Tiger 14 News Post

The Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 demo is available now for Xbox 360 users (queue it up here). It weighs in at 1.98 GB.

PS3 users will have to wait until later this afternoon, when the PS Store updates.

UPDATE: The PS3 demo is available now.

Fans Get First Taste of Innovative Gameplay Features

Experience golf from the past and present, and play as golf icon Arnold Palmer in the all-new Legends of the Majors mode, experience the LPGA Tour and get a taste of the Connected Tournaments feature where players can compete online with friends.
  • The Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 demo features one of the most compelling modes in franchise history – Legends of the Majors. The featured challenge, 1961 Open Championship at Royal Birkdale, puts players in the shoes of golf legend Arnold Palmer, in the 1960’s era, with the legend’s era-specific attire, equipment and skills. Once the challenge is passed, gamers will unlock 1960’s Arnold Palmer for use in the full version of the game.

  • For the first time in franchise history, the game will feature LPGA integration and gamers can get a preview of the LPGA via the all-new Quick Tournaments feature. Players can use LPGA golf phenom Lexi Thompson on a new course – Oak Hill Country Club.

  • Golf in a “Twenty-foursome” through our all-new Connected Tournaments mode in the Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 demo. Compete online against other players or friends and see as many as 23 shot arcs from other players on the course at the same time. Players can get a jumpstart on creating their country club tournaments by going to the Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 website.

  • The Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 demo will support motion control and continue the level of immersion as fans can play the demo with Kinect for Xbox 360 or Sony PlayStation Move controllers.

Game: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 13 - View All
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 BagMan @ 03/05/13 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by OnlookerDelay
Guys, check out the replay of the shot that Kev holes at Royal Birkdale in the second video. It happens about 2:48 into the video. THAT'S the type of camera presentation I want for real time gameplay... bump the swing camera up to shoulder/head height (the replay has it at waist height), hold the golfer perspective view for maybe 1 or 2 more seconds, and you have presentation bliss!
I agree with this!
# 42 cccgolfer08 @ 03/05/13 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Kev5890
I definitely agree with this comment. As you can tell in my videos, the game is a lot darker than in previous versions.

I am uploading one more video of gameplay with the new broadcast camera angles. I will update when it is live.
The darkness has some to do with the time of the day feature that was implemented in the game. That is what was mentioned at the EA Forums... I haven't gotten to play it yet though so it is hard for me to really say, that's just what I saw.
# 43 Kevin26385 @ 03/05/13 02:28 PM
Here is a gameplay video showing off the new broadcast camera angle.

# 44 fishepa @ 03/05/13 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by BagMan
Thanks for the vids. I'm scratching my head as to why there is a "swoosh" noise during a putting stroke. Total turn off!!

Do any of the devs even play golf?
LOL I noticed that. Surely that will be gone in the real game.
# 45 fishepa @ 03/05/13 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by OnlookerDelay
Guys, check out the replay of the shot that Kev holes at Royal Birkdale in the second video. It happens about 2:48 into the video. THAT'S the type of camera presentation I want for real time gameplay... bump the swing camera up to shoulder/head height (the replay has it at waist height), hold the golfer perspective view for maybe 1 or 2 more seconds, and you have presentation bliss!
Yup, that is just about perfect.
# 46 Pappy Knuckles @ 03/05/13 02:47 PM
I just finished playing four live tournaments on Simulation difficulty and shot +11, +1, +3, +3. Loving what I've seen so far. I find myself missing the fairway a decent amount. Like a previous poster mentioned, you definitely want to stay clear of those trees because it can be rough getting out of there, my +11 can attest to that. I did manage to hit a beautiful draw to get out of trouble and save par on one hole though.

I have a hard time believing that we'll see a bunch of double digit scores posted in the Country Club on this setting, it should be very interesting. I've only had one birdie so far, hopefully I can string a few more of those together. So far so good.

With all that being said, it sure will be nice to get a graphics upgrade on the next gen console. Tiger 14 isn't the worst looking game that I've ever seen or anything like that, but you can really tell that they're stretching the Xbox's limitations for all that it's worth. I think we'll be in for a treat next year.
# 47 Kalub @ 03/05/13 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by ctulb
Impressed with Simulation difficulty so far, nice to have to really think about your shots.
Agreed. Simulation difficulty is tough. So much so that if you hit all three FIR and GIR over the 3 hole demo tournament course, it's a very rewarding feeling.

By the same token, I can imagine being half way through a great round on Simulation difficulty, blowing up for a +8 on a single hole and feeling super low.

I think that's great. It really puts a premium on deliberate, methodical play and shot preparation. And if the stress of Simulation difficulty in a tournament setting isn't challenging enough on it's own, add in a short shot clock when you're playing head-to-head with some buddies.

I don't think I'd have much success trying to setup a shot from the rough with some trees in play with only 30 seconds. I'd more than likely end up wasting all my time trying to figure out how to hit it and then end up not executing the right swing plane.

