NBA 2K15 News Post

GameInformer has posted their NBA 2K15 wishlist. Quite a few topics on OS have been created as well. Make sure you check them out in our Forums and add to the lists here.

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 261 AirJordanFan93 @ 04/18/14 03:49 AM
Remove All VC from MyGM
Make MyCareer More Dynamic And Not As Scripted
Addition of More Legends
# 262 jtb028 @ 04/18/14 10:41 PM
1.) FIX AI ROTATIONS! The AI rotations in 2k are ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE!!! I cannot stress that enough. It's way too formulaic with each starter playing 30+ mins/ game, 6th man playing about 20, and others playing 10 or less. It's been like this in every 2k and it is sincerely getting me angry.

If this game's to be considered a simulation, 2k needs to fix the rotations. The bench becomes a non-factor. In the real NBA, there are plenty of bench players that play 20+ mins on a regular basis; and starters that play less than 30. There's something wrong with this game when, for example, guys like Norris Cole, Chris Andersen, JJ Reddick, Reggie Evans, etc, etc are playing 8 minutes/ game. FIX IT!!!

2.) Fix Attribute Caps: MyCareer/ MyPlayer is broken. Some of these attribute caps are absurd as well. For example, 50 passing cap just because I'm a "big" PF/C. When did passing become a function of height? Guys like Marc & Pau Gasol, Noah, David Lee, KG are great passers -- better than many guards.
# 263 I Djm @ 04/19/14 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by LingeringRegime

off topic you running tlou mp on ps4?
# 264 LingeringRegime @ 04/19/14 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by I Djm
off topic you running tlou mp on ps4?

Nah I don't run too many things around here anymore. I will be playing it a lot though.
# 265 blacksod @ 04/19/14 02:15 PM
Lots of stuff that should be featured in nba2k15 but here are the ones that will make the most impact in making it a must have for nba2k14 fans

Would like to see the NBA2k15 wishlist stickied so we can compile these suggestions into something easy to read for the NBA2k15 staff

Gameplay mechanics -
Charging - would prefer charging only to be called if the player is turbo'ing it into the player, and the players should have 'instinctual' caution so that if they are not turbo charging they will have their animation slowed down to not get called (but at the cost of having steal being particularly vulnerable)

Stealing - major problem in The Park, since there are no shooting fouls, so would suggest that if 3 reaching in fouls are called then the player's steal button is deactivated (I know it's funny, but yet so fair).

Alleyoop success - major problem in The Park is that if you don't do a self alley-oop in MyCareer pro games, then you can't alley-oop to other people because your 'tendency' remains at zero for alley-oop. Alley-oop dynamic needs to be changed because it's too easy to make it very meaningful. Alley-oop success should be risk/reward based on the alley-oop signature skill, and the passing attribute of the passer, and the hands, vertical and athleticism (speed, strength) and the placement of the defender. As it stands, you can have a 25 player catch alleyoops on automatic.

Audio – agree with other poster that there should be more volume change and unique sounds during overtime or last seconds of a match, and more features in playoff games or games of more importance. Could have the announcers actually present during the broadcast in graphical form on the sidelines for marquee matchups and games. Also would be nice to have more dynamic crowd reactions to players if they are having an MVP type season (“MVP MVP” chants) showing there is a dynamic relationship there with the player and his fans. Also if the player bad mouths the opposing team in a press conference, the fans of the opposing team when they are visiting, can start booing the player whenever he touches the ball.

Fan graphics –would be nice to see new animations from fans as you dive into the audience for a loose ball. Also would be nice to see the sidelines behind the basket more inundated with photographers creating possible injuries and animations of players flying into expensive camera equipment.

Flagrant fouling – if the NBA has it, so should NBA2k15. Have an option to do a flagrant foul with chance of being called for it and/or being ejected.
Physical bruising/minor injuries/bleeds – have these tended mid game can take a player out temporarily but have him come back in. Have badges where some players play better after such a confrontation, and others who shrink.

I know it’s not encouraged by the NBA, but who are we kidding, it’s part of the game.

Agree we need to remove VC from the MyGM mode entirely. It is misplaced and ruins the GM simulation to have a buy2win element when it is more about managing. Would suggest that leveling up the GM depends on financial success, ability to know other managers and players needs/biases and make better deals (each deal can be graded), and ability to successfully get value from trades and draft picks long-term.
Have 2 modes. One is rookie where people can edit player stats and have myGM as more a fantasy team experience, and a chance to play with their favorite players, and then another at all-star mode, where there is a trophy and a locker code reward or VC reward if you take a non-playoff caliber team into a championship team within 3 years.

