NBA 2K13 News Post

I knew there would be a lot of questions/concerns regarding today's announcements, especially regarding the Control Stick, so I just wanted to give a few more details.

The Shot button is still there and more fully featured than in past versions. So if you choose, you can use the Right Stick for dribble moves and do all your shots with the face buttons. A lot of guys in the office prefer to play this way. In case you missed it, B (CIRCLE) is a Hop Step button again.

There's an option to toggle the default behavior of the Control Stick. So you can make the Right Stick Shot Stick by default, and then hold LT (L2) to activate Isomotion.

You can perform basic dribble moves with the Left Stick as well. Of course, you won't have near the same level of control as you would with the Right Stick, but it's a pretty complete arsenal of moves... including sizeups (tap the Left Stick side to side.)

Bottom line, we're giving you the ability to play the way you want to play 2K13. If you adopt the Control Stick fully, you'll have more control over your player than any basketball has ever given in the past... hands down. But if you want a more casual pick up and play experience, we accommodate that as well. Hope that answers some questions.

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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Member Comments
# 141 Vni @ 08/12/12 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Nathan_OS
I'm really excited about the new control system. I'm still trying to figure out if there is a fake pass button though
Nope not anymore. You have to double tap the pass button in order to initiate the fake pass.
# 142 youvalss @ 08/12/12 04:17 PM
^^ I can live with that, as long as I don't accidentally double-tap it when pressured by a double team.
# 143 jbthegreat @ 08/12/12 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Vni
Nope not anymore. You have to double tap the pass button in order to initiate the fake pass.
I like this change I always felt it was stupid to have a button just dedicated to the fake pass
# 144 stillfeelme @ 08/12/12 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Vni
Nope not anymore. You have to double tap the pass button in order to initiate the fake pass.
This has me thinking maybe just maybe we are able to pull off a fake pass while moving. It would be nice say we are on a 2 on one break and we can bring up the icons and then fake pass to one player then pass it to the other guy. This would be an advance move but it seems like it should be able to work.
# 145 Mintsa @ 08/12/12 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by youvalss
That's exactly what I thought. But anyway, it's great that we have the option to set it the way we want. That's a HUGE plus!
I know we can change it....that's great. But I'm just thinking more along the lines of control schemes being saved for online play and having to switch it before every game.

It just seems to me that the default control scheme should be the other way around. Shot stick at the right stick and left trigger plus the right stick for the control stick.
# 146 jfsolo @ 08/12/12 06:40 PM
I'm very glad they chose the default set up they did. LT and RS for dribble moves, would have been disastrous for me. LT and RS for shooting, I'll get down in no time at all.
# 147 Jett_Set11 @ 08/12/12 07:25 PM
This should hopefully get rid of those awkward animations where i'm just trying to turn around and I end up dribbling out of bounds!!
# 148 fodahatas @ 08/12/12 07:48 PM
# 149 KyotoCarl @ 08/12/12 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Mintsa
Wouldn't it make more sense to default the right stick as the shot stick & then by holding the left shoulder button (L2 on PS3) will turn the right stick into the control stick?

Doesn't that seem to be the natural way to lay out the controls?
That's kinda what this whole thread explains. Didn't you read the first post? You can choose to have it to work the way you want it to work.
# 150 sirjam @ 08/13/12 06:41 AM
has there been efforts to add more spacing on the offensive side of the floor, and also realistic double teams as well? So Kobe or Howard cant go for 40 without seeing any double teams.
# 151 MattyEdgeworth @ 08/13/12 10:05 AM
I really like the sound of it
# 152 DBMcGee3 @ 08/13/12 10:20 AM
Good job Mike! Finally, the perfect hoops game?
# 153 Longshott @ 08/14/12 06:32 AM
Alot of people forget this is how 2k was on the ps2 this aint nothing new 2k4 and i believe 2k5 used the right stick for isomotion
# 154 BezO @ 08/14/12 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
It is a different system You control your distance manually.
Is it similar to how the shading controls work... flicking the stick? And does it carry over or does it reset each play?

I like that it's manual now as oppose to being buried in the coaches strategy as it allows for on the fly changes.
# 155 2_headedmonster @ 08/16/12 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by Beluba
This was big for me too, and something I don't think any hoops game has ever modeled well. A lot of my time this year was spent working on the onball defender/dribbler interactions - we call them body ups (or rides) internally. In the past we've had both extremes, long 2p anims that you were locked into or the infamous dribble stuns where the ball handler just bounces back like he was shot in the face. This year, as you can see a bit of in the dev video, the ball handler can now take the contact and Iso out of it at any time. The challenge was giving the ball handler the freedom to pull off moves while still allowing the onball defender to effectively deflect the dribbler off course. There's still a lot I want to add to the system going forward but I'm pretty happy with how improved the 1-on-1 game feels this year. Definitely light years ahead of anything we've attempted in the past. It's also amazing how well the rides blend into the improved contact shot system using the Dynamic Shot Generator. The whole sequence from the start of a drive to the body up to the contact shot and finish can look just as smooth as a sequence straight out of mocap. This is easily my favorite aspect of 2K13.
keep whispering those sweet nothings to me..
# 156 Slava Medvadenko @ 08/16/12 04:40 AM
Originally Posted by cavsfan2
I wish for the demo we could just shoot around to get used to the completely new offensive controls but I doubt it will happen.
I'd like this. A shootaround in the demo to go along with the regular five minute quarter. That would really get people amped and ready for the game.
# 157 Eman5805 @ 08/18/12 09:06 PM
Okay, so if you use L2 to modify between shot stick and control stick, how do you enter triple threat?
# 158 Beluba @ 08/19/12 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by Eman5805
Okay, so if you use L2 to modify between shot stick and control stick, how do you enter triple threat?
When you catch the ball, you enter triple threat. Move RS to jab, stepover, initiate dribble, or do a standing spin launch (Amare-style)
# 159 Vni @ 08/19/12 12:25 AM
Makes sense.

Hey beluba random question I have about gameplay , is it possible to do shimmy into hooks like in 2K10 this year?
# 160 thilanwij @ 08/19/12 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by Shumpert21
"There's an option to toggle the default behavior of the Control Stick. So you can make the Right Stick Shot Stick by default, and then hold LT (L2) to activate Isomotion."

i'll be doing this. nice. it'll be just like 2k12 but with L2 and right stick.
Thought the EXACT same thing when I read that part.

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