NBA 2K13 News Post

I knew there would be a lot of questions/concerns regarding today's announcements, especially regarding the Control Stick, so I just wanted to give a few more details.

The Shot button is still there and more fully featured than in past versions. So if you choose, you can use the Right Stick for dribble moves and do all your shots with the face buttons. A lot of guys in the office prefer to play this way. In case you missed it, B (CIRCLE) is a Hop Step button again.

There's an option to toggle the default behavior of the Control Stick. So you can make the Right Stick Shot Stick by default, and then hold LT (L2) to activate Isomotion.

You can perform basic dribble moves with the Left Stick as well. Of course, you won't have near the same level of control as you would with the Right Stick, but it's a pretty complete arsenal of moves... including sizeups (tap the Left Stick side to side.)

Bottom line, we're giving you the ability to play the way you want to play 2K13. If you adopt the Control Stick fully, you'll have more control over your player than any basketball has ever given in the past... hands down. But if you want a more casual pick up and play experience, we accommodate that as well. Hope that answers some questions.

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 cavsfan2 @ 08/11/12 03:06 PM
I wish for the demo we could just shoot around to get used to the completely new offensive controls but I doubt it will happen.
# 102 cavsfan2 @ 08/11/12 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by raidertiger
Is it just me or does all of this remind you of NBA Elite 11 in terms of new features? Anyway it sounds great, if it doesn't work I can just switch it back. Nice work 2k.
It kind of does. The difference is that 2k doesn't have hockey guys making their game lol
# 103 stillfeelme @ 08/11/12 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by DukeC
That's for the hopstep button.
It looks like it does both that is what he said though I copied and paste what he said for a stepback.
# 104 johnnyg713 @ 08/11/12 03:36 PM
so idk if this has been answered. The biggest concern is signature moves. Is everyones cross up going to look the same with the new control stick? Am I going to be able to pull off the same moves with Dwight howard as I can with Kobe like I can in live?
# 105 stillfeelme @ 08/11/12 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by johnnyg713
so idk if this has been answered. The biggest concern is signature moves. Is everyones cross up going to look the same with the new control stick? Am I going to be able to pull off the same moves with Dwight howard as I can with Kobe like I can in live?

No way man the control is different but centers will not have a guard or wing dribble package. So if you try to do the same isomotion with Dwight Howard or Bynum it will be sluggish just as it is in 2K12 and you would be more likely to lose the ball. That is why you have signatures in 2K
# 106 Guard-ian @ 08/11/12 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by cavsfan2
I wish for the demo we could just shoot around to get used to the completely new offensive controls but I doubt it will happen.
I doubt it. They didnt provide a good demo since 2k8-2k9 if I remember correctly...

It would be nice to have shoot around but what it is a must in my view is to have at least 2 cuarters of 4 mins (at least) and the posibility to call timeouts, subs, choose team, etc...

Cheers! ;-)
# 107 UnbelievablyRAW @ 08/11/12 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
Yes. The Shot Stick is more gesture based now. Throw the stick left to right for a left to right Euro, Double tap the Stick to the left to hop step to the left, etc.

OMG I remember asking for this exact thing back on the 2k forums before 2k11. THANK YOU
# 108 blues rocker @ 08/11/12 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by jersez
I don't think we can compare this new dribbling system to live 10 or elite, especially elites. I think this will be a never before seen type of system. Just look at the d.rose spin to cross, along with the ability to dribble off of contact.
this is huge for me if they actually pulled this off...for years now i have wanted the ability to break contact animations with dribble moves, so that you could get briefly bumped but then instantly regain control of your dribble without having to wait for the contact animation to finish...in previous 2k's, i always wanted to pull of something where a guy starts to bump me, but then i want to do a spin move to avoid the "full bump" and spin off of the defender mid-bump...but in previous 2k's, you always had to wait for the bump animation to play out and wait for your player to "regain control"...i'm really hoping 2k13 pulls of "breakable contact" this year.
# 109 UnbelievablyRAW @ 08/11/12 04:12 PM
BTW will the D Wade pullback move work this year? By that I mean will defenders fall down if they are sprinting forward to keep up on defense and then try to turn and run back?

The move is useless in 2k12.

