Tiger 14 News Post

The Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 demo is available now for Xbox 360 users (queue it up here). It weighs in at 1.98 GB.

PS3 users will have to wait until later this afternoon, when the PS Store updates.

UPDATE: The PS3 demo is available now.

Fans Get First Taste of Innovative Gameplay Features

Experience golf from the past and present, and play as golf icon Arnold Palmer in the all-new Legends of the Majors mode, experience the LPGA Tour and get a taste of the Connected Tournaments feature where players can compete online with friends.
  • The Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 demo features one of the most compelling modes in franchise history – Legends of the Majors. The featured challenge, 1961 Open Championship at Royal Birkdale, puts players in the shoes of golf legend Arnold Palmer, in the 1960’s era, with the legend’s era-specific attire, equipment and skills. Once the challenge is passed, gamers will unlock 1960’s Arnold Palmer for use in the full version of the game.

  • For the first time in franchise history, the game will feature LPGA integration and gamers can get a preview of the LPGA via the all-new Quick Tournaments feature. Players can use LPGA golf phenom Lexi Thompson on a new course – Oak Hill Country Club.

  • Golf in a “Twenty-foursome” through our all-new Connected Tournaments mode in the Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 demo. Compete online against other players or friends and see as many as 23 shot arcs from other players on the course at the same time. Players can get a jumpstart on creating their country club tournaments by going to the Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 website.

  • The Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 demo will support motion control and continue the level of immersion as fans can play the demo with Kinect for Xbox 360 or Sony PlayStation Move controllers.

Game: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 13 - View All
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 shootah66 @ 03/05/13 05:35 PM
I haven't played the demo yet but from the videos ive seen on here the game looks exactly like last year's game. I reallly really wish they would change the sound when hitting iron shots to make it sound more authentic. It sounds fake right now jus like last yr. which really bothers me. Also there should be a real divot in the ground after hitting irons. When you strike a putt it sounds like ur hitting a ping pong ball with your putter. I really wish they would fix the sound when striking ur irons. would make the game sooo much better for me. pleasee just put a microphone next to tiger or some pro hitting a crisp iron shot and make that the sound in the game, same with putting. hopefully some1 who has played the demo will say that its not the exact same game as last year cuz it sure looks like it
# 62 SinisterAlex @ 03/05/13 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by shootah66
I haven't played the demo yet but from the videos ive seen on here the game looks exactly like last year's game. I reallly really wish they would change the sound when hitting iron shots to make it sound more authentic. It sounds fake right now jus like last yr. which really bothers me. Also there should be a real divot in the ground after hitting irons. When you strike a putt it sounds like ur hitting a ping pong ball with your putter. I really wish they would fix the sound when striking ur irons. would make the game sooo much better for me. pleasee just put a microphone next to tiger or some pro hitting a crisp iron shot and make that the sound in the game, same with putting. hopefully some1 who has played the demo will say that its not the exact same game as last year cuz it sure looks like it
No offense but

On a more serious note, sounds aren't THAT big of a deal. The TW team is pushing these consoles to their max. Out of any sport out there today, golf will always be the most difficult to replicate. Maybe once we get a few years into next gen, then we may see golf be truly 100% authentic.
# 63 SinisterAlex @ 03/05/13 06:16 PM
ok just finished a round on simulaion difficulty...... yeah I suck.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 2
# 64 CoreySA @ 03/05/13 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by OnlookerDelay
Guys, check out the replay of the shot that Kev holes at Royal Birkdale in the second video. It happens about 2:48 into the video. THAT'S the type of camera presentation I want for real time gameplay... bump the swing camera up to shoulder/head height (the replay has it at waist height), hold the golfer perspective view for maybe 1 or 2 more seconds, and you have presentation bliss!
Hey man, as one of the community attendees, I definitely see where you're getting at with the quick transitions. I'm definitely going to flag this to the team and see if it's something we can do or if it can be added later. Thanks for the input!
# 65 UMhester04 @ 03/05/13 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by SinisterAlex
ok just finished a round on simulaion difficulty...... yeah I suck.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 2

# 66 OnlookerDelay @ 03/05/13 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by CoreySA
Hey man, as one of the community attendees, I definitely see where you're getting at with the quick transitions. I'm definitely going to flag this to the team and see if it's something we can do or if it can be added later. Thanks for the input!
Thanks Corey, I also posted this in the EA Sports Tiger Woods forum, and Sean Wilson noted it as well. I *really* hope this gets some attention. It just frustrates me to no end to know that this sort of presentation potential is in the game, yet they simply haven't given us a menu tool to harness it!

