NBA 2K13 News Post

I knew there would be a lot of questions/concerns regarding today's announcements, especially regarding the Control Stick, so I just wanted to give a few more details.

The Shot button is still there and more fully featured than in past versions. So if you choose, you can use the Right Stick for dribble moves and do all your shots with the face buttons. A lot of guys in the office prefer to play this way. In case you missed it, B (CIRCLE) is a Hop Step button again.

There's an option to toggle the default behavior of the Control Stick. So you can make the Right Stick Shot Stick by default, and then hold LT (L2) to activate Isomotion.

You can perform basic dribble moves with the Left Stick as well. Of course, you won't have near the same level of control as you would with the Right Stick, but it's a pretty complete arsenal of moves... including sizeups (tap the Left Stick side to side.)

Bottom line, we're giving you the ability to play the way you want to play 2K13. If you adopt the Control Stick fully, you'll have more control over your player than any basketball has ever given in the past... hands down. But if you want a more casual pick up and play experience, we accommodate that as well. Hope that answers some questions.

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 JasonMartin @ 08/11/12 07:55 PM
I really hope I can defend the post for once and not have attacking players go through me or I get fouled constantly. Let me stand still and block the player/shot properly. Would be great.

Not really getting the shoot buttons and stuff but I'm sure it will all play out when I get the game.
# 122 blues rocker @ 08/11/12 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
This was big for me too, and something I don't think any hoops game has ever modeled well. A lot of my time this year was spent working on the onball defender/dribbler interactions - we call them body ups (or rides) internally. In the past we've had both extremes, long 2p anims that you were locked into or the infamous dribble stuns where the ball handler just bounces back like he was shot in the face. This year, as you can see a bit of in the dev video, the ball handler can now take the contact and Iso out of it at any time. The challenge was giving the ball handler the freedom to pull off moves while still allowing the onball defender to effectively deflect the dribbler off course. There's still a lot I want to add to the system going forward but I'm pretty happy with how improved the 1-on-1 game feels this year. Definitely light years ahead of anything we've attempted in the past. It's also amazing how well the rides blend into the improved contact shot system using the Dynamic Shot Generator. The whole sequence from the start of a drive to the body up to the contact shot and finish can look just as smooth as a sequence straight out of mocap. This is easily my favorite aspect of 2K13.
excellent...i can see how it would be tough to allow the ball handler to break contact without making it feel like the ball handler has a huge advantage...but i if the defender is ballsy enough to crowd the ball handler, then he's risking the chance that the ball handler could spin off of him and blow by him..so I don't really think allowing such "breakable contact" will feel too cheesy in favor of the ball handler. if the defender doesn't want to risk getting blown by off of a bump, then he should just play off the ball handler a bit and give him some space.

while you're here Beluba...I have a question regarding one of the most frustrating issues from 2k12 - lack of contact/charges on hop steps, spin moves, and drives. was this addressed? in 2k12 on hop steps and spins, the ball handler could slide defenders aside or just morph through them. it allowed people to recklessly plow through defenders when they should've been called for charges...or on aggressive drives the ball handler would plow into a stationary defender but he would get bailed out with a shooting foul when he should've knocked over the defender and been called for a charge. in 2k12 people were being rewarded with free throws for recklessly ramming into defenders...meanwhile, the defender was being punished for having good position and just standing in front of the ball handler. obviously this is a physics issue and relates to how the game can recognize when the ball handler is aggressively moving into a "neutral" or stationary defender.

in 2k13 i'd really like to see physics-based "auto charges"....where if the ball handler just plows into a defender with a hop step, physics will kick in and he'll knock over the defender and be called for a charge. i would like to see these physics-based "auto charges" happen on ill-advised hop steps, spins, and just plain aggressive layups and dunks...physics should determine all. no more cheap bailouts for the ball handler. it shouldn't matter if the defender is in the "draw charge stance"...if the defender neutralizes the left stick and is standing still, the ball handler should knock him over and be called for a charge - simple physics. dealing with this specific issue would significantly reduce controller-throwing moments for me. the hop step and spin animations would need to have "interruptible branch points" in order to make it work...so that at the point of contact the hop step or spin could branch off into a bump or a charge. anyway, if it hasn't been worked on yet, hopefully it can be worked on before release, because this issue is crucial to the game being balanced from an offense vs defense standpoint.