Anyway, I'm really excited for TW14, as I am for every year's release. The demo has been decent. Kinda bummed that there's no XP earning to grind through this year but oh well.

Originally Posted by jbd345
First impressions are good. The only gripe I have is the brightness. Waaay to dark. Hope that it gets fixed in the final product.
Same here. The first game mode I played was the Arnold Legend scenario. It took place at night with rain, and I had to turn the brightness up on my display to see what I was doing. That said, I'm not bothered by it. I'll adjust it on my end if what they've done isn't to my liking.
# 48 SinisterAlex @ 03/05/13 03:01 PM
Cannot wait until I'm done school today... these impressions are too good!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 2
# 49 SmittyD81 @ 03/05/13 03:36 PM
SIMULATION MODE IS DAT DEAL!!! This is what I'm talking about in regards of bringing that authenticity of the sport out in a videogame. IMO, MLB the Show does it with baseball and now TW did it with golf. I'm not a die-hard TW player, but as a moderate golf follower and player back in the day, I can definitely appreciate all that was done to bring this mode to life. This is what the All Madden difficulty should feel like in Madden once the gameplay is on point. Gotta give props to the TW team, they did a solid job for sure.
# 50 Kevin26385 @ 03/05/13 03:37 PM
Decided to jump on Live tournaments since EA just said in the official forums that they added in a tournament at noon because people wanted to see the game during that time of day. Here are three screens, video to come a little bit later.

Hope you guys don't mind that I am sticking these in the impressions forums. Let me know if I should create another thread!

# 51 DivotMaker @ 03/05/13 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by OnlookerDelay
Guys, check out the replay of the shot that Kev holes at Royal Birkdale in the second video. It happens about 2:48 into the video. THAT'S the type of camera presentation I want for real time gameplay... bump the swing camera up to shoulder/head height (the replay has it at waist height), hold the golfer perspective view for maybe 1 or 2 more seconds, and you have presentation bliss!
Has anyone tried pressing the left bumper to see if that changes the swing camera? If so, that might help get the camera angle you are looking for. Just a thought.....
# 52 Pappy Knuckles @ 03/05/13 03:45 PM
They just put up another Live Tournament at Royal Birkdale.
# 53 Kevin26385 @ 03/05/13 04:09 PM
One last video. Shows off the Live Tournaments at "Noon" with the new broadcast camera. Select 1080p for the best viewing experience.

# 54 pk500 @ 03/05/13 04:10 PM
Simulation mode is a beast. About damn time some challenge was introduced into this series.

But the graphics of the demo are pretty bad. Why is everything so damn dark in Quick Play? Why not display midday conditions during the demo?

This game was going to be a definite purchase for me. Now I'm ambivalent. I appreciate the increased difficulty of Simulation mode, but otherwise the game feels very much the same as TW 13. Plus the dark graphics of the demo are VERY unappealing.

Unsure whether this is enough of a leap forward from TW 13 for me to justify $60. Plus I'm not a golf fanatic, so I'm less willing to part with dough for a golf game that isn't tickling my game bones.
# 55 cccgolfer08 @ 03/05/13 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by pk500

But the graphics of the demo are pretty bad. Why is everything so damn dark in Quick Play? Why not display midday conditions during the demo?
I think it was because they wanted to kind of try and showcase what the live time of day conditions would bring. According to the developers on the EA Forums, this was just because that was set to early morning so that is why it was a little darker. They said they were going to set up another Connected Tournament to display midday conditions so you may want to try that out when they put it up and see how you like it.
# 56 jbd345 @ 03/05/13 05:18 PM
Simulation mode is great. Nice to not see scores that are -9 for three holes.
# 57 CallCenterZombie @ 03/05/13 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by jbd345
Simulation mode is great. Nice to not see scores that are -9 for three holes.
Awesome, indeed!
# 58 OnlookerDelay @ 03/05/13 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by DivotMaker
Has anyone tried pressing the left bumper to see if that changes the swing camera? If so, that might help get the camera angle you are looking for. Just a thought.....
Yep, did that right away. Hitting bumper changes the Swing Camera height. I was saying about the replay that Kev had in his video that the swing camera was at waist height, but that was set by the replay camera. I'm sure if they had built the ability for the real time game camera to show the same production as the replay in question, one would have also had the opportunity to change the swing camera height via the left bumper.
# 59 OnlookerDelay @ 03/05/13 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by pk500
But the graphics of the demo are pretty bad. Why is everything so damn dark in Quick Play? Why not display midday conditions during the demo?
Try the 3 hole demo Connectec tournament that is currently set at Royal Birkdale. It's under midday sunny conditions and looks good to me. -1 is leading the tournament in simulation difficulty BTW I posted a +2.
# 60 pk500 @ 03/05/13 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by cccgolfer08
I think it was because they wanted to kind of try and showcase what the live time of day conditions would bring. According to the developers on the EA Forums, this was just because that was set to early morning so that is why it was a little darker. They said they were going to set up another Connected Tournament to display midday conditions so you may want to try that out when they put it up and see how you like it.
Will do. Thanks.

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