My Player
Stat caps need to make more sense. Better posts about this elsewhere
Virtual twitter within myplayer with NBA players following is a nice addition in 14. Would suggest adding more VC challenges as your follower base increases, and cap it at one VC challenge per game in the first year, and then if you get to the playoffs you can take 2, and then if you win the ring, you can take unlimited challenges
More dynamic situations and press conferences with consequences. For example, as before mentioned in game mechanics if you bad mouth the opposing team before their game or their fans or city, you will get booed in the game. Would like mature themes introduced including the downsides of fame, where fans are hating you for your success, and the challenges of having a relationship through fame with all of its temptations. NBA2k14 presents MyCareer as mainly a rise to fame and being the ‘king’ but really doesn’t address the dark side of it as well. Do you use your fame to sponsor or support community initiatives, or do you spend your resources on building up a huge pad.

MyPad– VC can be earned to also build your own home, upgrade your car you drive in each day. It will reflect your decisions in game, i.e. whether you want to be a bachelor, or build a family and challenges of doing that with fame. Confrontations with paparazzi, overzealous fans, etc. The child option allows you to celebrate the championship game with your children, spouse. Or you can have a party in South Beach and crash back at the pad afterwards with teammates. Options are endless.

The Park -
Need to fix the egregious bugs with the server not recognizing players logged out, and games not being able to start. Perhaps set a 'reset switch' mechanic on the court so that if a player recognizes it it forces the server to reconcile who is logged on (if that would in fact fix the problem)

Need to upgrade the grading system to discourage heroballers. Would like to see grade reflect similar things to MyCareer such as pass prior to successful assist, successful screen, and also negative points for poor shot selection (really negative points for this) and successful defensive moves to lower score percentage,etc.

Would be nice to see who on your team is on fire (not the opponent) with a graphical element

Summarize top stats for the day in The Park (preferably without any rewards for points or steals but more a composite score like the grade) and award locker codes or VC (handed to the player in game from the virtual twitter account and redeemable by simply clicking on it) to those who achieve a certain ranking. This would also help people build reputations to get recruited into crews etc.

Have ability to hear players talking walking around the park once you are in a certain distance (would make it easier for friends to play with each other, etc)

Have a 5v5 crew dedicated court in a gym adjacent to the Park

Online crew modes -
Would like to see crews where you can have 5v5 and 3v3 games where each player plays their MyCareer player
Also one where you have a mini fantasy draft of pre-chosen caliber and each player gets randomly assigned a draft order, and then play out a game
Tournament mode where teams can play ‘season games’ which includes 1 game against each other, and then based on final ranking, a NCAA tournament style single elimination competition.

MT costs for packs should be cheaper to encourage players to do the online tournaments, etc. OK to keep VC the same
Perhaps cards could change value based on performance instead of having emerald card releases later in the season
Would be nice to have a player deck given an overall rating based on player score so that it would be easy to tier tournaments. Bronze, Silver and Gold is fine, but somewhat arbitrary and cheesy. An all bronze team is somewhat of a novelty, and a challenge, but more realistic to NBA teams to have the ability have some ‘high salary’ players on a team.
# 266 reptilexcq @ 04/19/14 08:12 PM
Focus all your resources to making the gameplay better. This game has too many flaws...too many broken game mechanics. I really don't care about any modes 2K added until they fix the mechanic of their gameplay.

1. Get rid of heavy used of animations as part of the gameplay...please. It is so freaking annoying to wait for player animations to finished before you can execute anything. Example, after a basket is scored you try to inbound the pass quickly but you can't do it until the player animations are done. Another example is when player scored and fall ....there is no way to get his butt off the court and get back to playing defense because you can't break the animations. This is what i am talking about....i know for a fact 2K knew about these flaws (there is no way they don't know about it when they play it)...so many broken plays but can't do anything about it due to time limitation. But still, why rush the product knowing there are flaws?? Why not hire more staffs or something. My point is ....DON'T RUSH THE PRODUCT UNTIL YOU'RE SATISFIED!! That's my WISH!
2. Get rid of the crappy rebounding mechanism like there is magnet that draw the players toward the basketball. It looks ridiculous to see all players jumping toward the ball.
3. Alley-oops should not be that easy folks...clean that crap up. It is way too easy to score off alley-oops than shooting 2pts shot...lol. Pretty unrealistic.
4. Lateral passes that mysteriously went through the player or failed to connect even though there is no pressure being applied.
5. Please PLEASE I beg you 2K....focus the ONLINE GAMING MODE!!! Some people like me bought the game solely for online gaming. That's the ultimate competition in a sports game. But this game has too much lags. Focus on making online interface user friendly such as the ability to sub or change strategy at ANY TIME during the game and there should be no interference from bs screens that pop out of no where such as standings or players stats.

