NBA 2K13 News Post

I knew there would be a lot of questions/concerns regarding today's announcements, especially regarding the Control Stick, so I just wanted to give a few more details.

The Shot button is still there and more fully featured than in past versions. So if you choose, you can use the Right Stick for dribble moves and do all your shots with the face buttons. A lot of guys in the office prefer to play this way. In case you missed it, B (CIRCLE) is a Hop Step button again.

There's an option to toggle the default behavior of the Control Stick. So you can make the Right Stick Shot Stick by default, and then hold LT (L2) to activate Isomotion.

You can perform basic dribble moves with the Left Stick as well. Of course, you won't have near the same level of control as you would with the Right Stick, but it's a pretty complete arsenal of moves... including sizeups (tap the Left Stick side to side.)

Bottom line, we're giving you the ability to play the way you want to play 2K13. If you adopt the Control Stick fully, you'll have more control over your player than any basketball has ever given in the past... hands down. But if you want a more casual pick up and play experience, we accommodate that as well. Hope that answers some questions.

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 RUFFNREADY @ 08/10/12 03:47 PM
Those that loved NBA LIVE 10 for its dribble scheme (as i do) should now jump on board with 2K13; what can the LIVE series do now to bring people back to the franchise? Its a WRAP!
Thanks Mike Wang
cant wait for Oct 2nd to get here! NBA 2K13 rock on!
# 42 DboyRavage @ 08/10/12 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by jbthegreat
Beluba just said " Throw the stick left to right for a left to right Euro, Double tap the Stick to the left to HOP STEP to the left, etc." please read before you post
What are you talking about? I was talking about a way defensively to stop people who will try to abuse hop step. "Please read before you post."
# 43 silverskier @ 08/10/12 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by jbthegreat
Beluba just said " Throw the stick left to right for a left to right Euro, Double tap the Stick to the left to HOP STEP to the left, etc." please read before you post
he is saying hopsteps, but what about sidesteps and backsteps? or it is the same? sry, english is not my native language
# 44 shmitty @ 08/10/12 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by videobastard
All the news today has been good to read so far except for the hopstep having its own button again. That was abused heavily in 2k11. Would be nice if a user kept using the hop step button too often that he would get called for traveling on certain occasions to create a risk for reward.
Well it sounds like we can actually take charges and shade defenders so I dont think it should be a problem. We have tools on Defense too. The answer wouldnt be to take something out of the offfensive arsenal because its too effective, the solution is to give us the ability to counter the move. It looks like thats what 2k is trying to do.
# 45 Beluba @ 08/10/12 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by blues rocker
question for Beluba - does the hop step button work like it did in 2k11, where it could also be used for spins and step-backs? i always liked using the hop step button for step-backs in 2k11 - it always felt a bit more responsive than using the stick for step-backs.
Double Tap B for spins, B + LS away for stepback.
# 46 X*Cell @ 08/10/12 03:55 PM
with the LT (L2) button being the modifier to pull off Isomotion moves, what happens to the bank shot modifier?
# 47 Beluba @ 08/10/12 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Wilson24
Is there passing with the control stick as well...?

If LT is to bring up the shot stick what button brings up icons? LB?
You can pass with the Control Stick too. HOLD RB and move RS in the direction you want to pass.

It's an option that you can turn off if you want.
# 48 bigeastbumrush @ 08/10/12 03:58 PM
EA should've never let you go man.

Glad they were stupid enough to though.

10/2...it's on.
# 49 Beluba @ 08/10/12 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by TheKasmar
In the default control settings, will the shot button still be just X on the 360? Or will it be LT + X?

