Tiger 14 News Post

The Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 demo is available now for Xbox 360 users (queue it up here). It weighs in at 1.98 GB.

PS3 users will have to wait until later this afternoon, when the PS Store updates.

UPDATE: The PS3 demo is available now.

Fans Get First Taste of Innovative Gameplay Features

Experience golf from the past and present, and play as golf icon Arnold Palmer in the all-new Legends of the Majors mode, experience the LPGA Tour and get a taste of the Connected Tournaments feature where players can compete online with friends.
  • The Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 demo features one of the most compelling modes in franchise history – Legends of the Majors. The featured challenge, 1961 Open Championship at Royal Birkdale, puts players in the shoes of golf legend Arnold Palmer, in the 1960’s era, with the legend’s era-specific attire, equipment and skills. Once the challenge is passed, gamers will unlock 1960’s Arnold Palmer for use in the full version of the game.

  • For the first time in franchise history, the game will feature LPGA integration and gamers can get a preview of the LPGA via the all-new Quick Tournaments feature. Players can use LPGA golf phenom Lexi Thompson on a new course – Oak Hill Country Club.

  • Golf in a “Twenty-foursome” through our all-new Connected Tournaments mode in the Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 demo. Compete online against other players or friends and see as many as 23 shot arcs from other players on the course at the same time. Players can get a jumpstart on creating their country club tournaments by going to the Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 website.

  • The Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 demo will support motion control and continue the level of immersion as fans can play the demo with Kinect for Xbox 360 or Sony PlayStation Move controllers.

Game: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 13 - View All
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 Videos
Member Comments
# 141 Pappy Knuckles @ 03/07/13 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by Love13
Does anyone know when the demo is coming out for Xbox "silver" members or whatever it is? Or how long the delay usually is?

I hate this money driven business of Xbox, things like this is exactly why I switched to playstation when the new systems came out. It was the dvd remote required for the first xbox to access the dvd player that was already in the system. I have both now but I primarily use playstation except with this series because of the controller. I bought the 360 for my wife because she likes it better with the kinect games.

Sorry had to go on my rant for the day because I'm frustrated by waiting for the Xbox demo.
I don't know if the policy has changed, but it used to be that silver members had to wait a week.
# 142 Love13 @ 03/07/13 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Pappy Knuckles
I don't know if the policy has changed, but it used to be that silver members had to wait a week.
Thanks for the info. I guess I'll be up****** next week on which one I like better.
# 143 Love13 @ 03/07/13 07:52 PM
I tried switching my controller to right stick swing and it is amazing how much better I can swing with my right finger. Just shot my first even par round in the simulation connected tournament at birkdale. It was extremely gratifying, yet disappointing because I missed 2 birdie putts that were right in the jaws but left a foot short. I could have easily shot -2, but still. That was an extremely satisfying 3 holes. 100% GIR and fairways hit.
# 144 Pappy Knuckles @ 03/07/13 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by Love13
I tried switching my controller to right stick swing and it is amazing how much better I can swing with my right finger. Just shot my first even par round in the simulation connected tournament at birkdale. It was extremely gratifying, yet disappointing because I missed 2 birdie putts that were right in the jaws but left a foot short. I could have easily shot -2, but still. That was an extremely satisfying 3 holes. 100% GIR and fairways hit.
I might have to give that a shot. I was doing alright for a little bit, but now I'm having a heck of a time trying to swing diagonally. My balls going so far out of play it's ridiculous.
# 145 SinisterAlex @ 03/07/13 08:21 PM
I switched to the right stick as well. So much easier to execute the diagonal fades and draws with it.
# 146 Love13 @ 03/07/13 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by Seymour Scagnetti
Sounds like you've lost your confidence like Rory. I get in those mini slumps too where I have no confidence in swinging diagonally and try and be safe with it and ends up being worse. And I'm loving every minute of it. The fact that you're moving your joystick to a diagonal bottom point to start your swing rather than starting at centre bottom, which is the natural resting point of your joystick, really can screw things up. It really can mess with your mind sometimes, you can be rolling along and then one bad shot and then you start over thinking things and make it worse.
That statement right there, reminds you of playing real golf doesn't it? Lol
# 147 Gerg04 @ 03/07/13 10:58 PM
I'm very pleased to say that I've learned I hit the draw much better than the fade. Tiger's stance starts with the fade automatically. After trying and feeling even more uncomfortable using the RS, I tried hitting a draw. Not sure what it is but I'm way more consistent with that diagonal swing. Just feels natural.