So, to sum up my point, make the gameplay better. Change the way you design the gamplay. Get rid of heavy used of animations as part of the gameplay. OR if you're going to allow animations as gameplay, then make it so that EVERY ANIMATIONS at any MOMENT OF TIME can be BROKEN at ANY TIME!! <--IF you can solve this problem in your game, i think you have rid of all the problem that plague this game because that is the SINGLE biggest problem with this game imo. Everything else don't matter that much.
# 267 Painkiller1974 @ 04/20/14 09:54 AM
Association mode with the possibility to choose 14 or 29 games per season
# 268 kwabalicious @ 04/20/14 01:09 PM
1. Give us the ability to put reserves on the active roster when playing online games

2. Also, we should be able to feel the difference between a good defender and a bad defender. I should have to face the consequences of putting Ray Allen, Mike Miller, and Kelly Olynyk in the ball game. Likewise, guys like Luc Mbah AMoute and Tony Allen should be able to have a positive effect on the game.

3. More contact layups on inside shots after offensive rebounds; and more contact layups in general. I don't care if they go in more often, but often players shoot layups right over my defenders with no regard for the defense.

4. Give us the opportunity to play offline games without the injured players. Instead of lowering their overall, why not just remove them from the active roster. Also, update the rosters and injuries daily, or as soon as they happen. Rosters haven't been updated In ages.

5. Potentials should be more randomized. For example, a player like Andrew Wiggins who will have an A potential shouldn't automatically be a superstar. He can have like a 20% chance of reaching a 90+ rating, a 30% chance of 85-90, a 20% chance of 80-85, a 20% chance of 75-80, and a 10% chance of <75.

6. NBA active rosters have 13 players now, not 12. This should be reflected in the game.
# 269 Optik @ 04/20/14 03:45 PM
From watching King of the Court on MLG yesterday, one of the things that needs to be fixed outside of things that can be immediately by ratings/sliders (e.g. reducing pass ratings to reduce the insane amount of amount of alley-oops made) is turboing in the paint. Turboing in the open court on a fastbreak should not be the same as turboing in the half court. Yes, there are animations for going around your defender, but what about animations where you lose control of the ball because you turboed too much? On a number of occasions, I saw that the guys were turboing until they reached the basket, stopped on a dime and then tried to lay the ball in. IRL, those guys would have to slow down, otherwise they would go flying out of bounds. I like that I saw a lot of turnovers from running in recklessly and have the ball bounce off bodies, but it needs to happen more often, not just some of the time.

Also, take that arcadey layup animation where you jump off two feet really far and lay it up with your left hand. It falls in far too often. Only players like Westbrook should have something like that, and it shouldn't be able to be triggered so easily.

Since these guys' defenses mainly consisted of predicting passing lanes and creating turnovers, make the offensive AI more intelligent in cutting so it makes the defense's job harder.

Hopefully in the 2K15 tournament we'll actually be able to see at least one pick being set, and then in 2K16 maybe a set play.
# 270 edwing @ 04/20/14 07:23 PM
Just a small presentation-related thing that I want implemented: the ability to turn off the halftime show and promos for upcoming games. I understand that an option to turn off the halftime show is likely not possible because of sponsor obligations with Sprint, but I do hope that we at least get an option to toggle the "commercials" on/off. It gets irritating to have to spam the X button after the end of every quarter to skip these sequences.
# 271 RyanLaFalce @ 04/21/14 01:02 PM
I'm really hoping 2K adds more current historic teams, the ability to use custom rosters online against friends (basically making college teams playable online when you think about it), online myGM, and an offline/online playoff mode. For some reason, playoff mode was taken out of the next gen version.
# 272 Hassan Darkside @ 04/22/14 05:43 AM
Don't know if this has been mentioned somewhere but one thing Madden has that I think would make (more) sense in 2k is--don't shoot me--coaching schemes. Players overalls change depending on the scheme of the team that they're on. For instance, in Madden, if you're scheme is say a spread offense with option looks that favors a mobile quarterback, putting a guy like Tom Brady in it isn't going to be your best option. So in Madden, he may be a 95 in NE's offense but in Washington's, he may drop to an 87 or something of that nature.

