarter with a steal and fast break score). 10 pts in the first quarter? check. hold ellis scoreless for the last 4 minutes of the third? check. outscore ellis in the fourth? check.

i interviewed with the pistons and cavs. so im thinking i should go #1 overall easily right? the cavs are in desperate need for a solid sf and i clearly fit the bill after dominating the showcase. i also chose cleveland when asked where i wanted to play. i ended up going 9th? to the pistons. ellis was drafted 4th overall to the wizards. so not only do i not get drafted by a team where i would be a perfect fit and wanted to play but ellis gets drafted five spots ahead of me when i completely outperformed him in every way.
# 196 KingTocco @ 03/05/14 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by El_Poopador
ive been hoping for this for a few years:

they absolutely need to fix the draft logic in mycareer. i just started a new one last night. played the rookie showcase and ended up with 27 pts 71 fg% 7 ast 5 reb 5 stl 1blk 2 to (one of which came from a pass to noel that went through him and out of bounds and the other from the pass going the opposite direction i was holding) and had an a+ grade from the sf position. easily the best in the game. jackson ellis ended up with 21 pts 3 ast 2 reb. i completed all the dynamic goals with the exception of two: take the lead before halftime [got taken out literally one play (a score with me getting the assist) after that goal popped up and was out for the rest of the half so it was impossible] and going on a 6-0 run to start the third quarter due to my teammates not playing defense (started the quarter with a steal and fast break score). 10 pts in the first quarter? check. hold ellis scoreless for the last 4 minutes of the third? check. outscore ellis in the fourth? check.

i interviewed with the pistons and cavs. so im thinking i should go #1 overall easily right? the cavs are in desperate need for a solid sf and i clearly fit the bill after dominating the showcase. i also chose cleveland when asked where i wanted to play. i ended up going 9th? to the pistons. ellis was drafted 4th overall to the wizards. so not only do i not get drafted by a team where i would be a perfect fit and wanted to play but ellis gets drafted five spots ahead of me when i completely outperformed him in every way.
The Wizards had the 3rd pick, the highest you can go in this game is the 4th pick to the Bobcats...I know because I went there. I also had a crazy good game except I completed all the goals given to me, scored 41 points, 9 rebounds, and 7 assists. Had a few blocks and 5 steals...Ellis had like 8 points.

I agree the draft logic is bad, however at least last year it was possible to go #1 or to any team really.

***Like many people have said, just having the rookie showcase game is dumb in my opinion. Bring back the drills and combine and several games. Make it so you can go 1st round (to any team if you're good enough) 2nd round or undrafted and some team picks you up for the D-League...or have you be undrafted and someone will pick you up for the Summer-League. This would add much needed depth to the mode
# 197 El_Poopador @ 03/05/14 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by kobebryant824
The Wizards had the 3rd pick, the highest you can go in this game is the 4th pick to the Bobcats...I know because I went there. I also had a crazy good game except I completed all the goals given to me, scored 41 points, 9 rebounds, and 7 assists. Had a few blocks and 5 steals...Ellis had like 8 points.

I agree the draft logic is bad, however at least last year it was possible to go #1 or to any team really.

***Like many people have said, just having the rookie showcase game is dumb in my opinion. Bring back the drills and combine and several games. Make it so you can go 1st round (to any team if you're good enough) 2nd round or undrafted and some team picks you up for the D-League...or have you be undrafted and someone will pick you up for the Summer-League. This would add much needed depth to the mode
definitely agree with this. the strange part is that this is the second sf i made. the first one i played considerably worse in the showcase (like 21 pts 3 ast 2 reb or somewhere in that area and only completed one of the dynamic goals) and only had a b or b- teammate grade but i ended up going fifth overall in that one.
# 198 KingTocco @ 03/05/14 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by El_Poopador
definitely agree with this. the strange part is that this is the second sf i made. the first one i played considerably worse in the showcase (like 21 pts 3 ast 2 reb or somewhere in that area and only completed one of the dynamic goals) and only had a b or b- teammate grade but i ended up going fifth overall in that one.
Yeah I've noticed that! It seems the worse you do sometimes you go higher...My current MyPlayer is a SF too and I was interviewed by the Suns and the Pistons, ended up going to the Bobcats.

Guess I'll have to eventually ask for a trade since the free agency doesn't work and I don't really want to be in Charlotte long-term. Everyone is going to be dying to get drafted by the Bobcats (soon to be Hornets next year) haha
# 199 blackninja @ 03/05/14 01:15 PM
I feel like there are to many incredible potential guys each year in the draft. I love the generational player concept but every draft doesn't multiple potential stars or even 1 star sometimes in the draft. It would make it more meaningful when a draft came where there is 4 or 5 potential superstars. More often then not lottery picks do not give exceptional returns plenty become nothing more the really good role players filling a specific weakness. Honestly to many 80 and up ovr rated players period, players ovr and ratings in general need to be looked at
# 200 cowboy_kmoney @ 03/05/14 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by blackninja
I feel like there are to many incredible potential guys each year in the draft. I love the generational player concept but every draft doesn't multiple potential stars or even 1 star sometimes in the draft. It would make it more meaningful when a draft came where there is 4 or 5 potential superstars. More often then not lottery picks do not give exceptional returns plenty become nothing more the really good role players filling a specific weakness. Honestly to many 80 and up ovr rated players period, players ovr and ratings in general need to be looked at
So true here.I just hope the make the draft smarter and more challenging and make sense.I would love to see the players walk up put the hat on of the team and shake the komiss hand.

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