Tiger 14 News Post

The Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 demo is available now for Xbox 360 users (queue it up here). It weighs in at 1.98 GB.

PS3 users will have to wait until later this afternoon, when the PS Store updates.

UPDATE: The PS3 demo is available now.

Fans Get First Taste of Innovative Gameplay Features

Experience golf from the past and present, and play as golf icon Arnold Palmer in the all-new Legends of the Majors mode, experience the LPGA Tour and get a taste of the Connected Tournaments feature where players can compete online with friends.
  • The Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 demo features one of the most compelling modes in franchise history – Legends of the Majors. The featured challenge, 1961 Open Championship at Royal Birkdale, puts players in the shoes of golf legend Arnold Palmer, in the 1960’s era, with the legend’s era-specific attire, equipment and skills. Once the challenge is passed, gamers will unlock 1960’s Arnold Palmer for use in the full version of the game.

  • For the first time in franchise history, the game will feature LPGA integration and gamers can get a preview of the LPGA via the all-new Quick Tournaments feature. Players can use LPGA golf phenom Lexi Thompson on a new course – Oak Hill Country Club.

  • Golf in a “Twenty-foursome” through our all-new Connected Tournaments mode in the Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 demo. Compete online against other players or friends and see as many as 23 shot arcs from other players on the course at the same time. Players can get a jumpstart on creating their country club tournaments by going to the Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 website.

  • The Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 demo will support motion control and continue the level of immersion as fans can play the demo with Kinect for Xbox 360 or Sony PlayStation Move controllers.

Game: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 13 - View All
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 Videos
Member Comments
# 121 Rules @ 03/07/13 09:06 AM
I haven't read through all of the posts but am I the only one who finds the game completely dark? Didn't matter which I chose but it seemed like I was playing in the middle of the night. Looked for settings to change that and couldn't find it on the Xbox 360 demo.

Will try again this evening but hopefully this is fixed in the final version.
# 122 cccgolfer08 @ 03/07/13 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by Rules
I haven't read through all of the posts but am I the only one who finds the game completely dark? Didn't matter which I chose but it seemed like I was playing in the middle of the night. Looked for settings to change that and couldn't find it on the Xbox 360 demo.

Will try again this evening but hopefully this is fixed in the final version.
You're definitely not the only one... Some developers said it has to do with it being set up to Morning Time of Day. Developer, Sean Wilson, said that the lighting has been adjusted from the demo to the retail game as well... not sure how much though.
# 123 pk500 @ 03/07/13 09:57 AM
I have no idea what the EA devs were thinking when they decided to use dusk and night settings for so many of the quick rounds and online tournaments in the demo.

The graphics simply look HORRIBLE in low-light conditions.

Pure genius.
# 124 brandon27 @ 03/07/13 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by cccgolfer08
You're definitely not the only one... Some developers said it has to do with it being set up to Morning Time of Day. Developer, Sean Wilson, said that the lighting has been adjusted from the demo to the retail game as well... not sure how much though.
Wow, nice to see I don't have to dig through the entire thread for this. I thought it was fun to play, I thought it looked nice, but I cant figure out why its so dark. So dark, that even my GF who came into the room while I was playing asked what was wrong with the TV.

I assumed it was due to the time of day the round was being played at, and figured that EA was trying to show off the new time of day features etc. Hopefully, even the darker conditions are brightened up a bit. It was just too dark as far as I was concerned.
# 125 fishepa @ 03/07/13 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by pk500
I have no idea what the EA devs were thinking when they decided to use dusk and night settings for so many of the quick rounds and online tournaments in the demo.

The graphics simply look HORRIBLE in low-light conditions.

Pure genius.
I thought that as well. Oh well.
# 126 Gerg04 @ 03/07/13 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by kerosene31
That's not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for specific yardages (front of the green, front of the bunker, etc). The kind of stuff a real caddie would provide to a pro golfer.