Now if I could just let learn to putt...

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
# 148 RipCity71252 @ 03/07/13 11:08 PM
Like most of you, I'm loving the challenge of the simulation setting. I do agree that some of the aspects of it seem to be veering from actual realism just to increase the difficulty (lack of yardages on screen or in caddie book, analog fade strike meter) but on the whole I'm happy with the direction EA has taken this game. I played around 60-70 rounds on 13 without any aids and was shooting 66 on average, but I've played the heck out of this demo and have only broken par once (-1 @ Oak Hill), while regularly shooting anywhere from +1 to +3.

Only thing I don't really care for (and it could just be the slow green conditions) is the feel of the putting. The actual stroke is much smoother which I appreciate, but I think they went a bit too far in nerfing the touchiness of 13 in terms of speed control. Also don't like how they've seemed to strip the user of some of other ways to view the green that we've had in the past (low angle camera by flicking up then down on the LS and behind the hole).

Wish they'd bring back the driving range feature since we actually might need it now! haha

EDIT: I agree Gerg04. The draw definitely seems easier to pull off due to how your hand is naturally positioned on the LS and could see a lot of users going with that swing style because of this (fade for left handed users).
# 149 Love13 @ 03/07/13 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by RipCity71252
Like most of you, I'm loving the challenge of the simulation setting. I do agree that some of the aspects of it seem to be veering from actual realism just to increase the difficulty (lack of yardages on screen or in caddie book, analog fade strike meter) but on the whole I'm happy with the direction EA has taken this game. I played around 60-70 rounds on 13 without any aids and was shooting 66 on average, but I've played the heck out of this demo and have only broken par once (-1 @ Oak Hill), while regularly shooting anywhere from +1 to +3.

Only thing I don't really care for (and it could just be the slow green conditions) is the feel of the putting. The actual stroke is much smoother which I appreciate, but I think they went a bit too far in nerfing the touchiness of 13 in terms of speed control. Also don't like how they've seemed to strip the user of some of other ways to view the green that we've had in the past (low angle camera by flicking up then down on the LS and behind the hole).

Wish they'd bring back the driving range feature since we actually might need it now! haha

EDIT: I agree Gerg04. The draw definitely seems easier to pull off due to how your hand is naturally positioned on the LS and could see a lot of users going with that swing style because of this (fade for left handed users).
I believe you will have access to the Augusta driving range if you buy the historical edition or whatever it's called this year. As for just a regular driving range, I agree, that should just be in the game and then have the nicer range in the special edition. I also agree with your idea of seeing the hole from the opposite side when reading greens because just like the yardage books, this is something every pro does on every putt, so it should be an option. I like the taking away of aids but simply not having anything to assist in crucial areas of basic golf strategy is something they should look at. It would be nice to have some of this addressed in a patch, but at least get the little things right in next years.

Overall no complaints, just room for improvement in the future. This is definitely heading in the right direction going towards the next gen consoles.

On a side note, has anyone tried this on simulation using kinect or move or ideally someone that has tried both and compared them? I'm really curious how those modes have come along with all the changes, because ideally I think if it's done correctly those would be my preferred choice of gameplay. Any insight would be nice.
# 150 RipCity71252 @ 03/08/13 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by Love13
I believe you will have access to the Augusta driving range if you buy the historical edition or whatever it's called this year. As for just a regular driving range, I agree, that should just be in the game and then have the nicer range in the special edition. I also agree with your idea of seeing the hole from the opposite side when reading greens because just like the yardage books, this is something every pro does on every putt, so it should be an option. I like the taking away of aids but simply not having anything to assist in crucial areas of basic golf strategy is something they should look at. It would be nice to have some of this addressed in a patch, but at least get the little things right in next years.

