NBA 2K13 News Post

On June 4th at 10:00 PM EST, make sure you tune into SpikeTV's E3 coverage.

According to the latest Ronnie2K tweets, they will showcase an NBA 2K13 gameplay video featuring the San Antonio Spurs and Oklahoma City Thunder. They will also show us the new downloadable NBA All-Star content package presented by Sprite.

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
NBA 2K13 Videos
Member Comments
# 321 Amino @ 06/05/12 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by ps3veron
Where's the video posted guys? I am confused here!
# 322 Greene_Flash03 @ 06/05/12 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by aloncho11
Manu celebrates after making his layup LOL.
Did Manu just do the head tap ala Darius Miles?????

# 323 Iadf @ 06/05/12 02:11 PM
wheres the damn video
# 324 Amino @ 06/05/12 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Iadf
wheres the damn video
# 325 coolcras7 @ 06/05/12 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by captaintuna
Thanks for your advice but I had already planned on buying the "other game."
SO you're Trolling you do know that is against OP policy right ?
# 326 Vni @ 06/05/12 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by mauro78
travis bates ‏@teebone21
@Beluba saw the 2k13 vid, wassup with all the sliding and lack of contact on manu layup from FT line?footplanting from 2k11 is non existant

Mike Wang ‏@Beluba
@teebone21 don't worry about it. VERY early build. We'll get it cleaned up before ship.

Thank you sir.
# 327 BBallGuru @ 06/05/12 03:14 PM
Good to hear the footage showed last night was a very early build. All player movements were looking oddly similar to NBA Live.
# 328 Sundown @ 06/05/12 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Colts18
It is June people. It is June people. It is June people.

The game is 3 months+ away from being finalized.

This video probably isn't even from yesterday's most recent build.

It is June people. It is June people. It is June people.

It is June people. It is June people. It is June people.

It is June people. It is June people. It is June people.
The worrying thing is this is 8 months of work since last Oct. We got less in the way of patch fixes for 2k12 and we hoped that effort was at least focused on 2k13. I'm really not seeing much visible improvement other than a few tweaked animations. If anything, it actually looks worse than 2k12 and the sliding especially on off ball defense looks to be as bad as ever.

Hopefully this is an extremely old build-- or that they can work miracles in 3 months.

What's funny is that there is less sliding on the iPad version of the game.
# 329 23 @ 06/05/12 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by captaintuna
So I can't comment on something unless I'm planning on PURCHASING it?

If you're posting just for a response, especially a negative one then you should start reading the TOS now because alot of guys you see here now most likely wont be in the near future for making the same kind of mistake im describing to you now
# 330 VDusen04 @ 06/05/12 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Sundown
The worrying thing is this is 8 months of work since last Oct. We got less in the way of patch fixes for 2k12 and we hoped that effort was at least focused on 2k13. I'm really not seeing much visible improvement other than a few tweaked animations. If anything, it actually looks worse than 2k12 and the sliding especially on off ball defense looks to be as bad as ever.

Hopefully this is an extremely old build-- or that they can work miracles in 3 months.

What's funny is that there is less sliding on the iPad version of the game.
I feel it'd make sense to assume NBA 2K's production cycle is not spent entirely on committing changes to gameplay one-by-one. I have to think there's pre-planning stages, planning stages, goals, tinkering, experimentation, and whatever else before finally reaching an implementation stage. I'm assuming that's why it's often easy to notice small things at this time of year (like the inclusion of a new layup animation) as opposed to the more sweeping alterations that were likely still a work in progress whenever this build was created.

Changing the color of Jordan's tongue (prior to 2K11), adding in a new cyber face 2K12), changing the color of a team's paint (Pistons)... those seem like one-to-one changes. As in, someone could likely pinpoint those problems and address them as they come. Something like altering the manner with which a defense reacts to a ball handler's dribble moves while reducing sliding, I'm thinking it's aspects like that which 2K is likely running through extensive planning and testing before implementing.

Granted, that doesn't mean they'll fix everything, just touching on what I feel the development process may encompass.
# 331 Colts18 @ 06/05/12 03:55 PM
Let me just say it in a more direct way. Don't pay any attention to any video that is released this early. This build could have been from February. We don't know. But it is the same thing every year. Early videos and people complain only to find out that it. Honestly it is best if you ignore them.

But, I understand the issue some of you have since there were some glaring issues with 2K12.
# 332 aga11ah @ 06/05/12 03:58 PM
2k12 was awful and 2k13 will be as well.