# 110 Subversion @ 08/11/12 04:32 PM
I'm really curious Beluba, how will player separation function this year? It seems like we haven't had a go-to control for separation. I feel like defenders always warp into me, unless I start out moving faster than them, from a stand-still position it's hard to create space to burst through. Any thoughts?
# 111 405Cowboy @ 08/11/12 05:12 PM
incidentally, will 2k keep classic controls in? 2k12 had options of either control 1, control 2, control 3, etc. I hate to do everything with the analog stick. Or else its back to Live 10.
# 112 thareezen @ 08/11/12 05:23 PM
i like they way the new control scheme sounds didnt care for isomotion.
# 113 Culture Rot @ 08/11/12 05:37 PM
I never thought id live to see the death of Isomotion. Thank you!
# 114 jfsolo @ 08/11/12 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by cavsfan2
I wish for the demo we could just shoot around to get used to the completely new offensive controls but I doubt it will happen.
I don't play demos at all, but if they did this, then I would definitely download this demo.
# 115 Goffs @ 08/11/12 05:49 PM
Demo needs to be 2 players again....
# 116 youvalss @ 08/11/12 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by jfsolo
I don't play demos at all, but if they did this, then I would definitely download this demo.
So you buy the game, try it, and if you like it you download the demo?

I'm kidding, of course. But don't you ever get that itch to try a demo? It's really tempting for me.
# 117 Beluba @ 08/11/12 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by blues rocker
this is huge for me if they actually pulled this off...for years now i have wanted the ability to break contact animations with dribble moves, so that you could get breifly bumped but then instantly regain control of your dribble without having to wait for the contact animation to finish...in previous 2k's, i always wanted to pull of something where a guy starts to bump me, but then i want to do a spin move to avoid the "full bump" and spin off of the defender mid-bump...but in previous 2k's, you always had to wait for the bump animation to play out and wait for your player to "regain control"...i'm really hoping 2k13 pulls of "breakable contact" this year.
This was big for me too, and something I don't think any hoops game has ever modeled well. A lot of my time this year was spent working on the onball defender/dribbler interactions - we call them body ups (or rides) internally. In the past we've had both extremes, long 2p anims that you were locked into or the infamous dribble stuns where the ball handler just bounces back like he was shot in the face. This year, as you can see a bit of in the dev video, the ball handler can now take the contact and Iso out of it at any time. The challenge was giving the ball handler the freedom to pull off moves while still allowing the onball defender to effectively deflect the dribbler off course. There's still a lot I want to add to the system going forward but I'm pretty happy with how improved the 1-on-1 game feels this year. Definitely light years ahead of anything we've attempted in the past. It's also amazing how well the rides blend into the improved contact shot system using the Dynamic Shot Generator. The whole sequence from the start of a drive to the body up to the contact shot and finish can look just as smooth as a sequence straight out of mocap. This is easily my favorite aspect of 2K13.
# 118 liberaluser @ 08/11/12 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
This was big for me too, and something I don't think any hoops game has ever modeled well. A lot of my time this year was spent working on the onball defender/dribbler interactions - we call them body ups (or rides) internally. In the past we've had both extremes, long 2p anims that you were locked into or the infamous dribble stuns where the ball handler just bounces back like he was shot in the face. This year, as you can see a bit of in the dev video, the ball handler can now take the contact and Iso out of it at any time. The challenge was giving the ball handler the freedom to pull off moves while still allowing the onball defender to effectively deflect the dribbler off course. There's still a lot I want to add to the system going forward but I'm pretty happy with how improved the 1-on-1 game feels this year. Definitely light years ahead of anything we've attempted in the past. It's also amazing how well the rides blend into the improved contact shot system using the Dynamic Shot Generator. The whole sequence from the start of a drive to the body up to the contact shot and finish can look just as smooth as a sequence straight out of mocap. This is easily my favorite aspect of 2K13.
# 119 stillfeelme @ 08/11/12 07:23 PM

I am sure you guys will probably have a separate "controls" insight but what happened to escape dribbles? They were tied to when you were about to shoot but since you press LT now where does escape dribble go now?
# 120 silverskier @ 08/11/12 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
This was big for me too, and something I don't think any hoops game has ever modeled well. A lot of my time this year was spent working on the onball defender/dribbler interactions - we call them body ups (or rides) internally. In the past we've had both extremes, long 2p anims that you were locked into or the infamous dribble stuns where the ball handler just bounces back like he was shot in the face. This year, as you can see a bit of in the dev video, the ball handler can now take the contact and Iso out of it at any time. The challenge was giving the ball handler the freedom to pull off moves while still allowing the onball defender to effectively deflect the dribbler off course. There's still a lot I want to add to the system going forward but I'm pretty happy with how improved the 1-on-1 game feels this year. Definitely light years ahead of anything we've attempted in the past. It's also amazing how well the rides blend into the improved contact shot system using the Dynamic Shot Generator. The whole sequence from the start of a drive to the body up to the contact shot and finish can look just as smooth as a sequence straight out of mocap. This is easily my favorite aspect of 2K13.
In a near future will we see interaction between more than 2 players? Thx for sharing your thoughts beluba, we, the consumers, really appreciate it

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