So likewise, I think 2k could do something similar in MyGM and maybe MyTeam. Granted, it's purely cosmetic, but it'll sort of change the way players try to build their teams. By nature, ****** players try to get the highest rated or most exciting players at each position and throw them on the court and expect to win. But different teams and different schemes should favor different types of players. The weighted average used to determine the overall rating of players should change depending on the system.

If your scheme was the triangle offense, you may favor a point guard with high outside shooting ratings, high awareness ratings, and high defensive ratings and even the Dead Eye or Catch and Shoot sig skills. If you're running D'Antoni's 7 seconds or less(mess) offense you may favor a point guard with high shooting ratings, high passing ratings, and high awareness ratings with a preference for the dimer and pick and roll maestro sig skills. Putting a guy like Nash in the triangle offense may drop his overall a few points because the scheme may nullify some of his best attributes and likewise, putting a guy like Derek Fisher in D'Antoni's offense is like playing them out of position. Same with putting a guy like Melo in, say, Popovich's offense.

This would also have bearing on how the AI constructs their teams throughout the mode. Players AI would naturally be interested in schemes where there overall is the highest because to them, that's where they'll be best utilized. Teams would go after role players that make sense for them rather than just signing whoever they can afford with the highest rating. I have Steve Blake sitting in MyGM Free Agency right now because he has a 69 rating when the reality is, there's about a 100% chance he has a job next season barring any major injuries.
# 273 Optik @ 04/22/14 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by Ruff Ryder
So likewise, I think 2k could do something similar in MyGM and maybe MyTeam. Granted, it's purely cosmetic, but it'll sort of change the way players try to build their teams. By nature, ****** players try to get the highest rated or most exciting players at each position and throw them on the court and expect to win. But different teams and different schemes should favor different types of players. The weighted average used to determine the overall rating of players should change depending on the system.

If your scheme was the triangle offense, you may favor a point guard with high outside shooting ratings, high awareness ratings, and high defensive ratings and even the Dead Eye or Catch and Shoot sig skills. If you're running D'Antoni's 7 seconds or less(mess) offense you may favor a point guard with high shooting ratings, high passing ratings, and high awareness ratings with a preference for the dimer and pick and roll maestro sig skills. Putting a guy like Nash in the triangle offense may drop his overall a few points because the scheme may nullify some of his best attributes and likewise, putting a guy like Derek Fisher in D'Antoni's offense is like playing them out of position. Same with putting a guy like Melo in, say, Popovich's offense.

This would also have bearing on how the AI constructs their teams throughout the mode. Players AI would naturally be interested in schemes where there overall is the highest because to them, that's where they'll be best utilized. Teams would go after role players that make sense for them rather than just signing whoever they can afford with the highest rating. I have Steve Blake sitting in MyGM Free Agency right now because he has a 69 rating when the reality is, there's about a 100% chance he has a job next season barring any major injuries.
I didn't like it at first because of the idea of changing the overall ratings, but this is a pretty good idea. What I think would need more work is the idea of highest overall modified rating still coming up trumps. I bet Steve Nash with this feature would still have a higher rating to a team that runs the triangle than Derek Fisher and that he would always be chosen ahead of him.

On Steve Blake, I think that's just another example of 2K's poor ratings, he's better than a 69.
# 274 Hassan Darkside @ 04/22/14 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by Optik
I didn't like it at first because of the idea of changing the overall ratings, but this is a pretty good idea. What I think would need more work is the idea of highest overall modified rating still coming up trumps. I bet Steve Nash with this feature would still have a higher rating to a team that runs the triangle than Derek Fisher and that he would always be chosen ahead of him.

On Steve Blake, I think that's just another example of 2K's poor ratings, he's better than a 69.
I actually hated it in Madden when I first saw it because it didn't make any sense to me. And I agree with your point there about Nash and Fisher, but the other reality is that Nash would probably be taken over Fisher in any circumstance. But that would have to come down to the AI determining the needs and understanding that a scoring, high usage 2-guard or back to basket big is a better fit than Nash and/or other AI teams making Nash a comparable offer because he fits their system better (better overall and tendencies fit the style of the scheme). And conversely, a team that relies heavily on ball movement and balance scoring across the board would try to stray away from high usage, isolation scorers.

Also, with Steve Blake, I was using a custom roster. But yeah, the overall rating system is an issue but scheme-based ratings make more sense to me as a happy medium than tossing out ratings altogether (re: APF 2k8).
# 275 RyanLaFalce @ 04/22/14 10:01 PM
Looking back on my post, are custom rosters against friends online actually possible?
# 276 Kakarr0t @ 04/25/14 06:39 PM
VC- Please remove VC ENTIRELY from the game. 99 overall people should actually mean something. This game should be play to win not pay to win. 99 overall should mean wow this game has played a lot of games instead of wow he bought vc.