here's a video I made illustrating such a situation where physics should have taken over and created a charge, but instead the 2 players got suctioned into some awkward-looking contact layup...the defender is inexplicably called for a shooting foul and the reckless ball handler gets bailed out with free throws. RAAAAAAAAAGE!

here's another video I made illustrating a similar situation, but this time it involves a hop step (skip to the 2:07 mark):

here's a really crazy example i recorded showing the unstoppable spin move animations.

# 123 bigeastbumrush @ 08/11/12 09:22 PM
^^Yeah...that spin move just looks totally contextual. Nothing is stopping it.

I wonder how the engine will respond once he gets bumped on the spin.

Will he be able to branch out of it or will he just be bumped out of the contextual movement?
# 124 JODYE @ 08/11/12 09:30 PM
Nice clips blues.

Also reminded me how poor the physics were on some of those contact animations.

Why is Harden able to stop LeBron at full speed and Harden isn't phased? Should have been a charge, but LeBron should have plowed him over and LeBron should have stumbled or fell to the floor.

Harden turned into a impenetrable brick wall of sorts. Really strange. Saw that happen a lot in 12. Very frustrating.
# 125 TreyIM2 @ 08/11/12 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
This was big for me too, and something I don't think any hoops game has ever modeled well. A lot of my time this year was spent working on the onball defender/dribbler interactions - we call them body ups (or rides) internally. In the past we've had both extremes, long 2p anims that you were locked into or the infamous dribble stuns where the ball handler just bounces back like he was shot in the face. This year, as you can see a bit of in the dev video, the ball handler can now take the contact and Iso out of it at any time. The challenge was giving the ball handler the freedom to pull off moves while still allowing the onball defender to effectively deflect the dribbler off course. There's still a lot I want to add to the system going forward but I'm pretty happy with how improved the 1-on-1 game feels this year. Definitely light years ahead of anything we've attempted in the past. It's also amazing how well the rides blend into the improved contact shot system using the Dynamic Shot Generator. The whole sequence from the start of a drive to the body up to the contact shot and finish can look just as smooth as a sequence straight out of mocap. This is easily my favorite aspect of 2K13.
I had noticed the interactions when I first seen the vid while at work. I didn't really want to speak on it til I got home and played 2K12 since I haven't touched it in months, barely even touching it prior to that, and couldn't confirm if the interactions were the same. Still haven't played it because Live 10 made it into my PS3, first, and hasn't come out cuz I'm back on those controls as prep for the 2K13 demo. Ha!

Again, I have to say, Mike, that I appreciate all your hard work in finally getting analog dribbling over to this game plus reading your comment made me even more excited. The interactions look good even in the little you've shown. Looking foward to seeing more and playing the game. This is all looking and sounding amazing and this will probably be the best sports game, ever, imo.
# 126 silverskier @ 08/11/12 09:38 PM
great examples @blues rocker
# 127 TreyIM2 @ 08/11/12 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by cavsfan2
I wish for the demo we could just shoot around to get used to the completely new offensive controls but I doubt it will happen.
Dunno. I think MW had something like that in the Live 10 demo so I wouldn't be surprised if he's putting something together, again, for 2K13. Beluba?
# 128 TreyIM2 @ 08/11/12 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by jersez
I don't think we can compare this new dribbling system to live 10 or elite, especially elites. I think this will be a never before seen type of system. Just look at the d.rose spin to cross, along with the ability to dribble off of contact.
I think it's gunna be an improved version of Live 10's analog dribbling than anything else. Even the way they move in that clip reminded me a ton of Live 10. Elite 11 was trying something a big different with a hybrid dribbling/shot stick combo plus the different types of shots were moreso controlled by that stick and a trigger, if I remember correctly, which I thought was pretty cool, myself. I still play that demo here and there cuz it was fun if u block out all the bad which was 99% of the rest of what was there. Lolol. Haven't played it in a while, tho.
# 129 jersez @ 08/11/12 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by TreyIM2
I think it's gunna be an improved version of Live 10's analog dribbling than anything else. Even the way they move in that clip reminded me a ton of Live 10. Elite 11 was trying something a big different with a hybrid dribbling/shot stick combo plus the different types of shots were moreso controlled by that stick and a trigger, if I remember correctly, which I thought was pretty cool, myself. I still play that demo here and there cuz it was fun if u block out all the bad which was 99% of the rest of what was there. Lolol. Haven't played it in a while, tho.
I disagree, live 10 and elite's dribbling systems were good, better than 2k10's isomotion arguably 2k11's(which was pretty good) NBA 2k12 was live 10's dribbling system just on the left stick.