I'm waiting til next gen to get another basketball game, 2k has ran outta gas this gen. it's just a fact.
# 333 Vni @ 06/05/12 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Colts18
Let me just say it in a more direct way. Don't pay any attention to any video that is released this early. This build could have been from February. We don't know. But it is the same thing every year. Early videos and people complain only to find out that it. Honestly it is best if you ignore them.

But, I understand the issue some of you have since there were some glaring issues with 2K12.
Well you' re right, but 2K12 out of the box was very sloppy, full of glitches and very unpolished. So I guess people lost a bit of trust in 2K.
# 334 Colts18 @ 06/05/12 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by aga11ah
2k12 was awful and 2k13 will be as well.

I'm waiting til next gen to get another basketball game, 2k has ran outta gas this gen. it's just a fact.
Not sure if you are serious or not but 2K12 was not terrible. It was a frustrating game but there are rosters out there that make the game light years better.

Check out HyperBaller's roster he does great work.
Originally Posted by Vni
Well you' re right, but 2K12 out of the box was very sloppy, full of glitches and very unpolished. So I guess people lost a bit of trust in 2K.
That is more because of the default rosters than the actual game engine.
# 335 crazybandit2000 @ 06/05/12 05:08 PM
every year its the same thing people come on the '2k' forum to rip 2k. honestly 2k12 is a great game definitely not horrible. the same people complaining about the game are the same people upset that its not as offensively friendly as other basketball games. yeah theres cheesing and yeah theres gonna be things that need to be fixed(spin dunk, sliding, steals etc.) but theres not a better basketball game thats gonna come out other than 2k so live with it or grab the other game.

on another note ... im not too sure how i feel about that dunk contest guitar hero thing lol. they shouldve stole a page from live's playbook on that
# 336 jersez @ 06/05/12 05:23 PM
I just read that Live 13 preview and I feel like 2k spoils us now. Smh I'm passing on Live 13, just unacceptable that your 60% finished build is runs like that. I know there are going to be more people complaining about that 2k13 video but I want to say thank you to 2k for giving us a sim experience.
# 337 keshunleon @ 06/05/12 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by coolcras7
You have been here since 2009 so I am a bit disappointed that you clearly don't understand that there will be multiple builds before the final, to get a game ready to present this early they probably uses one of the first builds, Mike Wang already came on here to confirm this but just ignore him.
Trust me I know how the game is played that does not mean I have to agree with how they are doing it.

So what I have been in OS since 2009, what does that prove? Nothing!

I have been playing 2K since the 1st one, I have listened to all (Mike and Ronnie) of them for years and I know there will be many changes to the game.

Let me let you in on a lil secret; all the great gaming companies bring their games to E3 to show how great the game is or will be. 2K has been working on 2K13 at least 3 months and the unrealistic animations that many complained about are still there.
# 338 jersez @ 06/05/12 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by crazybandit2000
every year its the same thing people come on the '2k' forum to rip 2k. honestly 2k12 is a great game definitely not horrible. the same people complaining about the game are the same people upset that its not as offensively friendly as other basketball games. yeah theres cheesing and yeah theres gonna be things that need to be fixed(spin dunk, sliding, steals etc.) but theres not a better basketball game thats gonna come out other than 2k so live with it or grab the other game.

on another note ... im not too sure how i feel about that dunk contest guitar hero thing lol. they shouldve stole a page from live's playbook on that
I said the same thing, but we are the bad guys. The fact is your skill level will determine how well you enjoy the game. Not saying you have to play on hof or superstar, but if a person its good at something they usually don't like it.
# 339 coolcras7 @ 06/05/12 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by keshunleon
Trust me I know how the game is played that does not mean I have to agree with how they are doing it.

So what I have been in OS since 2009, what does that prove? Nothing!

I have been playing 2K since the 1st one, I have listened to all (Mike and Ronnie) of them since I don't know how when and I know there will be many changes to the game.

Let me let you in on a lil secret; all the great gaming companies bring their games to E3 to show how great the game is or will be. 2K has been working on 2K13 at least 3 months and the unrealistic animations that many complained about are still there.
Once again you proved me right, did you just say they have been working on the game for 3 months and you were expecting more seriously, 3 months go read Steves live preview then talk, most of the other games at E3 have been in deveplopment for years so of course they will look more polished at this point, and like I said before 2k will have multiple builds like every other game before ie goes gold that the way the gaming industry works.
# 340 davis420 @ 06/05/12 05:44 PM
The problem with 2K is the ratings for players. Roster makers on OS alleviated some of the problem but that shouldn't have to happen. 2K needs to look at the ratings system they use and come up with a new idea on how to use them better with the 2K roster.

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