Rebounding- I think the reason 2k make guys over 7 feet slower to rebound is because they are 7ft tall. However that's not a good reason for a 7 ft center to be outrebounded by a small guy.

1. If you're going to bring back cutscenes at least let us skip. It's the same thing over and over and it's a nuisance if your trying to make a new data. I understand that 2k has worked hard to bring us this storyline but after a while I don't want to see it.

2. sp/xp system instead of vc.

3. custom sliders- let us use custom sliders. I know someone people will complain about how you can put everything on 100 but how about they make a limit? I want to be able to use my own sliders to make things challenging in mycareer. I want to lower the fatigue rate since I'm forced into playing 42 min a game. Usually the custom sim sliders you see on forums like these have shooting sliders low and defense high, so their could be a cap on each individual slider.

4. Minutes- the max amount of minutes we should play should be like 36-38 min in a regular game. You don't see too many players play 40+ for a whole season, so our players shouldn't have to either.

5. Playcalling- PLEASE MAKE THE PLAYCALLING ON NEXT GEN LIKE CURRENT GEN. I hate playing positions other than pg because the same plays get called over and over and over. Even when playing pg the plays are repetitive. I don't understand why they changed the playcalling system in the first place but please bring it back.

6. The Draft- Please don't make it impossible to get drafted to certain teams and impossible to get drafted 1st overall. I liked how in 2k13 I could get first overall and go to the hornets. Now the highest you can get is drafted like 4th? Also I think giving an example statline for how to get drafted where would be nice.

7. Rookie showcase- The criteria for getting drafted high for each position should be different. I'm not sure if it is or not, but if I'm a center i shouldn't have to worry about steals and assists and if I'm a pg i shouldn't have to worry about getting blocks and rebounds in the rookie showcase.

8. Accessories- I hate how i have to exit mycareer, go to main menu, go to the dressing room, change accessories, and go back to mycareer just so that I can wear what I want for the next game. The gameday dressing room for mycareer is 1 or 2 games behind and it's frustrating. Make it like current gen. Also, we shouldn't have to buy accessories.

9. This mode tries to make you Michael Jordan- What I mean by this is game makes you have to basically do everything(bring the team back from a huge deficit, etc). I would like to be able to rely on my teammates to shoulder the load. If there is a clear cut star already established on the team you get drafted to, they should be getting the ball more/doing more of the work.

Passing- the passing is really off. sometimes you can throw and nice bullet pass to your teammate, sometimes you can be 5ft away and throw and weak pass that gets jumped by the cpu. Please make it more consistent.

Cyberfaces- Some of these cyberfaces are really bad and look nothing like the player. I think the guys in the pc modding community could do a better job than some of the guys their at 2k.
# 277 2kwishlist @ 04/26/14 02:11 PM
I know this may sound stupid but you should be able to start off in your last game of college and play from there. You should also be able to go undrafted into the Nba or the d-league. We should have more mobility in my career such as purchasing your own cars and houses, being able to go out with your loved ones or friends. There should also be a rookie camp/ draft combine. Varied Career paths and different crown reactions and announcer reactions to stuff like buzzer beaters and technical fouls. Also include technical fouls in the game and allow players to actually get injured, not just go off of what the script says.
# 278 YogiGarebear89 @ 04/26/14 02:50 PM
Even though there is zero chance of this happening what if they included Cyberface updates like for say when Gerald Henderson shaved his head. that could be something that they could implement into the game

NBA- Boston Celtics
MLB- New York Yankees
NFL- New York Giants
# 279 eslimm @ 04/27/14 03:03 PM
I'd have to say that the step back jumper needs to be implemented better. I see nba players using that move well to create space and to get behind the three point line. The animation needs to be faster as well as the most fade animation. a lot of move to create space is too slow. the court needs to be a little bigger as well. you have no space to operate in the post and can't punish the defense for cluttering down low and leaving players open

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# 280 VDusen04 @ 04/27/14 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by YogiGarebear89
Even though there is zero chance of this happening what if they included Cyberface updates like for say when Gerald Henderson shaved his head. that could be something that they could implement into the game
Yessir. Not only that, but I think it'd be awesome if 2K kept previous cyberfaces as options accessible from the "Edit Player" menu, so users could shift between looks as they see fit.

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