Even then, 2k12's dribbling system was really deep(very underrated) There were moves that were contextual. Live never had that, you had your set of moves and that was it. 2k12 you can get different moves, depending on speed and timing. There are a ton of moves that you have to discover. That's why I think 2k13's dribbling system isn't like live's, because moves will vary depending on that situation.

I think people are only comparing them, because isomotion is on the right stick now. But I highly doubt this is a freestyle dribbling clone. Just because the isomotion system has always been deeper than live's
# 130 Taer @ 08/12/12 12:16 AM
Perhaps someone will help me figure this out.

I have cerebral palsy and currently remap the basic controls onto my specialized one-handed controler for the PC. I have been playing NBA2k since 2k9 and I have been able to play an enjoyable game (2k is one of the few sports games I can play now.) performing basic lay-ups, dunks and jump-shots. In 2k11 I used to do the Euro-step button, but in 2K12, it became too complicated to do for me.

The preview said the "old system is completely gone" but in this clarification, it seems there still is a possibility I will be able to remap everything to play 2K13 and even "gain" some basic dribble moves I could not perform before. Is this a correct interpretation?
# 131 redenvy @ 08/12/12 01:16 PM
I hope there not bringing back the hopstep cheese from 2k11
# 132 Mintsa @ 08/12/12 01:44 PM
Wouldn't it make more sense to default the right stick as the shot stick & then by holding the left shoulder button (L2 on PS3) will turn the right stick into the control stick?

Doesn't that seem to be the natural way to lay out the controls?
# 133 blues rocker @ 08/12/12 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Mintsa
Wouldn't it make more sense to default the right stick as the shot stick & then by holding the left shoulder button (L2 on PS3) will turn the right stick into the control stick?

Doesn't that seem to be the natural way to lay out the controls?
2k has confirmed that you can reverse the control settings in the options menu so that it works like you mentioned above
# 134 stillfeelme @ 08/12/12 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Mintsa
Wouldn't it make more sense to default the right stick as the shot stick & then by holding the left shoulder button (L2 on PS3) will turn the right stick into the control stick?

Doesn't that seem to be the natural way to lay out the controls?
You can switch it to that as that is what Beluba said but that doesn't seem natural to me. I would rather have it the way they set it up but at least we have options. But there are pro's and con's to having it each way.
  • I think I would be dribbling more in the shot clock for plays so I would rather not have to hold LT most of the game to do a dribble move and then release it when it is time to shoot. That is one less button I have to press while moving around the court.
  • I do see your point though but I think the way they set it up is more natural to real life. The right stick is your strong hand/dribbling and LT is your off hand. You always have to press LT to shoot as you have to put your off hand on the ball and then you shoot with your strong hand right stick. The downside of this you do have to always press that LT for some quick bang bang plays for quick shots, or go to the shot button
# 135 TreyIM2 @ 08/12/12 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by jersez
I disagree, live 10 and elite's dribbling systems were good, better than 2k10's isomotion arguably 2k11's(which was pretty good) NBA 2k12 was live 10's dribbling system just on the left stick.

Even then, 2k12's dribbling system was really deep(very underrated) There were moves that were contextual. Live never had that, you had your set of moves and that was it. 2k12 you can get different moves, depending on speed and timing. There are a ton of moves that you have to discover. That's why I think 2k13's dribbling system isn't like live's, because moves will vary depending on that situation.