Overall no complaints, just room for improvement in the future. This is definitely heading in the right direction going towards the next gen consoles.

On a side note, has anyone tried this on simulation using kinect or move or ideally someone that has tried both and compared them? I'm really curious how those modes have come along with all the changes, because ideally I think if it's done correctly those would be my preferred choice of gameplay. Any insight would be nice.
Sweet! Didn't know about the Augusta driving range info!

Some tips for the guys struggling with the shot shaping, remember you have the option to click the LS and take practice swings. I've never really needed to use it in past tigers but it really comes in handy this year, especially since it shows you your swing path line. Also, after playing a bit more tonight I've noticed that if I focus on the red swing path line (literally following it end to end as you make the same movement on the LS), my misses aren't nearly as bad.

For putting, don't put too much weight on the initial lie of your putt while reading the greens. I have had more than a few putts say they are a degree or so below/above my feet but I'm seeing little or no break at all. Trust what you see on the screen! Also keep in mind when reading greens that the majority of a putts break occurs within 3 feet of the hole (60% according to the PGA).

Just shot -2 @ Oak Hill!
# 151 Love13 @ 03/08/13 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by RipCity71252
Sweet! Didn't know about the Augusta driving range info!

Some tips for the guys struggling with the shot shaping, remember you have the option to click the LS and take practice swings. I've never really needed to use it in past tigers but it really comes in handy this year, especially since it shows you your swing path line. Also, after playing a bit more tonight I've noticed that if I focus on the red swing path line (literally following it end to end as you make the same movement on the LS), my misses aren't nearly as bad.

For putting, don't put too much weight on the initial lie of your putt while reading the greens. I have had more than a few putts say they are a degree or so below/above my feet but I'm seeing little or no break at all. Trust what you see on the screen! Also keep in mind when reading greens that the majority of a putts break occurs within 3 feet of the hole (60% according to the PGA).

Just shot -2 @ Oak Hill!
Those are all great points. I never thought about practice swings but that could definitely help. I have also found that tilting or repositioning your hand so your diagonal stroke is more like a straight stroke, this has worked for me. I also adjust my aim for a mi****. If I'm playing a fade especially, I aim so if I hit it perfect I'm still on the green but if I over turn it I have almost the whole green error area to work with. I love it because I'm actually using course management in a video game which I have never done before.

Also you have great insight on putting. You hit it spot on.

I just posted -1 at oak hill. Although the leader board at least on ps3 is all jacked. 1st place says +999 and second says E, then progresses down to -2 and reads accurately. But total scores are skewed from round scores. It shows a -4 on the leaderbaord for total and his round score is -2 and a few others similar to that. Idk just something I noticed.
# 152 DivotMaker @ 03/08/13 01:28 PM
Turn off Advanced Shot Shaping in Gameplay options. Tigers swing is a power fade 5 to 11 o'clock. It will be that way for created Golfers, but only if you have shot shaping enabled. Otherwise you can swing 6 to 12 o'clock...this is my understanding....

Hope that helps....
# 153 Jet Sufferer @ 03/08/13 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by DivotMaker
Turn off Advanced Shot Shaping in Gameplay options. Tigers swing is a power fade 5 to 11 o'clock. It will be that way for created Golfers, but only if you have shot shaping enabled. Otherwise you can swing 6 to 12 o'clock...this is my understanding....

Hope that helps....
Does this setting only change for the players default swing?

Meaning that if he plays a natural fade that you can change to 6-12 and he will still hit his fade or will he hit it straight?

Also if you want to hit a fade will you still need to swing 5-11 or will you just change your stance and swing 6-12 and produce a fade like it was in Tiger 12?

# 154 Colly45 @ 03/08/13 02:40 PM
Sim mode is excellent bar 2 very fundamental issues.No yardage charts for tee shots & inability to line up putts from behind the hole.Watch the golf at Doral this weekend & I think you will find that all the guys will consult a yardage book before playing any tee shot & will also line up many putts from behind the hole.These problems can be easily rectified by turning on zoom mode but then sim mode becomes custom mode,therefore not allowed for online play.Surely EA could easily add yardage charts for each course which could also include the four daily pin positions,this would simulate the booklet each player whips out of his back pocket on each tee,the flybys could be turned off in sim mode, the pros certainly do not get these.Give us the view from behind the hole on the green which is in zoom mode & I believe you could then truly call it sim mode.
# 155 DivotMaker @ 03/08/13 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Jet Sufferer
Does this setting only change for the players default swing?