BTW, I enjoy your and Fred's work at Under the Code. I'm JCauthen04 over there, BTW. I also follow you on Twitter.
# 67 CoreySA @ 03/05/13 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by OnlookerDelay
Thanks Corey, I also posted this in the EA Sports Tiger Woods forum, and Sean Wilson noted it as well. I *really* hope this gets some attention. It just frustrates me to no end to know that this sort of presentation potential is in the game, yet they simply haven't given us a menu tool to harness it!

BTW, I enjoy your and Fred's work at Under the Code. I'll be following that daily now that the demo is out!
I really appreciate that man! We'll try to bring you some exciting content over the next month leading up to release.

Always appreciate passionate fans such as yourself helping us with feedback.

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# 68 Steve_OS @ 03/05/13 07:46 PM
Anyone see the demo on PS3 yet? I'm not seeing it, hmm...
# 69 Steve_OS @ 03/05/13 07:50 PM
Just received word the PS3 demo is coming tonight. Just waiting on Sony...
# 70 OnlookerDelay @ 03/05/13 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
Anyone see the demo on PS3 yet? I'm not seeing it, hmm...
Still a no show as of 7:58 PM EST
# 71 OnlookerDelay @ 03/05/13 08:15 PM
It's up now for the PS3; started my download at 8:07 PM EST. I'm really hoping the Move's "First Person Camera" is going to cure what ales me about the game's presentation. If they'v e also improved the Move's interface with the game, this might be the way I go this year. Still got a lot of questions to answer about Tiger 14....
# 72 Love13 @ 03/05/13 08:45 PM
I'm a long time player of the franchise and a life long golfer. As a result I have found using the kinect system last year was ridiculous. I didn't feel the system recognized proper swing mechanics and tempo, when I would use it, I ended up hitting low 100yd drives and felt I had no control. I did not spend too much time trying to master it, as to me it would not be worth it if I had to have a video game swing and a real swing, if that makes sense so I just went back to using the controller.

My question here for the community is, has anyone found that using the kinect or move systems to be realistic and actually be able to "play golf" through the camera properly? Or have most found that when it comes to advance swing controls and mechanics are just better and more accurate to use the controller?

I would love to be able to play the game standing in my living room as I would in real life, but it seems as though it's not really an option to play an advanced career using this without having to essentially create a new swing just for the purposes of the game, which I fear would effect my regular golf game.

Any input would be awesome.

As for what I've seen in the videos and responses I think this game will be awesome, I always hated shooting
-21 at the us open, it's just not real.
# 73 cccgolfer08 @ 03/05/13 08:49 PM
For anyone who hasn't gotten to play Simulation yet, here is a gameplay I just put up on one of the Connected Tournaments at Night:

# 74 Flightwhite24 @ 03/05/13 09:09 PM
Talk about being torn. I was dead set on the 360 version but the PS3 demo just feels better. Hell might just get both as I love playing with the OS CC

On the PS3 Oak Hill tourney its at night, wow

Load times are MUCH IMPROVED from last year, grant it this is a demo
Sent from my SCH-i705 using Tapatalk 2
# 75 UMhester04 @ 03/05/13 09:21 PM
Im +7 with Tiger through 3 on Simulation. Never felt this good to suck before.
# 76 rolltide1017 @ 03/05/13 09:33 PM
Well blow me down! Simulation mode is a dream come true, this is the type of difficulty we've been wanting for years! For the first time ever I might be able to beat my video game golf score in real life.
# 77 cdawg44 @ 03/05/13 09:42 PM
Wow, Simulation mode 1, me 0. I shot +15 in my round. Also liked the Legends of the Majors mode too. EA, let me give you a big THANK YOU!!!
# 78 Jet Sufferer @ 03/05/13 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by FLIGHTWHITE
Talk about being torn. I was dead set on the 360 version but the PS3 demo just feels better. Hell might just get both as I love playing with the OS CC

