NBA Live 14 News Post

EA Sports today released the first gameplay trailer for NBA Live 14, which features snippets of gameplay action.

What do you think about the trailer?

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 brown19 @ 10/18/13 12:11 PM
every player model looks the same, way to skinny for my taste!
# 42 headsteez @ 10/18/13 12:11 PM
It looked really stiff. Like live 10 with better graphics. That's not to say the gameplay will be bad, but until we get actual gameplay, we can only judge graphics and animations. Not impressed by any means, the hands seem to interact with the ball like paddles. EA should have started working sooner on this because its a rough build. The players are missing so many animations that it makes movement look very erratic. I'm still curious to see more though.
# 43 cashless @ 10/18/13 12:12 PM
Some positives but it looks too NBA Live-ish.
# 44 m1ke_nyc @ 10/18/13 12:12 PM
Heading into Live 15 its obvious the main focus has to be defense. Help defense looks horrid. Im just glad it seems to favor Live 10 more so than Elite 11.
# 45 DonWuan @ 10/18/13 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Mholtz2j
Just rent it? I would never buy something from EA just to support them. They were getting beat by NFL2K5, so they decided lets make sure we have no competition.
That being said, I hope the game is good. And if it is I will buy it when it comes down in price.
Sad thing is nfll2k5 is still the better game.

But about the video, I actually liked it. Like I said months ago I need something new. Offline player here and Ive been playing the same association for several years. Live is still live and 2k is still 2k no matter the gen good or bad.

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# 46 Cowboy008 @ 10/18/13 12:13 PM
Well I know what basketball game I'm going to get at launch. 2K it is.
# 47 Entiae @ 10/18/13 12:14 PM
It didn't "wow" me, but I thought it looked like NBA Live. And I like that. I enjoyed Live 10 and I look forward to seeing more.
I hope we'll have two great, but different, next-gen basketball games next month.
# 48 CookNBA03 @ 10/18/13 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by TheBuddyHobbs
I'm still buying the game because I support competition. Competition is good for the gamers. It didn't look good, but it's something new... Well kind of... Either way we the gamers all win with competition. Obviously most of my play time is going to 2k though.
It doesn't look bad at all, I like it t tell the truth.
# 49 knick9 @ 10/18/13 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by napecori
Not quite 2k but i LOVE the MELO stutter step in that clip
Just noticed that, that was nice.
# 50 rgb3138 @ 10/18/13 12:15 PM
Im mad yall are like this is a good start. Really? They've been working on this for like 3 years and thats what you come up with. Smh that looks like nba live 14 for the iPhone or droid maybe.
# 51 aholbert32 @ 10/18/13 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by TheBuddyHobbs
I'm still buying the game because I support competition. Competition is good for the gamers. It didn't look good, but it's something new... Well kind of... Either way we the gamers all win with competition. Obviously most of my play time is going to 2k though.
I'm not trying to knock you but why spend your hard earned money just to "support competition?" I personally dont think the game looks bad but you stated that you do but purchasing a game that is bad doesnt help gamers "win." It encourages EA to continue to put out what they put out because people are saying with their wallets that they like it. Thats one of the reasons why we never see any change with Madden.
# 52 Greene_Flash03 @ 10/18/13 12:15 PM
This is a good start, but it does not look next gen to me.

In some scenes, the ball is too small or maybe the rim is too big? weird. Dribbling looks awesome, not sure about the layups though.
# 53 nextlevelshhhh @ 10/18/13 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Red Kafe
They couldn't put this on 360 and PS3 ?

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They already lost the current gen market to 2k so it made more sense to put it on next gen were people are more likely to buy it.
# 54 oldman @ 10/18/13 12:16 PM
On third watch I have another random point, how come none of the Live players have arm pit hair? It is like they focused only on the players heads and then from the head down every player is exactly the same.
# 55 MAGboyswifT27 @ 10/18/13 12:17 PM
Didn't think too much of it.. I thought the Next-Gen trailer for 2K was better. I still may give Live a try but if it was anything like 2009 when I was deciding which game was better, 2K may come out on top again..
# 56 alaska2k3 @ 10/18/13 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
I'm not trying to knock you but why spend your hard earned money just to "support competition?" I personally dont think the game looks bad but you stated that you do but purchasing a game that is bad doesnt help gamers "win." It encourages EA to continue to put out what they put out because people are saying with their wallets that they like it. Thats one of the reasons why we never see any change with Madden.
I agree. I don't want to "donate" $60, I want to buy a quality game for $60. Watching this trailer didn't make me feel that my next gen console preorder was justified.

The other game did.

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# 57 rspencer86 @ 10/18/13 12:19 PM
Agree with the overall sentiment so far. Some positives to be found (footwork looks pretty good), but the visuals are subpar, animations are stiff, and the defense...

I'm wary about breaking down gameplay in a sizzle trailer (who knows what kind of trickery they do to get the video), but where is the dude who should be defending Noah down low there? He's not near Noah and he's not helping at the rim...

Also, the crowd is standing up clapping, fist pumping at all times, no matter the situation. Bothers me as that should only be happening on WOW plays, big situations, etc. Having them do that all the time cheapens the big moments.
# 58 Daywalker86 @ 10/18/13 12:20 PM
Dribbling and planting looked great...the rest...ehhhhhh.

You've gotta look at this as a starting point. Not a polished game, with well oiled intricacies. An original effort. And by that judgement, this is better than I anticipated.
# 59 HakeemOlajuwon @ 10/18/13 12:20 PM
I like this trailer

Can't wait to know more about the dribbling system
# 60 Williekemp15 @ 10/18/13 12:21 PM
I think its gonna be a fun game, yes 2k's graphics blow it away but the dribbling looked really nice and coming off the disaster of Elite 11 and Live 13 this doesn't look that bad. Like an update Live 09 or 10 (which is fine with me). I look forward to playing both games.

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