Meaning that if he plays a natural fade that you can change to 6-12 and he will still hit his fade or will he hit it straight?

Also if you want to hit a fade will you still need to swing 5-11 or will you just change your stance and swing 6-12 and produce a fade like it was in Tiger 12?

My understanding is your golfer will hit straight.....and your swing analyzer will show a 6 to 12 o'clock orientation....
# 156 Gerg04 @ 03/08/13 05:31 PM
Am I the only one that can't achieve a perfectly straight line up and back diagonally for the draw/fade? On puts and straight chips it is a solid straight line. But no matter what I do, it's never perfectly straight on the draw/fade.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
# 157 RipCity71252 @ 03/08/13 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Gerg04
Am I the only one that can't achieve a perfectly straight line up and back diagonally for the draw/fade? On puts and straight chips it is a solid straight line. But no matter what I do, it's never perfectly straight on the draw/fade.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
Nope. I think EA is trying to replicate the notion the pro's never really ever hit a perfectly straight shot. They're always trying to shape something with respect to their lie, hazards, and hole location.

I agree though with an earlier poster who mentioned that the slight draws and fades shouldn't force the user to swing at such extreme diagonals.
# 158 Gerg04 @ 03/08/13 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by RipCity71252
Nope. I think EA is trying to replicate the notion the pro's never really ever hit a perfectly straight shot. They're always trying to shape something with respect to their lie, hazards, and hole location.

I agree though with an earlier poster who mentioned that the slight draws and fades shouldn't force the user to swing at such extreme diagonals.
Yea I understand that part. What I'm wondering is, on the straight shots, ie chips and putts, my back and forth swing produces a perfectly straight line on the swing meter. However the draw/fades I can NEVER achieve that. Which is fine and realistic. Just wondering if it's only me.

Edit: playing simulation difficulty

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# 159 Love13 @ 03/08/13 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Gerg04
Yea I understand that part. What I'm wondering is, on the straight shots, ie chips and putts, my back and forth swing produces a perfectly straight line on the swing meter. However the draw/fades I can NEVER achieve that. Which is fine and realistic. Just wondering if it's only me.

Edit: playing simulation difficulty

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
It's definitely a fine art. I've hit a few pretty close, never got perfectly straight that I recall, but pretty darn close to the point the ball goes right where it's supposed to. Actually just thinking about while I was writing this, I've never got it perfect on a fade but I have on a draw. I have found its easier to hit a draw for me, and I have also found that there seems to be a little more forgiveness on a draw vs a fade. Seems if I barely mi**** a draw it still goes basically where I'm aiming, but a small mi**** on a fade turns into a slice very quickly.

And I do play on sim difficulty.
# 160 kerosene31 @ 03/08/13 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by RipCity71252
Nope. I think EA is trying to replicate the notion the pro's never really ever hit a perfectly straight shot. They're always trying to shape something with respect to their lie, hazards, and hole location.

I agree though with an earlier poster who mentioned that the slight draws and fades shouldn't force the user to swing at such extreme diagonals.
This is exactly what is killing the game for me. I get that pros never hit a straight shot, but the angles are totally extreme. I don't understand it. I get if you are trying to bend some crazy shot around a bend or something, but a tiny little fade shouldn't be such a low percentage shot.

My thumb simply can't do it with any consistency. I can't even get any kind of a smooth swing going with the thumb. Basically, what I will have to do is turn the controller and try to swing with two fingers.

The past few years I just can't find a good difficulty to play with. Tour pro is mostly too easy, unless I try to draw or fade a shot. Anything above that and I don't think I can ever break par, even with practice. The demo only has perfectly easy conditions. Wait until the wind cranks up and the greens become lightning fast.

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