I thought true aim in TW11 was perfect this way.
Gotha. I've enjoyed my time with simulation on the demo. I haven't posted anything under +3 and have also had a many 3-4 putts. The challenge/reward is very balanced tho IMO. I've had a few nice (and terrible) shaped shots out of the rough onto the green. Putting however is a complete nightmare and trying to read the green is nearly impossible. Good fun though.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
# 127 Love13 @ 03/07/13 01:21 PM
So after playing several rounds (ps3) I really enjoy simulation mode. I find striking the ball to be a good challenge. I was horrible at it, but I also think a lot of that has to do with the ps3 controller. I've always sucked at hitting the ball with ps controllers because of how loose the analog sticks are compared to 360 controllers. I can't wait for the 360 demo to become available to us low level Xbox account holders (one more added reason I usually prefer ps haha) so I can see if my swing improves.

I am in agreance with those who would like more information on the course. Like a yardage book that all pros and even most competitive amateurs have. I think this would be nice for laying up on a par 5, knowing if I should play long or short. Knowing how far the front bunker is, things like that. I don't even need exact yardages, just a book that has starting distances from the tee box, then make me do the math from the middle of the fairway, just like the pros do.

The other thing I'm not huge on is the putting. Not for the same reasons everyone else is. I don't find the greens too hard to read. I think they actually did an immaculate job with the subtleties of the breaks of the green with the ball level view (I do wish it was available on the fringe or just off the green where I still might putt it) but what I don't like is the cursor/aim marker distance calculation. I think it's too easy if I aim the market to how hard I should hit and then take a full swing it makes lagging long putts too easy. I think they should go back to the percentage style distance with the putter. On a full swing with my putter I should be able to hit like 120 ft or so, no matter where my aim marker is. Then I should have to calculate in my backswing how hard to hit the ball, just like our regular swing with irons and woods. But oh well, it's still a great product overall.

I would also like to add, I am also in favor of leaving the at ball perspective for a few seconds before going to a sky cam on broadcast presentation. But this is nowhere near a game breaker for me at all. This is by far the best product they have put out in this franchise. The only thing that they really need to add is a true career where you can bounce back and forth between PGA and web.com tours, as well as bring back the Ryder cup or presidents cup but make it an every other year thing, not the end of a designated career length. One that you have the option of qualifying for every time it comes around.

Hopefully that will come in the future. This may be an issue to do well with the fact they can't get a mass license for all pro golfers they have to get each one individually which adds up to a lot of penny's, but I can keep dreaming haha.

Sorry for the book lol.
# 128 mike24forever @ 03/07/13 01:59 PM
Just played my first 3 holes on simulation with Analog fad on.

I shot: @ Oakhill

Birdie - 3
Par - 3

Putting without the grid will be difficult. What cues can we get to read the greens?

Edit: I got it, pull back on the Left stick. Makes a huge difference.

I HATE the sound when putting. I'm not swing a driver. Smh
# 129 Flightwhite24 @ 03/07/13 02:19 PM
For me, reading the greens is perfect and here's why. I love it when I feel I have read the slope/break of my upcoming putt only to realize that I've read the break/slope wrong. For those who play in real life doesn't this happen a few times in your round?

I thought The Show 13 would be my most anticipated title of the year but after messing with this demo on simulation it's not even close.

Sent from my SCH-i705 using Tapatalk 2
# 130 Love13 @ 03/07/13 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by FLIGHTWHITE
For me, reading the greens is perfect and here's why. I love it when i feel have read the slope/break of my upcoming put only to realize that i read the break/slope wrong. For those who play in real life doesn't this happen a few times in your round?

I thought The Show 13 would be my most anticipated title of the year but after messing with this demo on simulation it's not even close

Sent from my SCH-i705 using Tapatalk 2
I agree, with how detailed they have made the greens. When reading it at the ball view level, I feel like I'm really reading a green. There's all sorts of subtle breaks going both ways at times. And just like in real life if you get a straight putt I noticed myself trying to find a break that wasn't there because how often do you have a straight putt?? Lol. I had a 15 ft birdie putt that was straight and a little up hill. I didn't believe it was straight so I aimed just at the right edge of the cup, sure enough I hit the speed perfect but the ball sat on the right edge of the cup haha. I loved it because if your a true golfer you know you've done that one before lol.
# 131 Gerg04 @ 03/07/13 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by mike24forever
Edit: I got it, pull back on the Left stick. Makes a huge difference.
I feel like there's not enough variance unless you are on a gigantic break. The 10-20 footers LOOK like they break left edge only to break 3 feet right.

