NCAA Football 13 Title Update #2 is available now for 360 and PS3.
As posted yesterday, below are the list of fixes.
- Zone Defense has been updated.
- Improved Deep Half Zone decision making about when to split between uncovered receivers. Also, allow more zone overlapping in deep half to cover more area.
- Deep half defenders were dropping too close to the sideline or dropping outside when no receiver was outside of their position.
- No-Huddle QB Spy bug fixed. Defenders will no longer go into spy assignments while in man coverage.
- Receivers weren’t looking for hot-read passes.
- CPU QBs passing during the drop would get set passes instead of on-the-run inaccurate passes.
- Change the logic of man defenders so they don't run into the backfield and past the receiver they are covering.
- Route running near sideline was causing issues especially on comeback routes.
- Fixed players not respecting global show blitz/press/back off coverage after handing off a receiver.
- Fixed sideline streak routes so they don't get clamped in a way that the route would end after 10 or 15 yards.
- Drive summaries should now reset after each scoring drive.
- Fixed HB stretch play issue where TE’s would be frozen in place during certain blocking animations.
- Fixed an issue where if a defender made an interception in the end zone and fumbled the ball before his feet touched the ground, it was being counted as a fumble and not an incomplete pass.
- Resolved an alignment issue where DB on HB would pick up FB instead of HB when HB was put in motion
- Removed exploit that allowed users to create slant routes to the sideline by motioning a WR and flipping the play.
- QB Rushing up the middle from under center effectiveness has been balanced.
- FG holders are no longer downed by contact.
- Increased frequency of AI using ball carrier special moves.
- AI play call tuning: No 4th and long run calls; less draws and screens.
- Ball Hawk feature implemented for user pass defense.
- Fixed frozen players after celebration dives.
- Fixed wildcat Play Action exploit.
- Fixed Defenders not reacting to the QB on read option and option plays when the users defensive adjustment vs. option is set to Aggressive.
- Fixed shake blitz exploit.
- Fixed exploit that allowed kicking team to recover squib kicks using low rated kickers.
- Fixed defensive hot routes after offensive play flip.
- Fixed issue where waiting for the defense to make their adjustments before picking a play when running ho huddle/hurry up offense caused the defense to reset their play back to the original play.
- Fixed ‘Jump the Snap’ blitz exploit.
- Resolved issue where defenders would not react or would be stuck in read and react behavior vs. the option.
- Once a promise becomes active, it was duplicating after each week advance.
- Recruit Reports & Advisory options remained even after the "Allow Time Savers" setting was turned off.
- Schools with a D+ Program Tradition could not get their grade increased through wins and championships.
- In the off-season, post season games were not shown to have been played.
- Fixed an issue where walk-on players were not appearing on the Online Dynasty Web Site.
- You will now get your points back if a recruit instantly commits during a phone call.
- Fixed an issue where swayed pitches and grades weren’t being displayed correctly.
- Fixed an issue where if CPU coaches were given a custom playbook, the players were occasionally lining up close to the ball.
- Fixed an issue where the user was unable to create an offensive playbook that consisted of 1 of every formation.
- Fixed an issue where the user was sometimes losing functionality after the UI disappears in Custom Playbooks.
- Increased the stability of the product by fixing various crashes.