On the PS3 Oak Hill tourney its at night, wow

Load times are MUCH IMPROVED from last year, grant it this is a demo
Sent from my SCH-i705 using Tapatalk 2
Don't start making me question my XBOX pre order after suffering through the PS3 load times between holes. Although I do think the PS3 sticks might be a little better for Tiger than the 360.

I'm sacrificing my bonus XP for Tiger 13 by moving to Xbox this year, if they cleaned up the PS3 load times...GRRR, not that I won't be happy for you guys buying it on PS3! Even if it's much improved I don't think it will be able to compete with the load times on 360 with a full install, going to download the PS3 demo now (don't be good, dont be good...) lol, I'm sure by the time this is released there will be little difference, this demo seems pretty early.

Will post full impressions later, don't want to be hasty, got over an hour of play in on the 360. I'll get to the nitty gritty, played so many hours on last years game...
# 79 Flightwhite24 @ 03/05/13 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by Jet Sufferer
Don't start making me question my XBOX pre order after suffering through the PS3 load times between holes. Although I do think the PS3 sticks might be a little better for Tiger than the 360.

I'm sacrificing my bonus XP for Tiger 13 by moving to Xbox this year, if they cleaned up the PS3 load times...GRRR, not that I won't be happy for you guys buying it on PS3! Even if it's much improved I don't think it will be able to compete with the load times on 360 with a full install, going to download the PS3 demo now (don't be good, dont be good...) lol, I'm sure by the time this is released there will be little difference, this demo seems pretty early.

Will post full impressions later, don't want to be hasty, got over an hour of play in on the 360. I'll get to the nitty gritty, played so many hours on last years game...
Please chime in with your thoughts after trying it out. Load times were really fast which kinda suprised me especially after the snail loads of 13

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 80 randogu @ 03/05/13 10:13 PM
Most of what I've seen has already been well covered by others throughout the day (count me in the group that'd like to see some adjustments to the Presentation Cam), but I'll throw a few thoughts out there.

Xbox 360 - no Kinect

Simulation settings are indeed tough and fun. Give it a month though, and guys will be putting up plenty of low numbers. I've already seen my swing improve quite a bit over the course of a dozen total holes. Guys will lock into the swing mechanics fairly quickly, followed by learning the courses.
I don't want the above to be taken as a negative. More as a call for more people to give this difficulty level fair run. I'm not finding it hard for the sake of hard...just a nice move towards realism.

I held off on saying "The graphics took a hit" earlier today, as I had only played the two dark/early morning tee times. Well, after checking out the added midday tourney and playing some TW13 holes right after, I still feel like the graphics took a hit from last year. I'd imagine the up to 24 live shot arcs/mics, improved ball physics, added swings all played their part in this. In the end, I'm alright with that. What I'm seeing is quite a bit of value for the trade off.

One big gripe with the Live Tourneys... 24somes able to chat and play a round is really cool on paper, and thus far almost as cool in practice, BUT some of the point or intent is lost when I've got to MUTE ALL at the first tee just to retain my sanity. In the demo I've been in groups of 10-12 max so far with maybe 3-4 mics live at once and it's nonstop phones ringing, babies crying and guys yelling "AIM!... AIM!...6 Iron!" at their Kinect. The thought of listening to full fields for 18 holes kinda gives me the shimmys.

I really don't know that this can, should, or could be addressed by EA. They gave the users a pretty neat feature and it might just be on us to start working some of the course etiquette we use in the real game, into our Tiger rounds.

I don't think I'm ready to rush right out and drop $60 today, but that's more about me not picking up TW13 until summer last year and not being done with it quite yet. There looks to be a lot to like here and I'll probably jump on board in the near future (meaning the inevitable BestBuy or equivalent DealOfTheDay/sale).

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