I'll be using default settings most likely, but I forsee alot of online users in the pause menu changing their controller settings. Hopefully those settings can be saved this year.
The shot button is just X... no mod
# 50 RRLBJ96 @ 08/10/12 04:00 PM
Wow they completely stole this from live. I always liked the live moves much better than 2k cause they gave u much better controls. It will be interesting to see how live responds to this. In case u guys missed it Mike Wang came from live and added this into 2k. Lol live is probably pissed. But I still give the presentation and the crossover advantage to live cause of ESPN and live had smooth moves. It worked well with elite but the only problem(with crossovers) was that u had to control both hands individually that was really annoying
# 51 poster @ 08/10/12 04:14 PM
Thanks Beluba, looking forward to trying the new scheme out. Glad there are options though, always the best way to go for all gamers.
# 52 jbthegreat @ 08/10/12 04:15 PM
DId the post up buttons change?
# 53 STLRams @ 08/10/12 04:16 PM
- "In case u guys missed it Mike Wang came from live and added this into 2k. Lol live is probably pissed."

I believe Mike Wang was originally a 2K employee before he was a EA/Live employee, so if he wouldn't have that short stint with NBA Live, and stayed with 2K that year, NBA2K would have still had at somepoint this control stick feature.But were all happy he is with 2K and his development to this game is just huge, nice job!
# 54 Eman5805 @ 08/10/12 04:18 PM
Hm. Throw the stick left to right to do euro step. What remains to be seen is is that the only way to do one? Or does that do a left to right euro step same as right to left does a right-left euro?

Also wonder if its a 1:1 input to action type deal? You flick one way and get an immediate step in that direction and won't step another way until you throw the stick the other way?
# 55 eko718 @ 08/10/12 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by STLRams
- "In case u guys missed it Mike Wang came from live and added this into 2k. Lol live is probably pissed."

I believe Mike Wang was originally a 2K employee before he was a EA/Live employee
# 56 BrianFifaFan @ 08/10/12 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba

I knew there would be a lot of questions/concerns regarding today's announcements, especially regarding the Control Stick, so I just wanted to give a few more details.

The Shot button is still there and more fully featured than in past versions. So if you choose, you can use the Right Stick for dribble moves and do all your shots with the face buttons. A lot of guys in the office prefer to play this way. In case you missed it, B (CIRCLE) is a Hop Step button again.

There's an option to toggle the default behavior of the Control Stick. So you can make the Right Stick Shot Stick by default, and then hold LT (L2) to activate Isomotion.

There are options to choose camera-relative vs. absolute control for both Shots and Isomotion independently.

You can perform basic dribble moves with the Left Stick as well. Of course, you won't have near the same level of control as you would with the Right Stick, but it's a pretty complete arsenal of moves... including sizeups (tap the Left Stick side to side.)

Bottom line, we're giving you the ability to play the way you want to play 2K13. If you adopt the Control Stick fully, you'll have more control over your player than any basketball has ever given in the past... hands down. But if you want a more casual pick up and play experience, we accommodate that as well. Hope that answers some questions.
I am so excited. This sounds like you've taken the control of NBA
Live 10 and joined it with Fifa's control scheme. Perfect! I will definitely be using the LT modifier setup. It'll control just like Fifa, which is, IMO the perfect gameplay. This was a great day for 2k fans. Even if they don't know it yet!
# 57 BezO @ 08/10/12 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
You can pass with the Control Stick too. HOLD RB and move RS in the direction you want to pass.

It's an option that you can turn off if you want.
Can you use the bounce pass option with this?

Any chance passes are pressure sensitive so that we can throw quick vs lob passes? Or does the game do a better job of throwing passes over defenders between passer & receiver?
# 58 jersez @ 08/10/12 04:42 PM
I love this control scheme. Man, I think I'm going to buy two 2k13's this year. A back up just in case. But I know we have to adapt the new controls, so I think it would make sense to have a practice mode in the demo so we can be prepared when the game hits..
# 59 xMoJox @ 08/10/12 04:45 PM
Now if only Beluba would just cut to the chase and tell us whether Crew will be in the game this year! (Or at least something similar!)
# 60 Kashanova @ 08/10/12 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by infam0us
No fake pass button?
double tap the pass button twice to initiate a fake pass

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