Originally Posted by FLIGHTWHITE
For me, reading the greens is perfect and here's why. I love it when i feel have read the slope/break of my upcoming put only to realize that i read the break/slope wrong. For those who play in real life doesn't this happen a few times in your round?

Sent from my SCH-i705 using Tapatalk 2
I agree and love the challenge of it. Just hope to find a more consistent way of reading severity of the break.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
# 132 Pappy Knuckles @ 03/07/13 02:40 PM
Man, I can't break a +1 for anything. Props to the guys that have managed to shoot under par so far. As far as reading the greens go, I'm starting to get a feel for it. I just have to get better at hitting the ball off the tee, I'm sending it all over the place lol.
# 133 Love13 @ 03/07/13 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Love13
I agree, with how detailed they have made the greens. When reading it at the ball view level, I feel like I'm really reading a green. There's all sorts of subtle breaks going both ways at times. And just like in real life if you get a straight putt I noticed myself trying to find a break that wasn't there because how often do you have a straight putt?? Lol. I had a 15 ft birdie putt that was straight and a little up hill. I didn't believe it was straight so I aimed just at the right edge of the cup, sure enough I hit the speed perfect but the ball sat on the right edge of the cup haha. I loved it because if your a true golfer you know you've done that one before lol.
Also with the putting realism it definitely makes reading the green properly feel more rewarding and close misses especially on long putts more heart breaking. I still like the older distance control but this overall is a better experience.
# 134 Flightwhite24 @ 03/07/13 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Pappy Knuckles
Man, I can't break a +1 for anything. Props to the guys that have managed to shoot under par so far. As far as reading the greens go, I'm starting to get a feel for it. I just have to get better at hitting the ball off the tee, I'm sending it all over the place lol.
I feel you on this. It wasn't until I slowed my backswing/follow through down, check the wind speed meaning calm/breezy did I start hitting fairways. I look at everything before I address the ball and swing. Never before did I have to do that in a TW game

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# 135 cccgolfer08 @ 03/07/13 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by mike24forever

Putting without the grid will be difficult. What cues can we get to read the greens?
What I do when putting, if you push the analog stick down to look at your lie, it will show you if the ball if above/below your feet... this helps tell if it will break right or left right off the bat... I also move the arrow throughout the line of the putt and move it right and left and see if it looks like it is moving up or down to gauge where the higher ground is. Hope this helps.
# 136 Love13 @ 03/07/13 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by Gerg04
I feel like there's not enough variance unless you are on a gigantic break. The 10-20 footers LOOK like they break left edge only to break 3 feet right.

I agree and love the challenge of it. Just hope to find a more consistent way of reading severity of the break.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
I completely understand why you feel that a 10-20 ft putt might barely break at all but end up breaking 3 ft. The reason I understand is because that's the realism effect. That is how reading a green works. A subtle break on a 20 ft putt will break 3 ft during the roll. Reading putts is extremely hard in real life. It is a fine art that even pros have a hard time with it. There are multiple things that go into reading a green, you can easily misread a green just as a result of the light hitting the grass in a way that makes the green look like its breaking a different way or more than it really is or less. There are other factors as well, wind can effect the break as well. Greens run faster and break harder in the middle of the day, and on some very subtle breaks they will break to the left in the morning and right in the evening. I play a course at home that the greens are on optical illusion. Every green breaks toward the great salt lake, the green at times looks like it is breaking 4 feet left but it ends up breaking 2 ft right.

