NBA Live 14 News Post

EA Sports today released the first gameplay trailer for NBA Live 14, which features snippets of gameplay action.

What do you think about the trailer?

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 Mintsa @ 10/18/13 12:21 PM
Terrance Ross getting some love in the trailer.....it looked good.
# 62 suspectms @ 10/18/13 12:21 PM
I WATCHED THIS TRAILER TWICE. I"m a 2k fan but want to buy live but was a little disappointed. People I"ve changed my mind. Watch the trailer several times and pause. Nba live does have some good elements to it. The gameplay isn't entirely bad like I thought. The ball handling is pretty well and most characters are truly detailed. What live will lack this year is the skin textures but let them pass and give them time to build. Support them. They might have better game modes because 2k doesn't give a **** about game modes
# 63 Atax1s @ 10/18/13 12:22 PM
Obviously not as good as the 2k trailer but that's okay. They were never going to be able to compete with the first game after such a long layoff. There are definitely positives here that they can build upon to compete as soon as next year. Dribbling, for one, looks really nice. The footwork from a stationary dribble looks spot on. Yeah some animations look stilted and the textures are a bit soft, but they definitely have a decent foundation to build upon. The big question is going to be the feature set and fun factor. I'm going to give it a shot through gamefly. Definitely better looking than I thought it would be. Remember guys, Live coming out is a good thing, if only for the fact that 2k will not rest on their laurels in the face of competition. Not bad, EA.
# 64 m1ke_nyc @ 10/18/13 12:22 PM
Maybe a price drop at Christmas to say $30 and I will pick this up.
# 65 Wolfpack44 @ 10/18/13 12:22 PM

It looks like NBA Live 09 with better graphics.
# 66 aholbert32 @ 10/18/13 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by TheBuddyHobbs
And look how bad Madden is now. Without competition the company has a chance to get a little lazy. 2k5 and Madden 2005 were both great games. They took out the competition and it was all downhill from there. Not saying that is what it's been like for 2k, but it still doesn't hurt us gamers as far as competition. It can only make it better for us.

People vote with their wallets. Sales are what motivates EA not just competition.

You know what the biggest change the Live series ever made? It was from Live 09 to Live 10. 2k beat them in sales for the first time that year and forced EA to significantly change their game. They brought in Mike Wang and Live 10 was one of the best games in the series. The problem was Live 10 did worse than Live 09 when it came to sales and EA decided it had to evolve again and created Elite.

The lack of sales motivated them. If Live 09 wouldve sold more than 2k9, EA would still have a game running off that engine.
# 67 eko718 @ 10/18/13 12:24 PM
Wasn't feeling it. Looks like it could potentially play decent, but this does not look much better than Elite to me graphically. The player movement and animations also left a whole lot to be desired.
# 68 josef @ 10/18/13 12:24 PM
Nice stuff going on.. It's obviously not up to 2k's level graphically, but it's a start. I wish they would lower the price to get more people buying it. They'll probably get crushed by 2k since they 're both at the same price point. Maybe $39.95 would get people to try it. Just a thought.. I MAY pick it up once it drops dramatically in price..
# 69 joec63 @ 10/18/13 12:25 PM
Driibbling looked great, the rest good only. But I still liked it. Will give it a shot. As an aside, don't think they've been working on this three years. Only in the last about 12-15 months is what I understand. Hopefully step it up graphically for 2015
# 70 Hadlowe @ 10/18/13 12:25 PM
Graphically, it is just not in the same building as that other game.

Gameplay wise, we'll have to see, but it doesn't look great right now. Maybe EA is wanting to stake its claim to arcade ball (thus the cartoonish player models and movement). If so, fine. It may be worth picking up when the price drops in a couple of months.

I look at this as the base to build on. EA is going to have to splurge on development costs for next year, though as that other development company dominated last gen and is going to dominate the first year of current gen.
# 71 carvis#15 @ 10/18/13 12:25 PM
Wiggidy Wack
# 72 suspectms @ 10/18/13 12:26 PM
# 73 MPB34 @ 10/18/13 12:26 PM
Looks like trash compared to 2k
# 74 suspectms @ 10/18/13 12:26 PM
# 75 ThuggyD55 @ 10/18/13 12:27 PM
Why would they even come out with this weak trailer after what 2K just showed us.
Live should really just give up. That looked like some NBA Live 06 gameplay.
# 76 supremeteam_ceo @ 10/18/13 12:27 PM
Man This Game Did Not Look Half Bad.Ofcourse After Watching 2K Trailer Yesterday People Are Going To Have Standards But This Is Leaps And Bounds Above That Elite BS They Kept Canceling!!!
# 77 Cold_Fries @ 10/18/13 12:27 PM
Ppl saying the dribbling looked great?!? What are they seeing? I can't get past how stiff the players look.. It's pretty disturbing that they still wanna release this the way it is honestly..
# 78 Optik @ 10/18/13 12:28 PM
I'm glad that Nash clip was the worst looking one out of the whole trailer. Dribbling looks great. Faces look good.

Player models though still look plastic, and the skin tones are something you could find on PS2 games. To justify a buy, they're going to have to get the fundamentals down better than 2K. They did that with Live 10, where their interior defense was much better than 2K's and it forced people to shoot. It's true that they probably could have done this on current-gen. Hopefully they have next-gen gameplay to justify a buy.
# 79 Championships @ 10/18/13 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by rgb3138
Im mad yall are like this is a good start. Really? They've been working on this for like 3 years and thats what you come up with. Smh that looks like nba live 14 for the iPhone or droid maybe.
Not sure about this but I think they had to scrap everything and start over during those 3 years.
# 80 wxn8822 @ 10/18/13 12:29 PM
Herky jerky and nothing like next-gen graphic wise.

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