NBA 2K13 News Post

I knew there would be a lot of questions/concerns regarding today's announcements, especially regarding the Control Stick, so I just wanted to give a few more details.

The Shot button is still there and more fully featured than in past versions. So if you choose, you can use the Right Stick for dribble moves and do all your shots with the face buttons. A lot of guys in the office prefer to play this way. In case you missed it, B (CIRCLE) is a Hop Step button again.

There's an option to toggle the default behavior of the Control Stick. So you can make the Right Stick Shot Stick by default, and then hold LT (L2) to activate Isomotion.

You can perform basic dribble moves with the Left Stick as well. Of course, you won't have near the same level of control as you would with the Right Stick, but it's a pretty complete arsenal of moves... including sizeups (tap the Left Stick side to side.)

Bottom line, we're giving you the ability to play the way you want to play 2K13. If you adopt the Control Stick fully, you'll have more control over your player than any basketball has ever given in the past... hands down. But if you want a more casual pick up and play experience, we accommodate that as well. Hope that answers some questions.

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 Colts18 @ 08/10/12 02:41 PM
In case you missed it, B (CIRCLE) is a Hop Step button again.

# 22 blues rocker @ 08/10/12 02:45 PM
question for Beluba - does the hop step button work like it did in 2k11, where it could also be used for spins and step-backs? i always liked using the hop step button for step-backs in 2k11 - it always felt a bit more responsive than using the stick for step-backs.
# 23 m1ke_nyc @ 08/10/12 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Colts18
In case you missed it, B (CIRCLE) is a Hop Step button again.

I dont see the problem here. As long as there is proper collision detection (hopefully the new physics bring this) then it wont be able to be abused. Its not the control scheme that made it cheesy in the pass, it was the lack of proper collision detection.
# 24 mlp111 @ 08/10/12 02:50 PM
amazing, i'm super excited!!! One question, MIke Wang are you human? This seems to be other-worldly upgrades my man!
# 25 BezO @ 08/10/12 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
Yes. The Shot Stick is more gesture based now. Throw the stick left to right for a left to right Euro, Double tap the Stick to the left to hop step to the left, etc.
Ahhh, I was wondering how you all would do this. Sounds more intuitive. Nice!
# 26 sharks80 @ 08/10/12 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by shmitty
Beautiful...gonna be a long two months.
hopefully we'll be able to try a demo next month !
# 27 m1ke_nyc @ 08/10/12 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by mlp111
amazing, i'm super excited!!! One question, MIke Wang are you human? This seems to be other-worldly upgrades my man!
With all due respect to other devs who currently work on or have previously worked on an NBA simulation, Mike Wang is just the best in the business at what he does. History speaks for itself, the one year he went over to design NBA Live it was by far the best NBA Live game this generation then the very next year he designs 2K11 and thats arguably the best sports simulation of all time.

EDIT: Dont wanna downplay the rest of his development teams from Live 10 and his years at 2K. Obviously they know basketball and have followed his lead so big ups to them as well. Oct 2nd cant come fast enough.
# 28 Norris_Cole @ 08/10/12 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by speedy9386
Did that ever even do anything?
It did a lot for me, if your opponent plays on ball defense is pretty useful
# 29 DJ @ 08/10/12 03:04 PM
Any chance we'll see the signature gathers return this year? I liked using them in 2K11 (Y button).

I'm really looking forward to the R-stick dribble control. I have no issues going back to using the shot button, but it's nice to know the Shot Stick will still be there if and when I want to use it.
# 30 TreyIM2 @ 08/10/12 03:05 PM
Mike, man, u almost put a tear in my eye when I read about this earlier. I love u ,man? No homo. Lolol. I've been wanting true analog dribbling in this series for the longest and what u did with them in Live 10 was incredible. Even a friend of mine who came over and played that demo, at that time, was blown away by the controls and he HATES bball vid games. He didn't want to stop playing it even tho he had come over to play some Madden, which we never did do. Lol.

At any rate, I am TOO excited for 2K13. Never felt this way about this series. Demo, now!!
# 31 TheKasmar @ 08/10/12 03:07 PM
In the default control settings, will the shot button still be just X on the 360? Or will it be LT + X?

I'll be using default settings most likely, but I forsee alot of online users in the pause menu changing their controller settings. Hopefully those settings can be saved this year.
# 32 jbthegreat @ 08/10/12 03:19 PM
People need to learn how to read fake passes are still in the game but it's done differently
# 33 liberaluser @ 08/10/12 03:20 PM
Finally a control scheme for those of us who aren't fighting game masters! Not even LeBron can stop 2K now.
# 34 fatleg3 @ 08/10/12 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by liberaluser
Finally a control scheme for those of us who aren't fighting game masters! Not even LeBron can stop 2K now.
I agree. Im decent with ISOmotion but I could be alot better. There is so many time when I try to do a spin move but, because I dont make a perfect circle and ISOmotion being mapped to the same stick as player movementinstead I end up running in a circle
# 35 alexthegreat @ 08/10/12 03:25 PM
This is gonna be sweet
# 36 silverskier @ 08/10/12 03:28 PM
So hotstep/sidestep/backstep can be performed with a button... but also with the right stick + LT ?
# 37 videobastard @ 08/10/12 03:31 PM
All the news today has been good to read so far except for the hopstep having its own button again. That was abused heavily in 2k11. Would be nice if a user kept using the hop step button too often that he would get called for traveling on certain occasions to create a risk for reward.
# 38 aloncho11 @ 08/10/12 03:32 PM
Awesome to hear about the variety of options available for all the different type of players. Seems this game has been engineered for freedom.
# 39 DboyRavage @ 08/10/12 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by videobastard
All the news today has been good to read so far except for the hopstep having its own button again. That was abused heavily in 2k11. Would be nice if a user kept using the hop step button too often that he would get called for traveling on certain occasions to create a risk for reward.
Hopefully that's where taking a charge can come into play or real time physics.
# 40 jbthegreat @ 08/10/12 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by DboyRavage
Hopefully that's where taking a charge can come into play or real time physics.
Beluba just said " Throw the stick left to right for a left to right Euro, Double tap the Stick to the left to HOP STEP to the left, etc." please read before you post

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