All in all, the reason the putting is so difficult for most of the users is because in real life it is difficult for most to be able to truly read a green accurately. I stand by my comment earlier that this is an immaculate job by the devs of making the greens so detailed in their subtleties that you can truly read a green without any grids or beads. You may not read them accurately but the fact is what your seeing is accurate it's how you are interpreting what your seeing that may not be accurate.

All in all I love it, because I have always hated using green grids and beads but until now there hasn't been a true enough replica that I could accurately read them without it.
# 137 Gerg04 @ 03/07/13 03:11 PM
Maybe I haven't taken enough time to see such detail or, I may just be terrible at putting lol. Idk its weird, I love it regardless how bad I am. The whole pushing LS down to see slope etc helps, but as far as I understand is only info on that specific spot. I'm sure I'll get better at reading the greens and executing with time. Have played less than 18 holes so far.

Regardless, the challenge and realism is truly exciting and has me itching for this game to drop.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
# 138 Love13 @ 03/07/13 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Gerg04
Maybe I haven't taken enough time to see such detail or, I may just be terrible at putting lol. Idk its weird, I love it regardless how bad I am. The whole pushing LS down to see slope etc helps, but as far as I understand is only info on that specific spot. I'm sure I'll get better at reading the greens and executing with time. Have played less than 18 holes so far.

Regardless, the challenge and realism is truly exciting and has me itching for this game to drop.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
I feel ya. The information given to you on slope when pushing ls down is just at the spot. And that helps with the dreaded 3-5 ft putts. But idk maybe I find reading the green easier than most because that is the strongest part of my golf game in real life. I've never had very much distance in my golf game, so long par 4's are almost impossible for me to hit in 2, long par 3's are extremely hard for me, so I have spent most of life training my short game. I'm a 3.7 handicap golfer and I only hit the ball off the tee about 240-250 if I get all of it. I amiable to keep scores low by a lot of 1 puts and close chips. I've spent years just learning how to read greens, I still struggle at times and misread just like everyone but there is no part of my game that is better. So I notice the subtleties in real greens that most of the people I usually play with don't notice. That may be why I notice the subtleties in the game better, idk. And I'm not trying to tout myself, my best round on this game is +2 through 3 holes because I can rarely hit a descent shot. I just haven't struggled with putting like everyone else has. But I have had my fare share of snowmen so far that would've been worse if I didn't sink the putt lol.
# 139 Love13 @ 03/07/13 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Love13
I feel ya. The information given to you on slope when pushing ls down is just at the spot. And that helps with the dreaded 3-5 ft putts. But idk maybe I find reading the green easier than most because that is the strongest part of my golf game in real life. I've never had very much distance in my golf game, so long par 4's are almost impossible for me to hit in 2, long par 3's are extremely hard for me, so I have spent most of life training my short game. I'm a 3.7 handicap golfer and I only hit the ball off the tee about 240-250 if I get all of it. I amiable to keep scores low by a lot of 1 puts and close chips. I've spent years just learning how to read greens, I still struggle at times and misread just like everyone but there is no part of my game that is better. So I notice the subtleties in real greens that most of the people I usually play with don't notice. That may be why I notice the subtleties in the game better, idk. And I'm not trying to tout myself, my best round on this game is +2 through 3 holes because I can rarely hit a descent shot. I just haven't struggled with putting like everyone else has. But I have had my fare share of snowmen so far that would've been worse if I didn't sink the putt lol.
And that distance in my driver 240-250 is in Utah like 6,000 ft above sea level, when I play in Florida or places like that its about 215-230 if I'm getting all of it, just to put into perspective for people that may live at or near sea level.
# 140 Love13 @ 03/07/13 03:44 PM
Does anyone know when the demo is coming out for Xbox "silver" members or whatever it is? Or how long the delay usually is?

I hate this money driven business of Xbox, things like this is exactly why I switched to playstation when the new systems came out. It was the dvd remote required for the first xbox to access the dvd player that was already in the system. I have both now but I primarily use playstation except with this series because of the controller. I bought the 360 for my wife because she likes it better with the kinect games.

Sorry had to go on my rant for the day because I'm frustrated by waiting for the Xbox demo.

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