I think people are only comparing them, because isomotion is on the right stick now. But I highly doubt this is a freestyle dribbling clone. Just because the isomotion system has always been deeper than live's
I definitely don't see what ur talking about. MW is basically taking what he did for Live 10 as the base for this new control set up with some new and different wrinkles.

I'm also digging how pulling a trigger I can switch to the shot stick for my shooting. I like that idea over button shooting. Good marriage of the two ideas.
# 136 Nokstar @ 08/12/12 03:30 PM
I don't know exactly how effective the new control scheme is...I'm just hoping its closer to being more responsive than previous isomotion systems. I don't want this to be isomotion as we know it...just switched to the right stick.

I want it to be closer to being as responsive to "freestyle" controls of the old nba lives...just more realistic with better defensive controlls effective enough to stop them if the user has good reactive skills and can keep in front.

I don't want a flick on the right to be a "slow" animation that seems to be more for looks rather than a actual move that is effective enough to REALLY fake out a HUMAN controlled defender manually as well as CPU defenders. IMO..isolation was never really effective enough to legitimatelly create distance between the dribbler and a user controlled defender (minus step back moves).

Not to be a downer...but the gameplay videos always make the controls seem more responsive and effective than they really are in gameplay....because alot of the time we don't know if certain animations are pre-canned or actual results of user control movements.

NBA live 2005 did the best job at giving the player Complete control over ballhandling...it just needed a few more years to make it more realistic looking....not so "cartoon" looking...maybe add fatigue into the mix when a player is going crazy with the dribblesm.etc etc. I'm hoping these controls are more in line with that....in essence a improvement on those controls.

Sent from my Verizon Galaxy S3
# 137 jfsolo @ 08/12/12 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Nokstar
I don't know exactly how effective the new control scheme is...I'm just hoping its closer to being more responsive than previous isomotion systems. I don't want this to be isomotion as we know it...just switched to the right stick.

I want it to be closer to being as responsive to "freestyle" controls of the old nba lives...just more realistic with better defensive controlls effective enough to stop them if the user has good reactive skills and can keep in front.

I don't want a flick on the right to be a "slow" animation that seems to be more for looks rather than a actual move that is effective enough to REALLY fake out a HUMAN controlled defender manually as well as CPU defenders. IMO..isolation was never really effective enough to legitimatelly create distance between the dribbler and a user controlled defender (minus step back moves).

Not to be a downer...but the gameplay videos always make the controls seem more responsive and effective than they really are in gameplay....because alot of the time we don't know if certain animations are pre-canned or actual results of user control movements.

NBA live 2005 did the best job at giving the player Complete control over ballhandling...it just needed a few more years to make it more realistic looking....not so "cartoon" looking...maybe add fatigue into the mix when a player is going crazy with the dribblesm.etc etc. I'm hoping these controls are more in line with that....in essence a improvement on those controls.

Sent from my Verizon Galaxy S3
All your concerns are warranted. One of the main reasons to be optimistic is Beluba's statement several weeks back saying how he wasn't fond of the old Isomotion and wanted to redo it. He's made it clear that dribbling, defender interaction with the dribbler and everything that makes up that whole aspect of gameplay has been a primary focus of his.

It won't be perfect, cause that 's impossible, but I expect it to be exponentially improved.
# 138 youvalss @ 08/12/12 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by Mintsa
Wouldn't it make more sense to default the right stick as the shot stick & then by holding the left shoulder button (L2 on PS3) will turn the right stick into the control stick?

Doesn't that seem to be the natural way to lay out the controls?
That's exactly what I thought. But anyway, it's great that we have the option to set it the way we want. That's a HUGE plus!
# 139 jersez @ 08/12/12 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by TreyIM2
I definitely don't see what ur talking about. MW is basically taking what he did for Live 10 as the base for this new control set up with some new and different wrinkles.

I'm also digging how pulling a trigger I can switch to the shot stick for my shooting. I like that idea over button shooting. Good marriage of the two ideas.
Let's agree to disagree, I really don't think this is going to be the same thing as live's system.
# 140 Nathan_OS @ 08/12/12 04:10 PM
I'm really excited about the new control system. I'm still trying to figure out if there is a fake pass button though

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